U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Fingers crossed ladies. I'm not in labor or anything but I'm having bloody plug loss, I hope it's just from the internal yesterday.

Oh, I'm so jealous!! I'm sure it's probably just from the internal though. Are you going to call your doctor/midwife?

Hun, you can have my plug loss if you want it, I'm not 33 weeks yet! My kids tend to come early though, impatient little buggers like I am.

I actually don't know if I need to call the Dr on this. I've never lost a plug before! All my kids came by c-section. I'm assuming it's from the internal.
Well ladies, I think once I finish school in September we are not going to have internet anymore. I go online, so right now I have to have it. But once I finish it would be a bill we don't really need, and I am considering just getting rid of it. Of course, that is not what I really want to do, lol. But just not sure about keeping it as that would be around $43 extra a month we could use for something else ...

Oh no. :( Well, maybe once you move, you'll be able to pick up someone else's internet connection. When we lived in an apartment, we could pick up two other internet connections, so I didn't have to pay for it. Lol...:blush:

With any luck I would be able to. But, never actually had much luck with free internet, lol. Speaking of moving, I am so stressed out. As we talked to the apartment manager for the new ones and she said it would take 3-4 weeks for approval! I am freaking out as just wanted to be out by Sept. 1 here! :wacko:
Fingers crossed ladies. I'm not in labor or anything but I'm having bloody plug loss, I hope it's just from the internal yesterday.

Oh, I'm so jealous!! I'm sure it's probably just from the internal though. Are you going to call your doctor/midwife?

Hun, you can have my plug loss if you want it, I'm not 33 weeks yet! My kids tend to come early though, impatient little buggers like I am.

I actually don't know if I need to call the Dr on this. I've never lost a plug before! All my kids came by c-section. I'm assuming it's from the internal.

:hugs: Perhaps just call to make sure?

I am kind of like this - I have no idea what my plug is/would look like as if I lost it with my son, I did not know. He was born 38+1. I did lose a bunch of pinkish tissue-like icky looking stuff prior to going to the hospital to have him but I am not sure what that was ... :shrug:
Fingers crossed ladies. I'm not in labor or anything but I'm having bloody plug loss, I hope it's just from the internal yesterday.

Oh, I'm so jealous!! I'm sure it's probably just from the internal though. Are you going to call your doctor/midwife?

Hun, you can have my plug loss if you want it, I'm not 33 weeks yet! My kids tend to come early though, impatient little buggers like I am.

I actually don't know if I need to call the Dr on this. I've never lost a plug before! All my kids came by c-section. I'm assuming it's from the internal.

I had a c-section with my first son as well, so I've never lost a plug either. I asked my MW at my 37 week appointment what to call about or not call about. She said if you lose your plug to give them a call. It wouldn't hurt to call them and at least ask the nurse if they think it's because of the internal done yesterday. I don't know though. I've had an internal every week since 36 weeks, and nothing. Since I'm trying for a VBAC, I've been hoping to lose my plug or my water break, but so far nothing. I'd give them a quick call though. Good luck hunn! I hope you don't go this soon! That baby needs to bake a little longer!! :)
Fingers crossed ladies. I'm not in labor or anything but I'm having bloody plug loss, I hope it's just from the internal yesterday.

Oh, I'm so jealous!! I'm sure it's probably just from the internal though. Are you going to call your doctor/midwife?

Hun, you can have my plug loss if you want it, I'm not 33 weeks yet! My kids tend to come early though, impatient little buggers like I am.

I actually don't know if I need to call the Dr on this. I've never lost a plug before! All my kids came by c-section. I'm assuming it's from the internal.

:hugs: Perhaps just call to make sure?

I am kind of like this - I have no idea what my plug is/would look like as if I lost it with my son, I did not know. He was born 38+1. I did lose a bunch of pinkish tissue-like icky looking stuff prior to going to the hospital to have him but I am not sure what that was ... :shrug:

lol from what I understand, it looks like some one blew their nose in your underpants and it can be pink or bloody. It's not a pretty sight! I do know that it can regenerate itself and it's to keep bacteria from going up in the uterus. I'm keeping an eye on it, I'm not contracting or anything.
Silas- 3-4 weeks for approval?! That's crazy! I've never heard of it taking that long!! At max, I've heard 7 days. I really hope someone doesn't know what they're talking about, or at least they push it through. Can't you play the pregnancy card and let them know that you need to get this taken care of with enough time before baby comes?!?
Silas- 3-4 weeks for approval?! That's crazy! I've never heard of it taking that long!! At max, I've heard 7 days. I really hope someone doesn't know what they're talking about, or at least they push it through. Can't you play the pregnancy card and let them know that you need to get this taken care of with enough time before baby comes?!?

I thought it was rather ridiculous myself! I am hoping maybe she just said that so that in case it does actually take that long we were forewarned. Who really knows! I may end up having to do that, lol. Its atleast worth a try I suppose. Probably give it a couple weeks. I am about to play the pregnancy card with this leasing agency, because I just think all of this is b.s. anymore.

I am just afraid I will get an eviction notice, and then that will be on my credit and what not for God only knows how long! :nope:
Oh goodness! I just got a call from DH saying that he ran his foot over with a pallet jack at work! :dohh: Seriously?!? You ran your OWN foot over with a pallet jack? How in the heck did you manage that? His response... "Well, I was pulling a pallet of water onto the floor, and a customer cut right in front of me. It was either, use my foot to try and slow down the pallet (which, obviously DIDN'T work), or hit her with it.". So, now he said he thinks he broke his two smallest toes. Great! Just great! I told him, "It better be your left foot, because I am NOT driving myself to the hospital when I go into labor!!". Thank God it is his left foot! I really hope it's just swollen and will go down, because I know he is going to have to take care of Luke when I'm in the hospital, and chasing around a 2 year old isn't easy without the use of both feet. :haha: Lol... Anyway, I told him he should have just hit the woman with it. I know that sounds terrible, but come on!! Nobody told her to cut right in front of a pallet full of water!! :blush:
roflmao Sorry he got hurt but that sounds like my DH. The man sprained his ankle tripping over a piece of paper.
hi girls! just wanted to share what i've done today! :)
the first picture are the letters going above Trystin's crib. in Bronco's colors!!
and the second is going to hang on his door!!
if you can't see em well, i have em on my facebook too!


