U.S 3rd tri mommies!

I saw on your FB that you spent most of the day in the car. That sucks that you started having bad back pains the last few hours of the road trip. :( That's no fun!

I'll tell you though. About the bras not helping support you. With my first pregnancy and this one, my only saving grace has been sports bras. Whenever I'm home, or around family, I literally just walk around in my sports bra and shorts. The support is unbelievable. But, don't expect them to still fit after you have the baby or finish breastfeeding. They will be SO stretched out, you will have to throw them away. I got a three pack of Fruit of the Loom sports bras at Wal-Mart for $8! Totally worth it!!

I hope you find some fun crafts and projects to do tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures of Trystin's nursery once it's done!! :)
Just heard about this on the news, it is just terrible!


Some people should just never be allowed to have children! :nope:

that is appaling. :growlmad: i can not stand when things like this happen. maybe someone should take away her food and locke her up. horrible!!!!!!

today has been too eventful for my liking already. and then i have to be at work at 4 am already exhausted. i don't want to goooooo! but i need the cash of course and just don't want to give up yet. but everyday i feel like this. 3 more shifts and i get 3 days off. can't wait! dentist on monday to get my teeth cleaned, then ultrasound to see the baby on tuesday! excited but i'm so tired after those type of appointments. my doctor's office is actually in the hospital i will be delivering at. always so busy and such a wait. and i swear everytime i have an appt my dr has to run out and deliver a baby. :wacko: i think i'm just tired and whiney today.

on a happy note though, my boss gave me some awesome baby stuff from his son yesterday. a chicco high chair that is practically brand new. i actually love it. also a bassinet with 4 extra sheets that is so cute! and an excersaucer. along with a box of blankets and bibs and stuff. i can be real picky and stuck up unfortunately. but this stuff rocks. so excited!

hope everyone else is having a great day! welcome to the new girls! :hugs: xoxo

Aw hon! I am sorry that work is such crap for you! :hugs: I hope it goes well for you.

And yay! for free stuff! I had 1 1/2 trash bags of clothes delivered to me last night! I am excited to see what all is in there, but I have put it off for fear I wont like anything ... and I would have to keep and use most of it because beggars can't be choosers, lol. I have no money so have to accept free stuff! But .. I am still excited for free stuff! :happydance:

i actually got to leave early tonight. it wasn't so bad! thanks! :hugs:

one of my oldest friends from high school came to see me today. it was out of the blue, just 2 hrs before i had to be at work, she called and asked to stop by just kind of randomly. i haven't seen her in probably 3 years so it was good to see her and her 7 mth old baby daughter for the first time. well bless her....they went shopping before she came. she bought us SIX packs of diapers, THREE packs of wipes, FOUR blankets, THREE outfits, and several types of new bottles. then gave me the receipt for everything in case i want to do something else. i was absolutely floored she did that!!!!!!!!! :cloud9: things like that don't usually happen to me! LOL and having not seen her in so long, i just never even grasped she was bring ing that with her. i was just excited to see her!

but then i got off work, came home, and proceeded to get depressed anyway because i don't know how we are going to cope when i absolutely can not work due to obviously having the baby. i'm scared. :nope: i know things always work out. but i'm still so worried. i wish i had maternity leave or something. 4 weeks or even 6 weeks would be nice. thankfully once the baby is here i know i will be so focused on my little one, it won't matter so much.

welcome to all the new ladies. it's so hard to keep up, there are so many of us now. never thought i would say that about US ladies on here! :haha:
Just heard about this on the news, it is just terrible!


Some people should just never be allowed to have children! :nope:

that is appaling. :growlmad: i can not stand when things like this happen. maybe someone should take away her food and locke her up. horrible!!!!!!

today has been too eventful for my liking already. and then i have to be at work at 4 am already exhausted. i don't want to goooooo! but i need the cash of course and just don't want to give up yet. but everyday i feel like this. 3 more shifts and i get 3 days off. can't wait! dentist on monday to get my teeth cleaned, then ultrasound to see the baby on tuesday! excited but i'm so tired after those type of appointments. my doctor's office is actually in the hospital i will be delivering at. always so busy and such a wait. and i swear everytime i have an appt my dr has to run out and deliver a baby. :wacko: i think i'm just tired and whiney today.

on a happy note though, my boss gave me some awesome baby stuff from his son yesterday. a chicco high chair that is practically brand new. i actually love it. also a bassinet with 4 extra sheets that is so cute! and an excersaucer. along with a box of blankets and bibs and stuff. i can be real picky and stuck up unfortunately. but this stuff rocks. so excited!

hope everyone else is having a great day! welcome to the new girls! :hugs: xoxo

Aw hon! I am sorry that work is such crap for you! :hugs: I hope it goes well for you.

