U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Don't feel like your the only ones waiting till the last minute ladies! I just finished packing my hospital bag this morning (39 weeks 2 days)!! Haha... I'm lucky I haven't gone into labor yet!

Everything else just got done last Thursday (38 weeks 4 days). I put the bassinet in our room, re-organized all of the baby clothes into boxes by size, since I don't have any space in the boys' room for all of the clothes to be out at once. Then we re-washed all of the baby clothes, installed the car seat base in the truck, and got the swing and bouncy seat out of storage. Since this is my second, we didn't have a ton of stuff that needed to be done. But, we just had to re-organize the house a little to accommodate an infant again. This time around, I didn't have to set up the nursery, have a baby shower or get 4D ultrasounds, so I didn't really have to worry about too much.

Good luck ladies! You'll get it done. Just take it one day at a time! But, try not to wait till 38-39 weeks like I did! :)
Gosh... I have a ton to do!

I still have too...

-Move into new house
-Decorate Nursery
-Buy a Pack N Play with changing table
-Buy a hospital bag and everything that goes in it.
-Get furniture for the house
-Find a Child Care for after baby is born and I go back to work
-Buy alot more clothes, and the essentials, like diapers, baby soap/shampoo/lotion/powder... the list goes on. :(
-Put the crib together.... if I even know how :shrug:
-Wash baby clothes

I'm sure there's a million more... :lol:
AH! I'm so stressed, and I can't do any of those things for another two weeks. My finances are horrible right now. :(

Anywhoooo's.... Does anyone elses husband/Fiance/Father of baby get freaked out/grossed out when they feel the baby move???

My guy will feel her move and hurry up and pull away with a surprised/shocked look on his face and say, "holy crap.... it feels like there's a person in there!" :rofl:
Well duhhh crazy!

Then one time he said it felt like a predator inside of someone's stomach. Grrr.

i have sooooo much to do too. even though the crib is up and somehow i have managed to wash all of the clothes. they are layed out flat and stuffed in drawers and need to be sorted by size. we were given a whole lot in sizes up to 18mths. luckily my oh is wonderful and will help me. if i could just get up the urge to actually move. the maintenance guy decided to show up after months of supposed to be coming today so we were running around picking up dirty socks and putting stuff away. can't hide the sink full of dirty disehes since he was here to measure the dish washer bc our's is broken. oops. my oh was rained out today so he happened to be here. one way to get up and do some stuff. :haha:

i don't have a bag yet or anything even thought of to pack in it. i have some sock monkey slippers i have been saving to wear at the hospital. yes, saving. my oh asked why i never wore them. he thinks i am throwed off for "saving them." LOL

my finances are not nice right now either. between the weather and my oh's boss there has not been much work for him and we have NO savings. we live day to day a lot because i am a server and make money each shift i work. it's aggravating to say the least. and i do wonder what we will do when i have the baby. makes my stomach go into knots just thinking about it. i do know i have all necessity's for the baby already though. and my very good friend is insisting on throwing mt a shower. we have our car seat / stroller on layaway at the moment. my mom actually paid for the whole thing but we used the cash she gave me for it to take care of new car insurance. so that is over my head at the moment. my mom would die if she knew we didn't have it paid for here at the house ready for the baby. not mad at me, but would insist of goign to get it. and i just don't want to do that to her. she is on disability and makes VERY little money. not enough to even get by.

i have 2 other boys with my exhusband and he was not involved at all during pregnancy. there is a reason he is an ex! my boyfriend and i have been together for about 3 years and he is amazed with the baby moving. i think it is me who gets somewhat freaked out. this baby is very strong and not much room in there and practically scared me yesterday he was sticking feet and hands out so far. i wish i had attempted to take a foot picture like you see sometimes. i think i could have got one. it's actually painful how much he moves. i know he is strong and healthy in there though!!

i hope everyone is having a great day! i'm excited we ran around tidying up and just might go do some more. we will see. :haha:
Don't feel like your the only ones waiting till the last minute ladies! I just finished packing my hospital bag this morning (39 weeks 2 days)!! Haha... I'm lucky I haven't gone into labor yet!

