Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hi mossip I have a surgically diagnosed unicornuate uterus. If you do in fact have that it should be diagnosed. My uterus measures pretty close to normal. It wasn't seen on multiple scans, after 2 rounds ivf or a mri (because I had a 10cm fibroid that pushed the uterus really bad so it was hard to see it). It wasn't until I had that fibroid removed my dr found the unicornuate uterus. He had to remove my right tube and tiny piece of right uterus (called a rudimentary horn) because it was functional and if I were to become pregnant on that side it would have ruptured. I have 2 kidneys and 2 ovaries so it didn't affect anything else. I had a son via ivf (mainly male factor issues then recurrent miscarriages) and had him at 37 weeks 2 days via c section. I was followed very closely and everything was fine except for tons of Braxton hicks early on. I am now pregnant again almost 13 weeks after ivf. My ultrasounds again this time have shown a normal size uterus which they think it's because uterus was stretched some from baby 1 which is a good sign. I'm hoping to deliver again before 38 weeks via c section. I am at significant risk of uterine rupture beyond that point from surgeries, c section and uterine malformation.
Ultrasounds are not the best way to see UU and usually miss it. You need a MRI which is usually pretty good at diagnosing it. Also hsg would diagnose it.
Hi mossip. I am sorry I don't really know much about uu but I was also about to suggest either an MRI or a HSG. In general mullerian anomalies are difficult to diagnose and have a high % of wrong diagnoses. Also when you get pg it's even more difficult to diagnose. So I d suggest getting those tests done now before the ivf just to be on the safe side. Good luck and I know for sure that apart from mobaby sbl also has a beautiful daughter and a uu!
I haven't been on this forum for a couple years, after losing my first pregnancy to a MMC at 11 weeks in 2013. I was diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus, and have been unable to concieve since then. I was referred to a fertility centre in 2015, but after going through the diagnostic process there, I felt like I was just spent. My faith and hope and courage were spent up. I told my husband that I just wanted to let it go, and consider adoption.
Well, one month after I made the call to cancel our treatment at the fertility centre, I got pregnant!

I can't believe it! After 3 years of infertility!

But now, I am back to worrying.... Worrying about my age, (I'm 39), my bicornuate uterus (which, even after an MRI, I still don't feel like anyone gave me any straight answers about), and worst of all, worrying about the spotting that I've had for the past 2 days.... very faint pinkish brownish white. I know that this can be normal, but my own body only remembers one thing.

I had an early scan at 6 weeks, and the baby is implanted in my right horn, not on my septum...

So that's something...
ANd there was a heartbeat....

