uhh... breastfeeding an 8 year old??

Bfing gets quite painful when babies get teeth, breasts become a teething ring as well as a source of nutrition. That's why I say it's suicide. Anyway,
my point is, there is nothing wrong with BFing, it's just wrong with an 8 year old...I am thinking about her being teased and how that will affect her socially now (with her friends) and later as an adult. Heck if you are going to BF you 8 year old don't post it in a video for the whole world to criticize. Keep it to yourself. I also saw a video of a woman BFing her 15 year old son. My point is when is it too far? Bfing is suppose to be a bonding experience with your child, but when they are old enough to be in school, it becomes disgusting. My comment only seems offensive because we do not share the same view. It's not intended to be rude, it's my opinion. And I can see where someone (mine) elses opinion can seem rude if it's not agreeable to everyone.

WHOA, wait....do you even have any children??? or are you just pregnant? have you even tried breastfeeding? if so...did you even breastfeed until a year??? i am just wondering how you became so qualified to speak about it??!! i have three children. i breastfed my first for 20mths, my 2nd for 19mths, and my baby is 12mths and still BFs. I just don't see how you are some sort of expert on BFing, but maybe you are a expert on pedophiles...I don't know??? You seem to think you know alot about that... Just sayin.:shrug: Anyways, good luck with your baby and all the mommies that you meet and mommy groups you go to where you will meet pedophiles and sex offenders (breastfeeders in the normal world). I am sure when your LO grows up, you will be horrified to have sleep overs at people's houses knowing that there is so many sex offenders out there..not sure how you are going to handle that one...I guess I am one too!!! You are truly laughable.

wooooow...of course I have children read the post about my 9 year old. duuuhhhh!!! I have 3 children as a matter of fact...I have Breastfed my children. It's not about being an expert, it's about my opinion, FYI there is a difference. I have never proclaimed to be an expert in any of my posts. I know as much about it as any of you. I haven't known any sex offenders until I saw the lady with the 8 year old BF'ing. Thank you I enjoy being laughable :haha::blush:. :flower:
Oh for goodness sake put a sock in it. Someone who bfs their child is not a sex offender. How offensive to all people who have lived through abuse and those who are extended bfers.
Feeding a 15 year old boy.. I think breastfeeding is amazing and I'm envious of women who did/do it.. But that is just not ok..!
Bfing gets quite painful when babies get teeth, breasts become a teething ring as well as a source of nutrition. That's why I say it's suicide. Anyway,
my point is, there is nothing wrong with BFing, it's just wrong with an 8 year old...I am thinking about her being teased and how that will affect her socially now (with her friends) and later as an adult. Heck if you are going to BF you 8 year old don't post it in a video for the whole world to criticize. Keep it to yourself. I also saw a video of a woman BFing her 15 year old son. My point is when is it too far? Bfing is suppose to be a bonding experience with your child, but when they are old enough to be in school, it becomes disgusting. My comment only seems offensive because we do not share the same view. It's not intended to be rude, it's my opinion. And I can see where someone (mine) elses opinion can seem rude if it's not agreeable to everyone.

WHOA, wait....do you even have any children??? or are you just pregnant? have you even tried breastfeeding? if so...did you even breastfeed until a year??? i am just wondering how you became so qualified to speak about it??!! i have three children. i breastfed my first for 20mths, my 2nd for 19mths, and my baby is 12mths and still BFs. I just don't see how you are some sort of expert on BFing, but maybe you are a expert on pedophiles...I don't know??? You seem to think you know alot about that... Just sayin.:shrug: Anyways, good luck with your baby and all the mommies that you meet and mommy groups you go to where you will meet pedophiles and sex offenders (breastfeeders in the normal world). I am sure when your LO grows up, you will be horrified to have sleep overs at people's houses knowing that there is so many sex offenders out there..not sure how you are going to handle that one...I guess I am one too!!! You are truly laughable.

wooooow...of course I have children read the post about my 9 year old. duuuhhhh!!! I have 3 children as a matter of fact...I have Breastfed my children. It's not about being an expert, it's about my opinion, FYI there is a difference. I have never proclaimed to be an expert in any of my posts. I know as much about it as any of you. I haven't known any sex offenders until I saw the lady with the 8 year old BF'ing. Thank you I enjoy being laughable :haha::blush:. :flower:

