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VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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To my MIL - After finding out we're having a boy, don't say the following at the dinner table and expect me to not be offended: "well...I'm really happy for YOU Greg" (she said to my hubby as if I didn't want a boy). Just because you always wanted a girl and was disappointed that you didn't have one, it doesn't mean that I felt/feel the same way. I am just as thrilled to have a boy and have never indicated otherwise.
am so loving this thread have only managed to get about half way through just wanted to add mine

everyone- back off do not touch me or my bump just because im pregnant does not mean you are allowed to grope me i still have my private space thank you.

friends and family -no i am not having twins and yes i know i have a big bump

sil- please stop being negative towards me and my pregnancy i know you have been trying for a long time but so have i and i want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy as i know this will be my last.

sil again- dont tell me i cannot be looking at pushchairs its too early! i am nearly 4 months and i am researching everything trying to find things i like and then 10 mins later tell me you have your cot picked out and your not even pregnant yet!

everyone- i know we live in a 2 bedroom house but thanks for pointing out we will have to move soon as if we have not already thought about it!

strangers on the bus - yes im pregnant and got backache as just finished work and im in my uniform so you know this and yep i would love to sit down please!
to my sister:
Just because you have 6 kids by an idiot does not make you an expert on parenting or the expert on what i should do with my kid... Please stop calling me every 5 minutes to tell me how your husband is an idiot, leave the loser already... Stop telling how breastfeeding makes kids smarter i was not breastfed and i have a college degree and graduate degree and didn't have 6 kids by an idiot...who cares if you were and your kids were...i will do what i want...stop asking me what my boyfriend is doing this week..if i want you to know i will tell you...stop asking me how much money he makes to compare ur life to mine..my boyfriend makes more than you and your husband and will take care of his child and that's all you need to know...

to the stinky people on the train: sorry your cigarettes make me want to throw up daily...if you are a drunk please don't sit next to people...i wish i didn't have to smell you every morning at 7am...obviously you are going to work, go to an AA meeting.

to my boyfriend: I know you are scared but you're 45 with no kids and a good job...grow up already...i can't sympathize with your feelings I'm sick and tired every day and my body is getting fat so you know what get over it the baby is coming like it or not...grow a pair they got us into this...

coworkers: stop running around the office asking my office confidons if i'm pregnant ask me fool, they are not going give you any info...also stop asking me if me and my boyfriend and i are still together as if i don't know what your getting at...its none of your business...and boss stop asking my office confidon if i'm getting married...no i'm 39 and don't believe in shotgun marriages you know I only been with my boyfriend since december so stop asking...

bestfriend: stop saying my dog is a danger to the baby because he barks and likes to play tug a war with toys...he's a sweet little dog and loves kids, but you wouldn't know because you aren't at my house everyday...stop telling me when to see the doctor..i'm a grown up and i have always been responsible my whole life why would i now be different... stop telling me not to complain about my pregnancy because you can't have kids...sorry for you but pregnancy is not all rosey and you know what, i don't feel good and i will say it....

mom: f**k you if you don't want to babysit and help out with the baby after i have it...you never raised me anyway...so why should i expect anything different now...you have always been a selfish as* so i should have known you wouldn't change your tune now...just don't get mad when I don't ask you for advice or care for your opinion because i don't give a sh*t....i'm doing great without it...

wow...i feel great..:blush:
To OH: I love you to death and you are incredibly supportive and understanding...but please MOVE OUT OF YOUR DAD's PLACE! While it's possible to maintain our relationship right now while you're 45 miles away, but when LO is here you're gonna need to be closer. And it's NOT COOL to tell me that you're gonna get more sleep than me when the baby comes because you'll only be here with me half the time! FIND A JOB CLOSER TO ME!

To OH's dad: You are a piece of crap loser!! Sorry, but yelling in the background while I'm talking to your son on the phone, not to mention when you're belligerently drunk, to tell me that you're gonna love your grandbaby and you want to be in her life is NOT gonna convince me to let you have a relationship with her. You're a gross person who treats women with disrespect and it's pathetic that you spend your days wasting away smoking weed and drinking beer starting at 8am and playing your Xbox in the dark all day. There's a REASON your son calls you a vampire! Oh and I hadn't been avoiding coming to visit Jason at your apartment because I was pregnant and didn't want you to know...it was because I absolutely hate everything about you and I feel extremely uncomfortable in your presence.

Phew....felt good to get that off my chest :)
To my DH- quit trying to purposely annoy me just because you think its "cute" how I react. Then when i say something really mean back you get mad about it. Just stop it please, I dont need any added stress.

To my Mom- quit saying "ohh i can tell your starting to show more" well DUH i am, thats whats supposed to happen, dont know it just annoys me so much!