Everything else just got done last Thursday (38 weeks 4 days). I put the bassinet in our room, re-organized all of the baby clothes into boxes by size, since I don't have any space in the boys' room for all of the clothes to be out at once. Then we re-washed all of the baby clothes, installed the car seat base in the truck, and got the swing and bouncy seat out of storage. Since this is my second, we didn't have a ton of stuff that needed to be done. But, we just had to re-organize the house a little to accommodate an infant again. This time around, I didn't have to set up the nursery, have a baby shower or get 4D ultrasounds, so I didn't really have to worry about too much.

Good luck ladies! You'll get it done. Just take it one day at a time! But, try not to wait till 38-39 weeks like I did! :)

with my first, at my 39wk check up the dr induced me on the spot bc of preeclampsia. needless to say, no bag packed or anything. LOL with my second, my water broke, and i had to go shave my legs and find some stuff to throw in the bag. i was 38+5. i am hoping for it to be different this time. well, at least the bag be packed. i can just see my oh running around after the baby is born with a walmart bag throwing stuff in it, hoping he got the right thing. :dohh:
Lol... I knew I wouldn't be able to count on DH to pack my bag for me, because he's going to have his hands full with our 2 year old if I go into labor. Plus, I'm the one that does the cleaning and organizing around here, so he'd never be able to find everything for me. Haha... It's normal for him to ask me on a day to day basis "Honey, where's this? Where's that?". Either way, I'm glad I finally got it packed and got LO's bag packed as well. I just have a list of last minute items like my birthing ball, Boppy pillow, etc that I have to grab on my way out the door.

I hope you get things done sooner this time around! Lol... :)
I'm not packing my back for another 2 weeks, don't want to jinx myself. This is only the second pregnancy that I've had with no preterm labor, well, minus one minor episode. I've got most of it out and around the bag waiting on me to organize it.

I love my DH, I really do, but he is a huge procrastinator and I'm getting really really tired of it. What should have been a 15 minute cleaning job turned into 3 hours with TV breaks.

One good thing was done so far today. Charlie's pack'n'play is now where it belongs, on my side of the bed! He now has a place in our room to sleep! I just wanted it in there so I can get used to it being there, right next to me. It's been 8 years since I had a little tiny baby sleeping either with me or next to me!

The house is slowly coming together since I'm doing most of it on my own. DH does work 70 hours a week overnight, so even though he doesn't do much, he does try. Some. I try and get done what I can but at this point in pregnancy, I can't get everything done when I want to get it done. I'm just too tired after a few hours.
I officially think I am getting a cold.
Been having a sore throat, and stuffy nose. Well, I say stuffy nose but really I just can't frickin breathe!

ahhhh that's no good. i hope you feel better soon!

we rent too but it is a house this time. i'll be 30 next month but since turning 18, i lived in nothing but rented apartments and townhouses. and let me tell you, we had several neighbors from hell until we moved in here about a year ago! drug addicts leaving their 4yr old home alopne. then the girl and her mom having a physical fight right in front of your door! then there was the 3 young guys who had a party every night. i even explained to them i knew how it was to be young and want to have fun. tried to make deals that they closed down partying outside our children's window by 2am on friday and saturday kind of like a bar. and put them to bed in our room far away as possible. but they would have literally 50+ people in a group outside my front door literally 4 nights a week until day light. it was BAD but i didn't want to call on a lot of them because it is usually he said she said. we were actually evicted once from one of our very first apartments because we lived next to the office manager and she said she couldn't sleep because our baby (he's 8 now) kept her up at night. so every time he woke up and cried, and she head, we got written up. people really do suck!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry you are going through this. as my mom always tells me, when God closes a door, he opens another one! cheesy but i have found it to be true. and it makes me feel better!!

