Waiting and waiting and waiting 2021 momas

Hi ladies! I am hoping to join you. Looking to start TTC for #2 (I have a 19 month old) sometime this year...my sister is getting married in April and I am her MOH so I don't really want to be battling through the first trimester at her wedding, so likely sometime after that...putting us into 2021!

I do have to wait and see how this cycle goes, I'm not tracking a thing beyond my period and it's not due for 5-7 days (I used to be regular to the day before my daughter but now my cycles are longer by 2-3 days, sometimes up to 5, and more unpredictable within 2-3 days also. I know that's still fairly regular but it's unusual for me!). Anyhow...started feeling some cramping yesterday (unusual this long before my period) and tender breasts (somewhat usual for me in my cycle but not usually this early), so...we'll see. We were NOT trying and used the pull out method so...it would certainly be a shock! I doubt it and I'm sure my body is just messing with me but time will tell.

Whatever happens, I will be high risk this pregnancy which is concerning to me. I found out during my daughter's birth (she was breech so I had a scheduled c/s) that I have a condition called unicornuate uterus, which is essentially half a uterus! Crazy! I had an MRI and I have 2 ovaries and tubes but one ovary and one tube does not connect to my functional uterus, so for all intents and purposes I only have one working set. I will be closely monitored as, especially with my previous csection now, the risk of pre-term labour is high. They won't let me go much past 37 weeks and I'll have to have another csection. All very scary to think of, and everything that can go wrong, but, I am more prepared now! I also had a miserable pregnancy in terms of sickness so I'm anxious for that! Anxious and excited and scared...so overwhelming!!

Hi hon welcome.
Gosh all sounds very eventful. Hopfully ure next pregnancy will run much smoother. I have been very high risk in my last 2 pregnancies and will be again with the next one of it happens.
I had a condition called ICP (chlosastis of pregnancy) which causes severe itching. It's all to do with the bile acid levels going supper high and it leaves into the liver causing severe itching. It was managed with my son with medication as I was diognosed very early at just 17 weeks where as with my daughter I was diognosed at 34 weeks and injuced at 35+4. I managed to get to 37+3 with my son which was alot better.
So if we are blessed with another baby I will he induced again around 37/38 weeks.

I'm wondering if u cud be pregnant now? I got pregnant with my daughter using the pull out method lol. It was a huge shock.

I'm on the mini pill but I keep having 2 periods a month so thinking of coming off it soon and just doing the pull out method again and if a whoops happens than that's fine.
Ideally I want to hold off untill Feb next year b4 officially trying.

I have sore boobs at the moment and I'm peeing loads. I only get sore boobs when I'm pregnant so its weird. But I've not long came off yet another period. So I cant be pregnant its impossible. Unless the last bleed was a breakthrough bleed I'm not sure. It only lasted 6 days instead of the usual 9 days. Was heavy the last 2 days tho.
I'm on cycle day 10 or if the last bleed was just withdrawal bleeding then I'm cycle day 26. I've been having egg white cm and once when wiping today i had a load of it with red steaks in. Weird. Just hope it's not another period starting already
Hi how is everyone doing? Hope none of you are having this terrible flooding in the UK. App more storms are on there way a weird tropical cyclone thing in the north Atlantic. Sounds scary.
Anyway hope were all ok. Think I'm about to start my second period of the month. I've been sporting for a few day. The weird thing is that its hasnt gotten any heavier yet. Its stopped now but I'm sure it will pick up again soon and I'll be full on bleeding again. Hopefully when I stop taking the pill my cycle will just return to normol.
I started spotting on cycle day 10 and I'm now on cycle day 13. No dought by cycle day 16 I'll be full bleeding. It's so annoying.
I have a 28 day cycle when I'm not on birth control. I'm really considering coming off the pill sooner. But I'm not sure :confused:
Those storms do sound scary!
All is well here. Wish it would stop being so cold in Ontario. Gonna talk to my doctor on the third about coming off my birth control injection mostly cause it’s just making me miserable. My other half and I are looking at houses/ talking about moving in together in the fall into an apartment. We went and saw a fixer upper on Wednesday, going to see a newer house on Sunday. Excited to try next year. Sleep study was done a couple weeks early so just waiting for my follow up from that. Then it’s just pre op classes then surgery time! So excited!
Those storms do sound scary!
All is well here. Wish it would stop being so cold in Ontario. Gonna talk to my doctor on the third about coming off my birth control injection mostly cause it’s just making me miserable. My other half and I are looking at houses/ talking about moving in together in the fall into an apartment. We went and saw a fixer upper on Wednesday, going to see a newer house on Sunday. Excited to try next year. Sleep study was done a couple weeks early so just waiting for my follow up from that. Then it’s just pre op classes then surgery time! So excited!

