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VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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To my annoying and tactless co-worker: Dead baby jokes are NOT funny and HIGHLY offensive, especially when your visibly pregnant co-worker (me) is right in front of your eyes. :growlmad:

oh how cruel! :gun: how can co-worker think those jokes are funny at any point in time????
To my annoying and tactless co-worker: Dead baby jokes are NOT funny and HIGHLY offensive, especially when your visibly pregnant co-worker (me) is right in front of your eyes. :growlmad:

:saywhat: Not funny AT ALL!! Jerk!!!
Dear Mom,

I'm 27 years old and this is my 3rd baby. Please do not tell me what I can and cannot do in pregnancy. Also, you drive me nuts.
To my annoying and tactless co-worker: Dead baby jokes are NOT funny and HIGHLY offensive, especially when your visibly pregnant co-worker (me) is right in front of your eyes. :growlmad:

oh how cruel! :gun: how can co-worker think those jokes are funny at any point in time????

No kidding!! She's unbelievable and I have to just learn to ignore her (it's tough).:growlmad:

To my annoying and tactless co-worker: Dead baby jokes are NOT funny and HIGHLY offensive, especially when your visibly pregnant co-worker (me) is right in front of your eyes. :growlmad:

:saywhat: Not funny AT ALL!! Jerk!!!

Total jerk.:growlmad:
To the white van man-

It's a dual carriageway. If you don't like the speed I'm driving (at the speed limit), go ahead and overtake. Just quit tailgating me.
To my MIL

You will not control anything with this baby like you tried to do with our daughter. Guess what? Your son is ALL grown up so you can stop trying to control him and his life. He sees through your ways now, and has my back 100%. I LOVE HIM and I will TAKE care of him, not you! :) Now you are being nice after 3 years of me trying to reach out to you.... TOO LATE!!! Oh and your grandchild is 21 months in case you didn't know. You haven't seen her since she was 3 months!! You didn't get her anything or ask about her, or even come over on her birthday.... way to be dedicated to your FIRST and ONLY grandchild!

To my Dad

Acting like an a** will not make want to reach out to you when this baby is born. You are not speaking to me because I didn't let you stay around our baby girl when you were contagious with a sickness??? Really? WTF is that? Grow up and act like a supporting parent!! Who wouldn't protect their child from someone who could possibly get them sick?!

To future MALE OB docs

Do not talk about things that are unimportant to me every time I go to see you. Do not tell me that women do not gain any weight until they are 5 months pregnant. You will never experience being pregnant and do not know how each woman gains during her pregnancy!

I do feel better now... still nauseated though! LOL
to the white van man-

it's a dual carriageway. If you don't like the speed i'm driving (at the speed limit), go ahead and overtake. Just quit tailgating me.

lol wow!!!
To my MIL

You will not control anything with this baby like you tried to do with our daughter. Guess what? Your son is ALL grown up so you can stop trying to control him and his life. He sees through your ways now, and has my back 100%. I LOVE HIM and I will TAKE care of him, not you! :) Now you are being nice after 3 years of me trying to reach out to you.... TOO LATE!!! Oh and your grandchild is 21 months in case you didn't know. You haven't seen her since she was 3 months!! You didn't get her anything or ask about her, or even come over on her birthday.... way to be dedicated to your FIRST and ONLY grandchild!

To my Dad

Acting like an a** will not make want to reach out to you when this baby is born. You are not speaking to me because I didn't let you stay around our baby girl when you were contagious with a sickness??? Really? WTF is that? Grow up and act like a supporting parent!! Who wouldn't protect their child from someone who could possibly get them sick?!

To future MALE OB docs

Do not talk about things that are unimportant to me every time I go to see you. Do not tell me that women do not gain any weight until they are 5 months pregnant. You will never experience being pregnant and do not know how each woman gains during her pregnancy!

I do feel better now... still nauseated though! LOL

Love it!! Woohoo!
to my sister: I seriously cant wait for your frigging wedding to be done and over with because honestly it stress's me out more then you imagine... and you cant even afford to get married, its less then a month away and you dont have a food budjet and now is not intending on feeding your guest's because there is nothing you can do about it?... Tasteless.. people are traveling on a 2 day drive to go to your wedding and people are buying you gifts and giving you cash and you couldnt even save enough money in 2 years to get married to even put out finger foods at your wedding..???

