Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

How did it go sbl?
We re good, kids are off school so happy n can't wait for our holidays to begin! Let us know how it went ok?
It went well!
I am on my phone when I get on my laptop I'll explain more.
We re still waiting missy!!

Wanted to update ladies...
I had my septum re resected yesterday! All went good, he couldn't cut through the septum 100% but he said he got 70-80% of it n then it started bleeding so he had to stop. I m happy he is honest with me n I know exactly how things are. I m sure I d stress anyway so after this procedure there is nothing more I can do. My doc is happy with the result, he wants to see me after next af and has put me on a combination of estradiol n progesterone or something like this for the next 21 days to reduce scare tissue. The procedure was nothing much, the position I lay was absolutely ridiculous and I am now bleeding n in a little bit of pain but only when I pee??! Anyway we won't be ttc before September af as we need two month off ttc n then I need to make sure a hypothetical baby comes after the end of next school year but ROLL ON SEPTEMBER!
C-that's great news!!! Glad it went well! Praying for lots of baby dust come sept for you and me lol!!! Maybe we will end up with bumps at the same time! How are things with the hubby?
Ououou I sure hope so j, it will be fun!!
Things are much better hun, thanks for asking. We still have our moments but we ve been together for 11 years and been through a lot so we will eventually work it all out! How are you? Ready for your trip? Next months will be sooooo exciting n good hopefully!
well little update...went to my old gyno cause I wasn't happy with the response from my family doc and he checked my boob today and said the little lump is normal as well. sending me for an ultrasound anyways to just keep an eye on it but feeling really good! Gives me the green light to be able to start trying after my next period which will show up who knows when. As for miss Brooklyn her reflux isn't getting better and went to the doc 2 days ago and got a referral for a pediatric gastroenterologist but was told it can take months to get an app :( she starts daycare tomorrow so her constant chocking and spitting up still worries me a lot but she will only be going for 2 hrs a day for the next week or so. ahhh all this stress is killing me. Doesn't help I fell down the stairs the other day tripping over the vacuum and have carpet burn and bruises all over hahaha. hows everyone doing? c? sbl?? thinking of you guys!
Ow j hope you re well after your fall?! How are you feeling? It's great news re the boob thing n being able to start ttc again!! Looooots n looks of baby dust! How old is Brooklyn my dear? It really does sound like a bad case of reflux, could you go private? I wouldn't worry about the day care, just let them know of the situation so they can keep an eye on her but since it's so little time there, I m sure she ll be just fine.

We re good here, just came back from holidays with the kiddos in Cyprus on Tuesday, had a great time but I m totally exhausted!! Still waiting for September af to start ttc! Aaa ahhhh the wait is killing me!! Let us know how the app for Brooklyn goes!
Hi ladies!!! How's everyone doing?
We just got back from our 4 day trip to Las Vegas and it was great! Unfortunately Brooklyn was sooo sick ( bad cold) and my mom says her week was rough and of course there was mommy guilt for being away while she was sick :(. But besides that I now have the go ahead to start trying for baby #2!!!! Been taking ovukation prediction kits and nothing so far, and with my cycles bein all over the place can't rely on the old fashion way.
Hope to hear from you guys soon!! Brooklyn's app went well, hVe to do blood work an a referral for a gastroenterologist which will take forever so for now no more beef /dairy/soy for her again.
Glad to hear ur vacay was good c!!! Sept will be here on no time!
Oowww thanks j! So happy you had a great time in Vegas! Sorry your girly was sick but no more guilt trip mommy, it could happen anytime, you can always be there for every little thing..I m sure granny took care of everything! Is she ok now? Glad the appointment went well, hopefully you can get something helpful out of the blood works n little Brooklyn can have whatever she wants! Can't wait for your bfp, it ll be super exciting!! If you get it this month how many years apart will your babies be??

Afm- we re on a two week holiday in Naxos island so enjoying every minute of it! Nik is ill these last couple of days but he s cheerful so we just stay more in the shade when we re on the beach! Other than that, can't wait for September to come!

How s everyone else doing?
Hello everyone hope you are all doing well have t had a chance to read through yet been a while since I been on but after 18 months of trying we finally got our BFP!! Yay!!!! we are over the moon and super excited and hoping our little one will stick xxx
Littlemama that is just FANTASTIC!!!!! Yaaayyy i m so happy for you you tôtally deserve it! Remind me what was your final dîagnosis re your uterus?? Aaahhh cant wait to follow you pg and hopefully we can be bump buddies come september! How far along are you?
Aw congratulations little mama! Wishing you a healthy, happy and uneventful pregnancy.
sorry I've been AWOL lately ladies.
So much happening, redecorating, weddings, work and keeping up with my little diva.
I never got round to explaining my appointment.
Head consultant basically said that yes I hadn't been given the best treatment for my hyperemesis and that next time things would be different.
We discussed exactly how my care should be and we're on the same page :thumbup:
As for my UU well it turns out I have a BU after all and that the surgeons during my section were wrong. Its super hard to say during pregnancy and especially and the end as your uterus is all out of shape anyway.
He sending me for more tests but from the scans they have of pre pregnancy uterus and very early pregnancy ones they're pretty confident its a BU.
Next time I'll be monitored more closely with cervical length checks and steroids for baby's lungs.

Hope you all are enjoying/enjoyed your vacations.
We're going to Rome in September I can't wait.
I can't believe how big all our UA babies are getting, time fly's!
Good luck with the ttc c and j!
Thankyou :) 5 weeks today so only early but loving every minute, I had investigative surgery on my uterus and have a confirmed bicornuate uterus, I was booked in to start getting everything ready for ivf on the 22nd but didn't need it yay! Oh I hope so Christina good luck!!!!! Sore boobs have kicked in and every now and again will get nausea but I'm doing good, had blood test yesterday for antenatal and back to doc on Friday to see when she would like me to have a scan super excited xx
omg!!! congrats ladies!!! so happy for you! so much excitement on this forum, I love it. I got a positive on my opk today so when hubby gets back from hockey were doing the deed and praying for another little miracle!
Sbl yyaaaayyyy I was really looking forward to your update! So happy you got everything figured out n they ll be taking extra good care of you next time! N yes time does fly! I can't believe Eva will be 2 soon! It seems like yesterday!

J yaaaayyy for ov, hope you worked you magic girl, I can't wait for testing time, this thread will be starting over!

Littlemama so so happy for you! This will be your THB girl, you n hubby totally deserve it, I see your updates on fb n you seem such happy souls!! Can't wait for more updates!!h&h 9 months my dear, lead the way!
C-can't believe she's gonna be 2!!! Time flies on this thread! Feels like yesterday I just joined in ��. Would love to add you guys to fb so if you want send me a private message and I'll give you my full name!!!
Hey mamas!! Anything new? Wanting to hear some updates!!

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