VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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Dear work: you suck, you really are a chain thriftstore who doesn't give two s**ts about their employees. I don't care about your daily "quota" i am NOT risking my pregnancy to please the gods.

dear mother in law: you have intertwined with our lives and publicly embarassed my husband many times on facebook by lecturing him if he has a beer in his hands in a picture or if he has a meatball sub at subway....saying he's an alcoholic or that he can expect an early death...he's a normal 26 year old man. now you're telling us what to name my kid? no. i'm not naming my girl joan after joan jett just because she was an inspiration to you coming out as a lesbian....and no...if it's a boy, i'm not naming them alcid, sounds like something you take for heartburn...this is OUR lives.

dear also-pregnant friend: stop making fun of me for taking all the precautions and staying away from stuff that MAY harm my took me awhile to get pregnant...i know you're fertile mertyle but this is very precious to me..

wow...feeling better lol
Dear pregnancy,

Please stop taking so long now. 9 months is a bit excessive I think when guinea pigs can do it in about 6 weeks.

I want my baby now please. :)


Also, to those who said annoying things:
- Yes, my baby was planned! I'm 35 and know how contraception works! I'm not married but I'm in a serious long term relationship!
- Yes, I should have stopped being sick by now, but I haven't. Don't you think I'd stop if I could?
- No I'm not getting married!
- No I'm not moving to the suburbs!

And to my dad, who had an affair when I was 12 and broke up my family, and has just had another affair and broke up his 'new family':
- grow up and take responsibility for your actions. You're coming across as just a great big asshole these days. I want you to be a good grandad.
to the people who think that just because i am expecting twins it gives them the right to ask if i had help to get them-yes i did its called my husband and his penis!!!!
not all twins are ivf!! and you shouldnt be so bloody rude to ask with a sympathetic look on yr face. and even if they were ivf theyd still be natural babies theyre not bloody plastic when from ivf!!
Dear Mother In Law:
Yes I am indeed over 22 weeks along, and as many times as you try to convince me that I "should be sure, because I don't look like I am due in July", things will not change, STFU! :haha:

Dear Mom:
No, just because I am having another boy does not mean I will have another one to "give you that girl!"...Get over it, my boys are handsome and wonderful, love them the same!

Dear Colleagues that have grown children:
No, I don't care to hear about your birth experiences and how you "were back to work in two weeks with your first!", and no this isn't my first child, and I am fully aware of the changes in my body and how painful birth is...please stop trying to convince me that how you gave birth to ONE child 28 years ago makes you an expert, this is my third, and I am FULLY aware. :dohh:
To my aunt, sis, dad, and BIL- Quit jinxing me and saying I'm having twins or more just because I mentioned that I seem to have gained weight faster this time around! If there turns out to be twins in there, I will be making trips to TN and ND just to kick all of your butts, just so you know. Hubby has threatened to give one of you one of the babies if it is, but we haven't decided which one yet, so you all better hope there is just one.
to pretty much everyone i have spoken to in the last week,

Why do you think i care how many of your friends are pregnant? It doesnt make mine any less special and i know none of your friends. tits.
Dad, I love you and it is breaking my heart that you aren't talking to me. I really hope that you come around because I need you!!!
to the people who think that just because i am expecting twins it gives them the right to ask if i had help to get them-yes i did its called my husband and his penis!!!!
not all twins are ivf!! and you shouldnt be so bloody rude to ask with a sympathetic look on yr face. and even if they were ivf theyd still be natural babies theyre not bloody plastic when from ivf!!

Just tell them all you had sex twice that night!! :)
To my SIL who is so jelous that I am having a boy and can't even look me in the face when saying congratulations as having two girls herself isn't good enough and is jelous that me and my man have been together for 25 years and that no man wants her and is worried that her mum who looks after her kids full time so that she can pretend on fb that she is a wondermummy who swans off on holidays paid for by her mum without her kids that her mum my mil might now be spending on her grandson due in July will affect her and her kids lives a spoilt cow who is addicted to fakebook and has no care for anyone but herself .
To my husband: when you say you have the chance to be off so that i can get the house clean and things ready for Easter Dinner on Sunday why don't you take the GD day off and help take care of these kids so that i get it done faster and im not wanting to scream my f-ing head off.
Here's mine:

To everyone who is heartbroken, or devastated, or gutted that they are having a girl when they wanted a boy, or having a boy when they wanted a girl
GET OVER YOURSELVES - you are having a BABY - it's a 50/50 situation, you don't get to choose.

If you want to know heartbreak, devastation, or the feeling of getting your guts ripped out, go and talk to a couple who are struggling with infertility.
Be there month after month when AF shows, help pick up the pieces when yet another IUI or IVF has failed. Listen to women who have run out of options because 2 IVF treatments was all they could afford.... and NOW tell me about how awful it is that you don't get to play dress-up with a daughter, or secure the family name with a son.

You are having a baby, that's all that counts - be sodding grateful


With the weather starting to warm up... me being pregnant and hot natured to begin with... I need to buy some dresses or skirts to keep cool when going out.

