Uterine Anomaly Thread (bicornuate, unicornuate, septate, didelphys)

Phaedy, so happy to hear everything is running smooth despite all the worries! Once you ve had a loss the worries are always there at some level. I think they start monitoring for ic at about 16 weeks or so when the weight of the baby is actually something substantial! And no, even though I m pretty sure your lo is perfectly ok,there is never enough precaution..if you feel better getting that extra monitoring, and yes your reasons are all legit, then push for it! Btw have you thought about getting a fetal Doppler to save your grey hair in the in between weeks??
Funny you should ask!
I have been looking at fetal monitors on ebay. I just worry I would overuse it.... But I think I might get one.

My husband and I bought our first house yesterday! We are so thrilled! It's a tiny little bungalow on a quiet street with a big backyard. I cannot wait to move in.

There is so much to be happy about! I just feel so dangerously happy!!!
Ow wow phaedy, huge congratulations!!! A new home for your new baby..so exciting!!!
Don't worry about overusing the Doppler..when I was pg with Natalia, being on bed rest for 5 months and having had 2 losses before her and bleeding for a few weeks, I used my Doppler 3 times a day every day until I could feel her kicking constantly. I even sent an email to the company asking if there was any harm to it and they assured me it was perfectly fine. The only thing I did do it limit the amount of time looking for her or listening to the hb cause I know it annoyed her! And it definitely saved me a lot of grey hair! I bought an even better one with maya and was so happy I did!
After so many years of infertility, and the sadness of my miscarriage, I just cannot describe how happy this little image made me! I am in love with a weird alien blob!


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Ooowwww phaedy, such a cute pic, huge congrats girl! Remind me how far along you are, you have to change that ticker ;)
I was told at my emergency c-section I had a "heart-shaped" uterus. I don't know why this wasn't picked up when I had my D&C in 2013. Surely they would have noticed? Anyway...

Baby was growing in one horn, I guess (it seemed like sometimes she was on the left and sometimes she was on the right, so I have no idea what kind of septum I might have), and ran out of room to grow. So she was IUGR and breech. Because she was breech, I was forced to have a c-section.

If I ever have another child, I'm desperate to have a VBAC, but I'm just not feeling like it's possible. Did anyone have a natural delivery with a bicornuate uterus?
Hey ginger panda!! A heart shaped uterus is a mild case of a bicornuate and different to a septate. You need an MRI or a HSG or a hysteroscopy to be 100% sure of what it is you have. At the time of the section it's literally impossible to tell because everything is sooooo stretched out!anyway back to you question..of course you ll be able to get your vbac if everything is ok! I had my son with a vb and a full long septum in 2010. In 2012, after 2 mc I had my daughter with an emergency c section. After another mc and re resecting my septum I had a wonderful vbac and delivered my second daughter in 2015. Everyone told me we wouldn't make it..my doctor told me horror stories of how he might have to take my uterus out..blah blah blah..we still did it an it was the most amazing birth experience. Just make sure your doctor is on board! I m not sure if you re pg now (status says you are) but if you re not I d suggest you check out your exact MA..a septum is very easy to resect an it d be a shame to have another mc because of it!
Ginger definitely go and get a proper diagnosis before you next decide to ttc it can really make a world of difference! I m wishing you everything you ve ever wished for and ask away any questions you might have. And remember a vbac is totally doable as long as your baby is head down and there are no other complications!
Hello , I am posting for my friend from europe . I am original from small state ( Czech Republic ) . Friend of mine recently had a miscarriage and when she went to the dr to find out why , they found out she had two uteruses and one cervix . Only info the doctor could tell her was that it either would be very hard or impossible for her to have a baby . He told her they dont have enough info in the whole country or experiences , to tell her more or to suggest what to do or even give her any successful stories . So she texted me and asked me to try to find any info in US . So i was wondering if anyone has this and what did your doctor said and if you know any successful stories I would greatly appreciate any info , thank you in advance
Hi all I'm nearly 32 weeks pregnant with a unicornuate uterus. This is my second pregnancy as I was diagnosed when I had a c section as my dd was an undiagnosed footling breech. Il be honest, I haven't received more care, I saw a consultant after my 12 week scan and he was confident that as I made it to 39+5 first time round that I'm not at risk of preterm labour. But I've always have it at the back of my mind that my little man may run out of room sooner and that worries me.

I'm due a presentation scan at 36 weeks where I can decide if I should choose an elective section or vbac. I'm still undecided and the clocks ticking!
Hi quack! I'm 35 weeks with #2 and unicornuate :) I had scheduled section at 37+2 last time due to fibroid removal and breech presentation. Just at ob today and scheduled repeat section at 37+5 but looks like baby is coming before then so waiting to see if I get a new earlier date due to some issues.
Hi mo, nice to meet another person with a uu. I don't think my health care providers know much about the condition. I was told at 12 weeks that if I proceeded with a c section then I'd be booked in for 39 weeks. Whether I get that far is another thing!

Not long til you get to meet your baby. How exciting.
Hey ladies just wanted to update. Dr has moved section up a bit to Wednesday since I had some bleeding twice now. Baby will be 36 weeks so hopefully no issues. I'm keeping all crossed we get to go home together :)
Quick update: c section was great. Exactly 36 weeks today. Weight 6 lb 14 oz. length 20 inches! He had to go to nicu b/c couldn't keep oxygen up so he's on bubble cpap. His lower lungs weren't opening well and he had some fluid so they need to watch him. His glucose is low so he got an iv and Tpn for nutrition. Also has a gastric tube for suction out stomach. They did use it to give him some of my colostrum! Hoping my body recognizes soon baby is out and to make milk!! He may be a weak water for a bit. The lactation consultant has advised me to pump heavy this next month even if he is bfing.
I am totally new to this and looking for some insight. I have a 2 year old son who I got pregnant with on the 2nd try. Fast forward to now, and we've been trying for 9 months (took a slight break after having a chemical in February).

We started talking to a fertility specialist and she discovered I have a heart shaped uterus. I asked her if it was important or bad, and she said no...just noting that I have a heart shape uterus. :shrug: Can anyone shed some light on if it can really interfere with fertility?
New here, but wanted more info about this .

Went for a scan at the EPU due to spotting for 12 days .
According to my calculations I should be around 6 weeks pregnant.
Was expecting the worst but there was a little heartbeat - but only measuring 5 weeks .
Radiographer asked if I knew I had a bicornuate uterus ! I had no idea, have had no problem conceiving and a healthy , full term pregnancy and a beautiful 3 year old daughter playing next to me . My husband and I started trying in July and caught straight away. I am worried now that I may miscarry this peanut due to my uterus being like this , is that likely? Will I need more regular scans etc on this pregnancy or a c section?

Thanks in advance

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