Has anyone had spotting in their successful pregnancies?
I spotted at 6 & 10 weeks in my pregnancy with Oscar . I had 6 first trip losses and a neo natal loss and didn't spot in any of them pregnancies, I only spotted in my successful pregnancy xx
Hi phaedy! Congratulations on your new pg! I remember you from a few years back...I just wanted to let you know that with ds1 I had a week of spotting very early on (w6). With dd1 I had 2-3 weeks of very heavy bleeding at w13-16 and then 2-3 weeks of spotting after that. And with dd2 I had a week of medium bleeding at w13 and some spotting after w20 (I think it was w26). I know it's terribly scary and alarming even when you know the cause and it's unrelated but just wanted to give you some hope. With dd1 I never thought she'd survive so much blood loss but she did! And dd2 had a terrible NT scan followed with bleeding the next day..it was sooooo scary and seemed like a lost cause..but she's here with us, they all are, so don't lose hope girl!
I had some spotting early on for a few days and I'm almost 16 wks :)
Thank you so much, everyone, for sharing. It does give me so much comfort, even though I know there are no guarantees... It is so scary to hope!
Chritiana, I remember you too! I think I learned more from you about BU than my doctor! And you are the reason I insisted on getting an MRI.
Now if only someone would look over my MRI with me and explain it!
I will see a midwife for the first time next week, and maybe she can explain it.
I am hoping to have midwife care through my pregnancy, but Im cautious, knowing that C section might be the safest option for me.
I will keep you all posted!
I didn't have any spotting with my girl but I just wanted to say congratulations!
Very best of luck phaedypants!
Phaedy thanks, it's good to know I might have helped a little! Why are you saying a section might be best?? I know they will not try to turn the baby when you have a BU or any kind of MA but if your baby is head down why not? Ds was head down and born naturally, dd1 was head up n born via section and dd2 was head down and born with a vbac.
That is really encouraging!
I pray my pregnancy is safe and healthy, and that I get a chance to have a natural birth.
The OB told me that i would most likely be looking at a section but I hope she was wrong.
All that really matters is a healthy baby but I hate that they are so sure of sections.. I still had an intact 2cm septum with ds and he still managed to turn the right way. Anyway, I think the best thing is to be prepared for a section so that if you do have one it can be an awesome experience all the same but also do all the things you can to turn your baby head down (like being sitted in the right way to make room for it to turn!)
Hi all!
I started bleeding again yesterday, at 7w2d... A big patch of dark brown blood came out of me, and light brown spotting ever since.
I go in for another ultrasound in the morning, and then to see the midwife on wednesday. I am terrified. I know that stress is the worst thing for me now, but I am so drained and scared and angry and sad.
It has helped me to know that bleeding isnt necessarily the end, but it feels too dreadfully familiar.
Okay... I need some advice!
Being 39, with some bleeding, some thyroid issues (hopefully sorted soon by thyroxine) and a BU, I guess I might be considered high risk.
I have always wanted home birth, and believe that midwife care is so superior to obgyn...home visits, after birth care, ect... however, I booked myself into a pregnancy clinic with an obgyn early in my pregnancy, as the midwives were booked.
Now, a midwife has become available. I haven't had any appointment with either yet, and I can't have both, and must choose.
I will not be able to get thyroid meds from the midwife, and I dont have a family doctor, and the day clinic scene in my town is a nightmare. Also, I know my chance of csection is higher, in which case I wont get a home birth anyways.
I do have a good friend who is a midwife and I have been considering calling her for advice, but she has pretty strong feelings about obgyns...
I feel confused! Have any of you made this choice?
Ow wow phaedy I m sorry you re going through this hun. As you as you said dark brown I told myself "no worries that's old" and was so gla to read you found a perfect hb later! I think tht feeling of being terrified and expecting the worst starts subsiding when you get into the second trimester or previous loss weeks although if I m honest I don't think I felt completely at ease until I had my babies safe in my arms. I still enjoyed Maya's pg much more than I did Natalia's but a what if was always at the back of my mind.
Anyway..I m not sure I can help in your question..here in Greece we only have the hospital option available and mw work with the obgyns and help during labor. I have heard of home birth but it's considered pretty hard core! So if you have a mw at home but end up needing a section what happens? I m not sure but I think I d want to be at a hospital just in case but that's just the paranoid part of me talking!!
How are you now? I hope the bleeding has subsided!
Thanks.... I have never been very good at getting my hopes up... It feels so scary.
But, I want to concentrate on the now. Today, I am pregnant with a healthy little one.
Time has never gone so slowly...
I have my first midwife appt tomorrow. I will go and try to decide if its right for me. Home birth os actually really common here! But midwives also have full priviliges at the hospital, which is probably the route I will go. The midwife would refer me to a surgeon at a certain point in the pregnany if it looked like the baby was breech, but they would still be there for the birth. Midwives also do home visits every couple weeks after birth to check in and help with breastfeeding...no doctor is going to do that!
I just pray for a bit of peace on my heart, and to make the right decision.
Glad your scan went well!
Just as a uterine abnormality as well I will say I feel you should be led by ob and not midwife. There is potential for uterine rupture, premature labor, cervical shortening, iugr and breech presentation. You are high risk and a home birth could be extremely dangerous if problems arise. If your uterus ruptures during labor unfortunately things won't turn out very well. I would seriously research it very vey well and discuss with midwife tomorrow. Find out her experience with uterine abnormalities. If the midwife has not had much experience then I would probably advise not to see her. See if you can reach out to mothers who may have been in this situation and see what their thoughts are. Most persons with uterine abnormalities require more frequent visits and ultrasounds. With my son I had a scan every 1-2 weeks until third tri then we eased off as things were going very well. I had a scan later on too just not remembering when. Call your friend for advice. It will help your decision making.
I hope your appointment goes well and that you can get reassurance hun. Wrote down all the questions so that you don't forget anything and cover all possible scenarios so there are no what ifs! Are you seeing bub tomorrow?
I just wanted to check in here.... Time has dragged sooooo slowly the past couple of months. I haven't had any bleeding since 8 weeks, and have no real reason to be so worried, but of course, I am beside myself with worries. I had an ultrasound at 8.5 weeks, and all was well, but of course, after having a MMC, these 3 weeks that have passed are no real consolation. I just hate how they leave us to fend for ourselves in the first trimester. It seems so cruel! A 10 week ultrasound would have saved me from at least a hundred grey hairs!!!
But, a week today, I will have my 12 week ultrasound, and all I can do is hope and pray that there is a healthy little one in there...
I am happy with my choice of going with an ob-gyn, although I still worry that they are not pro-active enough. I have a BU, and also had a cone biopsy in my teens... both of these things put me at higher risk for incompetent cervix, and it doesn't seem like the doctor is taking any special precautions around monitoring my cervix... maybe they will later? AAAAAAAAAA..... I keep thinking about how princess Kate probably had doctors monitoring her everyday, and taking every precaution.... I don't know why I keep thinking about that!:wacko:

Do you think I should be assertive in asking for special monitoring? Or am I being overworried, and I should just trust my doctor more?

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