Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

sorry was supposed to say 3 DPO but i have a funny feeling i ovulated earleir than on the 28th of feb i think i ovulated around the 23rd of feb but because i dont chart or use OPK's i cant be 100% sure so i guess just wait and see only 9 days till i can test :D xx
Yayayayay i ll round it to a week!!it s great to hear you so chilled out about it!
Hi girls thanks so much for you replies to my comment. :flower:

Its great to finally find somewhere to vent about this.

I was just wondering to you guys have painful periods?

And how long it took you to get pregnant initially?

Thanks gals

Hey ladies, thought I would do another little update for you. I had my section date booked for 8th march but baby had other ideas and my water broke on the 25th feb. we went into hospital and she was born at 00.36 on 26th feb weighing 6lb 4oz by emcs.
All went well and the doctors told me how well I had done to keep baby in till 38 weeks so happy with that. Unfortunately, due to the lack of space my little baby Freya had, her feet turn in the way. One should easy go to normal with exercises but the other one may need a bit more so we have to take her to the hospital on Thursday to get an orthopeadic consultants opinion. Please ladies, be prepared that your babies MAY look slightly squashed or with feet or hands turned due to the lack of space they have. My and my OH knew this was a possibility and has made it easier seeing her poor little feet like this. Hopefully, everyone's babies will be great though.
And to sbl, I have had painful periods since they started and it took me and my OH 15 months to fall pregnant successfully with 2 early losses during that time too.
Thank you for your reply Victorial :flower:

And a huge CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your little girl! :happydance:

I hope your orthopeadic appointment goes well and little Freya's feet aren't too squished :thumbup:

Thanks for the heads up on that and enjoy your little woman.

Hi mrs broody!! First of all congrats on your bfp!!i wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!! Ok, so you were told you have a bu..what is it that you want to know? Bu is rather common and it can have very very good outcomes! The main problem with bu is the lack of space during 2nd/3rd trimester which might mean preterm labor and breech babies. However many women dont face any of these problems (with ds i went to 38w4d and delivere him naturally) and go on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies! It also depends on the severity of the bu, did the doc tell you it looked only heart shaped or is the split complete? Usually one side of the uterus is bigger than the other and it might be better if the baby implants in the bigger side. That though doesnt necessarily mean that implantation in the other side means failure. I m not sure if i answered any of your questions but ask away hun, i d be happy to answer if i can!! Congrats again!!!

Thanks for the information and sorry about the delay in replying, if i am honest i have been trying to pretend its not happening/not an issue!

Got a call to say they want me to go back in for another scan so looks like i am going back for another one at 9 +4D. I think they want to get mmore of an idea of how much of a heart shape it is so how severe.

The sonographer did say the baby had implanted on the riht side at my 7W+4 scan.

The fact they want to do another private scan for free has made me gittery though!!

My NHS std scan is booked at 12 weeks but thinking when i go for my booking in appt at 10 weeks and tell them about BU they will probably send me for a scan to check.

You mentioned the later risks, which is what i read on the internet so i am not sure why they are making a fuss now, are there increased risks at this stage too?
Sbl-hey!i used to have painful periods when i was younger but then at about 27 they got much better. I havent had a proper period since before my son (pg with my ds, no af for 8 months due to bf, 1 lousy period, pg again, mc 12 weeks later, 1 lousy period 2 months later, pg again, mc 7 weeks later, pg again before af ever showed!!!)!
And as you can see i get pg pretty easily, it s the keeping them part that s been problematic.

Victorial- congratulations for having your baby!!!well done hun!! Sorry to hear about her squashed feet but i m pretty sure with everything medicine has achieved nowadays she ll be fine very very soon! Enjoy you little miracle!

MrsBRoody- i think the reason they are seeing out again so soon is that pg to bu are considered high risk pg for the reasons mentioned! It s really good to be closely monitored anyhow. Most problems (if you face any) are usually in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. However, i have to stress out that this is not a high chance thing, of the split is severe and the baby implants on the very top of the horns or on the mid part separating the two horn, there is a chance that it wont received enough nutrients because these parts usually have less blood supply. Again, this is not very likely but they still need to monitor it and might put you on baby aspirin for the first trimester just to keep blood supply good. (i didnt take it with ds but was put on bany aspirin during the first trimester of this pg just in case even though i ve tested negative for any blood clotting disorders). Just be happy they are being proactive hun and think positive!xo
Sbl-hey!i used to have painful periods when i was younger but then at about 27 they got much better. I havent had a proper period since before my son (pg with my ds, no af for 8 months due to bf, 1 lousy period, pg again, mc 12 weeks later, 1 lousy period 2 months later, pg again, mc 7 weeks later, pg again before af ever showed!!!)!
And as you can see i get pg pretty easily, it s the keeping them part that s been problematic.

Victorial- congratulations for having your baby!!!well done hun!! Sorry to hear about her squashed feet but i m pretty sure with everything medicine has achieved nowadays she ll be fine very very soon! Enjoy you little miracle!

