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U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Silas, you certainly can! It is TOTALLY up to you and i would hope that your friends and family would respect those wishes. However, you probably will NEED the lactation consultant in there for a few tries so she can help you breastfeed successfully. Im with you tho, i def do NOT want ppl in my room (besides DH and BF consultant) while im trying to figure out this whole boobie feeding thing! Just bc you have a baby doesnt mean you no longer have privacy! Think some ppl just dont understand that! :wacko:

Welcome Claire!

I actually dont mind, physically being overdue...i just feel so VERY pressured by the medical community to be induced (even tho at this point it is NOT medically necessary). If it was for the threats of induction i would not mind one bit of still being pregnant. I love being pregnant just fearful of induction.

Yeah, when I watch latching videos I always seem to hear what seems like a thousand people in the room watching and commenting. Er, no thank you. I prefer my privacy. I wasn't sure how many people felt they needed to be in the room while you try it out. I mean, obviously will need the BF expert and OH most likely will stay - but definitely no need for other hospital staff or family, friends. :thumbup:
Silas - When you try for the first time, the lactation consultant is normally there to help you out. The nurses immediately left when I first tried, and the lactation consultant told them when to come back. DH was there, but just sitting in the chair watching TV. :haha: My hospital only has one lactation consultant there during certain hours, and since I didn't get to see Luke till about 8pm that night, the consultant was already gone for the day. I did request her to come in the next day though, since he was having latching issues. I didn't have any other family at the hospital besides DH, but I would assume that my family and friends wouldn't want to stay in the room to see that. Lol... If not, then I'd kick them out! It's nerve racking enough to try something for the first time when you have no idea what to expect, much less with an audience!! :haha:

Amanda - I know there are a lot of bottles out there that promise to be the closest thing to the breast (or whatever they say). If you decide to get those bottles instead, so baby doesn't have nipple confusion, then keep in mind that it goes right along with pacifiers. If you are going to be using them, then try to get the ones that are specifically for breastfed babies.

Welcome Claire!! :)
Ladies - I need to ground myself from BnB, facebook etc.

I need to start focusing solely on school for the next 3 1/2 weeks. I mean, if I spent as much time on my homework as I do on BnB I probably wouldn't even be having any issues with passing! I am a procrastinator, and I need to stop!

Any ideas? I know I can't rely solely on my own will power - that will get me nowhere.
delmeg, were you charting the cycle you got your :bfp:?

No. This LO wasn't planned. I didn't even know when my LMP was when I found out I was pregnant. I had to have an u/s for them to tell me my EDD. I was just talking to my husband about it and he said maybe they were off on my due date. :shrug: Why do you ask?
Ladies - I need to ground myself from BnB, facebook etc.

I need to start focusing solely on school for the next 3 1/2 weeks. I mean, if I spent as much time on my homework as I do on BnB I probably wouldn't even be having any issues with passing! I am a procrastinator, and I need to stop!

Any ideas? I know I can't rely solely on my own will power - that will get me nowhere.

Set a timer. I use timers for everything. Lol... Log on BnB and FB in the morning and set a timer for say 30 minutes. Once the timer is up, you have to log off! Then, do it again at night before you go to bed so you can catch up. Or, if two times a day won't cut it, log on in the afternoon for a bit as well. Don't let BnB of FB run in the background either. When the timer is up, completely log out and close the screen. I would say that I'm on BnB WAY too much too, but I don't have much to do these days. Plus, I leave it running in the background all day, even if I'm not at the computer.

Good luck hunn! :) You can do it!!!
Well i was just wondering how much more accurate a due date based on Ov. was as opposed to LMP. I know i didnt Ov. until cycle day 18 (was charting and using OPKs) so i knew for a fact that my due date of the 23 (which was based on LMP) would be off. If it were based on Ov. i would techincally only be 1 day overdue. So i was just wondering other ppl's experience with their due date and it being based on Ov.

