Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well!

I'm now 32 weeks along and I'm getting soooo excited! OH and I put together baby girl's crib and changing table yesterday, and today is my baby shower.

On another note, I've been having A LOT of Braxton Hicks it seems. Do those of us with BU have more of them than other women do?
Hey lacey! I m not sure if we have more bh than other pg ladies but at 32 weeks they are pretty normal and harmless as long as they re painless! Enjoy your shower hun, you must be pretty excited!! Hope you get loads of nice things for your princess!
Hello eveyone

I had a 2cm partial septate resected Dec 2011 also had stage 1 endo. Prior to that my first mc was a BO in Feb 2011 (we officially started ttc that month), had 2 chem (June and July), Aug 2011 became pregnant with twins/triplets naturally mmc Oct and I fussed with my prev ob about starting RPL testing finally he gave in. Started test end of Nov all blood came back normal but had a saline US Dec and the specialist said it was a partial septate. We scheduled the surgery for a week later. I had the surgery he said it was bigger then he thougth and there was some retained product of conception from my mc that he got but he put a ballon in and I got that out a few days later. I was give pills to take for a month and then had af they said after my next normal af I could start trying agin and if I was not pregnant w/in 3 cycles of trying come back and they would do another saline US. My dh wanted to wait a little (i think the last loss was pretty hard on him). We started back ttc May 2012. July I thought I was still not pregnant b/c I was on 11dpo with no bfp so I scheduled for the saline US. I was however pregnant that cycle but did test again till day of missed af so it was a late implanter however I did not have hope for it. I mc at 5 wks. Went on with the saline US and saw no septate however the catither in the cervix was alot more painful than it was the first time they had to try 3 times before it worked and did not look for very long b/c the cramps were agonizing :shrug:. Got the all clear and kept ttc. They put me on progesterone but it did not work that month or the month after so I quit it. Finally Nov 2012 I became pregnant and saw specialist till 8 wks and was on progesteron till 10 wks graduated to ob at 8 wks and everything was doing good.

I got to 2nd tri and relaxed a bit. OB had mentioned cervix scans which I had read if you had a uterian anomaly then your higher risk for IC so we started them at 16 wks it was 3.48 cm, 19 wks 3.5 cm, 21 wks 3.2 cm and 23 wks 2.5 and starting to funnel. After that scan he said to go to hopsital next morning for a stitch. Got the stitch put in and was on bed rest for a week. I had some BH starting at 22 wks and a good bit after the stitch was put in. however the mid of last wk (24 wks) BH were not as bad and as often as they had been. Now this week (25 wks) so far went a couple of days w/out them. My next goal is 28 wks.
Hello Monro84! You've made it to 25 weeks so that's good! I will keep my fingers crossed and will be praying for you and your LO.
Hi monro and welcome on the thread. I m so so sorry you had to go through everything, you poor thing. But hey youve made it to 25 weeks so you re doing great! Did you know ic is not really considered a risk after 28 weeks? Yes, baby is too big by then to just fall out, you d need full blown contractions for your cervix to give in. But anyhow your stitch will do the trick for you! I had one too and it kept my baby in until 35w when she finally felt too clostrophobic in my septate (apparently after the section) uterus! It s a good thing you re being monitored so close so i m positive this will be your rainbow. Well keep us updated and we ll keep our fxed for you and bubs!
Hi monro, welcome!
I have a UU (half uterus) I made it to 35 weeks and had a healthy 5lbs 1oz baby girl. well done on making it to 25 weeks.

Lacey, your coming along nicely now. You wont find the time flying by till your lo arrives.
How did your shower go?

How is everybody else doing?

We're great. Eva is now 15lbs 1oz. My friends wedding was lovely but I missed my little girl so bad and couldn't wait to get back to her. My Mum was disappointed we were back so early the next day. lol

Hope everyone is doing good.
The shower was great! I got so much pink stuff and so many little clothes, it makes me excited to be having a little girl! I've been nesting like crazy it's a little odd to see her crib and changing table set up, she'll be here before I know it.

I had a dr. appointment yesterday. Everything's good, fundal height is right on track at 32 cm, and her HB was in the 130s. The HB is making me a little nervous, though.. I know it slows as you get closer to due date or she could be sleeping, but it makes me wonder if she might just be a HE. :haha:
Hi monro and welcome on the thread. I m so so sorry you had to go through everything, you poor thing. But hey youve made it to 25 weeks so you re doing great! Did you know ic is not really considered a risk after 28 weeks? Yes, baby is too big by then to just fall out, you d need full blown contractions for your cervix to give in. But anyhow your stitch will do the trick for you! I had one too and it kept my baby in until 35w when she finally felt too clostrophobic in my septate (apparently after the section) uterus! It s a good thing you re being monitored so close so i m positive this will be your rainbow. Well keep us updated and we ll keep our fxed for you and bubs!

Thank you no I did not know that so that does make me feel better I am that much closer. I would have gone crazy being on bed rest till then and not being able to work. :flower:
Hahaha lacey dont believe on all the tales... Both my kids had an average if 160-175 bpm, one s a she and one s a he!!! Great to hear your shower was so nice!!

Sbl i so get what you said... I always miss them so much when we go out even if its for only a few hours!