  • trystin1.jpg
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  • trystin2.jpg
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hi girls! just wanted to share what i've done today! :)
the first picture are the letters going above Trystin's crib. in Bronco's colors!!
and the second is going to hang on his door!!
if you can't see em well, i have em on my facebook too!

That is so cute! I love that door hanger!! I can't wait to see the finished nursery! :)
hi girls! just wanted to share what i've done today! :)
the first picture are the letters going above Trystin's crib. in Bronco's colors!!
and the second is going to hang on his door!!
if you can't see em well, i have em on my facebook too!

That is so cute! I love that door hanger!! I can't wait to see the finished nursery! :)

thank you!! i'm praying i get it done on time! lol. i still have SO much to do. i need the bedding, more decorations, a lamp, little stuff like that. i found an adorable football lamp at hobby lobby for 40 bucks! i want it SO bad! i'm praying my OH lets me buy it. but it's slowly slowly coming together. it's hard cause my MIL and FIL are staying with us and they sleep in his room. so i have to decorate around them!
delmeg, tell your hubby he's not getting out of diaper duty and to quit trying!!! hehe

silas, ok seriously, no internet?? nooooooooooo! honestly i have been thinking and talking with my oh about all the luxuries we have that i think we will have to drop soon as baby comes. i think i might go in to withdrawals without internet though. and we have unlimited texting and email and stuff on our cell phones. not to mention i pay for a cell phone for my mom too. she just got approved for disability and i have had her a phone on my plan for over 2 yrs now. it's my mom and i have tobe able to get in touch with her. kwim??

firsttime....i LOVE the letters! they came out SO good!!!!!!!!! now i'm jealous, i don't have anything personalized like that at all. nothing on the wall even. we have a bed though. and random bits all over the house.

mommymichelle, legs crossed!! we cant have the baby yet!!!!!! it could be like you said, from the internal. fingers crossed you can hold on a little longer.

i'm sure i missed some more. just got home from work. it's some of my closest friend's sons birthday today and they come in every friday anyway and hang out with me. but tomorrow is his bday party at one of those kid jumpy thingy places. i still have to go buy a present and be up and dressed and be there for 12:30. then straight to work til probably 12:30AM on sunday. i'm tired already! everyone have a great weekend!! xoxo
STILL PREGNANT! Things have settled down thankfully and I managed to sleep well last night. I hate internals but I asked for that one because of the spotting. Not doing that again!
STILL PREGNANT! Things have settled down thankfully and I managed to sleep well last night. I hate internals but I asked for that one because of the spotting. Not doing that again!

Yay!!! Baby stay! For a few more weeks at least. :)

Anyone else unable to sleep in anymore? It's Saturday, finally cool enough to sleep and boom I am awake at 6 am while hubby snores away next to me. *grumble* Probably doesn't help that I am stressing about work on my day off!

Today husband and I are going to finish up baby room. Yay!! :happydance: What is everyone else doing this weekend?
Not sure what I am doing this weekend just yet. Might be working on the nursery too.

Charlie's being a little sleepy today, so mom that I am, I'm poking him.
I had a terrible night last night. I woke up at 2am with an overwhelming urge to throw up! :( So, I went to the bathroom and got a nice cold washcloth to put on my forehead, and that helped a bit. Then, when I went back to bed and laid down on my side, I realized it was because I was laying flat. Every time I went to lay flat, I'd get the same terrible feeling in my stomach. It was horrible. It kept me up most of the night. :( I ended up having to sleep sitting up, which really put a lot of pressure on my belly, but helped my stomach.

Then, I woke up this morning feeling terrible. My whole body has been aching, I'm getting very faint period like cramps, my back is aching, and it just hurts to move. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd swear I'd be getting my period soon. That's the feeling I have, times like 10! I just feel like crap today. :(
I had a terrible night last night. I woke up at 2am with an overwhelming urge to throw up! :( So, I went to the bathroom and got a nice cold washcloth to put on my forehead, and that helped a bit. Then, when I went back to bed and laid down on my side, I realized it was because I was laying flat. Every time I went to lay flat, I'd get the same terrible feeling in my stomach. It was horrible. It kept me up most of the night. :( I ended up having to sleep sitting up, which really put a lot of pressure on my belly, but helped my stomach.

Then, I woke up this morning feeling terrible. My whole body has been aching, I'm getting very faint period like cramps, my back is aching, and it just hurts to move. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd swear I'd be getting my period soon. That's the feeling I have, times like 10! I just feel like crap today. :(

Sounds to me like that baby may be trying to come soon! :thumbup:
(Well, the cramps and bachache part.)

As for the rest, I am sorry. That sucks!

@ frsttimemommy - I love your little personalized crafts! :thumbup: I need to start doing stuff like that, lol. But OH is a tightwad when it comes to money for practically anything that is not "needed" :wacko:
Sounds to me like that baby may be trying to come soon! :thumbup:
(Well, the cramps and bachache part.)

As for the rest, I am sorry. That sucks!

@ frsttimemommy - I love your little personalized crafts! :thumbup: I need to start doing stuff like that, lol. But OH is a tightwad when it comes to money for practically anything that is not "needed" :wacko:

I really hope so! I am totally ready to have this baby! Lol...

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