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VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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Really P***ed this morning!

Dear OH
Do not stay up watching football and stupid car programmes then whinge you are tired when DS wakes up early in the morning! Also remember being a father us a Full Time job, not just between the hours of 8am - 7pm when you are go gently at work for the majority of that time! Also practice what you preach, don't tell DS off for 'not listening or doing as he was asked' when I have asked you repeatedly for the the last 3 f**king weeks to do something for me and it still hasn't been done, so once again
, I've done it myself and hurt my back again!
Also if you do not stop snoring, I will shove 2 Tampax up your nose!!

Men make me laugh. We have a 12 week old German Shepherd Puppy who I recon is like a toddler in regards to how much attention you need to give them. My DF is constantly complaining about how tired the dog is making him feel and how naughty the dog is, I just keep reminding him that the dog is better behaved and easier to look after then a toddler.
My life really isn't your business. You may be my mother, may be my daughter's grandmother, but I do not have to let you know every word that passes between me and my husband.
To my co-worker: Please do not refer to my unborn baby as a "monster" and please do not tell me loudly in front of the whole office that a dress will not fit my "huge, momma boobs" when I hold it up. You are loud, obnoxious, immature, unprofessional and totally out of line. I hope karma bights you in the ass when you are pregnant and someone offends you.
To my sister, yes you may have a child already and you have been through what I have yet to come but please let me make my own decisions, yes reusable cloth nappies 'may' be more work but I'm not a lazy b&@ch & maybe reusable did your son no harm but he is 4 1/2 and still has to put one on to poop!
Yes the pram I have chosen is large and heavy, but we have an estate car and do not live in a second floor flat like you... Yes I'm going to attempt to breastfeed and I do not need to know that it hurt you worse than the birth, that you'd never do it again (she managed less than a day) and that bottle feeding did your son no harm... Maybe it didn't but he has severe allergies, asthma and is a terrible eater!
Yes you may still be sleeping in the same bed as your son and didn't spend any money on a nursery and feel it's not done him any harm, but we want our child to have their own space as well as us and dont want to share our bed. Your child is clingy whiny fussy with food as you give him whatever he wants as you don't want him to feel he had a 'bad' childhood but we want our daughter to be respectful, know her boundaries and realise that there are consequences to her behaviour... This does not mean that my daughter won't have any fun!!

Finally if we do manage to bring up a well behaved child do not say it's because she's a girl & yours is rude and I'll behaved because that's what boys are like and there's nothing you can do about it! There is... You just don't do it!

Ooohhhh that feels better

Oh & to my mother, just because we are having a girl does not mean that every single thing we buy has to be pink, I appreciate your gifts but please don't get in a huff when I tell you that we'd also like to dress her in bright colours & maybe even some blue from time to time!!
Oh & to my mother, just because we are having a girl does not mean that every single thing we buy has to be pink, I appreciate your gifts but please don't get in a huff when I tell you that we'd also like to dress her in bright colours & maybe even some blue from time to time!!

That's kinda along the lines of what my mother in law is doing with ours, she has another granddaughter and she is in to all of this princess crap. My mother in law told me the other day that my daughter needs a princess chair for the beach and got mad because I said I already know which one I want her to have and was getting it when my husband got paid, I don't mind the princess stuff but when you have one grandchild who has all of it and it makes you sick when you look at it in stores you tend to go a different way with things like that for your daughter.
Really P***ed this morning!

Dear OH
Do not stay up watching football and stupid car programmes then whinge you are tired when DS wakes up early in the morning! Also remember being a father us a Full Time job, not just between the hours of 8am - 7pm when you are go gently at work for the majority of that time! Also practice what you preach, don't tell DS off for 'not listening or doing as he was asked' when I have asked you repeatedly for the the last 3 f**king weeks to do something for me and it still hasn't been done, so once again
, I've done it myself and hurt my back again!
Also if you do not stop snoring, I will shove 2 Tampax up your nose!!
Okay, Im new to this site and blogging all together for that fact but I am curious. I assume "OH" has something to do with your husband and "DS" is yor childs initials?? Not sure but after reading your post, I feel a rant comin on and want to use proper blog etiquette. Can you help me? Men just don't think and if they do, its impossibly simple minded! I am a mother of 2 girls and a husband with another child on the way!
Wow...sounds like my husband! Really! Mine complains about working 1 FT job. Complains when he goes to the doctor with me because he is tired or hungry or could be cutting the grass right now...really? ASSHOLE!!! The other day I went to ER concerned about possible toxo exposure from a stray his sister brought us to foster and he was inconvenienced and going to be tired for the next day. After that, I politely told him that hopefully he will be able to schedule in some time for his sons BIRTH!!!! If not, dont worry about it, we miss Texas anyways. Too harsh? Oh well. He has fried my sympathy chip to smitherines!
Really P***ed this morning!