MrsBRoody- i think the reason they are seeing out again so soon is that pg to bu are considered high risk pg for the reasons mentioned! It s really good to be closely monitored anyhow. Most problems (if you face any) are usually in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. However, i have to stress out that this is not a high chance thing, of the split is severe and the baby implants on the very top of the horns or on the mid part separating the two horn, there is a chance that it wont received enough nutrients because these parts usually have less blood supply. Again, this is not very likely but they still need to monitor it and might put you on baby aspirin for the first trimester just to keep blood supply good. (i didnt take it with ds but was put on bany aspirin during the first trimester of this pg just in case even though i ve tested negative for any blood clotting disorders). Just be happy they are being proactive hun and think positive!xo

Thank for for the answer, if it was the Midwife/NHS it wouldnt seem so odd that they were keeping an eye on me, its just because this is a private scan company and they have no responsibility for me or will see me again that i find it odd they are giving me another scan.

So because they are not my healthcare provider they cannot prescribe me any medication or anything.

Only a week to find out i guess!! Thanks again. x
Hi girls thanks so much for you replies to my comment. :flower:

Its great to finally find somewhere to vent about this.

I was just wondering to you guys have painful periods?

And how long it took you to get pregnant initially?

Thanks gals


hey SBL initally it took me 2 months to fall pregnant but we werent trying but werent preventing either and now i am in the 2WW only a week to go before testing and cannot wait!! :D
i got my period roughly a month after my miscarriage and for me it was just a regular period maybe a little heavier but i didnt have any pain so i guess i was kinda lucky xx
Oups sorry mrs broody, i must have not understood your quetion correctly! That is indeed odd! Let us know, i am curious!!
Oups sorry mrs broody, i must have not understood your quetion correctly! That is indeed odd! Let us know, i am curious!!

Thats ok, no problem :flower:

Yeah its only because its a private company that it seems odd.

Although i had an internal last time and now at 9w+4 i wil be having a normal scan and i wondered if she wanted to check it from that angle to see more. I know she was struggling to tell how deep the split was, but she did say she didnt think it was the whole way down.

I will have to start reading through all the previous messages on pregnancys on this thread now so i start to get some idea of what i'm in for!

Thanks! :hugs:
No probs mrs broody! Once you re pg it is difficult to diagnose the severity of the condition as the uterus stretches out but you should make sure you get regular monitoring even if t is just for your peace of mind! You re almost out of the first trimester, fxed for a happy and healthy pg!
hey christina
how are you going with bubby? still on bed rest or doc let you wander a little lol
have you had many scans done and found out what sex you little one is?
only 4 days till AF is due hopig she dont show her ugly face and i can test!!
Hey littlemama! Wow only 4 days, that is great!! I really hope the witch doesnt show her ugly face and you get a super strong bfp!!!
As for me, yes still on bed rest, will be till birth!!i ve been having scans every 2-3 weeks which is great!!we re having a girl this time round(touch wood that everything runs smoothly)!!we re very excited but still not able to enjoy this pg, i dont think i ll ever relax before she s safe and sound in my arms!!!
That's awesome hope everything goes well for you!! You wouldn't have long to go??
Well I'm out this month AF showed her face early woke up this morning with them :( hubby is upset and I'm disappointed but I know it will happen soon so I'm hoping for a April BFP :) xx
ggrrmmmfffff this suck littlemama...i m sorry af showed but at least your cycles are nice and normal! Remind me again (sorry if i ve asked before) but are you tracking ovulation somehow?Cause if a showed early maybe you also ov'ed earlier so that's why it didint happen this month. ANyway, keep at it babe, you re bound to get your bfp, you know it, so just keep thinking and picturing how great it will be when you do!
Thanks for you kind words btw, i am 25w5d so approximately 11 weeks until stitch removal and as doc predicts birth!Hope we make it there!xo
no i dont do any charting i am kind of just in the mind set of when its meant to be it will be, i know i will get my BFP soon have FX it will be april Bfp for me, me and hubby are not trying just going to let nature its cause but we do BD every second day at least and most times every day so wont be long before my BFP :)
wow time flies wont be long till your little bubba is safe in your arms and you can just relax and enjoy your little bundle of love joy and happiness xx
Thanks littlemama, and yes i m confident you re going to get your bfp soon, this not trying thing is way better, keeps you more relaxed which is the key! Plus it keeps all the fun in BDind, have to admit when we consciously tried it wasnt as fun! I m rooting for you...with an april bfp you re going to have a great x mas present on its way!!!
Yeah what an awesome Xmas gift that would be hey we def enjoy the bding more when we take away the trying I just felt so pressured and got so hopeful and then when AF turned up to just be so disappointed but now I just keep in my mind when it's right it will happen an I know it's my time :)
Exactly, you ve been preggers before, once it s your time you ll be again! Lots of baby dust for april!!!

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