Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hey girls, sorry it took a while to update...so it is an abruption but not on the placenta...it's a membrane abruption which the doc says can cause lots of blood but it's better than a placenta abruption. I m not strict bed rest for now (jeez this is a déjà vue) until further notice. Hopefully it won't be asking as bed rest with dd! Also when we saw the lo on the screen she was all squashed up because my uterus had badly contracted but hopefully magnesium n extra progesterone n water will help cAlm it down. Right now my Doppler is my sanity keeper!
C- so Happy it isn't worst! I had so much bleeding at the beginning as well so I know how scary it is! Happy to hear baby is Doing well and are you home now? I hopefully bed rest doesn't last too long... If not welcome to the club again!! Lol
Lol yes I m home n ok I love u girls but I hate the bed rest club! Don't get me wrong, right now I m enjoying peace n quiet on the sofa but It'd be awesome if a could enjoy it for the next 2 weeks n then get back into our crazy life! Thanks :)
C- when do you go back for a follow up? Man these dopplers are life savers!!!!
Lol tell me about it! Don't regret the 100euros for a split second!!! I m waiting for the doc to ring with the NPIT results from the US (NT scan was bad n our chances were bad so we sent a blood sample to the use for DNA testing) and then I guess we ll take it from there.
How r u feeling girl? Still on bed rest? When r u seeing the doc yourself?
Take care of yourselves ladies.
Glad to hear it's not placental c.
So if they r doing the dna test u will know the sex as well right?? ��. I go on Friday si hoping for good news... Fingers crossed for all is mamas!!!
Thanks sbl :)

J we already know it's a girl, were told by two different sono techs! But yes the DNA test will confirm it! Had some more bleeding this morning, not bright red but not completely brown either...uuurrrgggggg just go away alrighty....good luck on Friday girly, I bet it's good news! Kmfx!
Hello everyone,

I'm so pleased to have found this thread. It's so nice to hear that there are other people out there with the same problems ( not nice for everyone) but it makes you feel a little less weird.

I found out when I was 18 that I have UD. 2 Uterus and 2 Cervix. I had some tests run a few years ago and the consultant seemed to think there would be no problems with me conceiving. I wasn't even thinking about kids at this point so didn't really ask too many questions.

I've now been with my husband for 4 years and we got married in June this year. We both wanted to start trying to get pregnant straight away. In September I had a period on the 5th and then starting bleeding again on the 20th. I really felt something wasn't quite right so I took a pregnancy test and found out I was 2-3 weeks (according to clearblue digi) I then went to the doctors who referred me to the EPU the next day where I had a scan and the sonographer said everything looked as it should and I was measuring 5 weeks. I had to have blood tests because of the bleeding and my HGC fell from 542 to 370 in 2 days so they confirmed the miscarriage which was just devastating. I bled for about 5 days and then on the 1st October I got a normal period so 10 days after the mc. my husband and I didn't really try in October to get pregnant but weren't careful either.

I then got to Nov 1st and waited for AF to arrive and she never did. I waited until the 5th and then did a pt which came back positive much to our delight. I then went to the doctor a few weeks later when I was 6 weeks since my last AF and he told me to book in to see the midwife in a few weeks. I was obviously a bit nervous but trying to stay positive about the whole thing because everything seemed to be going as it should and I was getting symptoms. We then told our parents when we got to nearly 8 weeks and then literally the next day I started getting cramps at work and then went to the bathroom and there was a tiny bit of blood. The cramping and bleeding got much worse and I went to see the Dr that day who told me to expect the worst. I went home and was just devastated this was happening again. Cramps got so much worse and in the end I had to go to a&e in the middle of the night. 2 days later I went for a scan and there was nothing in either uterus although they could see which one the pregnancy would've been in. The obs doctor was trying to fob me off and said I couldn't see a consultant until I have 3 miscarriages but I'm just so sick of seeing people who know NOTHING about UD and I insisted that I needed to see someone before I continue trying. They have agreed for a consultant to see me now and hopefully run some more tests.

The only thing is that this miscarriage was over 2 weeks ago and I still feel pregnant and my waistline seems to be expanding. I've taken a couple of tests which all say negative and I've also tried diluting the urine in case of hook effect and still negative. all the tests i've done have been the cheap ones. I think I'm really just overthinking it to be honest. I'm ok to move on and accept I've had 2 mc's in a row but there is just something in the back of my mind saying something doesn't feel right. The other thing is when they did the scan with the 2nd miscarriage when I was bleeding I really am convinced that I was probably only 4-5 weeks and wondered if it might have been too early to see anything. I really just don't know.