To my MIL- Quit trying to make everyone happy and just be happy yourself, we want you here with us, but dont make yourself sick trying to make everyone happy, it just isnt possible. But please make a decision and stick with it, the roller coaster is making me crazy, as soon as i accept things, you go an give me hope.

Great thread... that felt really good!
To work - you'd think I'd committed some sort of criminal offence or something. I'm so glad I'm on holiday for another week after this one as I really can't stand the place tbh, never have I worked in a place which penalises their staff so much for such teeny tiny things, it's not like i'm rude to the customers or anything. I know I'm lucky to have a job but please, I've got more important things to worry about at the moment and I will not take your semi-threatening letter about my diciplinary hearing very seriously at all, I'm off come the end of July never to return. So F-you, after all the stress I've had since working there that's the least you deserve.

Edit: and you could have at least spell checked the letter, hardly professional to have grammatical errors in such a serious letter! Maybe then I'd take it a bit more seriously... Maybe:haha:
ive done one or two before but im back again.

to my silly neighbour-again-
no i dont need my mam to buy nappies for my twin girls-im 30 yrs old and can afford my own
yes i know im huge, and yes i know twins will be hard and yes i know you hated carrying one at a time-i also know you had all 5 taken off you.
now eff off

to my sisters attention grabbing friend
get a grip, stop signing yrself into hospital with silly little things. ur 6 wks pregnant, theyve scanned u theres one baby. stop making out you have twins, u dont, and what kind of idiot thinks that at 7wks pregnant you can feel movement and that it must mean twins. get a life and look after the two u have instead of trying to be me!!!

to everyone that feels the need to comment-i know i look tired-I am tired
i know my bump is huge-im carrying it
what the hell do u mean im not that big for twins?? im only 28wks what do u want me to look like.
to my sons school-buck yr ideas up!! sort out the little twats, get yr communication skills in order, or i swear you will have one pregnant very hormonal mother at yr door!!!!

to my feet-knock off trying to impersanate a pastie!! theres no need to go that big.!!!
To my fiance - fucking grow up!! Stop spending your money on toys and start saving for this baby! NO we can't afford for you to have your knee operated on on the private because I've spent the past month off work after an operation and who knows if I'll have to be off again later in the pregnancy. Oh yes and that's worrying because I earn all the fucking money to pay the bills!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and stop sulking like a bloody three year old.
Cousin: Shut up already let our family be happy about my pregnancy! Your always having to be the center of attention your nearly 30 act your age...A family shouldn't be about who can get the most attention.

SIL: stop asking about what I am going to do after the baby gets here. I want to be a housewife, we can afford it. I want to enjoy every moment I can with my baby. And stop trying to touch my little bump! I am not fond of people touching me I have my private space.

SIL family: STOP SMOKING AROUND ME. It keeps getting in my face and it is not healthy for me nor my baby! You know I am pregnant if you want to smoke away from me fine. But do so away from me.
To my ma's friend: stop trying to give me parenting advice, you are doing a terrible job at raising your twin boys. I can't believe you panda to every thing that they want, BoyA chucks a wobbly everytime he doesn't get what he wants and will purposefully annoy BoyB. And I feel really sorry for their older sister, she has the right to get up them if they are annoying her. You're alienating your oldest child so you don't have to deal with a sookie 5 yr old.
Wish people would stop going on about how our
life is going to change for the worst after our baby is born!

And that the best man at our wedding would stop ignoring my husbands emails (they're supposedly best friends) and pay us back the $1000 he borrowed off us (even though we're in debt and cannot afford it!) to fly him and his girlfriend to our wedding while they kick back in their $1000 rent a week beachfront mansion posting on Facebook about how he's buying this and that. We have just got married and are having a baby and NEED our money back and there's nothing I can do because it's not my friend and hubby will be mad if I contact him but it's OUR money and it's not $10 or $20 it's $1000 that we are accruing interest for on a credit card!!!!
I would appreciate it if this lady in line behind me would back the heck up and quick talking on her cel in my EAR!!!!! My back hurts this line is long and I want to go home!!! Back up!!!!

Ok this didn't make me feel any better (this time)... She's still riding my tail :growlmad:
Wish people would stop going on about how our
life is going to change for the worst after our baby is born!

And that the best man at our wedding would stop ignoring my husbands emails (they're supposedly best friends) and pay us back the $1000 he borrowed off us (even though we're in debt and cannot afford it!) to fly him and his girlfriend to our wedding while they kick back in their $1000 rent a week beachfront mansion posting on Facebook about how he's buying this and that. We have just got married and are having a baby and NEED our money back and there's nothing I can do because it's not my friend and hubby will be mad if I contact him but it's OUR money and it's not $10 or $20 it's $1000 that we are accruing interest for on a credit card!!!!

