Bluestars - I tried pre-seed (I say I tried, as I didn't tell hubby! I sneaked it in before!!

) but I always either forgot to use it or used it too early. I've heard so many positive stories about it though, so I do think it's worth giving it a try. Like the others have said, you won't need as much as the packet suggests though, it gets quite messy!
I hope you ovulate soon, I'm sure you will, how is your cm? That's always my tell tell sign. How long are you out of baby dancing action for next week??
Literati Love - How are you feeling now? By Christmas we're going to have to move the whole thread to PAL I just know it!!

It's funny you said the time's flying by when you're not symptom spotting, I found that too after my m/c, I think you're just so relieved to stop bleeding that you forget how many days have gone by. How bad do you get pms symptoms? My strongest (most disgusting too!) symptom is always diarrohea, horrible!!
Yes have scan next week, I'm trying to remain positive but it's hard to be so. I guess if things do turn out to be the worst, I'm much more prepared this time than last time. I've always been surprised in the past

but this time I'm more ready for it. Also, at least I still have my appointment to see a fertility specialist in October, I'm keeping that appointment for now, just in case I need it (I really hope I don't).
Crysshae - Exciting that we're getting tests posted up now!! I don't see anything yet but I'm terrible at seeing lines at all (even in person!!)

. How many dpo are you now? It may well be too soon. I got negatives 1 day and the day after glaringly obvious positives with the bfp earlier on this year, guess because HCG doubles, you really can go from a negative to a positive very quickly. How are you feeling in terms of symptoms?
Nat - So pleased Nat is finally getting BFN (weird writing that!), so she must've needed that last bleed to get rid of the last of it.
Nina - How's the house packing coming along? When's the move in date? And how many dpo are you now??
Lindsay - You're nearly at 6 weeks now!

How are your symptoms coming along?
I'm much the same, no further symptoms really, I've had a loss of appetite but that might be because I'm so busy at the moment. Slept better than I have in weeks last night

, have brought a big stand fan up, I seem to get a lot warmer than I ever did before and think that might have been keeping me up at night.