Renting is our only option, as we cannot even think about getting a house right now since we don't have the money/credit. My OH is 23 and has just in the last 2 years started establishing any credit, I am 21 and don't have much credit of my own either. So, getting a loan would be pretty hellish I imagine.

I can understand calling and making complaints if I were a neighbor who did all that. But I honestly hardly leave the apartment, tbh. Its just me and my ds for 8-10 hours of the day, alone, sitting at home. We don't have parties, or even company that often. Sometimes my OH will have his brother over and they will get a little rowdy playing Madden on the Playstation, but we haven't even received a warning/complaint over that! Just lies and other dumb things that had nothing to do with me.

We did applications for another apartment today, got all the application fees and what not in. So now we are just waiting to hear and hope that we will be able to come up with the deposit and first months rent without much trouble.

I want to be out of this place by September 1st, so I don't have to try and pay rent here for another month. If we aren't out .. idk what we are going to do. Hopefully they will hold our apartment if we are approved? :shrug:
Don't feel like your the only ones waiting till the last minute ladies! I just finished packing my hospital bag this morning (39 weeks 2 days)!! Haha... I'm lucky I haven't gone into labor yet!

Everything else just got done last Thursday (38 weeks 4 days). I put the bassinet in our room, re-organized all of the baby clothes into boxes by size, since I don't have any space in the boys' room for all of the clothes to be out at once. Then we re-washed all of the baby clothes, installed the car seat base in the truck, and got the swing and bouncy seat out of storage. Since this is my second, we didn't have a ton of stuff that needed to be done. But, we just had to re-organize the house a little to accommodate an infant again. This time around, I didn't have to set up the nursery, have a baby shower or get 4D ultrasounds, so I didn't really have to worry about too much.

Good luck ladies! You'll get it done. Just take it one day at a time! But, try not to wait till 38-39 weeks like I did! :)

Oh my gosh, I hadn't realized you were so far along! Aww, your going to have your baby soon!!! :happydance:
I'm not packing my back for another 2 weeks, don't want to jinx myself. This is only the second pregnancy that I've had with no preterm labor, well, minus one minor episode. I've got most of it out and around the bag waiting on me to organize it.

I love my DH, I really do, but he is a huge procrastinator and I'm getting really really tired of it. What should have been a 15 minute cleaning job turned into 3 hours with TV breaks.

One good thing was done so far today. Charlie's pack'n'play is now where it belongs, on my side of the bed! He now has a place in our room to sleep! I just wanted it in there so I can get used to it being there, right next to me. It's been 8 years since I had a little tiny baby sleeping either with me or next to me!

The house is slowly coming together since I'm doing most of it on my own. DH does work 70 hours a week overnight, so even though he doesn't do much, he does try. Some. I try and get done what I can but at this point in pregnancy, I can't get everything done when I want to get it done. I'm just too tired after a few hours.

I hear ya!! I actually had to schedule my DH to use one of his days off to help me get some things done around the house, that I physically just couldn't do at this stage in my pregnancy. He normally works 5 days a week at his B&M job, and then picks up side jobs on his days off. But I had to tell him that he needed to give up a day for me, because I NEEDED him to help me do these things!

I will start doing something that seems so simple and shouldn't take much time at all, and after I take my sit down breaks, stop to drink some water, stop to eat, catch my breath, etc... what should have been an easy 30 minute job, ended up taking me close to 3 hours!! It's crazy just how tiring and exhausting it is to grow a baby!! :haha: Haha...

BTW: I love the name you picked out! Charlie is my godson's name, and I've always thought it was so cute! :)
Oh my gosh, I hadn't realized you were so far along! Aww, your going to have your baby soon!!! :happydance:

That's what I'm hoping for! Fingers crossed! [-o< I am trying for a VBAC, so we're not sure how things will turn out. I never went into labor on my own with my first son. I had to schedule a repeat c-section just in case I don't go into labor this time either. The latest they would let me go is 10 days passed my due date, so if I don't go into labor on my own, I'll definitely have my son on August 31st, via c-section. Just praying that I don't have to go through that again!!
Nice to meet you BeachPrincess!! :) Welcome!

