U.S 3rd tri mommies!

hi jessica! :flower: sorry to hear about your troubles. you have described me completely except the losing weight part. :haha: i gain and gain it seems. so over it! what type of work do you do?

Since moving from Jacksonville, Florida (population 1.2 million) to SSM, Michigan (population 15k) lol.... I have taken a job in our mall --- Walmart. I work in the deli there. I'm surprised they hired me, being that i was almost 6 months pregnant but luckily i wasn't really showing by that point due to the weight loss. I lift heavy meats and cheese all day, and run around getting things for impatient people, whom half the time i can't understand due to their dialect of english lol. It's not unbareable, but it isn't easy either. It's really hot back there, and standing and lifting all day does take its toll on my feet and back.

well, i deal with food too. but i'm a server. so it's similar really. i depend on the people to actually TIP though. i swear people don't know what you really are supposed to tip. it's the worst when you get a verbal tip about how wonderful you are and then they throw you a 5 down after you have ran yourself to death to please them and make their experience the best it possibly could be and they just don't get it. LOL fortunately i do pretty good and i have a lot of regulars from being there so long. i do get sympathy tips too. "poor girl waddling everywhere." :haha: most days i prefer to work but sometimes i wish i could just lounge all the time. i have already gained 40lbs so i could only imagine if i were just sitting around. and the bills have to get paid too! maybe one day i will win the lottery and can retire. probably help if i actually bought a ticket though! the heat is the worst. we of course have a/c but running in and out of the hot kitchen and with these hormones i am embarassed sometimes. i get so hot and sweaty. nobody wants a big sweaty pregnant girl bringing them their steak!

Oh yea, i can see how that would suck. People really don't get it... at all. It's especially hard to work your ass off when you depend on the people you "serve" to be your paycheck. I think that's the only thing i actually like about being hourly, they don't dictate my paycheck. If i stay for 8 hours i know that i'm getting paid however much per hour that i was hired for. I prefer working only because i don't have A/c in my house and at work they have A/c and a cooler/freezer i can waddle into if i get too terribly hot. Plus i still have things that i need for the daughter i'm soon to hatch and i feel like if i stopped now before i am as prepared as i can get for her, i would be failing her. That prospect makes me sad, so i've chosen to stick it out, no matter how hard it gets until my midwife tells me that i have to stop or she is here. Yea, i keep wishing for those lotto winnings, yet i never play the game lol. I know EXACTLY what you mean about the hot, sweaty, hormonal pregnant lady thing... some days i feel like a complete witch. And a massively sweaty one at that :blush: I've never been one to be really hot all of the time even when i was in Florida, i could easily handle it. But pregnancy has just made me one non-stop sweat ball and it really works my nerves. I'm just getting sooo irritable from that among many, many other things. So, I think i can honestly say: I know how you feel. :haha:
Hey Hey I'm from North Carolina and so far everything is going good besides me starting to dilate :D
I don't see why not, it wouldn't be totally out of topic. This could be a group for all of those people to discuss those things with people a bit closer to home, so to speak :)

Okay, here are the forums that i have already started threads on.
You can do the rest if you want :winkwink:
I am going to go back into each individual thread (in each forum that i have created this thread in) and put links to all the other forum US threads (if that makes sense :dohh:) That way ppl can move around if need be (like if youre preggo and you go from TTC to 1st Tri to 2nd Tri to 3rd to Mommy, etc).

WTTC Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/waiting-to-try/391700-u-s-wttc-ladies.html

TTC/NTNP Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/391702-u-s-ttc-ntnp-ladies.html

TTC Over 35 Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-conceive-over-35/391704-u-s-ttc-35-ladies.html

LTTTC/AC Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/problems-trying-conceive/391706-u-s-ltttc-ac-ladies.html

MC Support Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/miscarriage-support/391709-u-s-mc-ladies.html

Stillborn/Neonatal Loss/SIDS Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/stillbirths-neonatal-loss-sids/391711-u-s-sb-nl-sids-ladies.html

1st Tri Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-first-trimester/391694-u-s-1st-tri-mommies.html

