VENT THREAD! Things you WISH you could say..

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To my MIL: You made my wedding in 2008 all about your stupid self and now you're seeking pity when we're expecting our first child. You only have yourself to blame for ruining people's special moments. You even made a mess of your own daughter's wedding. What is it about other people's happy moments that you HAVE to make about yourself?

To my SIL: You are NOT the only person suffering from depression in the world. Get your shit together and take your medication. You have two wonderful little boys and if you care about them, you'll stop drinking and harming yourself. I know you don't love your life, but take some freaking responsibility for once.

To my freaking hips: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me sleep...
To the person on the motobike: For FREAKING SAKE stop riding that stupid thing down my street. I am so over hearing the stupid thing, it's so freaking loud that it scares my cats and makes me jump. It's a tourer bike of some sort that has had it's muffler customized to make it so loud. I understand that my cats and I can hear most motor vehicles that go past our house but your's just sounds stupid and if I get your number plate I'm phoning my family member who is a traffic cop that hates motor bike riders :D because you are seriously a noise complaint.
To annoying friend

Yes i know what i can and can't eat... i know that biscuits make you feel a little better... ... I know to take it easy! and please don't try and scare me with all the horror stories of birth that you've asked every mother about! you haven't even had your baby yet!

Yes I know you want to finish your f*cking summer house but the cars need to see if you can get another so that you can go to work tomorrow and if you can we need to sort out tax and insurance....but hey you keep banging away on your glorified wooden shed....I mean why would you want to spend any time with me or your son.....and talking about your son, let him get filthy outside and then said you'd bathe him....when?????

DH- My hormones are rageing so bad i could kill, so leave me alone before i loose it!!
You need a major kick up the arse, Start making a f**king effort like i keep saying over and over!!
Stop making noise when your son is trying to sleep because you dont deal with him when he is over tierd later!

To my neighbours- If you keep drilling the walls at half 7 at night when my son is in bed i will come over and shove it up your arse! Dont believe me? Try it!!
to my wonderful dreams: quit making me have dreams about snakes i hate them and i really don't care to be awake for hours on end
to MIL: stop facebook stalking me and then calling the house saying, 'i know you're home i saw you post on facebook!' also if you want to find out how i'm doing, i'd appreciate it if you spoke to me once in a while instead of just talking to DH and hanging up. i'm not the dog.

lady at work: i appreciate the congratulations but not the comment that 'i would just think you were fat if i didn't know you were pregnant'
also, 'is it planned?' is not an appropriate question AT ALL

fingers: i do not appreciate the swelling, it's odd and uncomfortable.

tummy: the stretching has been going on for some time, could you maybe do it during the day so that i can sleep at night?
To my mum: I love you dearly, and I know you think you are helping, but please stop calling to tell me about the things I shouldn't be eating. Don't you think I would have done some research of my own on this? And don't call and panic me about something I've eaten that I possibly shouldn't have. If you have already looked it up and found that it is fine (parmesan cheese in this case), don't open your conversation with 'did you know it's made with unpasteurized milk?'. I was really upset until I established that there really is no risk in eating it, and then for you to tell me that you weren't sure whether to say anything but 'you couldn't live without saying it', just shows that you were more concerned about how you felt, not me.

Also to my mum: I know you do not like our choice of name for a boy, but saying that you don't every time I mention it will not make me change my mind. It is my baby, not yours, so those decisions are mine to make.

To my MIL: do not light up a cigarette the second after we tell you I'm pregnant! Do you really think I want to breathing that in right now? And don't imagine for a second that the child is going to spend any time in your home if you intend to smoke around him/her.

Also, saying that you're going to be your usual bigoted self around the child, and that you will 'teach' him/her about your warped view of the world is really not doing you any favours. If it comes to that then you will not see the child at all. I want an open minded, respectful child, not a bitter racist like you.

Gosh, I feel so much better now!
oooohhh fun!!!

To my MIL - QUIT texting me and your son every 5 minutes asking when you will get to keep your grandson again (he's 21 months old) When we feel like driving an hour and a half to your dang house, that's when you will see him! Have you ever stopped to think that your car can drive up here too??? Or are your legs broken?! And just because you had 3 boys and only know about boys does not mean you can't be happy about the little girl that is on the way. If you don't care that's better for me anyways actually because all you do is annoy me! And you are crazy by the way!

Next.... women at work! QUIT telling me you can't believe I am already showing this much! I already had a pudge from my son and the c-section and I didn't work out (which I should have) so my stomach muscles suck. So yes I am showing more than most people at 20 weeks but get over it! And quit saying oh you are going to have your hands full... two in diapers wow! OMG do you not think that I didn't already think about this before I got pregnant... because I did! I know shocker huh?

And finally to my sister... I love you but QUIT telling me that my world is about to get 10x harder. I realize you have two kids and I have realized that since you had your second kid so quit acting like I don't know what is coming and that I am naive and stupid. I may be your younger sister but you are not Mom so quit trying to be. If I want your advice I will ask for it. Until then, shut it!! OK RANT OVER LOL THANKS FOR LISTENING!!!!!!
To DH... Seriously!!! stop being in denial!!! im not a hypochodriac! And watching too many lifetime movies did not cause THREE positive pregnancy tests 3 days in a row all between the hours of 1pm and 6pm! Get a grip! When i ask you if we have maternity coverage your response should not be 'who needs it' :gun: until the doctor tells me the baby isnt there or i had an mc you havent got the right to make me feel like im crazy. I understand our marraige has put you in a rough place mentally because of the crazy things that have happened since 'i do' but once again get a grip i dont wanna have to figure all this out on my own so grow up step up and get your but out of denial and if youre just pretending to be there just for the sake of screwing with me you can stop now cause its working!

