U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Nice to meet you BeachPrincess!! :) Welcome!

How is your pregnancy going so far? Do you have any names picked out yet? Have you taken any belly pictures?

* Speaking of belly pictures... I haven't seen any new belly pictures in a few days! Where are everyone's? I posted mine from last week already.

Hey Pretty good.. :D He's Rick III... My husband picked it... :blush:

I have an entire album on facebook


Once a week photos..

Photos my husband took :)

Do they diagnose SPD in the US? I mean, I haven't never really heard of it before this thread, and not sure I have ever seen it mentioned by an US member.
Do they diagnose SPD in the US? I mean, I haven't never really heard of it before this thread, and not sure I have ever seen it mentioned by an US member.

i wondered this too. even tried googling it onces and came up with nothing. early into 2nd trimester, my obgyn determined that the baby was pressing on sciatic nerve.
Awww... Your belly is so cute and tiny BeachPrincess!! :) Not like me! I look like a beached whale! :( Haha... Are you excited to be having a boy? Do you have everything done, or do you still have a lot to do before the new arrival?
Hey girls :) I'm from Iowa.. thought I would join. Hope everyone is doing well!
I actually just responded to a different topic about this, and I figured I'd let my fellow US mamas know about it as well.

In case anyone is interested in getting a snowsuit or something to keep bubs warm during the winter months, and didn't know what to get, I totally recommend this in the first few months. I bought my sons first snowsuit when he was about 5-6 months old, because he was at the age where he could move around a little. But, a little bitty baby can't move too easily and it's very difficult to get them in or out of a real snowsuit. So, we got something very similar to this for our son. It's called a snowsuit bag and it fits in an infant carseat. It has a slit on the front and back to accommodate the car seat straps, so you don't have to struggle. I wish I had a picture of my son in his, but I can't find one. I got ours at Target around September I think. It was a lifesaver, and I can't wait to use it for this baby as well.
hi haacke!! welcome! i am going to take some pics tonight after we get done putting up some decals on the baby's wall and the valance hung and what not. nothing too impressive but it's ours and it makes us happy!! i will do the same with bump pics!

if any of you girls would like, i would love to be friends on face book. my name is Amanda Pleasant Hoff on there. so feel free to add me! i have a bump pic up in a black shirt so should be easy to tell!

my list for birth is:

-i have no idea! i go for a growth scan next tuesday because our boy was measuring 2 and a half wks ahead. but i know they even out sometimes and even will measure behind and then play catch up. my ob has offered an induction date if i need one for whatever reason. i don't have any need for one at all right now though. hoping to go in on my own and deliver vaginally like with my other two.

-i plan to formula feed in the long run. i will do my best with breast feeding though and am open to it. especially in the first month or so when i am home and not back at work yet.

-disposable diapers all the way. i work A LOT. if i was able to stay home i would be more inclined to try out cloth.

-we have the crib set up in our room. baby will be in with us for a while. even though we have a bassinet that some one handed down to us. and a travel pack and play already in the living room, it just seemed the thing to do. well, my oh insisted. it is his first baby. he said he couldn't imagine a baby being in the next room even for a long while. we actually have a spare room that i wanted to turn into a nursery but it just didn't happen. still not sure why since all the babies stuff is in there anyway! i let him win on that one.

-plan on doing all vaccinations. my oldest son actually had measles at 18months. it was very scary for us. i do have a lot of friends who have had none of them and their kids are perfectly fine!

-circumscision will be done. it was just one of those things everyone did. i was 18 when i gave birth to my oldest and it was just expected. i guess it might sound strange but i wanted my 2nd son to look the same as the older one. didn't want all of the questions on why the difference. this baby my oh wants to have it done. he went to a boarding school and the boys who were not done were given a lot of grief. we had no health problems from having it done. but i do respect everyone's choice on the matter. :)
I actually just responded to a different topic about this, and I figured I'd let my fellow US mamas know about it as well.