And yay! for free stuff! I had 1 1/2 trash bags of clothes delivered to me last night! I am excited to see what all is in there, but I have put it off for fear I wont like anything ... and I would have to keep and use most of it because beggars can't be choosers, lol. I have no money so have to accept free stuff! But .. I am still excited for free stuff! :happydance:

today has been too eventful for my liking already. and then i have to be at work at 4 am already exhausted. i don't want to goooooo! but i need the cash of course and just don't want to give up yet. but everyday i feel like this. 3 more shifts and i get 3 days off. can't wait! dentist on monday to get my teeth cleaned, then ultrasound to see the baby on tuesday! excited but i'm so tired after those type of appointments. my doctor's office is actually in the hospital i will be delivering at. always so busy and such a wait. and i swear everytime i have an appt my dr has to run out and deliver a baby. :wacko: i think i'm just tired and whiney today.

on a happy note though, my boss gave me some awesome baby stuff from his son yesterday. a chicco high chair that is practically brand new. i actually love it. also a bassinet with 4 extra sheets that is so cute! and an excersaucer. along with a box of blankets and bibs and stuff. i can be real picky and stuck up unfortunately. but this stuff rocks. so excited!

hope everyone else is having a great day! welcome to the new girls! :hugs: xoxo

I'm sorry that work is getting to be such a pain in the butt for you. Hopefully, the time will fly by for you and you'll be taking your maternity leave in no time! :)

You got some awesome stuff from your boss!! I'm kind of jealous! I did receive an excersaucer when I had my first son, but he never liked it, so it's sitting in the shed. Lol... But, a highchair, bassinet, and excersaucer are three big ticket items! That was so nice of him to give them to you!! :)

i remember buying an excersaucer for my oldest and he HATED it. lol we will see with this baby! he better like the high chair cause mommy loves it though! now i have 2 rocking chairs too. :wacko: well one is a glider, then the other is actually a very nice old rocker. i seriously am running out of room for all of these things. i know i will be passing any and everything on that i have received to help someone else as soon as i am done with my turn. people have been so generous. i never expected it really. truly blessed!
hi girls!!!! glad to see so many new faces! :) i've been a terrible bump buddy. barely getting on here! agh. but i've been SO busy. was stuck in a car all day today. blech. had sharp stabbing pains in my back after awhile so the last couple hours were hell!! doesn't help that my bras are so darn tight even though i've gone up a size AND got one of those bra extenders!! ugh :( so i'm dealing with CONSTANT back pain. that and i've had the worst headache all day too. but good news is Trystin is still active!! everyday i thank God that he's still wiggling. last night he kept me up ALL night wiggling and kicking. tomorrow i'm going to hobby lobby to find some crafts and projects to do while chris is gone! gonna start finally decorating the baby room!!

i don't remember who mentioned the freecycle thing but we have that here too!! i LOVE it! i've gotten some good stuff from freecyclers :) definitely very helpful. everyone should look it up! you get some great free stuff. or craigslist. i found tons of almost brand new stuff for cheap!! :)

i have never ached so much in my life since being pregnant this time around. i can only imagine how your back felt being in the car that long. hope you are feeling better now! :hugs: i love hobby lobby and crafty stuff! i want to do the wall letters for above the crib but i probably need to come up with a name first. :haha:

i just realized i am officially 31wks since it's after midnight!!!! only 9 to go but probably (ok hopefully) more like 7!!!!!! :happydance:
30 days till c-section come Sunday!

Had my check up yesterday (boring) everything looks good! Charlie's head is down, first of 6 kiddos to get that part right. I'm supposed to rest more, eat more, blah blah blah. Boring! I've got things to do! LOL
i actually got to leave early tonight. it wasn't so bad! thanks! :hugs:

one of my oldest friends from high school came to see me today. it was out of the blue, just 2 hrs before i had to be at work, she called and asked to stop by just kind of randomly. i haven't seen her in probably 3 years so it was good to see her and her 7 mth old baby daughter for the first time. well bless her....they went shopping before she came. she bought us SIX packs of diapers, THREE packs of wipes, FOUR blankets, THREE outfits, and several types of new bottles. then gave me the receipt for everything in case i want to do something else. i was absolutely floored she did that!!!!!!!!! :cloud9: things like that don't usually happen to me! LOL and having not seen her in so long, i just never even grasped she was bring ing that with her. i was just excited to see her!

but then i got off work, came home, and proceeded to get depressed anyway because i don't know how we are going to cope when i absolutely can not work due to obviously having the baby. i'm scared. :nope: i know things always work out. but i'm still so worried. i wish i had maternity leave or something. 4 weeks or even 6 weeks would be nice. thankfully once the baby is here i know i will be so focused on my little one, it won't matter so much.

welcome to all the new ladies. it's so hard to keep up, there are so many of us now. never thought i would say that about US ladies on here! :haha:

Its great that you go to leave early, and that your old friend bought that stuff for you! :D I know what you mean, because stuff like that doesn't really happen to me either!

As for working, I am very sorry that you are facing such a tough time. I understand this, as our family runs on one income. We live paycheck to paycheck, and its hard 98% of the time. Hopefully once its all happening it will work out better than you anticipate it will. And I know what you mean about work, because I have to find a job ASAP after having this baby. I will be lucky if I get the full 6 weeks that I am actually supposed to have lol. I just have to start looking for a job and getting it done! It depresses me because I have been with my son at home since he was born, and I really hate that my daughter wont get as much from me as he did.
Good morning ladies! :) How is everyone doing today?