2nd Tri Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-second-trimester/391692-u-s-2rd-tri-mommies.html

3rd Tri Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/390407-u-s-3rd-tri-mommies.html

Teen Pregnancy Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/teen-pregnancy/391708-u-s-tp-ladies.html

Birth Stories & Announcement Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/birth-stories-announcements/391719-u-s-mommies.html

Baby Club Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/baby-club/391717-u-s-baby-club-mommies.html

Single Parents Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/single-parents/391729-u-s-single-moms.html

Adoption, Fostering, & Surrogacy Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/adoption-fostering-surrogacy/391730-u-s-f-s-ladies.html

Special Needs Support: https://www.babyandbump.com/special-needs/391731-u-s-special-needs-parenting.html

Toddler & Pre-School Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/toddler-pre-school/391720-u-s-toddler-preschool-mommies.html

Kids & Teenagers Forum: https://www.babyandbump.com/kids-teenagers/391724-u-s-k-t-moms.html

...Wonder if the Admins would just create a post-it in each thread? :shrug: that would probably be easier, but we are nearly done now so it probably wouldn't matter.
Actually, scratch the part about mentioning each thread address :dohh: that would take forever! haha.
awh i've missed so much!! darn tiredness :( ugh! and all this gosh darn back pain. i swear i'm destined for back labor. which my mom went through. think it's genetic? am i cursed? lol. i hope not! but i did have some amazingly yummy chocolate cheesecake ice cream. agh yummy. Trystin has been kicking all day long. yay!! and i had to give my puppy away this morning so i was all sad for awhile. i actually cried. i miss his cute little face. :( omg it's hot. so hot! i feel like i'm going to melt. we have a/c but it's by a bush so it gets clogged alot and we're on the top floor...so heat rises. UGH!! not fair. anywho, hi to you new ladies! and welcome. i would welcome you all individually but i've missed so much already! :(
Well im from good ol South Dakota... im 30 years old DH is 34.. this is my 2nd pregnancy but third child.. hehehe.. yep a momma of 5 1/2 year old boy girl twins (Jensen and Madelyn) who will be starting kindergarten here in a few weeks!! This is DH's first baby so quite special for him to be having a son!! I am almost 33 weeks along into this relativly easy pregnancy (mind you i was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks but all diet controlled.. sugars barely over 100 ever) i still have managed to lose 8 pounds(mind you i am bigger starting out tho)... but hey when i had the twins i managed to only gain 8 pounds and they were 6-6 and 6-10.. so i am hoping my body doesnt think its OK to make 13 pounds of baby at a time.. hehehe :) We have the nursery all set up just waiting for little Aiden James to make his arrival... he is scheduled to be evicted on september 30th via c-section.. as the twinks were c-section because of being breech... anxious to learn more about everyone:)
Well im from good ol South Dakota... im 30 years old DH is 34.. this is my 2nd pregnancy but third child.. hehehe.. yep a momma of 5 1/2 year old boy girl twins (Jensen and Madelyn) who will be starting kindergarten here in a few weeks!! This is DH's first baby so quite special for him to be having a son!! I am almost 33 weeks along into this relativly easy pregnancy (mind you i was diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks but all diet controlled.. sugars barely over 100 ever) i still have managed to lose 8 pounds(mind you i am bigger starting out tho)... but hey when i had the twins i managed to only gain 8 pounds and they were 6-6 and 6-10.. so i am hoping my body doesnt think its OK to make 13 pounds of baby at a time.. hehehe :) We have the nursery all set up just waiting for little Aiden James to make his arrival... he is scheduled to be evicted on september 30th via c-section.. as the twinks were c-section because of being breech... anxious to learn more about everyone:)

Hi!! welcome!! :) i'm a twin! boy/girl. but i'm only having one little booger. a little man! ooh Kindergarten! that's so exciting and scary. i've gained over 20lbs already and i'm only 28 weeks. hehe. so i'm slightly over the average at the moment but it's ok!! at least my little man will be healthy! i'm hoping to be induced Oct 28th if Trystin doesn't try and come earlier i will be!
Just put together our pack n play!!! It was SOOO HARD!! very proud of myself right now!! yay!! It is SUPER hot here too at least middle to late 90's everyday.sucks:growlmad:
Just put together our pack n play!!! It was SOOO HARD!! very proud of myself right now!! yay!! It is SUPER hot here too at least middle to late 90's everyday.sucks:growlmad:

Definitely! Idk if where you are from you have humidity, but today here it was 95 degrees, but with humidity felt more like 102 degrees. :wacko:

No fun at all. :nope:
I was up till 1 am with some minor contractions, nothing to worry about. Went and layed down and they stopped. I think Charlie was telling me to go to bed and take it easy but I did absolutely nothing yesterday. The weather could have had something to do with it too.

oh dear you be careful!! :) unless of course you want to go into labor. i can't remember for the life of me how far along you are. teehee. i think i'm going to be one of those girls that doesn't realize she is having contractions...i don't even think i've felt a BH yet! :blush:

I'm 32 weeks on Sunday, having my c-section at 37+1 September 22nd. Charlie is not allowed out! Otherwise, he'll be grounded till HIS retirement, not mine!

We've had a heat index of 115 with 90% humidity for a week now, it's supposed to cool down in the next few days. It's nice in the house though! Got most of the nursery painted!
I was up till 1 am with some minor contractions, nothing to worry about. Went and layed down and they stopped. I think Charlie was telling me to go to bed and take it easy but I did absolutely nothing yesterday. The weather could have had something to do with it too.

oh dear you be careful!! :) unless of course you want to go into labor. i can't remember for the life of me how far along you are. teehee. i think i'm going to be one of those girls that doesn't realize she is having contractions...i don't even think i've felt a BH yet! :blush:

I'm 32 weeks on Sunday, having my c-section at 37+1 September 22nd. Charlie is not allowed out! Otherwise, he'll be grounded till HIS retirement, not mine!

We've had a heat index of 115 with 90% humidity for a week now, it's supposed to cool down in the next few days. It's nice in the house though! Got most of the nursery painted!

:nope: I think I would die.
wow i can't believe i hadn't seen this thread before. I love BnB but sometimes I get jealous when the UK women talk about their grants and what not. I was thinking how nice it would be to have exclusively U.S section but I really didn't think there were that many of us.

Well, a little bit about me, my name is Amber, I am 21 and I live in OK, my husband is in the Army, we are orginally from South Carolina (home sweet home) this is our first child due Oct 15th. We have been married for a year and a half. I am currently a SAHW and husbands would like it if I was a SAHM but I really don't think I can handle that, i am already driving myself crazy without any other socialization besides my husband and dog (who I love dearly)

Thought I would just drop in to say HI :hi:
Just put together our pack n play!!! It was SOOO HARD!! very proud of myself right now!! yay!! It is SUPER hot here too at least middle to late 90's everyday.sucks:growlmad:

Definitely! Idk if where you are from you have humidity, but today here it was 95 degrees, but with humidity felt more like 102 degrees. :wacko:

No fun at all. :nope:

ya our humidity here is crazy the olther day is was 106 with the humidity! i honestly dont go outside unless i HAVE to!! LOL :)
I'm in Michigan! Pregnancy has been insane since I found out at 19 weeks, to find out I have previa at 21 weeks, to sceduling my csection this week >.<
but she's healthy and I love her!
How is everyone doing? I'm having lots of BH contractions
wow i can't believe i hadn't seen this thread before. I love BnB but sometimes I get jealous when the UK women talk about their grants and what not. I was thinking how nice it would be to have exclusively U.S section but I really didn't think there were that many of us.

Well, a little bit about me, my name is Amber, I am 21 and I live in OK, my husband is in the Army, we are orginally from South Carolina (home sweet home) this is our first child due Oct 15th. We have been married for a year and a half. I am currently a SAHW and husbands would like it if I was a SAHM but I really don't think I can handle that, i am already driving myself crazy without any other socialization besides my husband and dog (who I love dearly)

Thought I would just drop in to say HI :hi:

I'm from South Carolina too. DH is in the Marine Corps so I have not been in SC for almost 5 years.

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