How is your pregnancy going so far? Do you have any names picked out yet? Have you taken any belly pictures?

* Speaking of belly pictures... I haven't seen any new belly pictures in a few days! Where are everyone's? I posted mine from last week already.
Oh my gosh, I hadn't realized you were so far along! Aww, your going to have your baby soon!!! :happydance:

That's what I'm hoping for! Fingers crossed! [-o< I am trying for a VBAC, so we're not sure how things will turn out. I never went into labor on my own with my first son. I had to schedule a repeat c-section just in case I don't go into labor this time either. The latest they would let me go is 10 days passed my due date, so if I don't go into labor on my own, I'll definitely have my son on August 31st, via c-section. Just praying that I don't have to go through that again!!

Oh goodness! Did you have to look for a doctor that would be willing to do a VBAC? I am just wondering, as I was facing a c-section with my ds and the doctor I had wouldn't do them. I just have a midwife this time around myself.

My mom had a VBAC with my youngest sister, as she had my middle sister via c-section. It went well for her, other than she had to do it with worn-off pain medication.
Louisiana here! Week 31 and getting so anxious to meet my baby girl. Today I have to have a biophysical profile done on her since I'm measuring big. Hope she's okay and I don't wind up on bed rest again (blood pressure). Also I'm getting my 3D scan done today and most definitely will post those pictures ASAP!
Louisiana here! Week 31 and getting so anxious to meet my baby girl. Today I have to have a biophysical profile done on her since I'm measuring big. Hope she's okay and I don't wind up on bed rest again (blood pressure). Also I'm getting my 3D scan done today and most definitely will post those pictures ASAP!

Hiya newblue82! :wave: Congrats on your little gal!

....I need a nap. Lol
Oh goodness! Did you have to look for a doctor that would be willing to do a VBAC? I am just wondering, as I was facing a c-section with my ds and the doctor I had wouldn't do them. I just have a midwife this time around myself.

My mom had a VBAC with my youngest sister, as she had my middle sister via c-section. It went well for her, other than she had to do it with worn-off pain medication.

Well, the doctors at my practice wouldn't approve the VBAC, so I switched to the midwives. Unfortunately, that means, I couldn't see the same doctor I saw with my first son, but the midwives are very supportive of my decision and we're hoping for the best. I had to have a c-section with Luke, because he was breech and I was on a blood thinner at the time, that caused complications, and put me at high risk. The doctors couldn't do an ECV, due to risk of rupturing and hemorraging. Anyway, I had no other option other than to have a c-section with him. I felt so jipped, since I never got to experience labor or anything.

Well, when I found out I was pregnant again, I scheduled an appointment with the same OBGYN I had with Luke, and her and every other doctor at the practice flat out refused to allow me to try for a VBAC, so I was really bummed. I called the midwives at the same practice the next day, and they said I was the perfect candidate for a try at a VBAC, the only issue we're facing now is baby's size. Since Luke was two weeks early and weighed 8lbs 14oz, they are estimating this little guy to easily be 9+ lbs if I go to 40 weeks, and it might be a struggle for me to give birth to him vaginally. I told them I want to try anyway, and they've backed me up. So, we'll see how things go I guess. I'm just hoping that he doesn't end up weighing as much as his brother did, and I'll get a smooth labor and delivery. Either way, I'm just lucky that the midwives have been there to support me, because it's seems like not many practices in the US even approve VBAC's anymore.
Welcome newblue!! :)

I hope your profile goes well, and you don't get put on bedrest! That's no fun! I can't wait to see your 3D scan pictures!! Yay! :)
Louisiana here! Week 31 and getting so anxious to meet my baby girl. Today I have to have a biophysical profile done on her since I'm measuring big. Hope she's okay and I don't wind up on bed rest again (blood pressure). Also I'm getting my 3D scan done today and most definitely will post those pictures ASAP!

