Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Hi everyone!
Congrats on your baby, Mo!
For the newly diagnosed, be your own advocate. Uterine abnormalities they cannot tell you much just from an US. Push for an MRI. And depending on the specific shape of your uterus, you could have absolutely no problems...or risks. Having already carried a full term pregnancy is a great sign though!
I am 33 weeks pregnant with a bicornuate uterus. I took 9 months to concieve my first time, and musvarried at 11 weeks. Afterwards, I had over 3 years of heartbreaking infertility. Whether this is related to my BU, nobody could ever tell me for sure...
But, I did concieve naturally and it was absolutely woth every hour of sorrow.
I have recieved some special care throughout my pregnancy. Regular ultrasounds after 18 weeks to check on my cervical length. (BU means a higher likelihood of incomoetant cervix). Early ultrasound due to bleeding between 8-10 weeks). But other thanthat, its been a pretty smooth sail!
Now, I am in those final weeks. Baby is still breech. Nobody is able to give me a clear answer about what it means for my delivery. My doctor has not shown much of a concern or an interest in the labour and delivery side of BU... I cant decide if that means i should relax because its no big deal, or whether I need to advocate for more specialized care...
I have an appointment tomorrow and I will bring in a ver informative article and ask my doctor to go over it with me.
I will find the link and post it here!
I just wanted to post this link for you all!
I have googled a lot in regards to uterine abnormalities, and this is the most helpful article I have found!

Oh my goodness! I just realized looking at my signature on this page that my delivery date is likely to be the date of my miscarriage! My due date is November 3rd (my own birthday!) But Dr. wants to insuce or c-section at 39 weeks due to my age and possible placenta deterioration. October 28!
Hi all. I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with what I thought was a bicornuate uterus, but may be a septate uterus. I was diagnosed at the age of 11 and was also told I could never get pregnant :shrug:

I've had 2 ultrasounds so far this pregnancy and everything looks fine, but I feel like they're not giving me any information about how my uterus can affect the pregnancy. I know where the placenta attaches is important and no one seems to even care!

Today was my first prenatal appointment and my doctor didn't even read my ultrasound report. She wasn't even aware of what horn the baby was in :dohh: (which is the right horn and the ultrasound tech said my placenta was right posterior).

They're having me come back in 4 weeks, but aren't treating me as high risk at all. Needless to say I made another appointment with a different OBGYN and am getting a second opinion. I was just told so many horror stories (late trimester miscarriage, uterus erupting) that I was expecting to get better care.

How many of you are receiving high risk care?
This was not a planned pregnancy...since I didn't even think I could get pregnant, so I'm extremely stressed!!!
Hi! 32 weeks is already a great gestation and at this point I doubt there is anything more to be done! That said your doc should have had you under high risk care in my opinion as in any MA case! I had a septate uterus, 3 mcs, dis was a vaginal full term birth, dd1 was a premie and emcs and dd2 a full term vbac. If you feel comfortable and trust your doc to do what's best for you and your baby then I don't see a reason why a vbac wouldn't be possible!! Only a few weeks to full term now so try not to worry! :)
Hi all I'm nearly 32 weeks pregnant with a unicornuate uterus. This is my second pregnancy as I was diagnosed when I had a c section as my dd was an undiagnosed footling breech. Il be honest, I haven't received more care, I saw a consultant after my 12 week scan and he was confident that as I made it to 39+5 first time round that I'm not at risk of preterm labour. But I've always have it at the back of my mind that my little man may run out of room sooner and that worries me.

I'm due a presentation scan at 36 weeks where I can decide if I should choose an elective section or vbac. I'm still undecided and the clocks ticking!
Hi, welcome on the thread! A heart shaped uterus is basically a very mild form of a bicornuate and I really doubt it can interfere with fertility. It could possibly cause more risk of spotting or a breech presentation but it shouldn't really be a problem! I know it's easier said than accepted but 9 months is still within normal! Could it be that your cycle changed after your first baby??
I am totally new to this and looking for some insight. I have a 2 year old son who I got pregnant with on the 2nd try. Fast forward to now, and we've been trying for 9 months (took a slight break after having a chemical in February).