In case anyone is interested in getting a snowsuit or something to keep bubs warm during the winter months, and didn't know what to get, I totally recommend this in the first few months. I bought my sons first snowsuit when he was about 5-6 months old, because he was at the age where he could move around a little. But, a little bitty baby can't move too easily and it's very difficult to get them in or out of a real snowsuit. So, we got something very similar to this for our son. It's called a snowsuit bag and it fits in an infant carseat. It has a slit on the front and back to accommodate the car seat straps, so you don't have to struggle. I wish I had a picture of my son in his, but I can't find one. I got ours at Target around September I think. It was a lifesaver, and I can't wait to use it for this baby as well.

awww it's so cute! someone just gave us a brand new snow suit. but unfortunately here in la, we have no need for this type of thing. it never gets that cold. we had snow this past year for about 10 hours. you would have thought it was the end of the world the way people were freaking out. it was beautiful though!
I'm getting really really tired of doing everything around here on my own. Yes I know he works a lot, yes I know he's tired but same with me on both accounts. Sorry, just having one of my rant days, normally I don't mind doing it alone cause then it's done my way. There are some days though......... ggrr!

It's not just during pregnancy either. I know for a fact that I'm going to be doing most of the baby care even though he promises to help. I'm nursing, that's my choice, if I were bottle feeding, I don't think I would see him doing it all that often or changing diapers.

Thankfully MIL is coming and she's on my side! No he's not that lazy, I'm just cranky.

I am sorry hon! I know what you mean, I would love to have help at times. Of course my OH is actually rather lazy and it is his choice not to help with certain things and he isn't shy about why. "I have been working all day." is his favorite excuse, and sometimes he throws it in my face when we get in to it about what he doesn't help me with.

But, he doesn't usually flake on me when it comes to putting stuff together because he likes to prove me wrong and what not. He knows I will try to do it myself and that could turn in to a disaster, lol.

He used to do that. Last time he used that excuse all holy hell broke lose. There are no jobs here and he knew I had been looking. It's not my fault 1500 other people got laid off in one day here when one of the plants closed and now there are no jobs at all and there is a 2 year waiting list to get into the community college. He knows better than to pull that crap with me.

I'm just being cranky today. I mean I would like some help around the house more, and I know he'll be a great dad but I just get overwhelmed.
He used to do that. Last time he used that excuse all holy hell broke lose. There are no jobs here and he knew I had been looking. It's not my fault 1500 other people got laid off in one day here when one of the plants closed and now there are no jobs at all and there is a 2 year waiting list to get into the community college. He knows better than to pull that crap with me.

I'm just being cranky today. I mean I would like some help around the house more, and I know he'll be a great dad but I just get overwhelmed.

Awww... Hang in there hunn! I know it gets overwhelming. :hugs: Sometimes I just want to rip my hair out of my head and scream at the top of my lungs, but I know I'll just look like a crazy person, so I don't. Other times, I just want to curl up in the fetal position in the corner of my room and cry. I feel like I spend all day long playing/taking care of our 2 year old, and then DH comes home and it's time to take care of him (cook dinner, wash/iron his work clothes, make his lunch for tomorrow, etc), and it just gets to be TOO much sometimes. I don't care what any man says... being a full time housewife and/or stay at home mom is a job!!! No, we don't get paid, but we do just as much work as our husbands do! The only difference is, when 5pm rolls around, they get to leave their job. We don't! It's a 24/7/365 schedule! Sometimes on the off chance my husband has a day off, I'll ask him if we can got to the mall or go to Target or something, and he'll ask me what I need to get. I don't need to get anything, I just need a break from this house for a few hours damn it! :dohh: Lol...
Louisiana here! Week 31 and getting so anxious to meet my baby girl. Today I have to have a biophysical profile done on her since I'm measuring big. Hope she's okay and I don't wind up on bed rest again (blood pressure). Also I'm getting my 3D scan done today and most definitely will post those pictures ASAP!

hi! i am from LA too. we are in baton rouge. well, in the town next door. i lived in br my whole life really. but this town has better school systems and things like that. i have the same the same scan coming up on next tuesday bc my little one is measuring big too. anxious to see what's going on! more anxious to be full term and have my little one and NOT be pregnant anymore! i'm so ready!!

My goodness! I know what you mean! I'm so over being pregnant... I just want my baby! I'm actually in Alexandria aka A-town. Been here all my life, my father's family is from New Orleans.

Came back from my biophysical profile and she's actually a little smaller than average but the doctor said it's nothing for me to be concerned about. I have a lot of amniotic fluid and that's why I'm measuring big. Otherwise, he said my baby scored an 8 out of 8 which means she's in excellent health! Amen! They couldn't do a 3D because she's in breech position right now and kept hiding her cute little face. They'll try again in two weeks. Bummer! But so long as she's healthy:)
Do they diagnose SPD in the US? I mean, I haven't never really heard of it before this thread, and not sure I have ever seen it mentioned by an US member.

