U.S 3rd tri mommies!

i am going insane. i tried so hard to sleep last night and i didn't go to sleep at all. moving around, making it super cold, NOTHING worked. and then i cried loads because i have 2 prescriptions from before pregnancy and they both make me sleep and i CAN'T take them. it drives me crazy and i'm so miserable. so tired but can not sleep for the life of me. and of course i have to work tonight. :(

saw my ob yesterday it was the usual almost pointless visit. i go back in 2wks and will have another growth ultra sound and after that i will be going back once a week. i hope these 2 wks fly by. it will put me a lot closer to meeting my little guy!.

michele, pretty damn good job of cutting your own hair. i could never attempt my own hair cut. no telling what would happen. even if it was just bangs. lol can i ask what made you plan to have another baby? i guess that sounds rude but i don't mean it that way at all. ALL 3 of my children were unplanned but very much wanted. this one was a huge shock but i wouldn't have it any other way. everyone keeps asking me what i was thinking bc my older ones are so much older and the big gap. i love it though!!!! i met a couple at work the other day and they have 2 15's they said. a 15yr old and a 15mth old!!! the lady actually is bringing me baby clothes!

oh and awesome bump too. you look so thin and as they say have a "neat bump." love it!

silas, i had major plans to get stuff done and didn't do any of it yesterday. i kept yawning and decided i was just gonna lay down last night. yeah, FOR WHAT!!!!! grrrrr.

kalin, yay for extra money!!!!! i know me and my oh, when we made a bunch of extra is when we picked up all of our baby bits. between 20-28wks. thank goodness bc now it seems like it is such a struggle. baby shopping is the best. don't forget about craigslist too. i keep the link open on my computer and refresh it all the time. some awesome stuff comes up all the time!
Amanda, no problems with the questions. My DH is not the father of my kids and I'm old fashioned, the man needed a descendant and I was ready. We were at that point in our lives, been married 4 years, took us 3 years to get pregnant, and here we are. Typically traditional, get married, have a baby. LOL Already have the dogs, why not?

Charlie is the ONLY male grandchild for MIL, so this is a big thing for the family although they love my kids too.

Thanks for the compliments on my haircut, I'm coloring it today, decided to go darker this time, more of a honey color. I'll post pics when it's done, not sure when I'm doing it though. Don't even know if I'm doing it today yet for sure.
Hello everyone! I THINK I'm caught up!

LOVE the bump pictures!

spent the weekend (Sat.-yesterday) up in Minnesota with my family! And that was FUN! I spent some serious quality time with my nephew who is the cutest little guy in the world! Now I'm home and I have GOT to get this house clean! I'm just glad I have been feeling better lately! I'm at a point where if I feel up to being on vacation for a week and a half.... then I feel okay enough to clean the stinkin house!!!! My baby shower is on the 25th! Which feels so far away... but my mom keeps trying to talk me into doing the nursery up... and I'm like I can't buy anything untill I see what people get for the baby shower... so we can put the crib up .... and the mattress in the crib... wow what fun lol
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome. my OH has a daughter from his previous marriage. she'll be 9 next month. but he NEVER gets to see her cause his ex wife is a crazy psycho woman. and i'm not just saying that...i've actually seen it!! lol. yeahh i know i want Trystin to grow and get fat and healthy before he makes his way out. but i don't see anything wrong with getting induced since he's been in such great health this entire pregnancy. and i'll be 39 weeks so i think he'll be totally ok. or else my dr wouldn't have agreed to it!

Amanda; girl i know how you feel. i cannot sleep for anything and i'm always so ridiculously tired. it's insane. i'm lucky if i get up before 11 am. i swear i just toss and turn all night. cept when Chris is home. then i can FINALLY get some sort of rest. but i still toss and turn. he tries to be supportive but i know he gets frustrated that he can't help. and i don't even think i'm that big! i've actually seen girls bigger at my stage. i guess cause i use to be so tiny that it's really weighing me down. :(

Claire; first off, LOVE your name. it's sooo pretty. :) second, i know how you feel. my baby shower is Oct 2nd and my OH won't let me buy hardly anything in case we get it at the shower. even though i know i won't!! so i have to like beg him. that and i haven't done the nursery cause my MIL and FIL are staying with us and they use the baby room! so i'm sad that it's still just plain and what not :(
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome. my OH has a daughter from his previous marriage. she'll be 9 next month. but he NEVER gets to see her cause his ex wife is a crazy psycho woman. and i'm not just saying that...i've actually seen it!! lol. yeahh i know i want Trystin to grow and get fat and healthy before he makes his way out. but i don't see anything wrong with getting induced since he's been in such great health this entire pregnancy. and i'll be 39 weeks so i think he'll be totally ok. or else my dr wouldn't have agreed to it!