The scan could be off. I know the first time we had a scan done it said the due date was the 25th (which would be pretty close to Ov. due date), then i had another and the due date was changed by a couple days. they just kept it the 23rd (based on LMP) since it wasnt more than 5 days in either direction. (though being 4 days overdue, seems to me that 5 days actually is crucial, but what do i know :wacko:) Anyways, it could be off. I mean it literally comes down to the tech clicking in the EXACT spot. If they click even a little tiny tiny bit off it can change it by DAYS. Also, how many weeks were you when they did the scan? if you get it done after 12 weeks it may not be accurate at all because after about the 12th week babies dont grow at the same rate.
Well i was just wondering how much more accurate a due date based on Ov. was as opposed to LMP. I know i didnt Ov. until cycle day 18 (was charting and using OPKs) so i knew for a fact that my due date of the 23 (which was based on LMP) would be off. If it were based on Ov. i would techincally only be 1 day overdue. So i was just wondering other ppl's experience with their due date and it being based on Ov.

The scan could be off. I know the first time we had a scan done it said the due date was the 25th (which would be pretty close to Ov. due date), then i had another and the due date was changed by a couple days. they just kept it the 23rd (based on LMP) since it wasnt more than 5 days in either direction. (though being 4 days overdue, seems to me that 5 days actually is crucial, but what do i know :wacko:) Anyways, it could be off. I mean it literally comes down to the tech clicking in the EXACT spot. If they click even a little tiny tiny bit off it can change it by DAYS. Also, how many weeks were you when they did the scan? if you get it done after 12 weeks it may not be accurate at all because after about the 12th week babies dont grow at the same rate.

That could be it. At my first ultrasound, they told me I was already 13+3! How I didn't know is beyond me, but whatever. Anyway, would that probably put me farther along, or not as far along? I'm confused. Lol...

I know with Luke they originally told me my due date was July 10th, but then changed it to June 27th after another scan. I had both scans while I was still in the first trimester though.
That could be it. At my first ultrasound, they told me I was already 13+3! How I didn't know is beyond me, but whatever. Anyway, would that probably put me farther along, or not as far along? I'm confused. Lol...

that could totally be why! Its hard to say exactly if you would be further along or "less" along than they think. How many days apart were your cycles? (even then that doesnt mean much, but like mine are about 30-31 days apart with Ov. on cycle day 18-20 (18 this pregnancy). The problem with EDD based on LMP is because it automatically assumes 28 day cycles with Ov. on CD 14...so not the case for me! and so many women go overdue i would say they need to change that logic lol. also, have you been getting your FH checked? i know that can even be off but for the most part its accurate with each week being 1 cm.
My FH has been all over the place. It was 35 cm at my 38 week appointment, then it was 40 cm at my 39 week appointment, and it was 39 cm at my 40 week appointment on Wednesday. I asked her why it would go down in a week, and she said the baby was probably stretching out when she measured me at my 39 week appointment. :shrug:
My FH has been all over the place. It was 35 cm at my 38 week appointment, then it was 40 cm at my 39 week appointment, and it was 39 cm at my 40 week appointment on Wednesday. I asked her why it would go down in a week, and she said the baby was probably stretching out when she measured me at my 39 week appointment. :shrug:

...or she just isn't good at measuring FH :haha: jk
if your LO is engaged at all, sometimes that i can change it too.
I was seriously contemplating whether or not I should try pumping. I know that your not supposed to pump when your pregnant, because it causes your uterine to contract (just like breastfeeding). But, what if your overdue? :shrug: I've been reading about it all day. I read about a few ladies that said it hurt like hell because they weren't leaking at all, and nothing came out. I'm sure that would be me, because I haven't leaked at all, and didn't even get colostrum with Luke, until the day he was born. I also read that there is a possibility that you could pump and get strong contractions, but if your not ready to dilate, it will just cause painful (even stronger than normal) contractions and nothing else will happen. Ugh... I'm really starting to get worried that I'll have to have the c-section on Tuesday. It's way too close now!! :(
hi girls!! :)
my laptop was being a brat and wouldn't allow me to be online for some reason. so i've had to catch up!! i must say i actually slept amazing last night. can i hope for two nights in a row?! haha. i have to be up early tomorrow. going with my sister in law to watch her son play football. he's 5 :) i adore that little boy though. then we're going to get her hair done and a birthday party! so i'll be suuper busy all day tomorrow. OH, my friend Ashley in California (where i'm originally from) had her baby boy last night. Zachary Elliot 7lbs 10oz and 21 1/2 in long! 9 days overdue. so proud of her! but it makes me want Trystin here even more haha.
on the breastfeeding/bottle thing. i really want to breastfeed but i'll pump too! i REALLY want the bottles made for breastfeeding from target. i can't remember exactly what they are called but they are made especially for breastfeeding. they look pretty cool. i'm praying someone gets us some. as for sterilizing...i'll just do the old method of boiling! always worked for my mom haha. but so far the only bottles i've gotten have come with the present. like these big piggy bank bottles fill of stuff and it included bottles. surprisingly NO ONE has bought us any diapers...wierd!! lol.
come on babies, those of you overdue....need to come out! so i can look at some babies while waiting for mine to finish cooking :)
firsttimemommy- have you looked at the Tommee Tippee bottles (think they are only available at Babies 'R' Us tho :wacko: and online) anyways, i am breastfeeding as well, but i just wanted some breastfeeding friendly bottles for later when i want to go out or something (i'll be a SAHM, but im sure DH would like the bonding time as well). Anyways, they have some great bottles for breastfeeding babies! We bought a little kit and so far it seems great. Will let ya know how it goes once they are actually being used.

