U.S 3rd tri mommies!

I am 28 weeks today! :happydance:

frsttimemommy, I never had pain with my BH contractions. But, not to say it doesn't exist. I felt it was uncomfortable and kind of annoying, but not painful. (for me)

I talked to my site manager today, and she just pissed me off. So glad I just decided to move. Now I am going to raise hell until I leave ... well, once I find out if I have somewhere to go, lol.

Had my glucose test this morning ... bleh, almost upchucked everywhere. But I managed not to!
So, went to see the MW today and everything is great.
We did discuss induction tho :sad1: Def. NOT what i want!
After speaking with her she is going to let me go until 41+3. If i dont have my little man by then, she's going to induce. Frankly, i am more petrified of an induction than i am about giving birth without meds! (im a waterbirth hopeful). Anyways, i think baby will come on his own (sure maybe he will be a couple days "late") but i seriously dont think i'll need an induction...though you never know with these babies! On the bright side that means i will be meeting my LO by Sept 2nd!!!!!!! :cloud9: I can't believe how close it is!
So, went to see the MW today and everything is great.
We did discuss induction tho :sad1: Def. NOT what i want!
After speaking with her she is going to let me go until 41+3. If i dont have my little man by then, she's going to induce. Frankly, i am more petrified of an induction than i am about giving birth without meds! (im a waterbirth hopeful). Anyways, i think baby will come on his own (sure maybe he will be a couple days "late") but i seriously dont think i'll need an induction...though you never know with these babies! On the bright side that means i will be meeting my LO by Sept 2nd!!!!!!! :cloud9: I can't believe how close it is!

I don't blame you, inductions scare me. They tend to be long and hard sometimes, and a lot of them end up in c-sections. Of course I doubt I am making you feel any better at this point!

But, having a good idea of when your LO may be born - especially after going overdue sounds exciting! I would love to know the exact day my LO is coming, instead of waiting around timing contractions. Lol.

Good luck hon! :thumbup:
Awww... Your belly is so cute and tiny BeachPrincess!! :) Not like me! I look like a beached whale! :( Haha... Are you excited to be having a boy? Do you have everything done, or do you still have a lot to do before the new arrival?

Thank you! :0 i haven't seen your pics yet! We have nothing done.. Our crib made it to Germany this week, FINALLY! WE are still at a loss for bedding for it.. We have army gear in our spare/baby room.. We are always busy with work. :/
Thanks Silas! :friends:
Im pretty sure i'll go into labor on my own, Fx'ed no induction is needed https://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k116/sparky710/Blinkies/labordust.gif
So, went to see the MW today and everything is great.
We did discuss induction tho :sad1: Def. NOT what i want!
After speaking with her she is going to let me go until 41+3. If i dont have my little man by then, she's going to induce. Frankly, i am more petrified of an induction than i am about giving birth without meds! (im a waterbirth hopeful). Anyways, i think baby will come on his own (sure maybe he will be a couple days "late") but i seriously dont think i'll need an induction...though you never know with these babies! On the bright side that means i will be meeting my LO by Sept 2nd!!!!!!! :cloud9: I can't believe how close it is!

Awww... Good luck hunn!! I hope you get your waterbirth and don't end up having to be induced! :)
Yay so glad you posted this, I was just thinking the same thing. Lotsssssssss of UK mommies in this forum, seems that US mommies are a rarity.

I'm Brandi, 17 years old, and born and raised in Florida! Still live here, no plans on moving. :) I'm due with my first in November. I just entered my 3rd trimester! Time is flying by, and I'm starting to get nervous. Definitely more uncomfortable. Whether I'm sitting, standing, lying down, if I do any of those for too long it gets uncomfortable.

Just can't wait to meet my little girl!
I had my "39 week" appointment today with my midwife (even though I'm really 39+3, Lol...). Last week, at my appointment I was 70% effaced and my cervix was very, very soft, even though I wasn't dilated. My MW wasn't worried about that though, and pretty much told me that I could go into labor at anytime. So, today I was hoping to hear that I made some sort of progress. Unfortunately, no such luck! :( Nothing has changed. I'm pretty disappointed, to say the least, since I'm hoping for a VBAC, and I'm on a strict schedule. My MW will only let me go to 41+2, so I have a repeat c-section already scheduled for August 31st. I'm dreading to have to go through another cesarean, as the recovery sucks! But, I'm still hopeful that I will go into labor on my own and have my VBAC. :) A lot can happen in a week and a half!! :) At least, that's what I keep telling myself! Haha... :haha:
Thanks hunn! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things start moving along! :)

How are you doing with getting everything together for the baby? Do you have a lot left to do, or is everything almost ready? It can be really overwhelming when it's your first. There is just SO much that needs to be done. I remember that feeling. At least I had the energy last time around to get it all done! Lol... Luckily, I didn't need to do much for this LO. Do you have any bump pictures?
Its about half and half with getting everything ready haha. We have the dresser and all her clothes. We have the crib and crib bedding (just needs to be set up), we have a lot of the stuff we're going to need. But still waiting on the baby shower and hoping that I'll get a few more essentials! :D Just came to the realization that I could go into preterm labor within the next few weeks if something went wrong, and she'd still most likely be alright. At least that is comforting to know.
I have a bump pic from last week yes! :)

Awww... Very cute bump!! :)

Looks like you've got just about everything covered. Hopefully you get all of the essentials at your baby shower! Now, getting it all washed and put away and organized is the fun part! Lol...

