**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

Aw, Kalon I just feel how much you love your children in every word you write. I hope I feel that way.

I would sort of like a boy first then a girl as well, but that's mostly because I have already thought of a perfect boy name and girl names stump me so I want some more time haha.

DH is hoping baby is a boy and that it comes on March 3rd to carry on two family patterns. I keep telling him that the baby does not care about his schedule.

I'm feeling better since seeing baby, but am still nervous. I want to get out of first tri. I doubt my nerves will ever go away completely, but I feel myself relaxing more the closer we get to 2nd tri.
Karoolia reading your posts gives me such hope! I am so hoping your story is my story in a couple months. Our MC are 2-3 months apart, I hope our rainbow babes are 2-3 months apart too :)
Thanks Alligator! I'm glad I give you some hope :)

I'm slowly getting more optimistic. I still have really nervous days though. We are flying home on Friday and will be telling our parents when we see them. My mother first then DH's parents later in the week. We weren't planning to tell other relatives, but I'm not sure we'll be able to keep it a secret. There will be a big party while we're home and normally I am quite happy to have a few glasses of wine at such events. I also suspect there will be lots of foods, like meat trays that I will be avoiding. So we may just tell to avoid everyone speculating.
I need some WTT buddies. Hi everyone, I'm planning to start TTC baby number 3 late 2018 aiming for April to June 2019 baby( a girl can be hopeful right).

I have 2 girls now so naturally I'm hoping for a boy.
After a pregnancy scare I'm back to WTT for #1. No official date set yet but I'd like to have an at least tentative one soon. I'd love a 2019 baby.
Me and my SO will be ttc #1 starting end of september/early october 2017 :) we both hope that our first will end up being a girl but are happy either way
Hello and welcome to the new ladies! :wave: :flower:
I got you all added to the list, please let me know if anything needs to be changed or added at any point in the future. :D

karoolia - You absolutely will! I had a hard time bonding with my kids while pregnant because my pregnancies were miserable and it was so hard to picture them in my life and I had no idea what they would be like. As soon as they were born and I could hold and see them for the first time though it was instant love. There is no more amazing feeling than watching your children grow into themselves. I'm always learning new things about who they are and while DS and DD are similar in some ways they are also very much they're own people with their own personalities. :cloud9: <3
Boys make fantastic oldest kids. DS is such a wonderful big brother and he was an absolutely perfect first child for me. I always wished I had an older brother growing up (I only have younger brothers) so I love seeing DS and DD together. Their bond tugs at my heartstrings all the time.
You're almost there hun! Only about another week and you'll officially be in 2nd Tri. Your risk of another miscarriage is already significantly lowered since you're over 12 weeks now and had a good strong heartbeat at your ultrasound. :happydance:
Hey all, hope everyone is doing well! I was just looking at the list on the front. Congrats to all who are expecting! I love seeing babies on the way! I also noticed going through the forums that lilmisscaviar had her baby boy!

Kalon - Thank you for keeping the front as updated as possible. If it wasn't for that I'd be completely lost on what is going on in this thread.

I noticed that my tentative NTNP date is only 8 months away! As we get closer to that date we'll know better if it's a good time or not. I don't think we'll go much over that. I would like to try to aim for a spring baby. Already have a summer and winter child!

As of lately I've been trying to focus on weight loss. Really don't want to be heavy when I get pregnant the next time.
It's your month, September 2017 TTC/NTNPers! :happydance:
Best of luck and lots of :dust: to you all. Please remember to keep us in the loop with your journey! :flower:

*September 2017*

lpjkp - Baby #2

Waiting4Tmrw - Baby #1

autumnal - Baby #2, hoping for :blue:

Alligator - Baby #1

Annunaki - Baby #1, hoping for :pink: and going team :yellow:

amotherslove - Baby #2 (3rd pregnancy)

mandaa1220 - Baby #2, swaying :pink:

sarah34 - Baby #2

aidensxmomma (Terah) - Baby #5 (Baby #2 with OH)

AliJo - Thanks for letting me know that she had her baby! I updated her info on the list. Also yay for only being 8 months out from your potential NTNP date! I'm only a year out from mine now and kinda freaking out about it. :haha:
AliJo, I feel like 8 months will be here before we know it. Since having my son, time goes by so, so fast.

Our tentative TTC date is in about 6 months. That date is relying on my husband to get a promotion before then. I would like to get my iud taken out a couple months prior, but if he still doesn't have his promotion, then I'm not sure what we will decide.

I'm also really hoping we get pregnant on our first cycle. I know the odds are against us, but we did conceive on the 1st cycle with DS. If we don't, we may wait a few months. We are trying to plan a pregnancy where I'll give birth right after I graduate. That way, I can wait to find a job when I deem my "maternity leave" early. I don't want to to graduate being like 6 months pregnant though, because I can't just sit around at home doing nothing and no one will hire me being that pregnant.

It's complicated, lol.
So I had a VVVVVFL this am on a FRER! Cautiously optimistic and I've had MANY negative tests since my MC... but of course, I'm worried. The negative tests were ICs not FRER. But I've had negatives on ICs for over 2 weeks now!! Plus... some pregnancy symptoms I had last time including achy breasts and creamy/milky cm.