delmeg- i have SERIOUSLY started contemplating trying to stimulate labor with the breast pump! DH and i walked A LOT this evening, and i dont even have a twinge :( anywho, maybe i will attempt it. I have been leaking since 17 weeks! So maybe it will do something...how long do i pump for? (especially given that i havn't had my LO but surely if im dilating and im overdue it would help a little :shrug:) i hear nipple stimulation is very good for naturally inducing labor, so im thinking it should be a little helpful. Think im gonna :sex: see if that stirs anything up, take a shower (shave :blush: just in case something happens tonight) and go to bed...maybe i will be confident enough to pump...i dont even know how to use the thing! :dohh:
So, I had to go to L&D today to get baby fluid monitored and all that fun stuff. Well, the doctor there decided to strip my membranes and this time it was painful and I bleed as soon as it was done. I had this done 3 other times by my OB and nothing happen. Since then I've been cramping like crazy. I hope this does something for me unless I'm being induced on Tuesday.
:dust: :dust: :dust: honey!!!!!!

Hope something gets started for you TONIGHT!!!!...and ME!!!!...and delmeg!!!! LOL
Me too Guppy!! I know my body is just being a labor tease right now though. Our babies are pretty comfy right now while we are not.
Guppy; ooh that would be great! i would love to know how they work before i go out and buy them haha. i thiiiink the ones at target are the avent ones?
ooh they are called "the first years breastflow bottles". designes specially for breastfeeding! :) i really want em! anywho,
COME ON LABOR!!! i'm sending LOTS LOTS LOTS of labor dust to all my overdue girls! :) lets hope we get some babies out soon.
Kalin - I've never used the Tommee Tippee bottles, but I just got Luke some of the Tommee Tippee Truly Spill Proof Straw Cups, and they are SHIT!! They have SO many parts to take apart to clean, and if you don't put them together exactly right, they leak all over the place. :( If you have a toddler like mine who shakes up his cup all the time, the parts come apart inside the damn cup! Ugh... They drive me crazy! I'm not saying the bottles are the same way, but you might want to look into it. I think it also really depends on the baby though. Once my son got the hang of latching on, he never had any kind of nipple confusion. I could really use any bottle and he'd be fine. He was (and still is) a greedy little thing when it comes to eating though! Haha... He probably would have taken the milk if I'd given it to him through an eye dropper! :haha:

Stephanie - I read that if you are going to try to use the breast pump or nipple stimulation to induce labor, you need to stimulate each side for 15 minutes in a row. You need to do that each hour for at least 5 hours straight. Or as long as you can! Good luck if you try it. You know, if you do collect anything, you can freeze it for the baby. Good luck! :)

Well ladies, I'm going to bed! Hopefully I'll sleep more comfortably then I did last night. :) Good night!
i don't think i'm gonna get the Tommee Tippee. the bottles i want i think are avent or dr brown. not sure but they look really nice! and i think they are pretty cheap too. but thanks for the heads up!! i'll definitely remember that when i shop for sippy cups!! haha.

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