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VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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To my Mother:
I am sick of you allowing my sister to behave like a spoiled brat. You enable her by listening to her senseless rants, apologizing for things you never did wrong, and pretending as if it's really no big deal. BUT WHEN YOU LEGITIMATELY HURT MY FEELINGS AND I CONFRONT YOU YOU'RE SO QUICK TO TELL ME HOW MISERABLE AND LOW I AM. I love you Mom and I appreciate you in every way. On Mother's day I gave you a 50 dollar gift card, a card from DD, and I brought you to one of the state's best steak houses for dinner. You ended up spending the gift card on my stepsister because she needed cash and it was a tad catty you told me about it, I seen the mom's day card DD got you on the floor of your car when I took Ava from you a week ago, and you never thanked me for dinner. That really stung, especially because aside from my stepdad...no one...not even my sister's got you a gift. It hurts that I am so lonely all the time because DH is working overseas currently and you give me such grief when I beg and cry for you to please come over for a few hours. Yet, now that my stepsister is back living at home, you have NO issues bringing her out or going to fun places with her. It really hurts me....and every time I try to speak with you about it....you get extremely angry and start insulting me. :nope:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
MIL & SIL: We are NOT going to raise our child as Christian and I am not sorry. We should not have to apologize for not sharing the same beliefs. It does not mean we are bad people in the least... Ignorant assholes.

Yes! Same here, Vintage Cat. I know people are well meaning and all but we aren't indoctrinating our child with bronze age silliness. NOT happening.

I am so not looking forward to that conversation with the in-laws. I know they just PRESUME we will do the baptism, etc...I'm happy that they enjoy their connection to their religion, it works for them. But it really miffs me that they project their values onto us!!

Glad to hear your not sorry for your beliefs either. In our family OH could care less one way or another and I am strongly opposed. Does your OH speak up to his family or does he leave you to do it??
OH- I'm really upset that you didn't buy me a birthday present :cry: or even if you had done something nice for me would of meant a lot.
You really need to start paying back the money you owe me.
And for about a week now everyday you have been saying that you'll massage my back tomorrow, but always make an excuse not too. I'm really achy :cry:
To FIL: You can talk to me about stuff, I'm the main care giver of the new puppy and probably the best person to talk to about how Rex is going. Also it would be great if you showed a little more interest in your unborn grandchild instead of just the dogs. Ta
To my MIL:
Stop telling every stranger how much my boobs have grown!!! And that you have a serious case of boob envy going on! I don't want them to know i'm bustier than normal, especially when it's men walking around a shop with their wife/SO! It's not right or normal and the looks i get from their So's are not fun to deal with!!
I also don't need any more excuses for men to peer down my top just to agree with you! You're son would not be happy about it, so don't do it!!:dohh:
Half a glass of wine or a hint of blue cheese in a sauce is not going to kill your baby - CHILL!!!
To my mother:
You may find it funny that the pants work sent me were way too small and none of my other inform pants fit, but don't keep bugging me about it when I have to find a solution by Thursday in order to attend a dinner I've already paid for and when replacements usually take 10 days to arrive.

I have NO sense of humor right now, have told you that, and that will not change just because it's you I'm talking to.
To everyone asking me how the baby is: I do not know, it cannot communicate with me! All i know is it's in there and fine (i hear heartbeat everyday) Do you expect me to ask the baby how it's feeling and get a reply?! And no, nothing has changed since you asked me yesterday!

Sorry it just really gets on my nerves...when everyone is asking you, all the time. What am i supposed to say? xx
Lucyjo this drives me insaaaane!!
I feel like replying "yeah baby is fine, concerned about the economic climate today and her mortgage repayments but she's increased her hours at work so it should be okay."

Let's act like cray folk and maybe they'll stop asking! X
Lucyjo this drives me insaaaane!!
I feel like replying "yeah baby is fine, concerned about the economic climate today and her mortgage repayments but she's increased her hours at work so it should be okay."

Let's act like cray folk and maybe they'll stop asking! X

I LOVE that idea, next time someone asks i will come up with a funny reply just to see what they have to say. Maybe it will work?!

I'm glad i'm not the only one who finds that it hits a nerve. x
Oh wow... what a fantastic thread idea. I have been storing these up and they need to go somewhere....

Dear people who think it is ok for you to 'stroke' my belly like you would the neighbours cat - Please don't it makes me feel VERY uncomfortable and there really isn't a great deal to 'stroke' yet so kindly - f**k off and stop doing it.

Dear MIL, please stop telling me about what you used to eat/do when you were pregnant - things are different now and things have moved on a little bit. Yes, i DO need to be in a maternity bra already.... my bangers are enourmous and my local M&S don't stock anything that doesn't make me look like an 80 year old dear. So it isn't wasteful to invest in some nice, sexy maternity bras - ALREADY. And while i'm on the subject - please would you kindly STOP smoking around me - HELLO??? - in case you haven't noticed i'm pregnant and i've already told you that it makes me feel very sick and nauseous. Oh but you wouldn't give a shit because you smoked all through your pregnancy with your youngest son and don't see a problem with it.... WAAAAAAAAH!

*deep breaths*

Last rant....

