Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Omg what was the reason behind nat not breathing? Sounds like you had very stressful night hun.
Oh I def think we are wtt 15 but I could be persuaded to maybe go to the end of 2014.
Her throat made a spasm from being in pain(caught her finger under the door) and closed so she couldnt breath...it was the most stressful time of my life i think! I ready thought she died...i spend the whole night in hospital like a hawk counting her breaths!
oh poor nat and poor mamma :( Sounds awful hun.
HI everyone, well the past few weeks have ben exhausting. Good news no serious stomach problems with Brooklyn but now her egg head isn't getting better ( was like that due to being breech all pregnancy) and now have an appointment this Thursday to hopefully get a head start on fixing it. I know in my heart she's gonna need a helmet and as much as I should be thankful that's all she will probably need it still breaks my heart. I just feel like after such a difficult pregnancy I could finally relax with her but that's not the case. Now she hit her 12 week growth spurt and has been eating like a maniac and fussy as hell.

C- happy to hear that NAt is doing well and that its nothing more serious.
Ow j please dont be upset...she s not gonna need it for long i m sure and she probably wont even care...i know she s too young to know the difference but she might even think it s a toy or something... I really have no clue about this but i m sure soon enough it will be history and all you re going to think is thank god it was just that. Good news about her stomach.. Is she still spitting up now?? I wish i could say the same about nat and food...mealtimes are a struggle and she barely gets a couple of spoonfulls in. Anyway i hope you have good news tomorrow, i ll be thinking of little brooklyn. Btw in her pics her head seems perfectly normal and round
Hey everyone!

so Brooklyn appointment was her last with that doctor. I had already booked an appointment with a new doc that weve seen once because her current one is a complete cow! She dismisses my questions and concerns etc...SO basically she agreed her head is flat in the back ( that's why it doesn't show in pictures) but said keep her off the back of her head and she should be fine...you know how hard that is to do??? her reflux is better but still not great so we shall wait and see for that. Now her newest thing ( feel like a crazy woman) is she doesn't wanna eat much. shes happy and seems healthy, poos once a day and pees a lot so I know shes not dehydrated..so tired of stressing?!!!!!! I figure I will let things be and unless she gives me big reasons to go back t the doctors then we are doing good lol.....

SO how is everyone else doing? Keep coming on to check up on you guys at Brooklyns middle of the night feeds :) cant wait to hear about all of you..feel like im taking over this page lol...

lots of love to everyone!!
Hey j! Good thing you changed doctors..i hate it when they just dismiss anything you say and make you seem crazy! Remind me how old is brooklyn now?
Please dont stress about food...both nik and nat are HORRIBLE eaters (imagine...nik is 3 and 11.900 kgr!!!!) but i read a lll book and i ve come to the conclusion that as long as they are happy active and dont lose any weight they should be just fine! Of course if you re still concerned you should talk to your doc...that s their job..to hear you and reassure you!
Afu- not much going on here but i found a job starting september and even though i should be happy i m really down i have to let natalia for a good 8 hours so early (i know crazy...my issue)
How are all the other ladies doing???
Ive moved from Florida to Massachusetts just last month and had to find a new dr. I loved the first midwife I met - but this new dr office just doesn't seemed concerned at all about my condition. Im not looking for them to make a big deal out of everything, but they don't seem to be taking any extra precausions or anything given that I'm high risk. They told me today they won't worry about the position of my little girl in regards to a c section until I'm 37 weeks. I'm like helllooo? What if I don't make it that far? My last Dr office was sure to check my cervix length every appointment. Gave me loads of ultrasounds to make sure everythingllooked right and all. Maybe I was just spoiled by my last drs. Or maybe they just feel since everything's been fine so far that there's no need to be worried. I dunno :-/
Hi girls,

How are you all doing?

j - Dr's get paid good money to listen and answer any questions you have. You definitely did the right thing by changing Dr's.
What age is brooklyn?

chistiana- congrats on the job hun! Well done, I know it will be hard leaving the little ones so :hugs: for you.
I have a choice on weather to return to work and I don't think I will but I won't rule it out just yet.

Litebright- You definitely should voice your concerns to your new Dr. Haven't they seen your notes on what your previous Dr's plan was?

Afm, We're doing good. It's been a mixture of sad and good this week. My sister finished her radation therapy which was brilliant. But a dear friend of ours passed away very suddenly. We are shocked and heartbroken.
Dh has taken it very badly.

His funeral is tomorrow so it's going to be a rough few days.

On to happier things, Eva is sitting unassisted and is putting her arms out to be picked up. :cloud9:
She's a brilliant baby so happy and sociable and is even getting on better with mil!!

We have a paeds app Monday and even though I know Eva is doing brilliantly I still worry.

