**Waiting and Waiting...2018 Mommies To Be! <3**

That's awesome Tara! I'm glad that you're enjoying your second semester. :happydance:
What are you planning on getting? :D
Thanks ladies! Admittedly Nibbles wasn't our idea, it's what the company that made the nursery bedding and whatnot named the squirrel. :haha:

How are you all doing? DH and I talked more about it and we set some goals, mostly financial on DH's end and personal goals (like starting on my degree and losing weight) on my end. DH admitted that the reason he isn't more positive about the idea of a 3rd child is that he's afraid that we won't be able to support a 3rd baby or something will happen to prevent us from having another and he doesn't want to be disappointed. He'd rather go into it thinking it won't happen and be pleasantly surprised if it does. In the meantime I'm choosing to be the positive one and do everything I can to meet our WTT goals.

LOL but still! It's a cute name :D

Besides a financial issue, why would he think you wouldn't be able to have a third? When are you guys thinking about ttc again?

I am doing okay! AF still isn't here so I'm just kind of in limbo right now...can't really use OPKs because I have no idea where the heck in my cycle I'm at lol. I've tried using a few but they're all basically white so idk. I ordered a pack of them so I can start testing and tracking but hopefully AF shows up soon!
It's just the financial issue. He isn't sure we'll be able to save all of the money he wants to by September 2018.

I'm sorry that AF still hasn't shown! It's so irritating when cycles go wonky on you. I'm *still* in my fertile period, I swear it's been the longest fertile period ever. I've been getting EWCM for way longer than normal. We pretty much haven't had :sex: at all this cycle after our scare last cycle. I think my body knows I haven't gotten any yet and is just waiting for it. :haha:
I kid, I kid, but seriously it's annoying. :wacko:
My temps are no help either because DD has been sleeping like crap for the last half of the night every night since this cycle started. So many of my temps are invalid and I only have dotted line cross hairs on my chart (basically FF's way of saying that based on your temps vs your symptoms they have no idea when you've actually ovulated so they're taking a best guess). :cry:
You guys can still save during the 9 months you're pregnant!

Hahah I don't blame you for not :sex: after a scare! Your body is just waiting to make a baby lol!"

Oh man...temping. I couldn't do it because I don't wake up at the same time every morning and my youngest comes into bed with me during the later part of the morning so it would be inaccurate.
It's not me, it's DH. I'd happily jump his bones but I think it's just too soon for DH as I've propositioned him a few times and he's shot me down every time. :haha:

I've told him that but he's adamant that we need to save the money before TTC. He's one of those people that seems to think that baby comes immediately after you start trying even 2 children in. For some reason he just thinks that something would happen and we couldn't save the rest of the money while I was pregnant. :roll:
It's not me, it's DH. I'd happily jump his bones but I think it's just too soon for DH as I've propositioned him a few times and he's shot me down every time. :haha:

I've told him that but he's adamant that we need to save the money before TTC. He's one of those people that seems to think that baby comes immediately after you start trying even 2 children in. For some reason he just thinks that something would happen and we couldn't save the rest of the money while I was pregnant. :roll:

LOL poor guy. Does he like know when your fertile window is? :haha: He must be traumatized for a bit.

Maybe he will change his mind a little closer to your TTC date? You never know! Keep showing him cute baby things and maybe it'll get to him ;)
No he has no idea. These days I only know when I am because of my CM, my cycles are irregular while I'm breastfeeding. After DS weaned it took 4 more cycles to get back to having regular 28 day cycles like I normally do. This one is going to end up being another 30+ for sure. Last cycle was 34 days.

I hope you're right! We had a lot more goals that didn't get completed with before TTC DD and he still gave the green light to TTC when I wanted to. I'm hoping that if we even have half of the money he wants saved in the bank and complete most of our other goals that he'll say yes. I really don't think that September 2018 is unreasonable. Especially since we'd have a 3 year age gap between DD and #3 and a nearly 6 year gap between DS and #3 and I really don't want much more of a gap than that.
No he has no idea. These days I only know when I am because of my CM, my cycles are irregular while I'm breastfeeding. After DS weaned it took 4 more cycles to get back to having regular 28 day cycles like I normally do. This one is going to end up being another 30+ for sure. Last cycle was 34 days.

I hope you're right! We had a lot more goals that didn't get completed with before TTC DD and he still gave the green light to TTC when I wanted to. I'm hoping that if we even have half of the money he wants saved in the bank and complete most of our other goals that he'll say yes. I really don't think that September 2018 is unreasonable. Especially since we'd have a 3 year age gap between DD and #3 and a nearly 6 year gap between DS and #3 and I really don't want much more of a gap than that.