I am definitely not meaning anything bad by saying this, so I hope you do not take it that way at all! What are your reasons for getting induced? I mean, it was a personal choice I am guessing?

I just wonder, as many inductions result in emergency c-sections. And I am just not sure about putting anyone through that.
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome.

lol Hun, I'm 33! Had my oldest when I was 18, been nuts ever since!

Got good news! Have meds for my sinus infection, have meds to help me sleep, we have John's car running, MIL paid for the repairs, Sam's club screwed up and the money we paid for MIL's bed is still in our account AFTER they shipped the bed. So things are looking much better for us right now.
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome. my OH has a daughter from his previous marriage. she'll be 9 next month. but he NEVER gets to see her cause his ex wife is a crazy psycho woman. and i'm not just saying that...i've actually seen it!! lol. yeahh i know i want Trystin to grow and get fat and healthy before he makes his way out. but i don't see anything wrong with getting induced since he's been in such great health this entire pregnancy. and i'll be 39 weeks so i think he'll be totally ok. or else my dr wouldn't have agreed to it!

I am definitely not meaning anything bad by saying this, so I hope you do not take it that way at all! What are your reasons for getting induced? I mean, it was a personal choice I am guessing?

I just wonder, as many inductions result in emergency c-sections. And I am just not sure about putting anyone through that.

it's ok honey. i don't mind. i'm doing it to ensure that Chris will be there for the birth. he works out of state at the moment and i do not want to have to worry about wether or not he'll make it for the birth. so it's easier to just get induced and now he'll be there. if i have to have a c section than fine. i'd rather go through that then have Chris miss the birth of his child.
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome.

lol Hun, I'm 33! Had my oldest when I was 18, been nuts ever since!

Got good news! Have meds for my sinus infection, have meds to help me sleep, we have John's car running, MIL paid for the repairs, Sam's club screwed up and the money we paid for MIL's bed is still in our account AFTER they shipped the bed. So things are looking much better for us right now.

well you definitely don't look 33! i must be the youngest on the thread lol. oh that is good news! i'm happy for you that everything is coming together! i wish my husband could be home instead of out of state every other week. but i know that'll never happen!! :(
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome.

lol Hun, I'm 33! Had my oldest when I was 18, been nuts ever since!

Got good news! Have meds for my sinus infection, have meds to help me sleep, we have John's car running, MIL paid for the repairs, Sam's club screwed up and the money we paid for MIL's bed is still in our account AFTER they shipped the bed. So things are looking much better for us right now.

well you definitely don't look 33! i must be the youngest on the thread lol. oh that is good news! i'm happy for you that everything is coming together! i wish my husband could be home instead of out of state every other week. but i know that'll never happen!! :(

You know, I hear that all the time, and I don't get it! I'm not complaining though, thank you!

Wanna good laugh? My OB gave me Ambian to help me sleep, WHAT A JOKE! I actually slept LESS! I did a drunk walk (which was fun :haha: ) down the hall cause I had to pee after taking it but I didn't sleep any better, actually slept worse! I'm in a good mood though!
So quick question to all of you ladies, have you started your daycare search yet?
Nope, no need. I'm a stay at home mom, getting a job (like I could find one here) would be paying for JUST daycare.
So quick question to all of you ladies, have you started your daycare search yet?

We are at the end of our daycare search right now. We considered lots of options: family, daycare center, infant center, in home nanny, and stay at home mom. We live in an area where there a lot of stay at home mom's with young kids. Quite a few are interested in taking in other's children for some extra income. After just considering how I wanted my daughter to spend her day (not thinking about money) I knew she should spend it in a much a normal home routine as possible. Really the only option that fit my vision was finding a stay at home mom that wanted to take in a child. She would just be a part of their normal routine. And thankfully this also happens to be the cheapest option around here (40-50 a day).

We are finishing up our "interviews" today. It's between two women who are both wonderful so it's going to be a tough choice.
Michele; wow! i didn't even think you looked old enough to have a 14 yr old! but that's awesome. my OH has a daughter from his previous marriage. she'll be 9 next month. but he NEVER gets to see her cause his ex wife is a crazy psycho woman. and i'm not just saying that...i've actually seen it!! lol. yeahh i know i want Trystin to grow and get fat and healthy before he makes his way out. but i don't see anything wrong with getting induced since he's been in such great health this entire pregnancy. and i'll be 39 weeks so i think he'll be totally ok. or else my dr wouldn't have agreed to it!

