Hi girls,
How are you all doing?
j - Dr's get paid good money to listen and answer any questions you have. You definitely did the right thing by changing Dr's.
What age is brooklyn?
chistiana- congrats on the job hun! Well done, I know it will be hard leaving the little ones so

for you.
I have a choice on weather to return to work and I don't think I will but I won't rule it out just yet.
Litebright- You definitely should voice your concerns to your new Dr. Haven't they seen your notes on what your previous Dr's plan was?
Afm, We're doing good. It's been a mixture of sad and good this week. My sister finished her radation therapy which was brilliant. But a dear friend of ours passed away very suddenly. We are shocked and heartbroken.
Dh has taken it very badly.
His funeral is tomorrow so it's going to be a rough few days.
On to happier things, Eva is sitting unassisted and is putting her arms out to be picked up.

She's a brilliant baby so happy and sociable and is even getting on better with mil!!
We have a paeds app Monday and even though I know Eva is doing brilliantly I still worry.
Here's a little pic of my little lovely
Hope you all are doing well.