We started talking to a fertility specialist and she discovered I have a heart shaped uterus. I asked her if it was important or bad, and she said no...just noting that I have a heart shape uterus. :shrug: Can anyone shed some light on if it can really interfere with fertility?
Hi and congratulations on your new pregnancy!! A bicornuate uterus would normally not pose any risk for 1st trimester loses as its more of a space issue rather than bad circulation. Were they sure it's a bicornuate?? I was wrongly diagnosed with a by for almost 8 years before they finally said its septate (which accounted for 3 mcs). That said, spotting is extremely common (I know how alarming it is to see any kind of blood though). I had bleeding (heavy) with 2 out of my 3 babies that are here on earth! As for extra care..yes I think you should monitor cervical length after 14 weeks just because women with MA in general sometimes have a higher risk for ic. Don't don't always check for cervical length unless you be had a preterm birth but I guess you better be safe than sorry. I wish you all the best :)
New here, but wanted more info about this .

Went for a scan at the EPU due to spotting for 12 days .
According to my calculations I should be around 6 weeks pregnant.
Was expecting the worst but there was a little heartbeat - but only measuring 5 weeks .
Radiographer asked if I knew I had a bicornuate uterus ! I had no idea, have had no problem conceiving and a healthy , full term pregnancy and a beautiful 3 year old daughter playing next to me . My husband and I started trying in July and caught straight away. I am worried now that I may miscarry this peanut due to my uterus being like this , is that likely? Will I need more regular scans etc on this pregnancy or a c section?

Thanks in advance
Congratulations on your pg (despite it being a surprise!!!) I too was told when I was 23 that I d never have kids! I am 36 right now and have a 6 yr old boy, a 4yr old girl and a 1 year old girl! However it hasn't all been easy. I be also had 3 mcs, 2 resections, 2 cervical stitches, a premie and 5 months of strict bed rest. The thing is there's not much you can do right now. As Phaedy said push for extra monitoring, advocate for high risk care..you might not necessarily be high risk but cl measuring is simple..why risk it? Take things easy if you can, put your feet up and try to enjoy your pg. I m only saying this cause I was freaked out for the whole duration of my pg with dd1 so much so that I hated the whole process and regretted it a lot afterwards. I truly wish you the best and hope you can hold your lo in a little under 6 months! And after you do make sure to diagnose your MA correctly..a su can be easily respected and save you from a lot of possible heartbreak (had I been diagnosed correctly I wouldn't have gone through what I did...but then again I would have THESE special kiddoes :) )
Hi all. I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with what I thought was a bicornuate uterus, but may be a septate uterus. I was diagnosed at the age of 11 and was also told I could never get pregnant :shrug:

I've had 2 ultrasounds so far this pregnancy and everything looks fine, but I feel like they're not giving me any information about how my uterus can affect the pregnancy. I know where the placenta attaches is important and no one seems to even care!

Today was my first prenatal appointment and my doctor didn't even read my ultrasound report. She wasn't even aware of what horn the baby was in :dohh: (which is the right horn and the ultrasound tech said my placenta was right posterior).

They're having me come back in 4 weeks, but aren't treating me as high risk at all. Needless to say I made another appointment with a different OBGYN and am getting a second opinion. I was just told so many horror stories (late trimester miscarriage, uterus erupting) that I was expecting to get better care.

