I am terribly disappointed with this thread tbh. I always perceived this forum asfriendly and very, very helpful. I respect different opinions, but I do not respect preaching advice against WHO advice to vaccine our children, to be publicised here to be honest.
And if you don't want to read the article, a quick quote
The real conspirators here are the Kennedys of the world, the 150 websites, and all those desperate to kill off childhood vaccinations. Sadly, theyre also killing off kids. As more frightened parents refuse to have their children vaccinated, "hot spots are cropping up across the U.S.," observed a recent article in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, such that "outbreaks of measles, whooping cough, mumps, rubella and diphtheria are reoccurring, costing hundreds of lives and hospitalizing thousands more."
Keep Americas children healthy. Send the anti-vaccination conspiracy packing to Roswell, New Mexico where they can harmlessly pontificate about flying saucers and that eye in the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill.
What disappoints me is seeing that people cannot even express their view without being accused of threatening children's lives, or being compared to paranoid conspiracy theorists. I personally find that very insulting - and I have vaccinated my son.
The only one, single person on this thread who I have seen preaching was preaching for vaccinations. Is it really so impossible to have this discussion without people being incredibly rude and offensive?