Im pregnant, i will not sit there all day and get my own hair and make up done which im paying out of my own pocket to not sit down and have a meal after your whole 10 minute ceramony is done and then 1 hour's worth of pictures after....

Yes , i will be leaving right after to go sit down because this child growing inside of me does need proper nutrient and if i dont eat i feel like im going to faint! so be mad at me ALL you want because im leaving your wedding because i need to eat.

I offered to pay her limo even, which i said i would pay some of the food instead and she wants a limo more then food.. argh i could go on forever.

Thank god its not my day.. and im never getting married because of this..
To my husband: When you come in from work and catch me in the middle of a movie, don't ask for every little detail and get bad when I say I may as well start the movie over from the beginning. It's either that, or I miss what's going on in order to tell you everything. And then it will just piss me off.
to my MIL i wish you bothered more with our children but fact is you see them maybe twice a yr (on their birthday's if they are lucky not to have an excuse)
then a few weeks before im due you start to text 'nanny cant wait till her new grandchild is here'... then expect to be the first to come visit :wacko:
its starting to have an effect on DS1 he told me he doesnt like you the other day.... SORT IT OUT!

that is all :)

Wow, she is a dead ringer for my MIL... except she still doesn't call! LOL:haha:
Dear pregnancy,

Please stop taking so long now. 9 months is a bit excessive I think when guinea pigs can do it in about 6 weeks.

I want my baby now please. :)


Also, to those who said annoying things:
- Yes, my baby was planned! I'm 35 and know how contraception works! I'm not married but I'm in a serious long term relationship!
- Yes, I should have stopped being sick by now, but I haven't. Don't you think I'd stop if I could?
- No I'm not getting married!
- No I'm not moving to the suburbs!

And to my dad, who had an affair when I was 12 and broke up my family, and has just had another affair and broke up his 'new family':
- grow up and take responsibility for your actions. You're coming across as just a great big asshole these days. I want you to be a good grandad.

Omg goodness... the EXACT SAME THING happened to my family with my sperm donor. Except I was much younger when he started cheating. I didn't find out the truth until just recent too, so my childhood memories are pretty much destroyed.. you know what I am going to vent now. lol
I read a post that made me more pissed at my sperm donor

to sperm donor: you have been absent in my brother's lives, and just because you couldn't see me and your grandchild does NOT mean you ignore your other kids. One of your kids is now back in Afghanistan for another year, and you made NO effort to see him. Really?? You say how family oriented you are but that is all bull!!! Your true colors are showing and I am resenting you for it. You other son needs a male figure and thankfully his older brother is playing that part. Where the F are you? Oh I forgot, with your new family and wife of 8 years who you are CHEATING ON!! She is so naive and in denial to not see your dog ways. How can you judge so many people and their mistakes when you can't own up to your own?
Oh and when is the last time you saw your children you had while cheating on my mom asshole? Oh, probably once or twice. You are stupid for not telling your grown children about the things you have done in the past and why you got divorced when we were little kids. All of these years you put us against mom making us think she was evil, but really it is you. To cheat on your childhood sweetheart multiple times, have kids out of wedlock, and then hide it like it never happened. well you are the only one in the dark about this because your children know now, and you should grow some balls and own up to your mistakes like a man. Say something rude about my mom again, and I will call you out on this. Oh but I forgot, you don't talk to me anymore so I guess you won't get the reprimanding you deserve...........

ARGH!!! It is so annoying when you thought you knew someone your whole life, and found out they are the opposite. They are like the people they spoke down about constantly. I am NO longer a daddy's girl, and those days are NEVER coming back!! You betrayed your family.