Dear OH
Do not stay up watching football and stupid car programmes then whinge you are tired when DS wakes up early in the morning! Also remember being a father us a Full Time job, not just between the hours of 8am - 7pm when you are go gently at work for the majority of that time! Also practice what you preach, don't tell DS off for 'not listening or doing as he was asked' when I have asked you repeatedly for the the last 3 f**king weeks to do something for me and it still hasn't been done, so once again
, I've done it myself and hurt my back again!
Also if you do not stop snoring, I will shove 2 Tampax up your nose!!
Okay, Im new to this site and blogging all together for that fact but I am curious. I assume "OH" has something to do with your husband and "DS" is yor childs initials?? Not sure but after reading your post, I feel a rant comin on and want to use proper blog etiquette. Can you help me? Men just don't think and if they do, its impossibly simple minded! I am a mother of 2 girls and a husband with another child on the way!

OH- other half, DS- dear son
this link has all the help you'll need interpreting all the abbreviations! https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/forum-help-testing-area/730-babyandbump-lingo-abbreviations.html
To one of the doctor's that I work with - you are an effing moron and I hate you. Stop lying about giving me paperwork, giving me the SAME paperwork over and over again, and making rude semi-sexual comments toward me! You are a fat, pervvy loser.

To my damn government job - I HATE YOU! I hate working here every damn day, because you are all wasteful idiots. I only keep this job because of the lousy economy, and the fact that I have bills.

To the DAMN SOUTHERN UNITED STATES - I HATE YOU! I hate living here and I HATE the supposed "southern charm" you are all just nosey, racist, assholes. I cannot wait to leave this place once my husband gets stationed somewhere else. Also, STOP CALLING ME A YANKEE...I am from California you idiots! Also, local cops, stop pulling me over because I have Colorado plates, it's annoying and rude. AND PEOPLE, learn to effing drive. I am so sick of almost dying eachtime I enter my car. Red lights mean STOP.

To the whores who look at my husband and then at me - YEAH, he picked ME BITCHES! He's smoking hot, and HE IS WITH ME! I might not look that great right now, but he thinks I am beautiful. We spend every moment together and have a blast! WE ARE IN LOVE.

To the assholes at my husbands evil job - eff off! Stop hating on my husband because he is a smokin hot bodybuilder who doesn't drink, smoke, eat poorly or cheat on his wife. HE DOESN'T WANT TO GO TO STRIP CLUBS AND GET KICKED OUT OF OUR HOME LIKE YOU!

To the entire southern population - NO WE DON'T LIKE IT HERE AND YES, WE ARE STUCK UP...BECAUSE WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU. Also, most of you hillbillies didn't even go to college so stop wearing college team apparel and shouting things about college teams like you're an alumni.

To my mother - thanks for not ever calling me to see how I am doing...I guess I shouldn't be shocked, as you abandoned your kids for drugs during our childhood...THANKS AGAIN FOR THAT! Great role model! You ARE NOT MY CHILD'S GRANDMOTHER!

To the economy - thanks for punishing hardworking people - I can't even refinance my house for a better interest rate because of the tight rules. FUCK OFF.

To the people who roll their eyes at me for being so happy about my pregnancy - you're all twats.
To my best friend: I love you so much and you have been supportive of me more than any other friend has. But PLEASE stop touching my belly! It's barely any bigger!! And don't ask your boyfriend if HE WANTS to touch my belly! You should be asking me if it's okay first...which it's not!
To the girl on fb: Stop being so negative about suggestions people are giving you. You obviously need to go see a support person and get your life back on track before you can get a partner that will love you and your son. Because at the moment if you do find someone they're probably going to be abusive and damage your son.