I am definitely not meaning anything bad by saying this, so I hope you do not take it that way at all! What are your reasons for getting induced? I mean, it was a personal choice I am guessing?

I just wonder, as many inductions result in emergency c-sections. And I am just not sure about putting anyone through that.

it's ok honey. i don't mind. i'm doing it to ensure that Chris will be there for the birth. he works out of state at the moment and i do not want to have to worry about wether or not he'll make it for the birth. so it's easier to just get induced and now he'll be there. if i have to have a c section than fine. i'd rather go through that then have Chris miss the birth of his child.

Oh I see hon! Well I completely understand that. I freaked out that my OH would miss the birth of our son and he only worked 40 miles away from the hospital! :wacko: lol
So quick question to all of you ladies, have you started your daycare search yet?

We are at the end of our daycare search right now. We considered lots of options: family, daycare center, infant center, in home nanny, and stay at home mom. We live in an area where there a lot of stay at home mom's with young kids. Quite a few are interested in taking in other's children for some extra income. After just considering how I wanted my daughter to spend her day (not thinking about money) I knew she should spend it in a much a normal home routine as possible. Really the only option that fit my vision was finding a stay at home mom that wanted to take in a child. She would just be a part of their normal routine. And thankfully this also happens to be the cheapest option around here (40-50 a day).

We are finishing up our "interviews" today. It's between two women who are both wonderful so it's going to be a tough choice.

I probably should be looking in to it, because I do have to go back to work ASAP after having this baby. My only issue is, what is the point if I don't have a guaranteed job? But I should be atleast researching some options.

I am leaning more towards JKL's option to. I would love if it could be family, but they are not reliable enough. Plus that always turns in to a big mess. But I like the idea of my kids being in a homey setting for the days. But I will have 2 babies - who is willing to take that on all by themselves? Eh, probably no one. So most likely it will be a daycare. Unfortunately, there are not many options around here either. :wacko:
Im scared to do a daycare center, bc where I live they are shutting down constantly with no forwarning. People are going to the centers to drop kids off to see notes posted that say "we are closed for good" on the door, leaving working parents in a lurch with no child care. I'll probably go with a home center, and If I cant find anything I hope to beg my cousin to help!
Oh gosh Bartness, that is terrible! I couldn't imagine. You would definitely think, legally, they would have to give the parents more warning than that. Perhaps i'll just stay at home and become a babysitter myself. That sounds much better at this point, lol.
Oh gosh Bartness, that is terrible! I couldn't imagine. You would definitely think, legally, they would have to give the parents more warning than that. Perhaps i'll just stay at home and become a babysitter myself. That sounds much better at this point, lol.

It can't be a bad way to stay at home and make money. If you think about it....let's say you take in three kids at $40 a day. That's $200 per week/child. With three that's $600 a week.

And, just a note with needing to find care for two. A lot of the mom's around here would rather take two from one mom. It's one less set of parents they have to deal with.
i never even thought about other people taking in my kids. hmm. maybe i should do that so i can continue being a stay at home mom. lol. jk. i have to go back to school so i need some sort of care for Trystin. i'm wanting a babysitter though because Chris will be home with him every other week. no use in paying for day care when he'll only use it 2 weeks out of a month! and i know babysitters can at least come to my house so he'll be somewhere familiar!
Im on my good friends home daycare wait list. Right now she's got her max amount of infants. She's thinking the part time one will be leaving soon though, and will save the spot for Jaxon. I can only hope.

I thought about doing daycare myself, but my apartment complex will not allow it. oh well.
,HI ladies! :flower:

I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. Jake and I got home from the hospital on Sunday around 4pm, and we took the majority of the day on Monday to settle back into being home. :baby: Tuesday, Luke had playgroup, then a speech therapy appointment, and a Healthy Families appointment. Then we had a 3 hour WIC appointment for me, Luke, and Jake yesterday. So needless to say, I haven't had much down time yet. :coffee:

I have been trying to concentrate on getting used to having two little ones to take care of, rather than just Luke. It's crazy how one little person can change your world SO much. :cloud9: I find that I'm going, going, going right up until the time I go to sleep. :sleep: I don't have a free minute. There is always something that needs to be done. I've been doing laundry, dishes, general cleaning just to play catch up from when I was hugely pregnant and couldn't do it. So, now that my energy is back, I feel like it needs to be done! :shrug:

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well! I can't wait to see the next baby to be born, and hear the birth story. Who is it? Charlie I think! I can't wait! :baby: Take it easy ladies! :hugs:

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