Vaccine Video

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Don't worry, we vaccinate but were vegetarians and raising Moo veggie so we get had a go at for that. Freedom of choice, alienating her, risking her health.... probably much the same arguments! Very boring :dohh:

Same! Definitely not up for mother of the year award... sob

Our poor anaemic skinny children. :winkwink:
Slides 28-30 give some informative statistics of how effective a vaccine is against smallpox.

I do have to say that just because there is a failure rate on vaccines, isn't a reason on its own not to trust them. Condoms have a pretty decent failure rate (70% in actuality due to user error) but we don't say skip the condom, its not worth it, right?
I don't know why I bothered tbh, started reading with open mind the more I read the more wound up I became. Didn't mean to offend anyone as I am sure opponents didn't mean to offend me either.
I think this thread has gone a bit too far and I tried not to add salt to the wound but just become a bit upset by the general tone of the thread. Note to self: do not reply to threads that wind you up!
Still, i lost my faith in this forum :cry:

Well, it's a real shame if you've lost your faith in the forum because of one thread. This forum has thousands of members and hundreds of threads a day.. you're bound to find heated ones - particularly when people are being accused of irresponsible parenting decisions. It's not nice and very offensive, I'm sure you can see how it would upset people?
Lemme put it this way for those who think I am rude:

Almost every day I see a post about someone's sister in law bringing their sick kid around their newborn and saying how rude that is.

No one thinks they are wrong when they have a shitfit about it. So why am I wrong for having a shitfit for the possibility someone is going to bring their measles, mumps or rubella infected child out in public before they are showing symptoms, then rub their hands on a shopping cart, who someone else touches, then grabs the box of cereal i am gonna buy?

You think that people who bring sick kids around infants are rude, but I am rude for thinking the same?

But the same can happen with other diseases - like meningitis...or a cold that turns into a chest infection, that becomes pneumonia...or influenza...or diarrheoa that leads to dehydration...I mean, where do you draw the line?

Vaccinated children are not 100 per cent immune...not even 99 per cent. I will have to do some research (and this is only from memory) but I am sure the measles part of the MMR is only 80-odd per cent effective. So a vaccinated child could do exactly the same thing as you describe.

I vaccinate. I agree with vaccinations, quite strongly in fact. I think they have helped eradicate, or bring down the rates, of some awful diseases. I believe the choices that I and millions of others have made to vaccinate in some way allow others not to vaccinate, as immunity rates in the community are relatively high.

But - I also agree with the right of every mother to choose to do what they think is right for their child. Every balanced and loving mother examines the facts and comes to a judgement that she believes is best. I think you should have some respect for that, or at least learn to treat people with courtesy, regardless of your views. Because believe it or not your way is not the only way - and a bit of open mindedness, and respect, would serve you well.
Don't worry, we vaccinate but were vegetarians and raising Moo veggie so we get had a go at for that. Freedom of choice, alienating her, risking her health.... probably much the same arguments! Very boring :dohh:

Same! Definitely not up for mother of the year award... sob

Our poor anaemic skinny children. :winkwink:

Who have to sit on their own while all of their friends go to McDonalds :nope:
I don't think any parent that chooses not to vaccinate, or at least any I have come across, chooses to do so because of the failure rate. That was only pointed out because some people were acting like since they vaccinated their kid couldn't possibly be the one to contract an illness and pass it on. I did take into consideration the effectiveness of the vaccines but it definitely wasn't the reason we chose not to
I don't know why I bothered tbh, started reading with open mind the more I read the more wound up I became. Didn't mean to offend anyone as I am sure opponents didn't mean to offend me either.
I think this thread has gone a bit too far and I tried not to add salt to the wound but just become a bit upset by the general tone of the thread. Note to self: do not reply to threads that wind you up!
Still, i lost my faith in this forum :cry:

That is ridiculous. This thread was going fine until LadyHutch came in with her insane ranting. Do you really think that she was being reasonable when she said she would sue the parents of an unvaccinated child if her LO got sick, and that all unvaccinated kids should be listed at schools so she can keep her child away from them? I am pro-vaccinations, but think that all the people in this thread who choose not to vaccinate their children have been very respectful and not at all preachy.

