Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Many doctors have their heads up their a...s. when i found out i had a bu the doc said "you will never have kids"..i was like "but surely there is something i can do, or there is a possibility i can have a kid this way" and he just yelled at me "NO THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE KIDS". Jeeeeeerrreekkkk! Anyway, when you see your little boy you will not need anyone else and it will definitely be worth it. Could you ask your mom to come stay with you for a while, at least until you get past the first 1-2 months and fall into a routine?
Re the scheduled date, it seems there is nothing you can do.. do you maybe have a fetal dopler you can use for reassurance?
I really hope fob gets his act together real soon
Wow your doctor that noticed you bu sounds like a real jerk!! I am moving with my mom after I get the clear to fly so hopefully the end of Feb. I don't have a Doppler but I have made it this far so I am just going to keep my faith and hope everything goes smoothly like it has been. I am sure fob will get his act together I just don't want my son to suffer because his parents can't get along it is just not fare for him. I am having really odd period like cramps and feeling lots of pressure. Is it possible to go into labor without his head or bum putting pressure on my cervix?
Many doctors have their heads up their a...s. when i found out i had a bu the doc said "you will never have kids"..i was like "but surely there is something i can do, or there is a possibility i can have a kid this way" and he just yelled at me "NO THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE KIDS". Jeeeeeerrreekkkk!

Snap chistiana. You know how I was treated when I found out.
They don't want to even suggest things to help.
What do you mean without his head or bum putting pressure on your cervix? Yes it is possible to go into labor anyway a baby sits.. Do they feel like contractions? Does your belly go all hard? And how often?
I started having these very painful type of contractions a good 2 weeks before i actually gave birth..the pain and pressure would last for like half an hour but then it would completely disappear...i think labor was starting but then stopping because of all the medication i was on..by the time i figured i was in labour with dd i was contracting every 2 minutes! Go figure!
If the pain is intense and there is a pattern to it you should call your doc.
And i really really do hope things work out for you guys, even if it is just getting along or even better of course being together happily ever after :)
Sbl maybe we should go wave our kids to their faces????
Fob sounds like someone you could do without. If he's not going to support your now when you really need him then he's not someone you need in your life.
What an ass.
As for your Dr. here in Ireland we have an ob and then they have a team of Dr's that work for them so say there could be 10+ Dr's in his team. So we don't have issues like that.
Although it's hard to see so many different Dr's it reassuring to know that they all know your history.
I did however see my ob quite frequently as I was extremely high risk due to me almost dying at 16 weeks. Tbh I think they were afraid of me suing for malpractice after I was practically left to die due to HG.
Sbl maybe we should go wave our kids to their faces????

Yes lets!!
I actually spoke with my regular GP just last week (went in with a sinus infection that wasn't clearing) about my UU.
Tbh he was more helpful than any ob I had ever seen!!
He is qualified in obstetrics but not practicing anymore.
He answered so many questions for me and although I know he isn't supposed to speak about other patients he spoke to me about another lady who has a UU and allayed my fears about rupture next time round.

Just a quick question for everybody.
Does anyone else experience bleeding midcycle?
I have had this month. A few clots and some spotting.
It could have been caused by the antibiotic for the sinus infection I guess. They have given me thrush :( AWFUL!!
I say you ladies do wave your babies in your doctors faces. They are rude to even have tried to dash your hopes like that. You ladies are right though I do need fob the most right now I live with friends and have moved three times this pregnancy. I have got nothing but stress and disrespect from him. I just hope he sees the error of his ways soon. The pains are exactly like you experienced they are here for about an hour it is constant and then out of no where they are completely gone. I wish it was labor. Oh and what I ment was my bubs is breech and he is not engaged in my pelvis at all. At least he wasn't on Monday.
Sbl- wth happened at 16 weeks i dont remember?? I never had spotting but i ve read ovulation can cause spotting???? Could that be the case?? Ow and my mom had a huge amount of blood when she had thrush infection.

