Hi hon
That's amazing. I'm so happy u have found a doner. I cant wait to follow ure journey. Really hope u can start In july that really isnt to far away.
I'm excited for you.
There was YouTube Chanel I was watching last year and they used a doner as well and ended up getting pregnant. They had a little boy and are so happy. Good luck hon
Ahhh i hate it when people have to be negative. So many womon have children back to back and there so happy. U Just do what u want to do hon dont worry about anyone else.
Thanks hon that really does help alot.
I'm on cycle day 7 now. I started bleeding on day 29. Was alot better this time. Was still heavy but only lasted 4 and a half days instead of 8 like last cycle. Gonna start the OPKs on cycle day 8 or 9 I got my postive on day 12 and 13 last cycle so it will be interesting to see if its the same this cycle.
How many DPO are you now hon?
Oh hon that's horrible I'm so sorry someone said that to you. Only you know what is right for you hon so dont listen to anyone else.
Ure still young hon plenty of time to have another when ure ready.
I wud wait off a few years if I was a few years younger. Its crazy how fast time goes. I cant believe I'm 40. I remember being a teen and thinking 40 was soooooo old and now here I am. I'll be heeding a Zimmer frame soon hahaha.
Oh no I hope ure ok hon.