I agree. Also like the majority of other posters; I was speaking from my own personal experience with vaccines, and not posting consipracy theorist links. The fact is two of my boys were harmed by a particular vaccine, so I shared that experience. I had no idea that that vaccine could cause such problems but I have since met many other mums IRL whose children had a similar reaction; in almost all the cases the child did have an existing allergy to cows milk, in only one of the cases did the child's GP actually read the manufacturers information on the vaccine and realise it said that the vaccine was not suitable for that child. I would like it if the UK government went back to the dtaP vaccine and seperate vaccines for the other elements in the 5-in-1; there is no reason why they shouldn't as the dtaP is available without thiomersal/thimerosal now; and one of their main reasons for switching to the pediacel vaccine which is approved for use in so few countries was the fact the old dtaP had thiomersal in it. Also there is now an inactivated polio injection so they wouldn't have to use the live oral polio vaccine either xx
Don't worry, we vaccinate but were vegetarians and raising Moo veggie so we get had a go at for that. Freedom of choice, alienating her, risking her health.... probably much the same arguments! Very boring :dohh:

Same! Definitely not up for mother of the year award... sob

Us too ;) - And we do a delayed vaccination programme; SHE'S DOOOOOMED! :haha:
I don't think any parent that chooses not to vaccinate, or at least any I have come across, chooses to do so because of the failure rate. That was only pointed out because some people were acting like since they vaccinated their kid couldn't possibly be the one to contract an illness and pass it on. I did take into consideration the effectiveness of the vaccines but it definitely wasn't the reason we chose not to

I can understand the distinction.
But I think the counter-point (and not saying I hold this view myself) is that even if its not totally effective, at least those parents who vaccinated tried to keep from spreading it. So the anger comes towards the non-vaccinated kids spreading it because they MIGHT not have if they were vaccinated. That it was a choice on their part that greatly increased the chance of them catching then spreading the disease.

A lot of people also don't understand about needing booster shots (those slides I linked to show that the chance of catching smallpox went up from 4% to 12% if you were vaccinated >10 years before exposure). Things like whooping cough have had a bad outbreak in my area because people didn't keep up on their boosters.
i respect people's views that are different and everyone is free to make their own choice. I am also not saying that all vaccines are safe, but I am still pro in general.

As quoted from link posted from who website
Smallpox has long been hailed as the ultimate vaccination success. It was declared eradicated in 1979, the only disease affecting humans to be eliminated deliberately. Polio has been eradicated in WHO’s American, European and Western Pacific Regions, while the number of countries where polio is deemed a serious public health problem has dropped from 125 in 1988, when the eradication drive was launched, to only four – Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan – where the disease remains endemic.

There have been many other successes, such as the 99% reduction in the incidence of bacterial meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae in the United States of America (USA) which introduced vaccination against the disease in 1988, according to its Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Republic of Korea, with 99% vaccination coverage for measles, declared the killer disease eradicated in 2006.

Despite these successes, vaccine anxieties continue to periodically impede this highly effective public health measure. In certain industrialized countries, most notably the USA, public concern has shifted its focus from the diseases vaccination can prevent, to the risks of the vaccines themselves. The Internet has become a significant channel for anti-vaccination views. The popular video-sharing web site YouTube offers a plethora of anti-vaccination clips. The Internet has also become a forum for alternative medicine practitioners to present their anti-vaccination ideas and promote alternative products.