If they do my doctor doesn't know it. When I tell him about my hip/joint pain he says its normal. I almost strangled him for saying that since I can't even walk to my car in my driveway without being in some bad pain. I asked him for advice to help alleviate the pain and he said it was just ligament pain and I was overreacting!!! :dohh:

But I think its mainly UK diagnosed. I wish they did diagnose it here I would love some tips on how to take care of the pain besides laying down all day.
My doctor told me that the only thing that would help is to go to the chiropractor, which at 39+ weeks is just ridiculous! Lol... She said I could try a prenatal massage, but it wouldn't be as significant as seeing a chiropractor. Either way, they are both ridiculously priced, so I probably would just deal with the pain. :(

I hope yours lets up soon though. I know how painful it is. Especially walking around with it. I feel it the worst when I lean down to pick up my 2 year old. Eeek... I could cry, it hurts so bad.
Do they diagnose SPD in the US? I mean, I haven't never really heard of it before this thread, and not sure I have ever seen it mentioned by an US member.

If they do my doctor doesn't know it. When I tell him about my hip/joint pain he says its normal. I almost strangled him for saying that since I can't even walk to my car in my driveway without being in some bad pain. I asked him for advice to help alleviate the pain and he said it was just ligament pain and I was overreacting!!! :dohh:

But I think its mainly UK diagnosed. I wish they did diagnose it here I would love some tips on how to take care of the pain besides laying down all day.

My doctor told me that the only thing that would help is to go to the chiropractor, which at 39+ weeks is just ridiculous! Lol... She said I could try a prenatal massage, but it wouldn't be as significant as seeing a chiropractor. Either way, they are both ridiculously priced, so I probably would just deal with the pain. :(

I hope yours lets up soon though. I know how painful it is. Especially walking around with it. I feel it the worst when I lean down to pick up my 2 year old. Eeek... I could cry, it hurts so bad.

This is what I was afraid of! I mean, all the symptoms match up for SPD. I know there isn't much they can do for it, but I would like some assistance from my doctor! Bleh.

I am addressing my pain with her tomorrow, and if she trys to blow it off with something like ligament pain or blah blah I am just probably going to get irate with her. I am sorry, but this is not normal. It started 2 weeks ago and it started with just what felt like a minor pulled muscle near my vagina. As time went on, it got progressively worse. I can't lay in bed at night without being in pain, and forget switching positions! I have noticed it is getting worse in the day as well as I am constantly picking up and situating my 9 month old son, as well as I have to carry him anywhere I go which is very painful as well!

Anyhow, like I said, I am not leaving my doctor's office tomorrow without some answers/advice. I am not against seeing a chiropractor I suppose, but not sure what they could do for me since I am pregnant! :shrug:
This is what I was afraid of! I mean, all the symptoms match up for SPD. I know there isn't much they can do for it, but I would like some assistance from my doctor! Bleh.

I am addressing my pain with her tomorrow, and if she trys to blow it off with something like ligament pain or blah blah I am just probably going to get irate with her. I am sorry, but this is not normal. It started 2 weeks ago and it started with just what felt like a minor pulled muscle near my vagina. As time went on, it got progressively worse. I can't lay in bed at night without being in pain, and forget switching positions! I have noticed it is getting worse in the day as well as I am constantly picking up and situating my 9 month old son, as well as I have to carry him anywhere I go which is very painful as well!

Anyhow, like I said, I am not leaving my doctor's office tomorrow without some answers/advice. I am not against seeing a chiropractor I suppose, but not sure what they could do for me since I am pregnant! :shrug:

I hope they can do something for you. The only way I could even see a chiropractor would be for my doc to send me there (I am a military wife and don't have the money to just go) and since he doesn't think its anything to worry about and "normal" he is not gonna recommend it. I have found that stretching while I am laying in bed helps throughout the day, but still by nighttime I have a hard time getting to sleep because of it. They also gave me a pregnancy belt thing to wear around my hips I tried that for a few days but it didn't help, although I have heard that some people it does, I think my hip pain is worse because I am overweight.
Here hunn... I found a few articles for you. HTH.

Sciatica During Pregnancy - What Can I Do?

Sciatica During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care
i've missed soooo much!! :( ugh. i'm on facebook more than i am on here! so everyone should add me. i'm under Kalin Spurgin! :)
anywho, quick update. i learned that walking also brings on my BH. which totally SUCKS because my whole entire bump starts hurting. and regardless of what anyone says...BH HURTS!!! lol. how is everyone doing?

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