We re doing better, almost over the flu and started planning for their b day party already!!
What have you planned for their birthday party chistiana? It's amazing that they share a birthday. x
It is, especially if you think she came 5 weeks early only to come on his b day!!! Well we ll do it in our garden, i ve planned for face painting and muppet show (is that what they re called) we ll have a couple of piniatas and a big trampoline! Nik chose 2 b day cakes, one with simba and his friends and one with the big bad wolf and the three little pigs (poor nat doesnt get to pick this year)! It will be approximatelly 15 los, i really hope they have fun because i m still not over the fact i missed his 2nd b day! Any other ideas ladies?
Hi everyone!! wish I could have written sooner, but Brooklyn hasnt been feeling well and the past 2 and a half weeks havent been great. turns out she is highly allergic to milk dairy etc so after trying diff formulas we are not at the end of the line in terms of hypoallergenic and she seems to be getting better slowly. add some reflux for the projectile vomit and things have been messy and busy here.
to top things off i was in the hopspital 2 weeks ago for pain thats still qute bad, and figured i had an infection from the c section but was told no fever means no infection and theincision healed well so was sent home but they did do a urine culture. Got a call 2 days ago sayin i have a bad kidney infection so i guess thats the pain ive been feeling, MAkes me mad it took 2 weeks to get these results and ive been in pain and told nothing was wrong. grrr BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE lol...

Welcome Monro!! there are the best ladies here to offer support and advice! I had a leep 6 years ago as well and had a short cervix but managed to carry all the way to 39w6d and deliver via c section because she was breech. Head under my ribs all pregnancy bum at my cervix and feet stretched into the other side of my uterus and kinda stuck on my hip bone ( have stretch marks only on the feet side cause of all her kicking lol ) Your doing well and have gotten really far so keep it up!! the couch/bed is us uterine anomalies best friend!

C- i can already attempt to feel how u felt last year missing lo's bday...gonna try for a second in about a year or so and know bed rest will take things like that away from me as well. But def sooo worth it!!

glad to read everyone is doing well, like i mentioned in older posts love reading your updates in the middle of thenight while B is feeding or decides its party time and wont go back to bed lol!!

Thnking and praying for you all!!!!!
Thank you I am hoping I don't have to have a c-section b/c I have a phobia of being operated on awake. But I seem to have the exact opposite problem. at 19 wks when we found out he was a he he was breach but my CL scan at 21 wks he was head down and also at my 23 wks cl scan. So even though the pressure is not good on my cervix maybe he will stay that away of course it's just my luck that he will turn the day before I go into labor or be transverse :dohh: Yesterday I could feel him kicking my left ribs all afternoon (very uncomfortable feeling).
hey ladies,hope your all doing well! :)

christina can i come sounds like fun haha

j - thats no good hopefully everything will settle down for you hun xx

Monro - welcome :) these ladies are the best for advice helped me through everything GL with everything hun!

well i recently moved house and am trying to settle in not a big fan of change makes me anxious but slowly getting used to it :) i haven't had my period as of yet am CD39 so far so gosh knows when or if going to show up, have doc app on friday to do pregnancy test so fingers crossed BFP!! other than that he said sometimes after d&c your body plays tricks on you and i could not have my period this month so im just waiting and seeing xx
Ow j you poor thing, i just read your post...has brooklyn settled down? I hope she s better and giving you a break. And how are you? How unprofessional of them to just shoot you down like this...I hope you re feeling better.

Hey littlemama! So great to hear from you! How s your new home? I m the exact oppossite..i wish i could move every two-three years! I love change! Re af i ve had mixed experience...after 1st d&c af returned 7-8 weeks later, after 2nd d&c af never showed up and i got my bfp 6 weeks later! So i must have conceive about a month after the d&c. I really hope this is the case for you too hun, will be thinking of you!

Afu- nikhas a urinary track infection which is a bummer because he s on antibiotics again BUT on a positive note i blamed it all on his diapers so now we re diaper free for the last 4 days! And today it was our 2nd accident free day! Only thing is he s holding number 2 in and goes at night but i ll deal with it once we re pro with the wee!! Yay!
thank you littlemama. FX that af is late b/c of a bfp. I had a d&C for a BO Feb 2011 and March 2011 my cycle was 41 days b/c I o'd on cd 27 but started spotting cd 40. But FX that is not the case for you and you will get your rainbow this month.
hey ladies , woke up next morning with AF which is a bummer but im ok with it, were not trying atm but would be overjoyed if it did happen and i know one day it will, had lots of blood tests done and they all came back clear from gyno, off to see him next week to see where we go from here, new place is ok i was happy where i was and doesnt feel like home yet but it will lol xx
Hi everybody!

How's everyone doing?

Chistiana- sounds like their party is going to be brill! :thumbup: Well done Nik with the potty training!

j- sorry to hear brooklyn has been poorly and you've not been to good yourself. Hope your feeling better now.

monro- c section fear is so common but it's really not that bad. It's unnerving naturally but your so concentrated on getting that baby out safe you forget about yourself.

Littlemama- lovely to hear from you, sorry about the with af arriving. You'll soon settle into your new place. I'm like chistiana I love moving but hate the moving stuff part! :haha: We wont be moving again though.

Afu, Eva is rolling over all the time now so we watch her like a hawk!
My sister is doing brilliantly thank god and everything is going to plan with her treatment. I'm still suffering pretty bad with my af. I've alway's had the them bad but this morning I woke up to a gush of blood running down my legs. :nope: Otherwise things are really good here and hoping for some sun in this rainy country I call home!

Here's a pic of bubs with her sun hat on, fingers crossed we get some now!!

Hope everyone is doing good :hugs:

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