I need to start checking CM. When/how often do you check?
That's crazy your cycles are so irregular while nursing. I'm hoping that's not the case with me!

You never know, he could def decide that he wants to start trying sooner if he see's that goals are starting to be met. Especially if he's already changed his mind before lol
Yeah my cycles were anywhere between 25-38 days while I was nursing DS, so far it looks like nursing DD will be similar.

The next bit is a bit TMI about CM so I'm putting it in spoilers:
Usually I start checking my cervical position and CM once it starts looking fertile on the toilet paper when I wipe. There is sticky, creamy, watery, and egg white CM. Sticky is the least fertile CM and egg white is the most fertile CM. It's really pretty easy to tell which is which, sticky will be tacky and not stretch very will, creamy will be thick feel like lotion and can be white or yellowish, watery will basically just look and feel slick and clear like water, and egg white will look like egg whites and be clear, thin, and stretch well. In order to check CM and cervical position you just make sure your hands are clean and just put a finger or 2 up there (sorry TMI) and then see what it looks like on your fingers. While they're up there you should be able to feel your cervix although sometimes it can be higher up and be harder to reach. If your cervix is low, soft, and open/opening then that's a good indicator that you're fertile, especially if you have watery or egg white cm. I just check once a day when I suspect that I'm fertile, usually after washing my hands after going to the bathroom or while I'm in the shower. By the way EWCM will not disperse in water, it's just look like a thick string of CM and you can still stretch it on your fingers if your fingers are wet while in the shower for instance.
Did you TTC while nursing?

Thank you for the info! And not TMI at all! I did some form of CM/cervix checks when I was TTC DS. It I can't remember what to look do or how often I checked so I feel like I'm starting over lol. Since I'm using OPKS ill use those as well to help match up with the checks to confirm if I'm getting close to ovulation or not. So, I literally never get ANY cm on toilet paper when I wipe. I always had to stick fingers up there to check lol. Do I just start doing that when my OPKs get darker? I really don't have any indication when I wipe about CM.
That's strange that you never get any when you wipe but I'm used to getting tons when I'm fertile. :haha:
I finally didn't have anything when I wiped this morning so I think I'm finally exiting my fertile period. Once a day should be enough but I would definitely wait until the afternoon or evening to check since I've noticed that for myself at least what I get in the morning can be different from what I get for the rest of the day. Going based on your OPKs is a sound idea if you can't go based on the toilet paper.
I'm getting a tattoo in memory of my best friend who passed away in 2009. I'm getting more excited!!! :happydance:
That's strange that you never get any when you wipe but I'm used to getting tons when I'm fertile. :haha:
I finally didn't have anything when I wiped this morning so I think I'm finally exiting my fertile period. Once a day should be enough but I would definitely wait until the afternoon or evening to check since I've noticed that for myself at least what I get in the morning can be different from what I get for the rest of the day. Going based on your OPKs is a sound idea if you can't go based on the toilet paper.

Yeah I never get any at all when I wipe. Idk if that's why it took a while to conceive our son? I've heard that a lot of CM makes it easier for the sperm to get to the egg.

Thanks! I'll probably try checking twice a day until I can see a pattern or line it up with my OPKs and just go from there
I just did the same thing with my CM and OPK's, I dunno why but I was thrilled when the OPK's lined up with my heavy amounts of CM lol. I adjusted my period calendars to match my new O dates and luckily this increased my luteal phase enough to hold on to a pregnancy :) yay.

I did the OPK's once a day (starting a few days before cycle day 1) and then continued even through my period lol until I got a positive then did them twice a day to see how long it lasted. I even did one when I knew I wasn't ovulating just to see if they worked (and made DH do one) hehehe.
Tara - I think I remember you mentioning your best friend at one point. I'm sorry again for your loss. I'm sure that it will be a beautiful tattoo. :hugs:

Ashley - It's possible that could be why, did it take a while to conceive your DD too?

Annunaki - Yay for having a LP long enough to support a pregnancy! :happydance:

We finally got DH's W2s in! We're getting enough back that we can bank it and use our return to pay our car payment and our rent for the entire next year. We're going to have $1,000 a month free! I'm so excited, it's looking like it will really be possible for us to save up the money that DH wants to in order to TTC next September. <3
Hahaha shockingly no! She was a complete surprise lol
Only one more week!!!! :happydance:

Yay Tara! :happydance:

Sorry I've been quiet ladies, it's been a busy last couple of days. We're thinking about buying a house, we're not entirely sure though. More than likely we'll wait until we have more money saved.
What kind of house?

Now it's five days!!!!
Hi can I sign up! I would like to start ttcing beginning my 30th birthday. i have to wait for my cardiologist to clear me first and it could be a while. It will be august and will be baby no3 and hope for a boy.

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