:growlmad: ok
to people on public transport-dont worry about giving up yr seat to me, i only have a massive belly, 6 shopping bags and my 5 yr old son to manage, but thanks anyway. RUDE RUDE PEOPLE.

to my dog-stop bein a little twat

to my husband-i know youve quit smoking and are a bit tetchy but i too have hormones to deal with so if i ask you to hoover the floor EFFING HOOVER IT!!!!!!! otherwise i may be pushed to physically harm you!!!!!!!!!!

to my parents-you know once in a while it would be nice to offer to do me a bit shopping when you finish work considering you work in a shop, then i wouldnt have to struggle with bags and rude people on buses.

thats it for now.
To all the people that like to comment on this being baby number 6

No we're not on husband works
Yes we do know how babies are trot on and judge other people on their sex lives
No they don't just pop out now....I still have to work to get them out
Why, why....well isn't it obvious....we are trying for a puppy but keep getting babies

To my friend who has 2 children and her mum pretty much brought up the first.....Yes I know it'll be hard work....d'ya think the first 5 came out self sufficient. And yes spending 500 pounds on a pram may be a lot to you but you're on benefits and have no intentions of dh works hard, we have saved up to be able to do this so please shut up about us buying some crappy, double, broken pram you have found. And if we want to have a 4d scan that is our business and don't worry we won't be asking you to pay.

Lol ironically your vent is exactly mine.....everything you've said from the money to the friend and oh yeah they probably just pop out now are you kidding me people can be so ignorant
To all the people that like to comment on this being baby number 6

No we're not on husband works
Yes we do know how babies are trot on and judge other people on their sex lives
No they don't just pop out now....I still have to work to get them out
Why, why....well isn't it obvious....we are trying for a puppy but keep getting babies

To my friend who has 2 children and her mum pretty much brought up the first.....Yes I know it'll be hard work....d'ya think the first 5 came out self sufficient. And yes spending 500 pounds on a pram may be a lot to you but you're on benefits and have no intentions of dh works hard, we have saved up to be able to do this so please shut up about us buying some crappy, double, broken pram you have found. And if we want to have a 4d scan that is our business and don't worry we won't be asking you to pay.

Lol ironically your vent is exactly mine.....everything you've said from the money to the friend and oh yeah they probably just pop out now are you kidding me people can be so ignorant

Yes they can....I really do like my friend...but sometimes I could cheerfully throttle her
Here's mine:

To everyone who is heartbroken, or devastated, or gutted that they are having a girl when they wanted a boy, or having a boy when they wanted a girl
GET OVER YOURSELVES - you are having a BABY - it's a 50/50 situation, you don't get to choose.

If you want to know heartbreak, devastation, or the feeling of getting your guts ripped out, go and talk to a couple who are struggling with infertility.
Be there month after month when AF shows, help pick up the pieces when yet another IUI or IVF has failed. Listen to women who have run out of options because 2 IVF treatments was all they could afford.... and NOW tell me about how awful it is that you don't get to play dress-up with a daughter, or secure the family name with a son.

You are having a baby, that's all that counts - be sodding grateful
Hehehe some of this threads I seriously relate to! Whoever started this is a GENIUS!!!
First, To my DH.
Thankyou so much for putting up with my moods, I know im hard to live with right now and I love you so much for putting up with me!

To randomers...
PLEASE do not just come and touch my bump, and this goes for people I know too! Please ask first, otherwise you're likely to be slapped. Just because I am pregnant, does not mean I have no personal space anymore!

To my 'friends'...
Where the f*** you all gone? Don't message me randomly saying it'll be great to catch up, and then just spend alllll the time talking about yourself. I wouldn't mind if you at least asked how I was feeling!

To my SPD...
Piss off!
Thank you so much Urchin, I am 100% with you. I find it really hard to bite my tongue on here sometimes!
Sorry to intrude ladies but this thread is amazing and im sorry for all your irritations ... maybe its time for everyone to invest in dartboards :haha:

i had to say one little thing (tmi)

Dear Bowels

Please let me poo!!!!!!! :blush:


I ask them this every day :(
To all the people that like to comment on this being baby number 6

No we're not on husband works
Yes we do know how babies are trot on and judge other people on their sex lives
No they don't just pop out now....I still have to work to get them out
Why, why....well isn't it obvious....we are trying for a puppy but keep getting babies

To my friend who has 2 children and her mum pretty much brought up the first.....Yes I know it'll be hard work....d'ya think the first 5 came out self sufficient. And yes spending 500 pounds on a pram may be a lot to you but you're on benefits and have no intentions of dh works hard, we have saved up to be able to do this so please shut up about us buying some crappy, double, broken pram you have found. And if we want to have a 4d scan that is our business and don't worry we won't be asking you to pay.

Lol ironically your vent is exactly mine.....everything you've said from the money to the friend and oh yeah they probably just pop out now are you kidding me people can be so ignorant

LMAO, I am one of six kids and my mom used to tell people that when she asked them to support us THEN they could have an opinion!!

To my fertility doctor: morning sickness is NOT just psychological!! you have a penis, you do not know. So suck it.
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