Well, it is your opinion I suppose...but it is of my opinion that your opinion is very shallow and ignorant. I am not even sure why you would word it that way tbh, knowing that there is people here who have BF their babies beyond a year. Seems very immature to come on here and say such horrid things about good moms, based on your opinion. I just feel sorry for you is all. I too wouldn't BF that long (8 years) but I would never class it the same as some pervert forcing his penis in a little girls vagina...as you so have. Shame on you!
Wow! I have every intention of bf past one year, does that make me a child abuser? I guess by that logic the people of WHO are child abusers too, as they recommend bf for 'up to two years or beyond'. :nope:
Bfing gets quite painful when babies get teeth, breasts become a teething ring as well as a source of nutrition. That's why I say it's suicide. Anyway,
my point is, there is nothing wrong with BFing, it's just wrong with an 8 year old...I am thinking about her being teased and how that will affect her socially now (with her friends) and later as an adult. Heck if you are going to BF you 8 year old don't post it in a video for the whole world to criticize. Keep it to yourself. I also saw a video of a woman BFing her 15 year old son. My point is when is it too far? Bfing is suppose to be a bonding experience with your child, but when they are old enough to be in school, it becomes disgusting. My comment only seems offensive because we do not share the same view. It's not intended to be rude, it's my opinion. And I can see where someone (mine) elses opinion can seem rude if it's not agreeable to everyone.

WHOA, wait....do you even have any children??? or are you just pregnant? have you even tried breastfeeding? if so...did you even breastfeed until a year??? i am just wondering how you became so qualified to speak about it??!! i have three children. i breastfed my first for 20mths, my 2nd for 19mths, and my baby is 12mths and still BFs. I just don't see how you are some sort of expert on BFing, but maybe you are a expert on pedophiles...I don't know??? You seem to think you know alot about that... Just sayin.:shrug: Anyways, good luck with your baby and all the mommies that you meet and mommy groups you go to where you will meet pedophiles and sex offenders (breastfeeders in the normal world). I am sure when your LO grows up, you will be horrified to have sleep overs at people's houses knowing that there is so many sex offenders out there..not sure how you are going to handle that one...I guess I am one too!!! You are truly laughable.

wooooow...of course I have children read the post about my 9 year old. duuuhhhh!!! I have 3 children as a matter of fact...I have Breastfed my children. It's not about being an expert, it's about my opinion, FYI there is a difference. I have never proclaimed to be an expert in any of my posts. I know as much about it as any of you. I haven't known any sex offenders until I saw the lady with the 8 year old BF'ing. Thank you I enjoy being laughable :haha::blush:. :flower:

I think your very insulting and offensive and thats coming from someone who doesnt actually agree with extended breastfeeding.
Why are we letting these ridiculous, ignorant comments get in the way of a pretty interesing debate?!
Fngerscrossed- Whether or not someone is a sex offender is NOT a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact, that is dictated by the law of the land. I am unaware of any jursidiction which describes in its statutes that BFing a child over the age of 1 constitutes sexual abuse.

I am a big fan of freedom of expression, and I would have been somewhat interested in this "opinion" of yours if you had even attempted to back it up, but you haven't. Debate involves intellectual sparring, and for me, I am yet to see that from you.

What is YOUR understanding of a sexual offender?
How does YOUR understanding differ from the FACTUAL one? Do you think the law should be changed so that there is a maximum BFing age? How will you balance any such law with natural instincts and behaviour?

I am asking you these questions with the aim of inviting you to give your opinion in perhaps a more thought out manner, that way, it will be an actual debate..yay!

OT slightly, but congrats on your pregnancy. If your child hits this momentous age of 1, will you deny him/her BM? X
What the?! I have a 9 year old daughter, I love that she and I have a bond and a close relationship; I breastfed for a while with her. I can't see me breast feeding her at her age. When they get teeth breastfeeding is a suicide mission! After 1 years old it's just flat out gross and looks a little like you are some sort of sex-offender in disguise, trying to silently victimize your child. For the love of God, if you love breastfeeding that much, have another "baby"!!! Something should be don't about this, is it just me or is that just wrong?!

that is just offensive and I don't even bf anymore. Seriously? was that comment necessary? If mum and child are happy why should anyone else care?

:wacko: really not needed!