hi! i am from LA too. we are in baton rouge. well, in the town next door. i lived in br my whole life really. but this town has better school systems and things like that. i have the same the same scan coming up on next tuesday bc my little one is measuring big too. anxious to see what's going on! more anxious to be full term and have my little one and NOT be pregnant anymore! i'm so ready!!

welcome beach princess!!! i have a friend who just got back from living in germany for a year. her dh was stationed there and all of the pics are so beautiful there! they loved it but were more than ready to be home finally. well, home an in the states where visiting was'nt quite so hard!
I'm getting really really tired of doing everything around here on my own. Yes I know he works a lot, yes I know he's tired but same with me on both accounts. Sorry, just having one of my rant days, normally I don't mind doing it alone cause then it's done my way. There are some days though......... ggrr!

It's not just during pregnancy either. I know for a fact that I'm going to be doing most of the baby care even though he promises to help. I'm nursing, that's my choice, if I were bottle feeding, I don't think I would see him doing it all that often or changing diapers.

Thankfully MIL is coming and she's on my side! No he's not that lazy, I'm just cranky.
Oh goodness! Did you have to look for a doctor that would be willing to do a VBAC? I am just wondering, as I was facing a c-section with my ds and the doctor I had wouldn't do them. I just have a midwife this time around myself.

My mom had a VBAC with my youngest sister, as she had my middle sister via c-section. It went well for her, other than she had to do it with worn-off pain medication.

Well, the doctors at my practice wouldn't approve the VBAC, so I switched to the midwives. Unfortunately, that means, I couldn't see the same doctor I saw with my first son, but the midwives are very supportive of my decision and we're hoping for the best. I had to have a c-section with Luke, because he was breech and I was on a blood thinner at the time, that caused complications, and put me at high risk. The doctors couldn't do an ECV, due to risk of rupturing and hemorraging. Anyway, I had no other option other than to have a c-section with him. I felt so jipped, since I never got to experience labor or anything.

Well, when I found out I was pregnant again, I scheduled an appointment with the same OBGYN I had with Luke, and her and every other doctor at the practice flat out refused to allow me to try for a VBAC, so I was really bummed. I called the midwives at the same practice the next day, and they said I was the perfect candidate for a try at a VBAC, the only issue we're facing now is baby's size. Since Luke was two weeks early and weighed 8lbs 14oz, they are estimating this little guy to easily be 9+ lbs if I go to 40 weeks, and it might be a struggle for me to give birth to him vaginally. I told them I want to try anyway, and they've backed me up. So, we'll see how things go I guess. I'm just hoping that he doesn't end up weighing as much as his brother did, and I'll get a smooth labor and delivery. Either way, I'm just lucky that the midwives have been there to support me, because it's seems like not many practices in the US even approve VBAC's anymore.

I see! Yes, my mom had to have an emergency c-section because my sister had cut off her oxygen with her umbilical cord so perhaps since there were not other contributing factors they were more willing. Of course this was also 11 years ago, so who knows.
I'm getting really really tired of doing everything around here on my own. Yes I know he works a lot, yes I know he's tired but same with me on both accounts. Sorry, just having one of my rant days, normally I don't mind doing it alone cause then it's done my way. There are some days though......... ggrr!

It's not just during pregnancy either. I know for a fact that I'm going to be doing most of the baby care even though he promises to help. I'm nursing, that's my choice, if I were bottle feeding, I don't think I would see him doing it all that often or changing diapers.

Thankfully MIL is coming and she's on my side! No he's not that lazy, I'm just cranky.

I am sorry hon! I know what you mean, I would love to have help at times. Of course my OH is actually rather lazy and it is his choice not to help with certain things and he isn't shy about why. "I have been working all day." is his favorite excuse, and sometimes he throws it in my face when we get in to it about what he doesn't help me with.

But, he doesn't usually flake on me when it comes to putting stuff together because he likes to prove me wrong and what not. He knows I will try to do it myself and that could turn in to a disaster, lol.

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