Non TTC vent, but the stress sure as heck aint helping ttc!
22yr old neice of dh, if she's not attracting drama then she's creating it, I saw right through her from the start. Looks like a child, acts like a child, lies, manipulates and hurts others then cries and feels sorry for herself, how can anybody be so cruel to her?
Messages dh, when can i see you. Dh says I'll meet you in town for a coffee. Neice, no, I want to come to your house, I have a car, when can i come? Dh says no, you know you've upset my wife in the past and her feelings matter to me a lot, so why dont we just meet up for lunch and spend some time together.
Cue phone call wailing 'You really hurt my feelings by saying that, I have never done anything wrong, I've always tried my best, Why are you saying you dont like me and wont meet me? Then it descended into complete howling emotional blackmail. Hubby simply said 'Im not being drawn into an arguement' and ended the call.
Thing is my dh is a softhearted person and this really upset him. She has just made it even less likely that I will forgive her now. Dh is worried she will now cause chaos with his family and make him out to be the bad one.
I'm sorry honey, but if telling me you feel dizzy because you're hungry and you have no food in your flat, then letting us spend our last £20 on groceries for you, then a week letter to say you have £300 saved up to buy a van is trying your best then I don't really want you near my home. If describing to my 15 yr old how your ex is being done for violently murdering his ex is doing your best, no thanks. And if promising to be an attendant at our wedding, then saying you cant collect your outfit for the wedding because you're giving evidence at your ex's murder trial, then being tagged 5mins later on your friends FB check-in at a shopping centre is your best. And also asking me, the bride, to organise your transport to church and then not even turning up on the day, no reason, then no thanks. If I don't make you welcome in my home, please forgive me, because I'm waiting for you to act like the adult you are, I'm waiting til you try and avoid drama and I'm waiting til my teenager is old enough not to be influenced by your chaos.
Sorry, just so very angry!!