Dear OH, please can you stop doing REALLY stupid things and start to grow up a bit. Please remember to put the petrol pump dispenser back in the holder BEFORE driving off.... don't leave it attached to your car and then begin to panic when you've smashed up the back of your car and broken the pump at the petrol station. Please man-up a little bit and start to take some responsibility for all the stupid things you do...... I am seriously considering fitting this baby with a GPS tracking device just in case you lose them somewhere. I love you very much but need you to ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN.

that is all.

hooray.... that felt fantastic. I'll be back no doubt.

to hubby

stop acting like a spoilt brat just because ive asked u to make yr own tea when u come in at 9pm!! why the hell at 29wks with twins should i be running round after yr arse, cooking twice a night when you are perfectly capable of turning on the twatting oven to heat a pizza!! yr 31 act it!!

or on the other hand we could swap-u carry these babies and go through the awful symptoms everyday and still manage to run around after our 5yr old, you deal with chronic heartburn, trapped wind, no sleep, sciatica, pelvic discomfort, and ability to walk slowly draining away and ill go to work and have my tea on the table made by you when i come in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear OH, please can you stop doing REALLY stupid things and start to grow up a bit. Please remember to put the petrol pump dispenser back in the holder BEFORE driving off.... don't leave it attached to your car and then begin to panic when you've smashed up the back of your car and broken the pump at the petrol station. Please man-up a little bit and start to take some responsibility for all the stupid things you do...... I am seriously considering fitting this baby with a GPS tracking device just in case you lose them somewhere. I love you very much but need you to ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN.

that is all.

hooray.... that felt fantastic. I'll be back no doubt.


oh lord, my DH did the exact same thing a couple of months ago... :dohh: i swear, my DH is where common sense goes to die.

i'm just popping in here from the 1st trimester but this thread is really awesome, and i've got a few things that i don't want to have to scream out loud.

to my DH i would like to say,
1. stop doing so many stupid things! if YOU need to wear earplugs when you use your industrial-strength super-loud vacuum, WTF makes you think it won't hurt our 14-month-old's ears when you start vacuuming within 2 feet of him? you scared the living shit out of him, the thing hurts my ears, it hurts your ears, why wouldn't it occur to you that it hurts his?

2. the baby eats at least 3 meals a day. i should not have to be the only person who ever thinks of feeding him or warming him a bottle. if you can feed yourself, you can break out the high chair and feed our son. it's not hard. you get hungry, SO DOES HE. take care of HIM first! don't you dare let me find you eating your own lunch while he's crying from being hungry ever again, or you will never hear the end of it. HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE! stop being oblivious to everyone but yourself! :growlmad:

to my cousin's pregnant girlfriend who grates on my nerves, i have several things to say:
1. no, i don't care how 'great your genes are,' you are not going to walk out of the hospital the day after giving birth with a perfectly flat stomach and no extra body fat. you are delusional and i very much look forward to watching you get fat! especially since you're still squeezing yourself into your ill-fitting hoochie-short clothes and refuse to buy anything a size bigger until you fully need maternity clothes (btw, in that case, you need maternity clothes NOW. even though you just look chunky/bloated, and not pregnant yet. just buy some bigger shit, you look very uncomfortable.)

2. you are ridiculous for having created your unborn baby a facebook page when you're only 12 weeks pregnant. no one is THAT fascinated with your ultrasound pictures, other than you.

3. you seriously want my cousin to be a stay-at-home dad? are you nuts? he barely took care of his first baby when he was an infant. you do know his first baby rolled off the couch countless times and knocked his head on the floor, but the idiot kept leaving him there to nap, right? you do know my nephew has speech problems that my idiot cousin won't get him therapy for, right? you are aware that he's hardly spent any time alone with his own 2.5-year-old, that the kid runs around with SAGGING wet diapers being ignored, that my cousin is consistently way more interested in drinking and partying and being a 'thug' than being at home with a screaming newborn, especially since you're planning to go back to work straight away? ARE YOU STUPID?

4. stop counting down your pregnancy as "...only 180-some days of sobriety left." and saying things like "36 weeks and i just want it OUT!" you ungrateful bitch, can you just shut up now?

5. you want 10 kids, seriously? SERIOUSLY? you can't stand being pregnant, you dont want to take time off work to take care of the FIRST one you're having, all you talk about is how you want energy drinks and beer, but you're planning to immediately get pregnant after popping out the first one... and you have the fucking NERVE to say to me "oh wow you're pregnant AGAIN?" when i've only got one and he's over a year old? when i've been with my husband for more than 5 years and you havent been with my cousin but 6 months, and you've already been married twice before at age 25? you're a moron and i do believe i hate you.

ahhh that felt nice. sorry it turned out to be super-long, ladies...
To everyone - mom, dad , mil, fil, sister .... friends & work..

I'm pregnant.
Why do puppies have to be so lovable but so much of a handful?
To my mother:

My child is NOT calling you Mammy, its too close to mummy and mama! And also when I lose my Grandma that I called G-mama, it doesn't mean you can now just decide my baby is calling you G-mama. it's still raw and hearing the name spoken upsets me. So no, you're not being called that - you can be Grandma like we agreed. When I tell you my G-mama isn't being replaced you don't need to act like a sulky child and shout "whatever!" and say I don't let you do anything, seriously?! :dohh:
Dear OH's work

Piss off sending him to work away. I need him here with me. I have SPD and no family within 200 miles to help me out but that doesnt matter. He is the only person in the company taking his job seriously enough to be trusted away, SO PAY HIM WHAT HE DESERVES!!

And you have a snowballs chance in hell if you think he is going away for 2 weeks on the 4th September. I am due on the 13th!

No love,
Very hormonal and upset (nearly) Mrs Hicks.
To everyone who constantly comment on my bump I know it's obviously growing and I feel every inch of the pain!

To work stop over booking my appointment books try doing treatment all day without a break then needing to hurry home on public transport for my 4 year old! I'm a pregnant single mum and don't have extra hands let alone enough energy!

Secondly I don't care who has emergencies 5 mins before my time to go home and pick up my child from childcare if you are so concerned you fucking do it or send them to emergency as per the protocol don't guilt trip me so shut the fuck up!
To my annoying and tactless co-worker: Dead baby jokes are NOT funny and HIGHLY offensive, especially when your visibly pregnant co-worker (me) is right in front of your eyes. :growlmad:
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