With that being said...
When the hell are designers going to put some GD thicker straps on summer dresses??? I have C cups and they are not perky... so I NEED to wear a damn bra!!! And that is not F-ing possible with hardly any F-ing casual summer time dress!!!!
And come on... put a frickin liner in ALL dresses!!! WTH is with some of them not having a liner in them?? Shouldn't that be and automatic addition to ANY dress? Especially ones that have fabric that you can DEF see through.
Just GRRR So GD frustrated trying to find decent, affordable clothing that keeps in mind that not all women have a perfect perky boobed body!!!!!
To whoever has gone through 5 sponge in under a week: sponge are for washing up only. They are not one use items, if you use it for something that requires you to chuck the sponge after using it (eg. Wiping down the cats food dish) then you should be using a chux which costs 10c per thing instead of a dollarfor a sponge.
To the clouds in Corfu: FUCK OFF!

To the restaurants/bars/tourist attractions/boat trips: Open!

We spent money we probably shouldn't have on ONE LAST NON-FAMILY HOLIDAY! Everything we researched said tourist reason starts in April but everywhere we try to go is shut. We leave tomorrow and we've only had 1.5 sunny days in the week we've been here. I desperately wanted to relax on a beach and we've spent most of the holiday playing cards in the apartment looking at the rain.

I KNOW I should be grateful, I KNOW that we can hardly complain, and I know we should be able to just 'enjoy each others company' but I'm BORED!

I keep snapping at OH like he can control the weather, everything he does/says is annoying me and he's moaning at me for being on the internet on my phone.

Grr, I'm be better off at home in the garden.
To my inlaws...I am not going to spend the next 3 years worrying that this child is Autistic like my first. If there is something wrong with this baby we will love it regardless.

To my hubby...I get that we are in the middle of moving but I need a lot of sleep and rest right now, the bump demands
To my fiance - how many times do I need to tell you that my boobs are killing me, yet you still try and grab them! and no, there are not LOOKING at you they are telling you to piss off! And stop moanin at me because I fall asleep at 9pm and happen to fall asleep for a nap when my toddler naps sheeesh you make me feel so bad for getting some sleep when our toddler usually wakes up 3 times a night and who gets Give me a break!
to everyone who has done this to me: now you know how i feel about my business being put out there and sorry that i posted on face book about you having a boy when i assumed you had already told family so don't give me an attitude over something so simple and this just made it known to me about how all my in laws feel about me so you all can kiss my a$$ wont be having anything to do with you all anymore
Work: I know more than my manager, get paid less than the slacker who can't show up to work on time and am still expected to stay and work 10 hours without a single bite to eat just so my manager doesn't have to serve customers. God forbid I don't do everything for her.

OH: I love you, and you've been great, but when you have a day off and you tell me you're going to do the dishes, or work on the nursery, I actually expect something to get done. Not get home to find out you just played video games all day. If you were to say, I'll probably just play video games, then fine, but don't tell me you're going to do things, because I actually expect that when I get home

Car: Screw you for being more expensive to fix than you're worth, causing us to have to buy a new car during a tight financial time. I'm not going off work and having a baby anytime soon or anything.

There, better.
Here's mine:

To everyone who is heartbroken, or devastated, or gutted that they are having a girl when they wanted a boy, or having a boy when they wanted a girl
GET OVER YOURSELVES - you are having a BABY - it's a 50/50 situation, you don't get to choose.

If you want to know heartbreak, devastation, or the feeling of getting your guts ripped out, go and talk to a couple who are struggling with infertility.
Be there month after month when AF shows, help pick up the pieces when yet another IUI or IVF has failed. Listen to women who have run out of options because 2 IVF treatments was all they could afford.... and NOW tell me about how awful it is that you don't get to play dress-up with a daughter, or secure the family name with a son.

You are having a baby, that's all that counts - be sodding grateful

Not trying to start an argument, I have to add that while I don't know what it's like to struggle with infertility I do think gender disappointment is a real thing and shouldn't be attacked.

I feel terrible for the couples who struggle to get pregnant, and I'm sure it's very hard to see women who are disappointed that they are having a baby but aren't happy about the sex, BUT they are entitled to feel what they feel and I don't think it should be discounted. I'm sure they're happy their baby is healthy etc but some people can't help but feel a bit sad if they really had their heart set on one particular gender, especially if it was there last child and will never have another chance to conceive that sex.
Here's mine:

To everyone who is heartbroken, or devastated, or gutted that they are having a girl when they wanted a boy, or having a boy when they wanted a girl
GET OVER YOURSELVES - you are having a BABY - it's a 50/50 situation, you don't get to choose.

If you want to know heartbreak, devastation, or the feeling of getting your guts ripped out, go and talk to a couple who are struggling with infertility.
Be there month after month when AF shows, help pick up the pieces when yet another IUI or IVF has failed. Listen to women who have run out of options because 2 IVF treatments was all they could afford.... and NOW tell me about how awful it is that you don't get to play dress-up with a daughter, or secure the family name with a son.

You are having a baby, that's all that counts - be sodding grateful

Not trying to start an argument, I have to add that while I don't know what it's like to struggle with infertility I do think gender disappointment is a real thing and shouldn't be attacked.

I feel terrible for the couples who struggle to get pregnant, and I'm sure it's very hard to see women who are disappointed that they are having a baby but aren't happy about the sex, BUT they are entitled to feel what they feel and I don't think it should be discounted. I'm sure they're happy their baby is healthy etc but some people can't help but feel a bit sad if they really had their heart set on one particular gender, especially if it was there last child and will never have another chance to conceive that sex.

Honey, didn't you start this vent thread? I don't think we should be highlighting anything anyone says. This is where we're coming to let it out without judgment or bias. There's some stuff on here that I don't completely agree with but I don't mind, nor will I bring it up, because the beautiful ladies here really need to just get it all out.
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