**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

I am thinking about going off bcp this month to prepare for ttc in June. Figure this gives my body some time to self regulate and I can figure out my natural cycle again. Might try temping again just to make sure everything is still working properly.
Hey all! I just wanted to say that due to a shortage of condoms in our household this weekend, and only 9 days left of WTT, we decided to move up our TTC date to yesterday :haha:

I love it! Please share your outcome with me, as well... here, there, or anywhere!
darkriver - I'm sorry you have to wait longer :hugs:

Tara - Congrats to your friend!

swedengirl - Congrats on moving up your TTC date! :happydance: Please keep us updated! I am pretty sure that you can't post BFP announcements in a new post in the WTT section, but within this specific post you can without breaking the rules.

Larowan - I think going off birth control and having a few months for your cycle to regulate and for you to get familiar with it is a good idea.

I like the idea of a homebirth, but I don't think I'd actually be able to do it. I like being in the hospital just in case there's complications. There were with Everett, so I'm not confident there wouldn't be with future babies. Plus, I've been GBS positive in half of my pregnancies, so there's a chance I'll have it again. The thing I don't like about having hospital births, though, is that you have to stay for a couple days after. I got lucky after having my third - they let me leave 26 hours after she was born and it was incredible. I felt so much better being able to rest at home. I really like the OBGYN I have now, although I've had some bad ones in the past. One thing I'm considering for next time around is having a midwife-led hospital birth. There's a few on the staff at my OBGYN's office and I met one after I had Everett, she was really nice and laid-back, so I might see her for my next pregnancy.

I still haven't gotten my cycles back yet and I'm starting to get a little antsy. I want to be able to try now! :brat: :haha: I really hate not knowing what's going on with my cycles, though. After spending so much time figuring them out while we were TTC, it's weird and frustrating to go back to not having a clue.
Ok I'll update on here unless I hear otherwise not to! Thanks for all your nice posts- it's nice to tell people who understand how exciting it is! I'll be the first in my friendship group to have kids so they are all a bit in an enjoying life without kids stage- so wouldn't get the excitement so decided I won't tell them until I hopefully get my BFP!
Swedengirl i think part of the fun is updating the thread post if you get a bfp... i love it when people get their bfps and share :) good luck.
I need to catch up on posts in here!

AF showed up for me today, exactly two weeks since I got a positive OPK woo. Never used them before so I feel pleased that I timed that right. We'll see though! I'm going to start charting from tomorrow morning and will use OPKs again this month.

Hope you're all ok.
I do definitely see something but hard to tell if it's pink. Test again!

Todays test.. do you think its darker?


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I can definitely see something catching my eye- but not 100% sure it is darker...

But I am also rubbish at this! When I look at other ones they look completely white to me but people are saying Congrats!
Hey ladies! Congrats on your WTT journey <3

This is my first time posting in any threads but I'm definitely looking for some confidants to share these WTT thoughts with as hubby and I recently postponed our TTC until Aug/Sept 2018 and he's not much for chatting about it regularly until the time comes. I'm thrilled with waiting and can't wait until we start but trying to stay distracted and hear everyone's good news until then :)

We are a house divided as far as the gender goes. Typical...I'm hoping for a girl, he's hoping for a boy. We'll see!
I am thinking about going off bcp this month to prepare for ttc in June. Figure this gives my body some time to self regulate and I can figure out my natural cycle again. Might try temping again just to make sure everything is still working properly.

Would you keep us updated on how this goes? We've been NTNP for about a year now and recently decided to purposefully postpone things for another year and a half so I'm going on the pill until then. I originally went off to try and regulate things (irregularity being the reason I went on to begin with) but things seem much more consistent now and I'm expecting a smoother experience this time around.

How long have you been on the bcp?
wantingbubba7- I can definitely see it but not sure if it's getting darker (I'm also rubbish at this though so wouldn't take my word for it!) Good luck!

LabRatPack- Welcome!!
swedengirl - Congrats on TTC! I've moved you to the TTC/NTNP section of our list. Please keep us updated, I have special spots on the member list for those that apply to TTC/NTNP, Expecting, Babies Born, and Angels Remembered. :D

wantingbubba7 - I see a squinter! It doesn't look darker than the one from the day before but that's completely normal. It usually takes 2 or 3 days to see a darker line on a test. FXed this is a true :bfp: for you with a sticky bean! :happydance:

My DS is finally potty training! He still wears a diaper at night and he has yet to go #2 in the potty but he's doing great with #1, he's only had a few pee accidents in his training pants so far. My DD also had a few new teeth coming in finally. Our tax returns posted today too! :yipee:
Thanks Kalonkiki!

Glad it is OK to keep you all updated- feel a special bond to you girls now!

Great that you are on to potting training and it is off to a good start. And woo to tax returns! I have heard they are not fun in the US.

Just wondering if any of you have experienced a metal taste from taking prenatals? I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I got this horrible metal/bitter taste soon after taking them. I have switched to folic acid only and it has disappeared but obviously now worried that I should be taking more and if I should go back on them!
LabRatPack - Hello and welcome hun! I added you to the list under August 2018. Please let me know if anything needs to be added or changed at any point. :wave: :flower:
We'll be TTC around the same time. My plan for now is to TTC in September 2018 but it's going to depend on a few things.

swedengirl - Thank you!
You can always try gummy prenatals. I have to take them when pregnant because I get so sick I can't keep the normal prenatals down. I would definitely take a prenatal of some kind though, folic acid will be beneficial to baby when you fall pregnant but you need the vitamins that come from a prenatal.
The problem is I have no problem with the actual taste of the prenatals- I just think maybe it is too much iron or something in my system which is leading to a metal taste?

As it is not the taste directly- just after a few hours.....
Kalon - That's awesome that your son is starting to take to potty training! I know DS1 is definitely not ready. He shows a lot of signs of being ready, but not enough for me to feel it's the right time.

Woot on tax returns! We didn't get as much as last year since I was in school and not working. Now we make too much! I mean, I guess making more money is good, but still!

Sweden - You could still try a different brand or type or switch to taking them at night so when you get the metallic taste you'll be sleeping through all or most of it.

Wanting - I didn't see anything on the first one, then on the second one I saw a squinter on my phone, but not on the computer. I just double checked and I definitely see a squinter on my phone! Fingers crossed it gets darker!

Going to look at some more houses tomorrow. I don't feel any of them are going to feel right. The one I have the most hopes for bothers me a little because it's just a house away from the major road running through town.

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