I'm due in just two short days, and I don't feel any sign of anything happening. :( I'm a little bummed. Actually... I'm really bummed! I am so bored all of the time, and I can't even enjoy the time I have with Luke, because I'm so freaking huge, I can't get on the floor and play with him or anything. I just want to have this baby already!! Okay, I'm done whining.
Aw delmeg :hugs:

It will happen, I am sure. Maybe not for the next couple days - but soon enough. Hopefully today, lol. But you just never know! I am sorry you having such a hard time being able to play with your ds. But just keep in mind that soon enough you will have another baby and you can do whatever you want with both of them ... well, in due time anyways! :)
Awww... Thanks hunn! :hugs:

I guess I'll share my belly picture that I took this morning. It's kind of random since I'm 39+5. But, oh well! Here it is...


  • Pregnancy Pictures 002.jpg
    Pregnancy Pictures 002.jpg
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I saw on your FB that you spent most of the day in the car. That sucks that you started having bad back pains the last few hours of the road trip. :( That's no fun!

I'll tell you though. About the bras not helping support you. With my first pregnancy and this one, my only saving grace has been sports bras. Whenever I'm home, or around family, I literally just walk around in my sports bra and shorts. The support is unbelievable. But, don't expect them to still fit after you have the baby or finish breastfeeding. They will be SO stretched out, you will have to throw them away. I got a three pack of Fruit of the Loom sports bras at Wal-Mart for $8! Totally worth it!!

I hope you find some fun crafts and projects to do tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures of Trystin's nursery once it's done!! :)

thank you!! :) that's sweet of you. it definitely wasn't fun. after awhile i just wanted to be home. my poor OH couldn't figure out why i was so quiet, even though i told him a million times my back hurt. he just didn't get it. and i have another trip to make in a couple weeks. 2 1/2 hours. but it won't be as bad cause my OH drives straight through for that one so we get there quicker!!

agh i didn't even think about trying a sports bra! i should probably try that one. i'm just sick of every single bra of mine cutting into my back and killing me!! it's not fun at all. ugh.

awh, i'm praying that i get some stuff done. i'm already 29 weeks and i don't even have half the stuff i need!! i still need SO much stuff. i'm praying at my next baby shower i get lots more so i can feel a little better. if not, i'll be screwed!! i don't even have a car seat or anything :( and the nursery is soo plain and boring. i feel terrible. but it's my fault for not doing it sooner!!
Awww... Thanks hunn! :hugs:

I guess I'll share my belly picture that I took this morning. It's kind of random since I'm 39+5. But, oh well! Here it is...

you have the cutest belly!! i want one like that :) mine is still little. booo! but i should be grateful i guess haha.
delmeg - you have a wonderful bump! If only I had one like that, lol.
Don't worry... Yours will both be nice and big before you know it! :) Lol... Then you'll be wishing it was smaller, so it doesn't get in the way!

OMG... Last night, we got home, and I went to get the diaper bag out of the back seat. Well, it was starting to get dark out, and I guess I wasn't paying much attention, and I shut the door pretty hard. Well, it totally didn't clear my belly! Ouch, it felt like a bad rug burn across the entire front of my belly. It hurt so bad! I couldn't believe I did that. :(
awh ouchie!! :( that sounds like it hurts. but i do that all the time. i close doors and hit my belly cause i don't realize i haven't moved far enough out of the way! lol. silly me.
When I was pregnant with my ds, I would hit my belly and not even know it. I would be looking at my belly and see bruises, and that is the only way I would know sometimes! Crazy stuff.
Fingers crossed ladies. I'm not in labor or anything but I'm having bloody plug loss, I hope it's just from the internal yesterday.
I know I used to do it before too, but all of a sudden I guess I'm so stretched out that it just really, really hurt.
Well ladies, I think once I finish school in September we are not going to have internet anymore. I go online, so right now I have to have it. But once I finish it would be a bill we don't really need, and I am considering just getting rid of it. Of course, that is not what I really want to do, lol. But just not sure about keeping it as that would be around $43 extra a month we could use for something else ...
Fingers crossed ladies. I'm not in labor or anything but I'm having bloody plug loss, I hope it's just from the internal yesterday.

Oh, I'm so jealous!! I'm sure it's probably just from the internal though. Are you going to call your doctor/midwife?
Well ladies, I think once I finish school in September we are not going to have internet anymore. I go online, so right now I have to have it. But once I finish it would be a bill we don't really need, and I am considering just getting rid of it. Of course, that is not what I really want to do, lol. But just not sure about keeping it as that would be around $43 extra a month we could use for something else ...

Oh no. :( Well, maybe once you move, you'll be able to pick up someone else's internet connection. When we lived in an apartment, we could pick up two other internet connections, so I didn't have to pay for it. Lol...:blush:

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