Ahh, I know where you're coming from. I lent a friend over £800 last year and after telling me they'd need to pay it back monthly as they have 2 kids already I was perfectly fine with that ...... except they've haven't mentioned it since and now planned and is pregnant with their 3rd child. I feel guilty to ask for it back now as they're already budgeting for the 2 kids and the new baby on the way. I just assume now that I won't be seeing that money again :dohh:
To my stupid sil: are you kidding me??? You beg you parents to go to a fancy design school, complete the program, go get a crappy entry level job, buy a brand new car and then are shocked when the student loans bills start coming... I would care at all if my dh wouldn't have co-signed on your loan. Now your putting our family and your niece at risk because you want to file for bankruptcy.... Are you kidding me??????? Sell you car, buy a cra
Buy a crappy car that works and pay down some of your loans...... Cuz I will not see my family gO into debt over your fucking mistakes. No fucking way. (my husband cosigned before we were married at the request of his parents who said they would be responsible for paying down the loan.... Well his dad past away and his mom filed for bankruptcy so of course she isn't helping) I seriously can't stand people who are so irresponsible with there money. It's not just your credit that gets messed up!!
Stop telling me i am going to be massive. It doesn't help.


Glad I'm not alone! So bloody what! As long as me and baby are healthy who cares? I'm sorry I can't do what YOU did and stop eating for 2 days and then gorge on choc and even without been preg I'd rather be mahoosive than do this but seriously shut up! Sorry hun for the rant im only 14w6d and sick of this!

Also to my boobs, get over it I know u don't like gettin bigger but do u have to ache constantly that I have to think bout ye all the time! Ugh!

Uti and now thrush (sorry tmi) but I'm over ye. Please bugger off and annoy some one else!
To the guy last week who talked my ear off and told me my body will NEVER be the same again: "Yeah asshole, I realize that, but it doesn't mean I am going to be fat and flubbery the way your wife was after YOUR kids, I am a firefighter and MUST maintain a certain level of fitness and plan on having that soon after my child is born since I have worked out the entire time I have been pregnant and eaten well. Thanks. Now piss off."

I have actually not had much trouble with people saying crap to me that has annoyed me about pregnancy and motherhood though, most people have been VERY sweet. I hear the following GOOD things a lot from the people around me:
- "You look GREAT for 5 months!"
- "You look better than a lot of women I know who AREN'T pregnant"
- "You're the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen"
- "You're going to be SUCH a great mom!"
To my in-laws: We hardly see you and you live 4,000miles away. Please do not book your airfaire to join us when we get home from the hospital with our first child WITHOUT ASKING US FIRST IF/WHEN WE WILL BE UP FOR VISITORS.

You know the answer would have been a polite "We'll let you know when we're ready" and so you just went ahead and decided not to bother asking!!!
P.S. Don't say you "don't want to intrude" especially since you will be staying with us. F* YOU!!!!!

Head's up: I know it's months away but this is our first child, we do not have a close or warm relationship with you, and yet I can pretty much tell you I'm gonna make an extra effort to make you both feel as uncomfortable and unwelcome as you make me. I will also not restrain myself from being a total b*** to you both. :winkwink:

To my neighbors: CALL BEFORE YOU COME OVER AND NEVER JUST WALK INTO MY HOUSE!!!!!!!! If I am standing in my kitchen in my underwear eating a grilled cheese sandwich over the stove with my pregnant self all over the place, that's my right to do that. In my home. Also, DON'T STILL BE STANDING IN MY KITCHEN WHEN I COME BACK DOWNSTAIRS AFTER FLEEING :nope:
To my Mother:
I am sick of you allowing my sister to behave like a spoiled brat. You enable her by listening to her senseless rants, apologizing for things you never did wrong, and pretending as if it's really no big deal. BUT WHEN YOU LEGITIMATELY HURT MY FEELINGS AND I CONFRONT YOU YOU'RE SO QUICK TO TELL ME HOW MISERABLE AND LOW I AM. I love you Mom and I appreciate you in every way. On Mother's day I gave you a 50 dollar gift card, a card from DD, and I brought you to one of the state's best steak houses for dinner. You ended up spending the gift card on my stepsister because she needed cash and it was a tad catty you told me about it, I seen the mom's day card DD got you on the floor of your car when I took Ava from you a week ago, and you never thanked me for dinner. That really stung, especially because aside from my stepdad...no one...not even my sister's got you a gift. It hurts that I am so lonely all the time because DH is working overseas currently and you give me such grief when I beg and cry for you to please come over for a few hours. Yet, now that my stepsister is back living at home, you have NO issues bringing her out or going to fun places with her. It really hurts me....and every time I try to speak with you about it....you get extremely angry and start insulting me. :nope:
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