Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

hello all,
Its been awhile since I was on here. I just wanted to put my story out there. When I found out I was pregnant I was told that I had a heart shaped uterus. I was considered high risk until I was about 22/24 weeks and everything looked great. I had my son 10 days early by c-section. I had him 9/3/12 7lbs 3oz and 20 inches long. I had a cyst explode on my ovary on wednesday so I went to the doctors. He told me then that I have 2 uterus and that they seen it during my c-section but never told me. I was heart broken when I had my c-section because I was told that I wouldnt need one. I ended up with a c-section because I was in labor for 26 hours with potocin. I did not dilate at all. From what I have found on the internet that is mostly the case of 2 uteruses and trying to deliver. I am still in shock that we are just now figuring this out. I dont really know who to talk to only because no one else I know has the same thing I do. Also i am worried about trying for another baby. I am RH-, have a floating ovary (which I dont know that works), my uteruses are tipped forward. My doctor said I was lucky to concieve after 6 months of trying. lots of questions that go threw my head. Going to the dr's again on friday because he saw some tissues that isnt suppose to be around my ovary. Anybody else have a similar experience?
Hey sammy! Welcome on the thread! I think the 6 months it took for you to conceive is a very normal if not short period. Dont listen to all the doctors say... I was told i d never have kids but here i am with 2 beautiful los! I m afraid i havent read much about uterus didelphis but i have read that usually in these cases one of the uteruses is underworking while the other is just as a normal uterus only smaller. Dont quote on it though cause i really only read it somewhere. Re the tipped forward part, mine is too and even though i d been told it will make conception more difficult it has never caused me any trouble in that matter. I really hope your doc gives you more/better answers and remember you ve had one healthy full term baby so chances are with you!!! The full term part is very encouraging and impressive if you ask me!!
Thank you for the reply. I am going back in friday for my check up. I've got to get my list of questions down, i keep putting off.. shame on me. I am very thankful that I had healthy and full term baby. He's the best thats happened to me besides my husband. I will keep you updated and let you know friday what he has said. Hopefully all is well
Hi how's everybody doing?
welcome to the thread sammy777!
HI everyone!!n hows everyone doing? Welcome to the group Sammy. lots of support and friendly chat here! SO Brooklyn has been getting better in terms of her routine however were still far from having one. SHe had a cold last week and had her 2 months vaccines Wednesday so grumpy baby in the house!!! Shes up to 23 inches long and 11 pounde 9 ounces! my little chunker! Hows everyone else doing? wish I would write you guys more I just tend to comeon here at night while feeding the lo and cant type on my phone with one hand lol. Wishing everyone a great weekend!!!!!!
Hey j! So great to hear brooklyn is settling down! With nik i found it a lot easier to form a routine once he was a little older...with nat i still havent found a routine what with nik hopping around the house! Would love to see a pic of your little girly!
Afu-well we re 1 and 3 tomorrow (well today really 18/05)! I cant believe a year has gone by...it s been sooooo fast! We re having a great big party (to make up for the one we missed last year) so i ve been pretty busy but i m really excited for it! I ll try to post some pics for you ladies! Ow and nat is officially walking! Go go nat!
Hello all.. Well yesterday was an exhausting day for me. I went to the OB in the morning. He did another cervical check. Oh boy that was painful as all h*ll. As he was doing the exam and pushing up on my bladder and I was telling him it hurt really bad there and on the left hand side extremely bad. He said he is about 100% positive that I have a severe case of Endometrosis. He said that i've had this for along time. I've had problems with my lady area since I started my first period. Every doctor I have been to has told me its in my head or it is nothing. He is very concerned. I went to have an Ultrasound done at a specialist to make sure there is nothing else around in there and to see if he can see anything else. He wants me to have a laproscopy done ASAP and if he does see that I have Endo then he wants to do suegery ASAP and go threw my C-section scar. He doesnt want to but says that he has to and I shouldnt be in this much pain. I am so glad that I finally have answers but scared at the same time. So my plans for starting TTC in the next couple of months are out the window. But now I will have a better chance and hopefully shorter trying time after the surgery is done and I am all healed :-D
Thanks for the open ears and everyones support.
Wow sammy it must be so frustrating that noone else had picked it up for so long! But it s good you have some answers and ever though you cant ttc for a little bit longer at least you ll have a much better chance in conceiving and keeping your baby!
Hey everyone just wanted to give an update! I'm now 37+4 and my doctor wants to induce at 39 weeks if baby hasn't come before then. At my checkup yesterday I was 50% effaced and 2 cm dilated. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time! Was anyone else induced?
Wow Lacey that is great! I cant believe time has flown and you re having your baby in the next 10 days max!with ds my waters broke so i dont know what induction feels like but i wouldnt worry about it, you ll be just fine, all you will be thinking is seeing your little miracle! Cant wait!
Thanks! I'm so excited! Induction was scheduled for June 4 so I'll be holding my little one in 13 days!
Hey everyone. Well the past few days have been slightly stressful. Brooklyn has been throwing up more andspitting up quite a bit. Cries during her feedings and is extremely fussy so after todays doctors app we are waiting for an appointment for an ultrasound of her tummy to see if she has pyloric stenosis and praying its not that ( requires immediate surgery to fix) Sooo stressed and tired and just hoping that's not it and just really bad reflux. Glad to hear everyone is doing well...always thinking of you guys!!!