Tiff- yes you can go in labor while your baby is breech. Why dont you call your doc or l&d and describe the pain to them? I didnt at the time but it did turn out to be labor in the end. When i described the pain to my doc over the phone he thought dd was trying to turn again and maybe she was but didnt make it and started labor!
Well my bump has dropped a little bit more. So far today there are no pains or cramps. I am just so nervous I won't get to the hospital in time. I mean it is only 30 min away but it is so scary that I am getting so close!! How far along were you ladies when you went into labor. My bubs is really really quiet when I get the cramps so I am just not sure. If it happens again I will definitely make a call. I can't wait till he is born and I can share his pictures with you ladies and add another success story on this forum.
Babes get stressed during contractions hun that s why they stay quiet but that s very normal. I was 35w2d when i had dd and 38w4d when i had ds. I m pretty sure you ll have more than enough time to get to your hospital, with ds my waters broke at 3am and i gave birth at 9.10am and with dd i started having that pain at 6pm and had an emergency c section and delivered her at 9.10 pm. So plenty of time in both cases! Dont worry, your son will be safely in your arms soon and all this stress will be forgotten! Cant wait to see this lil guys pic!
I am so glad I found this thread because when I first got pregnant I was terrafied of this pregnancy after finding out about my BU. All you ladies have been so posative and have kept my faith high. I hope to have him soon all this waiting is driving me bananas haha.
Hi Everyone!

I have a BU and have been TTC for 15 months since a MC last fall.
My doctor has scheduled an MRI to get a better look at my uterus, but my appointment is for December 27th, and my AF is due December 30th.

I am concerned that there is a chance I could be pregnant this month, but the appt. is too soon in my cycle to test for pregnancy... Not to mention the fact that the lab is closed over Christmas, so the latest date I could test is December 23rd (day 22 of my 31 day cycle.)

I know that pregnancy is unlikely this cycle, but of course, every cycle to me is full of hope that I'm pregnant, and I would not want to have an MRI on the off chance that I am... But the next MRI appointment is 12 weeks away...

What should I do????
I am so glad I found this thread because when I first got pregnant I was terrafied of this pregnancy after finding out about my BU. All you ladies have been so posative and have kept my faith high. I hope to have him soon all this waiting is driving me bananas haha.

It's so nice to follow a pregnancy of someone else with BU!

As for your FOB, he sounds like he has some emotional issues. I know how it feels to want to see the good in someone (everyone has good in their hearts!) and I know you want to believe in him...but he sounds like he's in a bad place in his own heart. Anyone who says things to hurt another person--let alone the mother of their baby--is very messed up. He needs help from a therapist or from God. You are not the person to fix him.

You deserve better!
Hi Everyone!

I have a BU and have been TTC for 15 months since a MC last fall.
My doctor has scheduled an MRI to get a better look at my uterus, but my appointment is for December 27th, and my AF is due December 30th.

I am concerned that there is a chance I could be pregnant this month, but the appt. is too soon in my cycle to test for pregnancy... Not to mention the fact that the lab is closed over Christmas, so the latest date I could test is December 23rd (day 22 of my 31 day cycle.)

I know that pregnancy is unlikely this cycle, but of course, every cycle to me is full of hope that I'm pregnant, and I would not want to have an MRI on the off chance that I am... But the next MRI appointment is 12 weeks away...

What should I do????

Hey hun it does sound like you are in a sticky situation. I think that you can test the day before your MRI. I am sure your results should be accurate if you do it the day before your MRI. If you are that concerned though you can always reschedual but 12 weeks is a long time to wait, even more so when you are ttc. I wish I could be of more help but I really wouldn't know what to do. I will tell you though that the BU does make it harder to get pregnant but there are a lot of us out there who have concieved and given birth to happy healthy babies so don't give up.

Thank you for your kind words about fob. I just wish I was mean sometimes but at the same time I am glad I am so kind hearted. No matter what he says to me I know that when he says sorry I will forget all about it.

Also ladies everything I love to eat has all of the sudden turned my stomach. I can't eat anything without it tasting horrible and wanting to throw up. This is the first time in the whole 37 weeks I have felt like this :/.
Phaedypants- hey! Sorry about your mc last fall, i know it s extremely dificult especially if you have trouble ttc. Re your situation..27th of december would make you approximately 11dpo right? If that s right then a frer should give you an accurate result that morning (although definitely not 100% accurate). Another solution (i dont know if you can do it over there) is to go get a private blood test the night before. Again it wont be 100% accurate (especially if you implant late) but it will be more accurate than the frer. What time is your appointment? If you do go ahead with it take the test right before but make sure you hold your urine long enough. I dont know what else to suggest. Why are you doing the MRI btw??
Tiff i dont think this is pg related (although i m not an expert on it) maybe you have a bug???
Ow i just remembered tiff..dont know if it might relate.. Before having dd i felt really naseous but never actually vomitted...what was definitely related is i had extreme diarhea (sorry tmi)..doc told me my body was preparing and clearing out..this could be the start of labor i m thinking?!
Tmi but I have been having diarrhea for the past few days. This morning is exceptionally bad. Maybe it means I am closer. Hopefully.

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