Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Good luck Christina!!! Sounds promising!!

Afm I am just a few days away from meeting my LO!! So exciting! This has been a pretty easy pregnancy I must say. Baby is breech as expected but has grown normally and everything looks good! Tuesday we will have our little miracle :)
OMG Mobaby I cannot believe it...you re there! I am so happy and excited for you! Best of luck on Tuesday, I wish you an easy and happy delivery! Waiting for your update!
C-omg!!!! So fun!!! Keep us updated!!! I thought I was preggo too, took atest yesterday and no but period is still missing so feeling a little sad. On a better note today is Brooklyn's first day!!!
C-omg!!!! So fun!!! Keep us updated!!! I thought I was preggo too, took atest yesterday and no but period is still missing so feeling a little sad. On a better note today is Brooklyn's first day!!!

Wow you gave some guts ttc when your baby is 1 j!!!! I was totally like that! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your little princess, I really hope you had a wonderful time!
And btw I tested day af was due and the line was so faint my husband was sure I wasn't Preggo! So who knows maybe you have your dates wrong and af will stay well away! If d be great if we were together! Are you officially ttc?
Happy birthday to Brooklyn j! Can't believe she is one!!

Best of luck chistiana!!
My thoughts are with you today mobaby for a happy and safe delivery :)
C- we are not tryig whih is the thing. If I don't get my peruod by next Wednesday I have an appointment with my ob cause the tests r still comin out negative. We were hopin to start trying in the summer as we have 5 weddings and with bedrest I wouldn't be able to attend. We also booked a vacay to Vegas so we shall see. Not gonna lie will r disappointed f I'm not prggo, so fingers crossed and prayers!!
Thanks for the bday wishes sbl!!
Everything went well!! Baby boy came out screaming at 940 am yesterday ;) we are in love 6lbs13oz 21" long!
Congratulations mobaby!!! Enjoy your little bundle of joy! :)

J i have all my fingers xed for you babe, when are you (not) expecting af?
Mobaby congrats!!!
C- was supposed to get it last week. Had one day where I had two pee wipes with a tinge of blood but took another test this am and negative so unless something serious is wrong my thinking is I ovulated late and that was implantation bleeding but thought I woul have had a positive test by now. Feeling shitty. The thought of another baby now isn't good timing but would love it! I I'm not preggo y don't I have my period???
J i totally understand about timing but a baby is just perfect any time! It actually dies sound like you might have ov late and that was ib. Were you regular up to now? Can you do a beta? Ow i so wish you are! Spotting can also occur with ov how long ago was that?
Update: nothing much to update really but I just came back from doc...i am 5w3/4d. We only saw a sac with a yolk sac but no hb or fetal pole (not even sure if that is separate from yolk sac?). Doc said that everything looks good and right were they should be (time wise), it is in my right side (bigger side) so I should be happy. BUT what gets me is that at some point he said "hmmm why is it so high up? It's too high" and when he saw me stress out and I started asking what is wrong with being high up he just said "oh nothing s wrong just saying it s high". But why would he say it if it was just fine? Maybe I m being over paranoid here but anyway there s nothing I can do about it. Going in in 10 days and hopefully we ll see n hear a nice hb then.
C- wonderful news!!! Thinking positive for u!!! I'm not sure how I feel right now, I mean I'm trying to ignore that I may be preggo not to get my hopes up if I'm not and doesn't help that hubby doesn't want me to be right now. I really hope I am. My bigger fear is that it's ectopic causethose usually don't give a positive reason on ept tests. We wait and see. Gonna test again on Sunday if I don't get my period by then.
J it s not gonna be an ectopic you would have some kind of spotting if it was i think. My hubby told me he didnt want another baby a mere three days before i got my bfp and i have to say he wasnt the most enthousiastic person in the world when i told him but now he s happy and positive and plans what we should do to organise the three kids!
Looking forward to a bice bfp on sunday!
So I got AF last night, no baby for me :( not sure why my perio was so late considering I was on the pill but hubby and I figure we will just use condoms and I'll stay off te pill since we would like to start trying this summer anyways. Feeling a little sad but figure what meant to be is meant to be. How was very one else's weekend? Oh and Brooklyn got her 1 year vaccinations Thursday and has been a monster since. My poor baby
C - I've read that high up means nothing as long as the baby has implanted in a god spot ( usually the septum doesn't have as good blood flow) so if the doc said its in a good spot dont worry!!!
Owwww sorry j, but i guess as you say what s meant to be will be! And at least you can still attend those weddings and enjoy your trip too!
My kids totally get monterous after vaccinations, hope your little girl feels better soon!
I really dont know where this bub has implanted, doc couldnt tell...i am so stressed to see the hb...
Hi ladies! I'm new to this site and I have a BU. My son (now 7!) was born at 33 weeks due to running out of room and they did not catch the fact that I had a BU until after delivery.

I'm wondering if you have any advice? I'm terrified this baby will be early as well. I have an appointment with a Perinatologist (?) on Wednesday to discuss Progesterone shots. I am currently 12w2d. This will be the first time I see a Dr besides my OB. So, I'm not sure what to expect...
Hi willsmommy, congrats on your new pregnancy! Unless you have issues with the unused side shedding its lining and bleeding I doubt progesterone will help you. I am 6 weeks today and have been on progesterone suppositories since 4 weeks but that s because in 3 out of my 4 previous pgs I had severe bleeding after week 6 from the non pregnant side.
Did your cervix open up with your son at 33weeks or did he stop growing? With dd I opted to have a cerclage put in as I d already had a vaginal birth and two very close to each other d&c s so the doctor was concerned my cervix wouldn't hold to term without funneling. I m actually not sure how much that helped since I was on strict bed rest from w13 to w35 but I do know that the day I actually got out of bed and did a little bit more walking around I had to deliver my dd (even with cerclage still in place, labor started). So you might want to discuss this option with your doc if you feel incompetent cervix was what caused you son to be born prematurely last time.
I wish you a very happy and healthy remaining 6 months and I really hope we can be bump buddies all the way to term for both!

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