I couldn't care less if any of you like my comment...it's in "news and DEBATES" ladies, so it's debatable. It's my opinion and that's that. You don't have to love it, like it, or even agree. It's how I see it and that's that. :happydance:
I'll inform you then shall I that just because a topic is in the debates sections it doesn't mean the following forum rules do not apply;

  • When using BabyandBump, be polite, do not break the law, and do not use The Web Site for self-publicity or advertising.
  • Rudeness, flaming or trolling is not tolerated on, or about, BabyandBump or its members. Any member who is intentionally disruptive may have their account restricted or banned without warning.
  • Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.
They DO apply! :happydance:
Ooooooo! I'm really having to bite my tongue at the sex offender comment!!!!! You want sex offender? Try a father that has his little girl play with his "microphone" or have him straddle him because "it's a game fathers and daughters play together." That's a sex offender! :growlmad: Ooooo! I've never been so steamed at anyone's comments on here before!!!!!

ETA: Sorry Wobbles. That comment just really got to me.
Thank you very much Wobbles
Ok, so I'll have my say......
Firstly some of the offensive posts have made me cross because there are ways of putting your point across without being rude and discourteous.

I have never breastfed any of my children for various reasons, but I still have an opinion on "extended" breastfeeding and that is this......

I praise any mum who attempts to breastfeed their baby/babies and I have great admiration for those who carry on breastfeeding - especially past the 6month/1 year mark - What an acheivement that must be.
Who am I to show disgust at someone who wishes to breastfeed up to the age of 8?
If the mum and the child are happy then leave them to it.

It's not my cup of tea, but then this mum wasn't sitting in the middle of pizza hut feeding her daughter, and she wasn't at the school gates with her boobs out waiting for her daughter to come out..... she was in her own home, doing what she feels is best for her child.
Wow! I have every intention of bf past one year, does that make me a child abuser? I guess by that logic the people of WHO are child abusers too, as they recommend bf for 'up to two years or beyond'. :nope:

Just make the most of not being a child abuser now. At the moment I can enjoy breastfeeding my child but it's only 2 weeks until Oli's birthday, at which time apparently I become an abuser. Isn't it funny how much can change overnight?
Because here in the U.S. its called being a sex offender!!! May be its cool in the UK to do that. But, there is something desperately wrong with having a 8 year old sucking on your breasts. Poor child, it's victimization! Flat out! Would you really pull your breasts out to nurse your freaking 8 year old?! C'mon give me a break it's disgusting! If having your breasts sucked feels that good , then she can find a man and I am sure he would do that all freaking day!You don't have to like my opinion, because I could care less if you do! Bottom line it's sad and disgusting to BF your freaking 8 year old! There comes a time to ween, and that would have been when she FIRST got teeth!! My 9 year old told me "ewww, she could just have milk out of the fridge, that's gross." So what, is it cool to BF in front of her friends too, I hope she doesn't tell her friends she nurses her mom still. KMSL poor child!!!

Wow, the thing that worries me the most is that you, a breastfeeding mother, see a connection between sexual pleasure and breastfeeding. I find that very disturbing. Surely anyone who has breastfed knows it isn't sexual?

Also - some babies are born with teeth. Would their mother be abusing them if she breastfed them?
sex offender :rofl:

Really :rolleyes:

OP: It's not something I would do but different strokes for different folks.
Because here in the U.S. its called being a sex offender!!! May be its cool in the UK to do that. But, there is something desperately wrong with having a 8 year old sucking on your breasts. Poor child, it's victimization! Flat out! Would you really pull your breasts out to nurse your freaking 8 year old?! C'mon give me a break it's disgusting! If having your breasts sucked feels that good , then she can find a man and I am sure he would do that all freaking day!You don't have to like my opinion, because I could care less if you do! Bottom line it's sad and disgusting to BF your freaking 8 year old! There comes a time to ween, and that would have been when she FIRST got teeth!! My 9 year old told me "ewww, she could just have milk out of the fridge, that's gross." So what, is it cool to BF in front of her friends too, I hope she doesn't tell her friends she nurses her mom still. KMSL poor child!!!

Wow, the thing that worries me the most is that you, a breastfeeding mother, see a connection between sexual pleasure and breastfeeding. I find that very disturbing. Surely anyone who has breastfed knows it isn't sexual?

Also - some babies are born with teeth. Would their mother be abusing them if she breastfed them?

Maybe she is projecting her own feelings onto us.
^ that's what I thought, I mean none of us would even make that connection, yet she did.
Exactly, I find it really disturbing - I've heard lots of men/women without children draw that connection but never someone who has actually breastfed themselves. Very worrying indeed.
Again, another bit of proof of how sexualized breasts have become.

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