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Ow poor j, i m so sorry to hear brooklyn has such a bad case of reflux (hopefully it s just that). Nat was exactly the same and we also tested her for pyloric stenosis...the tech said he d never seen such a fussy baby after feeding but in the end it wasnt it. It wasnt even a bad case of reflux just good old colic which made her throw up constantly because of all the crying and caughing! Anyway i really hope it s just reflyx which can be easily taken care of with simple meds. Let us know how it goes, i ll definitely be thinking of you. Btw she s gorgeous!!!

Afu: we had a great time on their b day and they had so much fun! But later that night nat started crying then suddenly stopped went purple and fainted. I seriously thought she died. We got her back but after i put her to sleep her breathing monitor went off so i rushed her to the hospital. Apparently she held her breath because if the pain (and fainted) and later she was so tired she had a very long apnoea. She really scared the life out of me the little minx. If it ever happens to you (i wish it never does) just know you have to either blow on their face or spray some water.
Hi ladies! How are you all doing?? J did you get the appointment? How s little brooklyn doing? Sbl how s eva? Lacey have you had your girly??
hello everyone! it's been a while. i have been so busy getting everything ready for my little girl's arrival. this pregnancy has honestly been picture perfect up until my 35 week check up that involved an ultrasound to see the baby's position. it was breech :( i was so bummed out because they resulted to scheduling a csection right away because of my bicorunate uterus. since then i have been feeling the strangest movements and noticing a larger than life bump under my ribs. i can't tell if it's her bum or head. i am totally clueless to her position since the ultrasound. i have a follow-up ultrasound next tuesday. my midwife believes there is a chance she flipped because of where she could hear her heartbeat. but she isn't 100% sure. ahhhh going crazy.
hello everyone! it's been a while. i have been so busy getting everything ready for my little girl's arrival. this pregnancy has honestly been picture perfect up until my 35 week check up that involved an ultrasound to see the baby's position. it was breech :( i was so bummed out because they resulted to scheduling a csection right away because of my bicorunate uterus. since then i have been feeling the strangest movements and noticing a larger than life bump under my ribs. i can't tell if it's her bum or head. i am totally clueless to her position since the ultrasound. i have a follow-up ultrasound next tuesday. my midwife believes there is a chance she flipped because of where she could hear her heartbeat. but she isn't 100% sure. ahhhh going crazy.

Lacey hope.everything went smoothly for you!!

Mamaxo this is my biggest fear! I'm so afraid my little girl.will be breech. I feel like she is sideways now but I still have plenty of time for her to move. I hope it all works out for you. And at least I've heard scheduled sections usually are better than emergency if that's any consultation :)
hey ladies :) how is everyone going?? been ages since i been on lol thought i would update, we decided to take a few months off ttc since d&c so this month is our first month back in the game lol my brother and sister in law are expecting 9 weeks along, this will be there 1st one together but have 5 kids between them, it was hard to hear at first but am excited and very happy for them :) my SIL and i both joke that if she rubs her tummy on mine hopefully will work some magic lol my cycles have varied over last few months from 28 days to 39 days but seem to be settling at 32 days am due for AF around the 25/26 of june and am to O over the weekend so fingers crossed, we have been BDing every second night so far, i have been focusing on healthy eating and exercise over he last few months and i really feel a lot better! hope you ladies are doing well xx
Mamaxo so great to hear everything is going smoothly! Dont worry about her position yet, natalia flipped from head down to being footling a few days before reaching 35 weeks so your lo could well have flipped the right way!!but even if she doesnt just remember you just want her here safe and sound regardless of vb or section!

Lightbright it sounds everything s progressing great for you too...aaaaahhh more success bu stories!

Littlemama so nice to hear from you hun, I ll keep you in my thoughts, i know you ll be preggo soon! Happy bding!
Hey girls!


Lacey- I hope your induction went well! Know doubt you have your hands full with :baby:

mamaxo- I know having a section is not what you want but I can reassure you. I had an extremely positive experience with hardly any pain after. Hopefully bubs will turn for you but if not don't fret.

littlemama- Try to enjoy your time spent not actively ttc I went out loads and relaxed and hey presto!.........Baby!

Litebright- your coming along nicely! Not long now....

chistiana- Today is the big day right? How'd the party go?? Save me some cake!

j- how are you and Brooklyn?

Afu, Alls great. Eva is doing brilliantly. She's such a great baby. She's weighing 17lbs now and having 3 spoonfeeds and 4 bottles a day. My sister is heading into her last week of radiation therapy and doing great. My nephew has his state exams so thats hard on her not being there but there's nothing she can do.
Mil is only coming to visit now every 2 weeks even though she lives 5 mins away and Eva majorly makes strange with her. Roars crying and she's not that kind...she smiles at strangers on the street!! :haha:

We're going to a music festival at the weekend so I'm looking forward to letting my hair down.

Hope you all are doing great.

Hey hun!!! Thanks for the wishes!! Their b day was on the 18th of may but the stupid ticker just stopped there!!! The party was great, we had so much fun and both nik and nat enjoyed it soooooo much! Unfortunately we spend the night at the hospital as nat stopped breathing twice at night but thank GOd it was nothing serious!
Hahaha eva knows who to be friendly with i take it!!!
In Your avatar pic she s so funny and beautiful!!!
I see you re back to festivals, hair down, go with the wind mood...are you sure you re wtt till 2015??lol! Have fun girl, you deserve it!!

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