Ahh! I have a journal where the tests are posted if you want to take a peek on the TTC journal boards. Otherwise... I'll test in a day or two! Fx!
FXed it's your :bfp: Alligator! Please keep us updated and when you're ready I'll add you to our list of preggos. :happydance: :dust:

I did a little digging into how the members that have been on the TTC/NTNP list for a long time now have been doing and have updated the list accordingly. Some members were still TTC, others were pregnant, and others seem to have just fallen of the face of the earth (I went ahead and removed those ladies from the list entirely as it seemed unlikely that they would ever have an update for us anywhere).
Thanks girl! I'm going go play it cautious for now and will likely wait until AF is a no ahow, and I've gotten a for sure positive! My MC was 8.5 weeks but of course I'm extra anxious this time. It's also VERY soon after the MC, so that makes me anxious. I know there's conflicting research on how long to wait and healing times. So.. overall, I'm just anxious!!
Alligator - That's so exciting! I went and looked at your tests. One of the pictures something was definitely catching my eye!! Can't wait for you to test again!!

Kalon- Thanks for updating the list! I would say I'm kind of freaking out as well. I need to focus on my boys right now! Time is moving too quickly. My baby just turned 8 months and it's making me teary eyed! Then my oldest is about to turn 3!

Ja - Time does move too fast. I try to enjoy all the litrle moments to slow it down, but it still gets away from me! I hope your DH get a that promotion! My hubby is looking at getting promoted as well!
NTNP for about 12 months now so I think it's time to start TTC seeing as baby no.1 just turned 2...
Hi ladies!

Just wanted to give a quick update. Our parents and siblings now know! Well, I still have to call one brother, but we were home last week and told everyone who was there in person. Haven't told extended family yet. We told our parents to keep it a secret until after our next appointment on the 14th.

So far everything is going well. I'm 14 weeks now. Our next appointment will involve some tests to check risks. I'm a bit nervous as I have had a previous miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities are common in my family (even though I was tested as a child and should not have a greater risk of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality).

Slowly getting more relaxed about this whole pregnancy thing. Once we tell extended family we'll probably announce publicly.

Alligator - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Don't worry about how long it has been since your miscarriage. My OB said to have one regular cycle and even that he said was mainly so that dating would be easier. He said unless there was a complication, there is really no medical need to wait, other than to heal emotionally. He told us that his wife's first pregnancy was a miscarriage. At the time the standard advice was to wait 3-6 months to try again, but she wanted to try right away and he gave in. They had a healthy baby 9 months later.
Thanks for the reassurance Karoolia. I do believe my body knows, and if it's not ready, I won't get pregnant. So I'm super hopeful!

Tested again this am (ridiculously early because I had a super early work event so the photos are crap) and I think the line is a touch darker, but only a touch. Still very much there (especially in person and on my phone it's a lot more obvious). Only 10DPO so trying to be patient and temper my excitement with waiting and seeing. Boobs are sore (getting stronger there) and had a touch of pink in my CM this AM when I wiped. We'll see!

I haven't told DH yet because he thinks my POAS habit is crazy and he would freak out..but I did tell him my boobs are sore and he was like 'whoa...did we get pregnant already?!' I told him maybe...we'll see. Which we will. It feels almost nice to have my own little secret while I wait to see if it's the real deal or not. Especially after the MC which he took really hard.
Just a super quick update for you all right now...I'll get back on later tonight after all my kids are in bed to go through all the new posts.

Last week, I got a :bfp: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I've been very anxious thanks to my previous losses, but I did get to the doctor and get progesterone supplements right away. I got a blood test done last Thursday (at 9dpo) and hcg was only at 6. I got it rechecked yesterday and hcg was 120! :thumbup: I go for another blood test tomorrow and then will be making appointments and whatnot after those results come back. I am still very anxious and nervous, but cautiously hopeful. I'm 4+1 weeks today with an EDD of May 15, 2018

I promise I'll come back later and catch up with the thread! :flower:
aidensxmomma! Just saw your update, congrats!!! I hope this one is nice and sticky for you. I know how hard it is to relax after a loss. Keeping all my fingers crossed for you!
I hope these are sticky beans for both of you, Alligator and Terah! :happydance: <3 :dust:
Alligator let me know when you're comfortable with me adding you to the preggo list. If it makes you feel better the chance of having a second miscarriage in a row is very low for most women. Chances are good that this is your rainbow. :hugs:
Terah I went ahead and added you to the preggo list! Congrats on your :bfp: and I really hope that this is your rainbow. :flower: :hugs:

karoolia - I'm glad that your pregnancy is going well so far! Exciting that you've slowly started telling people. :happydance:

Optimisticol - Hello and welcome! I went ahead and added you to the TTC list. I hope it doesn't take long for you to get pregnant. :wave: :flower:

Hey ladies! Not much to update on my end. DS is turning 4 on the 23rd, I can't believe how quickly he's growing up. It feels like he was just a baby. It doesn't help that DD has been obsessed with babies lately so in my delusional head she's ready to be a big sister and I'm broody to make her one. :haha:
I know it's for the best to wait at least another year though. I just really hope that DH is more accepting of the idea at that point. He's surprised me once before though so you never know. I could be worrying for nothing.

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