Oh gosh hon we have had no snow yet. But we can get it in march or April so who knows.
Oh wow so exciting hon.
I've just started a new pack of pills. Part of me wants to just stop taking them now and just use the pull out method but I did get pregnant with my daughter using that method so I know it's not reliable.
I think I'm going to keep taking it for now but may stop a bit earlier than first planned. Still wanna hold out on trying untill next March. But may start in feb. I've set my ticker to Feb.
I've stopped my pill. And I'm currently on cycle day 1 of a real period off birth control.
We still are not trying just yet ladies we will use the pull out and just be careful around ovulation. How are you all doing?
Doing ok. My bf is helping my sister move today well I’m working. We’re unsure of what our plan is right now, cause he wants to buy a fixer upper house which would put off babies and is upsetting but he’s back and forth about it
Doing ok. My bf is helping my sister move today well I’m working. We’re unsure of what our plan is right now, cause he wants to buy a fixer upper house which would put off babies and is upsetting but he’s back and forth about it

That will be a great project. Remember ure pregnant for 9 months so theres still plenty of time to do up a house. I hope he goes with what u want hon.
That will be a great project. Remember ure pregnant for 9 months so theres still plenty of time to do up a house. I hope he goes with what u want hon.
We’ve decided not to buy the house we were looking at because it requires so much work. We’d have to gut it back to the studs
We’ve decided not to buy the house we were looking at because it requires so much work. We’d have to gut it back to the studs

I think that's prob for the best hon.
Esp with wanting to ttc x
How is everyone? Stay safe ladies these are such scary times.
Hey ladies,
Mind if join in ? :)
Im a mum of 2 girls who are 7 & 5 .
me & hubby are about celebrate our first wedding anniversary this sunday, unfortunately stuck inside because of the current situation. But hey ho we have our health so what more could we ask x...

We bought our first house last year summer, a 3bed, so our girls finally have their own space and it still needs alot done to it but we are getting there...sloowly lol ...

anyway hubbs is pretty content with our two girls & with just moving into the house & it only fitting the 4 of us where would we put a 5th etc, but he knows i would like 1 more at least.
He has 3 older sisters & 2 younger half sisters ,so hes surrounded by females lol ...
BUT he hasn’t completely said no, but just not right now ..
if it happens it happens, but we arent TTC at all.

i Hope you are all safe and well within all this madness ladies


Hello hon. Awwwww congratulations on the new house and its 1 year wedding anniversary.
Sounds like u have almost twisted hubby's arm. I rekon he will be right on bored soon hon.
Men are funny arnt they Haha.

I'm ok. Its crazy being on lockdown I've never known anything like it. This will definitely go down in history.
Its terrible how many people are dieing. It's so sad.
I was thinking of ttc next month but hubby is not keen because of the virus.
I'm classed as highly vulnerable due to being immunsuppresed and having Asthma so I have to stay at home for 12 weeks.
I'm slowly going insane haha.
Good to have you on board hon.
Hello, I'll join too!
@Suggerhoney so strange that we were trying the same time last year, and now the same time again lol!
My beautiful boy is 5 months old and we want one more to complete our family. I stopped taking birth control a few weeks ago, I had ovulation pains a week or so ago but never got a positive opk. Just waiting for AF and then I'll start to track. We're ntnp for a while and if I'm not pregnant by September we'll start trying properly.
Nice to have other people at the same stage!
Hope you're all keeping well x
Hey hun,
Thanks for the really warm welcome!

thannk you so much, thats so sweet, with not having been able to get out for so much as a card for him all i can say is thankgod for amazon prime Lol!
Im the same as you in regards to asthma & being stuck indoors.
Its brutal,but needs must i guess. This whole situation is like something out of a film!x

I reckon he will come around to the idea soon enough hehe, well i hope he does lol they sure are the most oddest creatures ...

I hope you’ve got plenty wee things to keep you occupied chick!
Between trying to home school & not becoming a fully functioning alcoholic is proving a struggle JK.. (kinda haha)

much love!xoxo

Hahaha. Gosh it is strange isnt it. I still cant believe this is happening it's just so surreal.
I'm slowly going nuts hahaha.
I'm trying to stay upbeat and positive. Its hard tho. Its just the unknown.
Were all gonna go down in history because of this pandemic.

I love Amazon so much. :yipee:
Hello, I'll join too!
@Suggerhoney so strange that we were trying the same time last year, and now the same time again lol!
My beautiful boy is 5 months old and we want one more to complete our family. I stopped taking birth control a few weeks ago, I had ovulation pains a week or so ago but never got a positive opk. Just waiting for AF and then I'll start to track. We're ntnp for a while and if I'm not pregnant by September we'll start trying properly.
Nice to have other people at the same stage!
Hope you're all keeping well x

Hello hon. I just saw ure post I've literally just commented Haha.
Its gonna be so funny if we end up pregnant at the same time again.
That wud be amazing. Hows little man doing? Tommy is almost 7 months now and hes very cheeky.
If me and hubby are blessed with one more I'm gonna be staying team yellow.
Hello hon. I just saw ure post I've literally just commented Haha.
Its gonna be so funny if we end up pregnant at the same time again.
That wud be amazing. Hows little man doing? Tommy is almost 7 months now and hes very cheeky.
If me and hubby are blessed with one more I'm gonna be staying team yellow.
Hi hon! He's amazing, I absolutely adore him. He's 5 months now and wild already. He's been sleeping through since 9 weeks so I'm very lucky. But during the day he is non stop! I love his little personality, I'm so blessed.
I can't believe Tommy is nearly 7 months! Time really does fly.
I would definitely stay team yellow again, I loved the surprise

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