Wooooooo! Feeling much better.... still annoyed though LOL
To my mother:

My child is NOT calling you Mammy, its too close to mummy and mama! And also when I lose my Grandma that I called G-mama, it doesn't mean you can now just decide my baby is calling you G-mama. it's still raw and hearing the name spoken upsets me. So no, you're not being called that - you can be Grandma like we agreed. When I tell you my G-mama isn't being replaced you don't need to act like a sulky child and shout "whatever!" and say I don't let you do anything, seriously?! :dohh:

Oh goodness. With my first baby, MIL referred to her self as Maw Maw or something like that... HELLLLLL NOOOOO!!!! Why do you want her to call you that? I am her parent not you! But luckily, she has not been in our lives for a few years now... :) Can't stand her!
To my OB/GYN nurse: Yes, I had 2 ovarian cysts rupture. So yes I was in great pain it was a good sized cyst both times. So yes I will call my doctor I was in great pain and couldn't keep anything down. So please shut up and stop saying "there is always some thing wrong with you." , and "You are such an adventure.", and the one that really ticked me off..... " Maybe you shouldn't have anymore kids.".

How many kids I have is not up to you. And just because I have had two cyst ruptures and bad morning sickness doesn't mean I should never get pregnant again. Every pregnancy is different. All the other nurses and ultrasound techs and on call doctor was very nice and sympathetic when I came last week to be looked at. Due to the severe pain and not being able to eat or keep water down for two days.As well as not being able to sleep the night before.... So yeah the nurse didn't want to weigh me.She seen I was having issues walking in the office as it is.... . You only have this attitude when I come in by myself. Keep it up I may not be able to bite my tongue to much longer. >.<
To my fiance,

Do you know how hard it is to be 38 weeks pregnant? No you don't. I understand that you love our new puppy, but like most things, now that he's been here a week and you've realised how hard it is to look after him doesn't mean you can just let him run wild in the house. I want to put the effort into training him, I've been putting in the effort, so don't go and under mind my training by doing something that is against the training regime (like letting him play in the baby's room) I would seriously appreciate it if you grew up and started picking up the slack around the house. By the end of this month we will have a newborn and your mother staying in this house and all hell will break loose. I know you're tired, so am I, but I still manage to function.

To Bumpy, please stop kicking mummy's bladder, it hurts and sooner or later it may cause me to pee myself.

To my puppy and two kitty cats, please behave and learn to get along.
to my sweet hubby- you know I love you and I know you worked so hard moving us the past few days, yesterday especially. i appreciate it so much. i am sorry you had to do this whole move with such little help from me and i know you are really sore and grumpy- but when i wake up feeling so sick i have to cancel my doctors appointments and i ask if you can find me some breakfast as i hope it will make me feel a little better, you should freaking do it for me... when i am too weak to get out of bed to hook up my IV's, you should get out of bed and help me.

It is not my fault you didn't organize anything you brought to our new place and just piled it all in corner of the garage instead of bringing it to the rooms it belongs in. That was stupid of you and would not have happened if I was there.

do NOT make your 8 months pregnant, severely anemic, dehydrated and starved from hyperemesis wife, who threw out her already injuried back and carries a giant pump and a freaking IV bag dig through all those boxes because she is so hungry and desperate to feel better and you are too tired to get out of bed. :gun:

How dare you lay in bed while you listen to me try to move heavy furniture and boxes because you're too tired and feel bad. you are a 230 pound man in good health, i think you can manage it better than i can. and then you even get pissed off at me, tell me i'm unappreciative and then drive off to get coffee when i ask if you would be able to wake up and go grab some food soon at 2:30 in the afternoon. WTF !!

I know you feel bad today but I have felt HORRIBLE every single day for the past 8 MONTHS trying to bring our child into the world. You wouldn't last one day in my shoes. I am too fucking weak to fend for myself, I need your help even if you're tired. I'm sorry I'm sick but it really isn't my fault.
to my sweet hubby- you know I love you and I know you worked so hard moving us the past few days, yesterday especially. i appreciate it so much. i am sorry you had to do this whole move with such little help from me and i know you are really sore and grumpy- but when i wake up feeling so sick i have to cancel my doctors appointments and i ask if you can find me some breakfast as i hope it will make me feel a little better, you should freaking do it for me... when i am too weak to get out of bed to hook up my IV's, you should get out of bed and help me.