How many of you are receiving high risk care?
This was not a planned pregnancy...since I didn't even think I could get pregnant, so I'm extremely stressed!!!
Phaedypants hi sweetie!! I can't believe you re that far along already!! I m sorry I ve been MIA for so long but a lot has happened in my life!! Anyway, 33 weeks huh??? That's awesome, I m so happy for you!! 33 weeks is still early to decide on a vaginal vs a section in my opinion! Dd1 flipped (downside up little bugger) at 35 weeks and dd2 also turned head down at about 33 weeks! Unless you want a section I d say just keep an open mind! Do some exercises to try to turn your little munchkin and be prepared for either scenario! I wasn't prepared for a section in Natalia and it took me by surprise which totally ruined my moment! Can't wait for your birth story although I know it's not time yet!
Mobaby CONGRATULATIONS!! I can't believe I missed it! How is your little bundle? How are you feeling?
He is doing well! Growing. He did do the nicu thing which complicated breastfeeding meaning I'm pumping only because we couldn't get it to work and that's a challenge. I go back to work in 5 weeks which is a bummer :( overall we are doing okay and baby is great and no problems from his rds issues at birth :)
How many months/weeks is he now?? I know pumping is a real pain..I recently stopped pumping although she's still bf but I couldn't take the extra hour at night! Do you think you ll be pumping at work??
He's almost 7 weeks. I'm taking 1 day at a time right now. I'm not making what he eats, almost but having to give a little formula since last week so depending on how my supply is depends on how long I'll continue. I've lost some ounces for unknown reasons and my dr won't test my hormones. He's not bfing at all which stinks. The pumping takes so much time out of the day so I may end up stopping soon as it's kinda driving me crazy. I was going to stop 3 days ago by then I felt guilty and couldn't start weaning. So we shall see what happens.
Hi Christiana, thank you for the response!

Hearing success stories definitely helps put my mind at ease a bit. Do you mind me asking if your miscarriages were early in the pregnancy?
I'm so nervous about losing this baby, I refuse to even let myself get excited. We're finally starting to tell family members, but I refuse to let anyone else know until after the anatomy scan. I need some solid reassurance first.

I plan on keeping my appointment in 4 weeks, but I'm also going for another ultrasound and appointment with another OB/GYN in the meantime. They have an ultrasound of my uterus from before I got pregnant, so I'm hoping they might be of more assistance.

From what I've been told so far...everything looks great and until I'm further along they can't give me any answers. So it's pretty much just a waiting game at this point. Talk about stressful!

I do plan on asking about getting my cervix measured, because I've seen that come up quite a bit. I'm trying REALLY hard to stay off of google! So far this pregnancy has been a nightmare (started with me being hospitalized with a kidney infection), so I'm hoping everything starts to go more smoothly soon.

I really love hearing positive things though, and it looks like quite a few of the ladies on this thread have had success stories, which is good to hear! Congrats and well wishes to everyone who is expecting or recently had a successful pregnancy!
Mo there is no feeling guilty..bf or not you re doing the best for your lo and if pumping frustrates and tires you (it took me 1 hour for 1 bottle geeeezzz) then you need to care for yourself for your baby to be happy too! Well done for doing it for so long!

Bicornbump..my first mc was 11w1d and the other two were in week 7. So you re much further along than that which is great. By this point your placenta has grown substantially and it's much stronger than 2-3 weeks ago! I had my son with a complete septum and a completely trouble free pg..he went all the way to 38+4 and was born naturally! So even though there are many horror stories there are equally many positive ones! I started this thread back in 2011 with horrid bleeding, clots and the rest but still went on to have dd1 and dd2 3 years after that! Keep hydrated, keep your feet up when you can and enjoy your pg!
I had another scan yesterday and everything looked fine with the baby. The one thing that worried me was my empty horn looked like it was filling with tissue.....
Has anyone with a bicornuate uterus experienced this?
Bicorn happy to hear your little bean is growing nicely. I ve never heard of the other horn filling up with tissue, did the doctor actually say that?? I know that as the pg horn grows the other one definitely gets smaller and sometime the baby can pass it's legs in the other side (my dd1 was half here half there at about the middle of the pg).
It was weird, the past couple ultrasounds the other horn looked empty, this time it looked gray. When I asked, the tech didn't seem concerned and said it was probably tissue. I have an appointment with the doctor at some point this week, so hopefully he can explain it better. It makes me nervous. The poor baby already has limited room!!
They never give me ultrasound pictures of both horns, just the horn the baby is in.
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