The only thing I would recommend is trying your best to get your hospital bag packed as soon as you can. I had it packed around 33 weeks when I was pregnant with my first son. With this pregnancy, not so much. I just finished packing it on Tuesday (39+2). Oops... I know! I'm lucky I didn't go into labor before I got it together. Nothing is worse than scrambling around to pack a bag when your having contractions and end up forgetting something important (ex: camera :( ). With Luke's birth, my husband still managed to forget the damn charger to the video camera. :(
Awww... Very cute bump!! :)

Looks like you've got just about everything covered. Hopefully you get all of the essentials at your baby shower! Now, getting it all washed and put away and organized is the fun part! Lol...

The only thing I would recommend is trying your best to get your hospital bag packed as soon as you can. I had it packed around 33 weeks when I was pregnant with my first son. With this pregnancy, not so much. I just finished packing it on Tuesday (39+2). Oops... I know! I'm lucky I didn't go into labor before I got it together. Nothing is worse than scrambling around to pack a bag when your having contractions and end up forgetting something important (ex: camera :( ). With Luke's birth, my husband still managed to forget the damn charger to the video camera. :(

Any suggestions for the hospital bag? And thanks for reminding me, I've got to order the damn charge cord for our digital camera! Lol. :)
This was my hospital bag checklist. Obviously, if you aren't planning on breastfeeding, then a lot of these things don't apply to you. Lol... Also, I already know that my hospital has diapers and postnatal sanitary pads, and the disposable undies (which aren't always good ones, but I like the ones at my hospital). So, I didn't pack these things. I think you can get a checklist of what your hospital supplies you with though. IMO, if the hospital is going to supply diapers for LO and pads for you, then don't bother bringing your own from home. That way, you'll have more for when you get home! They also gave me a toiletries bag with toothbrush and toothpaste and such, but I just like to have my own anyway.

- breast pads
- Lansinoh breast cream
- nursing bra
- comfy pajamas suitable for nursing
- slippers
- 3 pairs of warm socks
- book
- journal
- word search book
- sleeping mask
- iPod
- lip balm
- hand sanitizer
- face wash
- shampoo
- deodorant
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- hair brush
- hair ties
- makeup
- washcloth
- going home outfit
- snacks
- pictures of DH and Luke

- going home outfit
- socks
- hat
- receiving blankets
- pacifiers
- burp cloths
- gift from Mommy & Daddy

Last Minute Items:
- pillow
- Boppy pillow
- birthing ball
- laptop
- cell phone
- charger
- camera
- video camera and charger
- planner (phone numbers)
- insurance card
- drivers license

Even if you start making a list now, you can add to it everyday that you think of something new. Keep in mind, if you find out your going to have to have a c-section, then you'll be in the hospital longer than a regular delivery. I have also based my hospital bag on me having a c-section. Even though I'm hoping for a VBAC, I don't know that it will happen, and they kept me at the hospital for 5 days for my c-section with my son. I need some stuff to keep me busy! Lol...:haha: Also, if you will be sharing a room with someone else, I'd say to bring ear plugs so you can sleep. I've heard a lot of horror stories! Lol...
UK and European girls seem to have to pack diapers and formula but US hospitals provide all that for the most part, still check, I've heard rumors of a few places that don't.

I do suggest your own pads, hospital ones can suck. Bras, panties that you don't mind messing up, something fresh to wear after delivery, nursing pads. Going home outfits for you and baby. You really don't need a diaper bag full of stuff. Camera, laptop, cells, including all chargers! Change for the vending machines, snacks, something to occupy your OH. Bathrobe, slippers if you wish. Most girls like to take their own toiletries like shampoo and body wash. CAR SEAT! You'll want to bring the car seat to the hospital room just in case you have to adjust the straps for baby.
You'll want to bring the car seat to the hospital room just in case you have to adjust the straps for baby.

Definite must!! Especially if it will be very hot or very cold out, when you are bringing baby home. There's nothing worse than trying to fiddle with the carseat when your sweating or freezing! Most hospitals have an attendant walk you out to your car and double check that baby is strapped in safely and the proper way, before you can leave as well.
Gonna get started on my hospital bag soon then! :) Thanks for the tips ladies.

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