I'm so sorry for waffling. I really just needed to get this off my chest and I've been reading your posts for the last week and I just wanted to say hello as I think I'm going to be around a lot more and wanted to make some friends.
Clover- welcome to the group! In so sorry about what you have been through. If u don't mind me asking where are u from? Most regular obgyn' swill happily pass on a referral to a high risk specialist who can help u through a pregnancy. I know someone who has the same as u and has had 2 healthy babies so it is possible!

C- a girl!!!! Yay!! So happy for u! How u feeling?
Hi there,

Thank so much for your message.

I live in the South-West of England. My GP has been really good and happy to get on refer me but it had to go through the EPU who were the ones being resistant. I really had to fight my corner that I'm not the every day case. It would just be nice to talk to a medical professional who knows what they are talking about because so far i've been just reading stuff on the internet and that's all I have to go by which isn't great because everyone and every pregnancy is different. How soon would you say you need to be under a consultant when you find out your pregnant?

Welcome clover.
I would suggest asap for consultant care when pregnant with a uterine anomaly.
I hope you find comfort in knowing that some of us here were told are chances of carrying a baby were slim yet the majority of us have proved them wrong.
Sure we don't have the most straightforward of pregnancies but I think it makes our babies super special.
Again welcome to the group.

J & C I hope you girls are good.
Clover- as soon as possible if not even before concur ring again so maybe some tests could be done. I was put on progesterone as soon as I found out I was pregnant and am currently 22 weeks and still on it. Do your research online and sound educated on the subject when meeting a doctor so they know they can't just brush u aside!

So- how's your sweetheart doing??

C- hope your feeling ok!!
Thank you so much! It's so nice to talk to ppl that understand And it most definitely provides comfort! I've just filled in one of my best friends who I haven't talked to for a few weeks and she just said that at least you know you can get pregnant which I know is true but it's still a crap thing to go through! Hey ho onwards and upwards and I'm Hoping to see someone mid January and will hopefully get answers!

Sbl I cannot believe you were told you might not be able to conceive! That must have been just gut wrenching but you must be so happy to have proved that Dr wrong!

J I've read a lot about progesterone and that's definitely going to be on my list of questions!

Thank you both again so much!
Clover welcome on the thread hun! We re very few of us but we ve all stuck together through good n bad. Just like sbl, when I was 23 I was told I will never be able to conceive n if I did conceive I d definitely mc. Fast forward 11 years I have two healthy kids, 3 mcs and pg with #3! Having a UA is tough especially as there are so many more things that come along...after three mcs I ve found out I have to be on progesterone from the word go, steroid, baby aspirin and have a cerclage but ow well! Being prepared is a must so you definitely need to run whatever tests your doc suggests soon! I m no expert with ud but it could well be the case where 1 uterus just doesn't know you re pregnant n sheds it's lining. Anyway, welcome again n hope to speak to you more on here. Ask away whatever questions upon might have!

Hey girls! We re doing well, verinata results came all normal today!!! You can't imagine the weight lifted! I just need this spotting yo stop now so I can have my cerclage!! How r u girls doing??
So finally had my app with my doctor since finding that "sludge" on the ultrasound and she explained it as inflamati on or possible infevtion. Caused by anything as simple as nothing or even sex.... So bed rest is still in effect till the end ( April is soooo far away) and she put me on penicillin to be safe for 10 days and ya... That's about it.

How about you ladies??
J you have to be on bed regs hill April??? Ow God you remind me of me 3 years ago! It ll pass hun n then once your little girl is here you ll wish you could go on bed rest for just a lil bit longer!!
Honestly the bed rest part isn't horroble cause I rmeber doing it with Brooklyn for just as long, I just feel like a half ass mom cause I can't do anything wih Brooklyn. She wants me to go play with her and run around and it breaks my heart I can't! So prayers this little girl stays Cooking till April!!!
Hmmmm I remember that part with nik...in the end he would only ask things from his dad, he'd call him at night, he d want him to give him a shower n so on and I felt sooooooooo crappy about it..but then once nat was born I made up off the lost time as much as possible n even though nik n hubby still have a very close relationship I feel I gained my lost time back. I can see it's affecting him now too..lately he s been very on edge n will talk back a lot so I took it up with him yesterday, he said he felt angry but didn't say why although I think he s angry I can't go do things with them...it's hard but you need to remember you re doing this for your baby. Today I managed to spend a good 3 hours if not more with nik n nat on the sofa...we played with thd play dough, we painted n wrote letters, we read books and played jenga! I m getting my mom to get some arts n crafts so we can make Christmas things on the sofa!
Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven't wrote anything in a while but our move to Hawaii has been crazy! How is everyone?

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