It is not my fault you didn't organize anything you brought to our new place and just piled it all in corner of the garage instead of bringing it to the rooms it belongs in. That was stupid of you and would not have happened if I was there.

do NOT make your 8 months pregnant, severely anemic, dehydrated and starved from hyperemesis wife, who threw out her already injuried back and carries a giant pump and a freaking IV bag dig through all those boxes because she is so hungry and desperate to feel better and you are too tired to get out of bed. :gun:

How dare you lay in bed while you listen to me try to move heavy furniture and boxes because you're too tired and feel bad. you are a 230 pound man in good health, i think you can manage it better than i can. and then you even get pissed off at me, tell me i'm unappreciative and then drive off to get coffee when i ask if you would be able to wake up and go grab some food soon at 2:30 in the afternoon. WTF !!

I know you feel bad today but I have felt HORRIBLE every single day for the past 8 MONTHS trying to bring our child into the world. You wouldn't last one day in my shoes. I am too fucking weak to fend for myself, I need your help even if you're tired. I'm sorry I'm sick but it really isn't my fault.

you are really going through it! Hand in there! Your little one will be here in no time, and then it will remind you how much the pain was worth it :) :hugs::hugs: Stay Strong!!!:thumbup:
Dear schedule writer for my job:

How many freaking times do I have to tell you I can't do overnights anymore?! Do you even REALIZE how much work, effort, lifting, and just general CRAP you have to go through?! Do you understand that all these drunks, stoners, and just general asses completely stress me out every freaking night?! It wouldn't even BE so bad if you'd schedule me with managers who actually do work- but half the time I get the lazy ones who just sit in the office all night....and then blame ME for not getting stuff done. I'm aware that I was superwoman BEFORE I got pregnant, but I huff and puff bringing up a box of syrup now!!! I'm just glad I've got two backline people who are strong, efficient men who are more than willing to help me out otherwise nothing could get done! I even understand that no one's math is better than mine and when I work, its the only time the drawer isn't short- but come on: I can't be the ONLY person capable of overnights. WHY can't I get morning shift? You give it to all these new people but I've been BEGGING for it for freaking AGES! I hate you. I really, really do.

To OH's Mom:

I'm sure you think you will be in as much control over this LO as you are with OH's first son but I just want you to know, that in all honesty, you definitely will NOT. I'm not lazy like OH's first baby mama, and I fully intend to take care of my OWN child. Also, I hate the way every time you get a hold of someone's baby, you turn them into these ultra needy children who MUST be coddled consistently to be able to go to sleep! Do you realize how freaking LONG it took me to get my godson back to normal?! Not to mention, I've seen you with OH's son: you let the child walk all over you!! Half the time, I have to step in just so he doesn't talk to you like he's YOUR caregiver! If I didn't, you'd be dealing with twice as many tantrums as you do now!

To OH's first baby mama:

I hate you and you are useless. You shouldn't be allowed to have children. You haven't worked in 6 years and you think everyone is supposed to just take care of you for the rest of your life. You won't even ATTEMPT to find a job to take care of your kids. Your sister is fresh out of prison (5 years!) and SHE even has a job!!! Oh, and I wish you would discipline your daughter so that she would stop biting, kicking, and hitting your first born....but of course, like an idiot, you just think its funny. Violence, at any age, is NOT funny!!! Also, I have NO idea where you think you can comment on the weight I'VE gained when YOU are 3 times my size!!! Why don't you just do everyone a favor and give up custody? Your first born doesn't even want to live with you- he cries at the THOUGHT of having to go back there...and BEGS us to come live here and go to school here! If it were totally up to him, he'd probably only see you 3-4 times a year! When your first born dislikes living with you that much, it MUST mean there is something wrong with you. You suck and I want to punch you in your face.

Ok...I think I'm done :haha:

Thanks for that....I feel SO much better :D
To my SIL - DO NOT TRY AND FORCE ME TO HAVE YOU AS A BRIDESMAID!! Bridesmaids are chosen by the bride, it is not something you ask to be!! xx
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