Here's a little pic of my little lovely

Hope you all are doing well.

Hi ladies,

I've been a stalker of your thread for over 18 months now as I was diagnosed with a bu nearly 10 years ago. I was only 20 at the time so it didn't concern me too much as I wasnt ready for children (although my gp did tell me I would probably never be to carry a baby :growlmad:).

Anyway, thank god i found this thread as it gave me hope for when me and my partner were ready to ttc. So last month was the first month of trying and lucky enough I got a bfp on Sunday!! Obviously I am really nervous knowing I have a bu and I want to make sure I do everything I can to keep this baby safe. The trouble is... Im in the uk under nhs and I don't think I will be having a scan till 12 weeks and that just seems so far away. I rang my doctors on Monday to make an appointment with my gp to confirm pregnancy etc but they told me I have to contact the community midwife. So I have done that and have an appointment with her in 2 weeks at which point I will be 7 weeks??? 7 weeks just seems along time considering I haven't even seen a doctor - what do you think?

I've not really had any symptoms other than mild cramping but that has stopped now and I don't even feel any different. I noticed you take baby asprin to help its blood flow - do you think I should start taking this?

Any replies greatly received! Xxx
Smiley, I am under the NHS in Spain. I wasn't seen by the midwife until 9 weeks and my bu wasn't discovered until 10 weeks at the first scan....I didn't have a clue I had one. Anyway, nearly 28 weeks on, I have had no repercussions. I'm having another scan next week so I'll update with any news but it appears everything is going perfectly normal for me. I was told I'd get extra scans if they were in any way concerned but so far I've just had the standard scans, so I'm taking that as a positive sign.
Hi Dime, oh that's great to know that you're 28 weeks with no problems! I always thought it was good that i was aware of my bu but actually I think it's just making me more nervous. And that's what I thought... If they know I have a bu and there not too worried then I should just go with it. Thanks hun and hope scan goes well.
Lightbright- you can never be spoilt enough when it comes to your baby hun so i suggest you push for more regular scan just to feel safe!

Sbl- oooowwwww eva is such a cutiepie!!! She should be an ad baby!! I m so sorry to hear about your friend, my condolenses. I hope you can be there for his family amd you only carry good memories of him.
On a positive note great news about your sister!!!
I wish i had the choise...i d never go to work!! I love spending all day with my kids!!

Smiley- welcome on the thread and congratulations on your pregnancy! I laugh with all these docs that tell us bu ladies we ll never have babies...they know nothing whatsoever!
7 weeks is standard i think, you probably wouldnt hear a hb before that which would realy worry you so i think 7 weeks is ok. You are going to have a scan then right??
Also, yes i took baby aspirin even though i tested negative for blood clottinb disorders but my doc said it could only benefit me and the baby...so i d ask your doc about it!
Have they told you how severe your split is? Anyways i hope we can see you through to a full term baby hUn keep ys updated! Lots of positive stories on here!!!
so little bub did not turn! i am scheduled for a csection this wednesday. so nervous! i know scheduled sections are a lot better. but it's hard not to let the anxiety get the best of me. anyone with positive section stories or tips they are willing to share with me before the big day?
Dime great to hear everything s going perfectly!

Thanks Christiana....I have another scan tomorrow. I am pretty sure baby is breech at the moment (I only ever feel kicks really low down) although there's still plenty of time but I will make sure I ask whether she has room to turn.
Ah thank you chistiana.
I think she is the most beautiful baby in the world of course!! :cloud9:

smiley- welcome :flower: 7 weeks is fairly normal. Because I had previous mc's and other high risk factors such as HG, I was seen immediately for a scan at 4 weeks 3 days. I hope your first scan goes well.

Dime- your getting there! You won't find these next few weeks going.

mamaxo-Omg your time has come!! Good luck for tomorrow and when your up to it don't forget to update. :hugs:

Alls great our end. Eva had her appointment yesterday and everything is perfect!
They said she is 75th percentile for weight and 91st for height. :thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing good.

Mamaxo best of luck hun, i cant believe you ve made it aaaaallllll the way with a bu, yours will be a story to quote!!! I m sure everything will go perfectly! No tips here other than to just think of your baby coming and nothing else! Will be lookin forward to your story whenever you feel up to it! Aaaaaaahhhhh another super success story!!

Sbl wooooowwww tall girl!!

Dime- i m sure she still has room to turn, my dd turned right before 35 weeks! Hope your appointment goes perfectly!
Just a brief update - the 28 week scan went just fine. The ob said she is head down much to my surprise so I guess they are punches rather than kicks I've been feeling down below!
I asked again about my bu - he said it really isn't having any adverse affect. Like any pregnancy, until the date they can't guarantee what type of birth I will be in for but there's no reason to assume it will be a C-section just because of a bu.

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