Hi everybody!
How's everyone doing?
Chistiana- sounds like their party is going to be brill!

Well done Nik with the potty training!
j- sorry to hear brooklyn has been poorly and you've not been to good yourself. Hope your feeling better now.
monro- c section fear is so common but it's really not that bad. It's unnerving naturally but your so concentrated on getting that baby out safe you forget about yourself.
Littlemama- lovely to hear from you, sorry about the with af arriving. You'll soon settle into your new place. I'm like chistiana I love moving but hate the moving stuff part!

We wont be moving again though.
Afu, Eva is rolling over all the time now so we watch her like a hawk!
My sister is doing brilliantly thank god and everything is going to plan with her treatment. I'm still suffering pretty bad with my af. I've alway's had the them bad but this morning I woke up to a gush of blood running down my legs.

Otherwise things are really good here and hoping for some sun in this rainy country I call home!
Here's a pic of bubs with her sun hat on, fingers crossed we get some now!!
Hope everyone is doing good