To the bank: Why do you have to be so mean? We really need a car and you declining us is not helping. I hate you
Dearest 18 year old sister, could you please refrain from shouting at the top of your lungs and turning everything into a big out of proportion argument everytime someone approaches you about something that is wrong!! Those Hickey marks that your boyfriend keeps leaving on your neck makes your look cheap and tacky!! When you get a REAL job I can assure you that your boss would not be happy with you walking around on your neck!! Please can you listen to what mum says without shouting at the top of your lungs like a child! When mum is looking after my baby I do not want you shouting around my kid like that, it makes you look like a giant ape. Also maturity is not something that instantly happens at an age, so when someone is commenting on how immature you are being when you are throwing a stupid hissy fit, coming out with 'IMMATURE, HOW AM I IMMATURE IM 18' just makes you look like a fool, maturity is something that comes with a person, NOT with age. If you want to proove you are mature, start acting like an adult!!
Also dear sister, how do you honestly think I can trust you with my baby, when you chucked our little 12 year old Autistic sister down the stairs and beat her up, then instead of admit your in the wrong, turn around and say 'she deserved it she was annoying me'... and then you want to be left with my baby ON YOUR OWN? over my dead body!!
To one of the doctor's that I work with - you are an effing moron and I hate you. Stop lying about giving me paperwork, giving me the SAME paperwork over and over again, and making rude semi-sexual comments toward me! You are a fat, pervvy loser.

To my damn government job - I HATE YOU! I hate working here every damn day, because you are all wasteful idiots. I only keep this job because of the lousy economy, and the fact that I have bills.

To the DAMN SOUTHERN UNITED STATES - I HATE YOU! I hate living here and I HATE the supposed "southern charm" you are all just nosey, racist, assholes. I cannot wait to leave this place once my husband gets stationed somewhere else. Also, STOP CALLING ME A YANKEE...I am from California you idiots! Also, local cops, stop pulling me over because I have Colorado plates, it's annoying and rude. AND PEOPLE, learn to effing drive. I am so sick of almost dying eachtime I enter my car. Red lights mean STOP.

To the whores who look at my husband and then at me - YEAH, he picked ME BITCHES! He's smoking hot, and HE IS WITH ME! I might not look that great right now, but he thinks I am beautiful. We spend every moment together and have a blast! WE ARE IN LOVE.

To the assholes at my husbands evil job - eff off! Stop hating on my husband because he is a smokin hot bodybuilder who doesn't drink, smoke, eat poorly or cheat on his wife. HE DOESN'T WANT TO GO TO STRIP CLUBS AND GET KICKED OUT OF OUR HOME LIKE YOU!

To the entire southern population - NO WE DON'T LIKE IT HERE AND YES, WE ARE STUCK UP...BECAUSE WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU. Also, most of you hillbillies didn't even go to college so stop wearing college team apparel and shouting things about college teams like you're an alumni.

To my mother - thanks for not ever calling me to see how I am doing...I guess I shouldn't be shocked, as you abandoned your kids for drugs during our childhood...THANKS AGAIN FOR THAT! Great role model! You ARE NOT MY CHILD'S GRANDMOTHER!

To the economy - thanks for punishing hardworking people - I can't even refinance my house for a better interest rate because of the tight rules. FUCK OFF.

To the people who roll their eyes at me for being so happy about my pregnancy - you're all twats.

Hey! I was with you up until the southern states part. I am from Georgia, but I can say with proud confidence that I am NOTHING like most of the southerners. I grew up there, and experienced soooooooo much racism throughout my life... I thought it was all about hospitality but that is a bunch of bull. I lived in the suburbs and when I tell people where I am from, they don't believe me because of the way I talk. I don't have a southern accent and they think I am from the west or north! LOL So I do think that is kinda cool right? :)

My family is stationed in NC and I HATE it too!! It is so country!! OMG I understand your aggravation. I guess I did not grow up in the "true south" whatever that is. I am from Atlanta LOL:haha: proud Georgia Peach :happydance:

Great rant!:thumbup::thumbup:
Hey! I was with you up until the southern states part. I am from Georgia, but I can say with proud confidence that I am NOTHING like most of the southerners. I grew up there, and experienced soooooooo much racism throughout my life... I thought it was all about hospitality but that is a bunch of bull. I lived in the suburbs and when I tell people where I am from, they don't believe me because of the way I talk. I don't have a southern accent and they think I am from the west or north! LOL So I do think that is kinda cool right? :)

My family is stationed in NC and I HATE it too!! It is so country!! OMG I understand your aggravation. I guess I did not grow up in the "true south" whatever that is. I am from Atlanta LOL:haha: proud Georgia Peach :happydance:

Great rant!:thumbup::thumbup:
Well, I was born and raised in Texas and have lived in MN, IA and now FL. I felt rejected when I lived up north. Looking back, I dont think it was that I was rejected, it was more of the fact that I didnt know how things worked up there and I couldnt fit in with the flow. I will tell you though that whether I am in FL, MN, IA, TX, CA or OK, there are dumb drivers EVERYWHERE! To me it sounds more of a personal attack than a general statement for every driver in that state. Its really easy to quickly categorize people when your not from that place but I bet if you give it a chance, you will catch on and it wont be so bad. Good luck to ya! Remember to kill em with kindness!
Hey! I was with you up until the southern states part. I am from Georgia, but I can say with proud confidence that I am NOTHING like most of the southerners. I grew up there, and experienced soooooooo much racism throughout my life... I thought it was all about hospitality but that is a bunch of bull. I lived in the suburbs and when I tell people where I am from, they don't believe me because of the way I talk. I don't have a southern accent and they think I am from the west or north! LOL So I do think that is kinda cool right? :)

My family is stationed in NC and I HATE it too!! It is so country!! OMG I understand your aggravation. I guess I did not grow up in the "true south" whatever that is. I am from Atlanta LOL:haha: proud Georgia Peach :happydance:

Great rant!:thumbup::thumbup:
Well, I was born and raised in Texas and have lived in MN, IA and now FL. I felt rejected when I lived up north. Looking back, I dont think it was that I was rejected, it was more of the fact that I didnt know how things worked up there and I couldnt fit in with the flow. I will tell you though that whether I am in FL, MN, IA, TX, CA or OK, there are dumb drivers EVERYWHERE! To me it sounds more of a personal attack than a general statement for every driver in that state. Its really easy to quickly categorize people when your not from that place but I bet if you give it a chance, you will catch on and it wont be so bad. Good luck to ya! Remember to kill em with kindness!

I grew up in Texas and I've lived in LA, TX, CO, CA, WY, and now FL. The only thing I liked about CA was the fact that semi's had to do 10 under the speed limit. In CO everyone called me Paula Dean because of my "accent" which really hurt my feelings so I harbor some bad feelings toward Coloradins, also they hog the left lane and don't effectively pass anyone. In FL I wish I could tell people to use their blinkers please and not speed up and ignore me trying to merge when I'm actually driving according to the laws of the road and using my turn signals ARGH!
Hey! I was with you up until the southern states part. I am from Georgia, but I can say with proud confidence that I am NOTHING like most of the southerners. I grew up there, and experienced soooooooo much racism throughout my life... I thought it was all about hospitality but that is a bunch of bull. I lived in the suburbs and when I tell people where I am from, they don't believe me because of the way I talk. I don't have a southern accent and they think I am from the west or north! LOL So I do think that is kinda cool right? :)

My family is stationed in NC and I HATE it too!! It is so country!! OMG I understand your aggravation. I guess I did not grow up in the "true south" whatever that is. I am from Atlanta LOL:haha: proud Georgia Peach :happydance:

Great rant!:thumbup::thumbup:
Well, I was born and raised in Texas and have lived in MN, IA and now FL. I felt rejected when I lived up north. Looking back, I dont think it was that I was rejected, it was more of the fact that I didnt know how things worked up there and I couldnt fit in with the flow. I will tell you though that whether I am in FL, MN, IA, TX, CA or OK, there are dumb drivers EVERYWHERE! To me it sounds more of a personal attack than a general statement for every driver in that state. Its really easy to quickly categorize people when your not from that place but I bet if you give it a chance, you will catch on and it wont be so bad. Good luck to ya! Remember to kill em with kindness!

I did not write the rant, I was just responding too because I am from the South and grew up there; born and raised. However, I have experienced the same things she is referring to so depending on where you are from will you only form your personal opinions.... My mom says every time she travels up north, people drive crazy. So it is just something that people say if they don't know about the culture that well. M Hubby is from the north and he says that he likes the south better. It is all in the eye of the beholder. People have different opinions, and they are entitled to them.
I have lived in OK and felt extremely rejected, but I honestly expected it. I have traveled around the states and actually out of country so I have a broad range on different cultures. I appreciate everybody's experiences and just tend to ignore the ignorant ones because that is the usual stance people make when they are uncomfortable about something. I agreed with her rant, except for the southern states insult, which I told her I did not agree with. :) Hello, I am a Georgia Peach Loud and Proud!:happydance: I wouldn't insult my own place of origin.:wacko::winkwink:
I got your pm. I somehow posted on the wrong message (Im new) but regardless I am not trying to point blame or shame, just sayin : )
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