What is the problem with alternative medicine? :shrug:
Wow. It's been a long time since I've seen someone so blatantly rude on here. Suing because my unvax'd kid got yours sick? :rofl: Are you going to sue my mother if she comes near your baby and passes something on then? She HAS been vaccinated against rubella-- three times-- and the vaccine never took. She produced no antibodies to it. The proof? My profoundly deaf 23 year old brother. My mother contracted rubella in pregnancy DESPITE being vaccinated. She could come into contact with your baby at any time and still be carrying it, but that isn't her fault-- she WAS vax'd against it, but it didn't work for her. I wonder how many others out there are like my mother? Are you going to sue all the people whose bodies didn't recognize the vaccine and rejected it next?
I will never ever respect anyone that will not vaccinate their child. That is the most ridiculous thing I think I've ever heard. Thank you for ruining our herd immunity to things that are now making a comeback. Selfish.
omg seriously can no one make their point without just being a tw*t?

btw my son just had his first jabs yesterday so i vaccinate but im finding some people just so rude and very childish
Close minded people are fantastic. Good thing us "selfish" parents don't need your approval to do what we feel is best for OUR children.
I can't believe I'm reading another 'vaccination' thread.... I'm sure the last one was only a few weeks ago?!
I also can't believe how some people cannot hold a civil conversation/debate without being rude....... :dohh:
Um..ok, slightly controversial and I await critacism but I believe it's a form of child abuse if people do not vaccinate their children. I also believe that if someone does not vaccinate their child then they should be liable to pay the NHS (if UK based) for their child's care if they fall ill. Cannot believe some people do not vaccinate their children! It's up there with crystals and homeopathic remedies which make me cringe.
Lemme put it this way for those who think I am rude:

Almost every day I see a post about someone's sister in law bringing their sick kid around their newborn and saying how rude that is.

No one thinks they are wrong when they have a shitfit about it. So why am I wrong for having a shitfit for the possibility someone is going to bring their measles, mumps or rubella infected child out in public before they are showing symptoms, then rub their hands on a shopping cart, who someone else touches, then grabs the box of cereal i am gonna buy?

You think that people who bring sick kids around infants are rude, but I am rude for thinking the same?

Okay I am sorry but I have been trying to not say anything on this thread because each to their own but seriously? What your writing makes no sense!

Your saying here if someones sister in law brings their sick kid around a newborn, people moan about... Maybe, Just maybe, thats because the sister in law KNOWS that the kid is sick.

By someone walking through a supermarket who happens to be carrying rubella, coincidentally rubs their hand on a shopping cart, which someone else then touches and then touches a box of cereal your going to buy, is a very very very very very near impossible thing to happen. Plus, the kid could be vaccinated and 'shedding'. So seriously now, if you randomly happened to find the kid carrying rubella, you would go up to his/her parent and threaten to sue them yeah? What if their parent then turned around and stated that her child WAS vaccinated? Then where would you stand?

It is possible that vaccinated kids can still carry the illness. And not every kid that isn't vaccinated is 'infected' (as you stated they were earlier). Your actually discriminating kids and parents. Maybe its YOU who should be sued for discrimination against those who have a different opinion to yours!

Errrgh! So rude and close minded! And I vaccinated aswell!
I have read some of the most ridiculous and rude comments from BOTH sides. If you came into contact with me or my child you would NEVER KNOW if we were vaccinated or not. My choices are no one elses business. Some people need to get a grip on reality. It's sad that you can't have a healthy debate on a topic with proof (from both sides) which could possibly change someone's mind who didn't know what they would for sure do. Instead we have women on here acting like rude asses and causing a divide where people are going to close their minds off and 'take sides' when they haven't been properly educated on the subject.

Parents, Do your research. Make the decisions yourself. No one should be attacked for their beliefs.
Um..ok, slightly controversial and I await critacism but I believe it's a form of child abuse if people do not vaccinate their children. I also believe that if someone does not vaccinate their child then they should be liable to pay the NHS (if UK based) for their child's care if they fall ill. Cannot believe some people do not vaccinate their children! It's up there with crystals and homeopathic remedies which make me cringe.

Are you kidding me?? What is abusive about educating yourself and making a choice (that is our right to make) that we feel is best for our kids? What would be more like abuse is knowing what I know and feeling what I do in my heart and then STILL giving my kids vaccines that I feel could do them harm.

Funny how the only people rude in this thread are ones that vaccinate (not all)....yet we are the terrible parents.
Child abuse?
Really? Are you seriously for real?
I can't believe this shit I am reading.
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