Mrs. A - That is very confusing for sure! But I agree with whoever said that your opk test could just be reflecting your hCG levels since opk tests cannot actually tell the difference between the two hormones. At any rate, I really hope you ovulate ASAP! Are you trying this cycle or waiting til AF? Sorry if you already said.
Blue - Ooh, I hope that intense o pain is a good sign! The cycle I got my BFP, I did not get severe ovulation pain, but I continued getting ovulation pain for DAYS after I ovulated. My friend suggested that maybe I "SUPERovulated" and sure enough I got preg.

So maybe you are SUPERovulating too.

Nina - Wow, I'm so sorry AF got you!

I know how incredibly disappointing it is to have all your hopes dashed like that. I hope you can move on and let's just hope that this next cycle is the one for you! Maybe the rest of us will all get PG this month!
Aleeah - Sorry about your congestion! I have also heard that's a pregnancy symptom so hopefully that's a good sign! I can't wait til Wednesday either so I can hear your results! Unfortunately, I probably won't even be able to check the internet for a few days afterward.

I am hoping and praying all goes well! I am actually jealous that you are 8 weeks already because I never made it that far.
As for my symptoms, they're about the same. I was quite irritable yesterday and today I feel downright depressed (PMS always makes me gloomy). I am extremely bloated and I've had a few 'teases' of slight cramps but then they go away. I feel pretty sure AF is just going to come as scheduled, but now I am secretly kind of hoping I'm PG too...

I kind of wish we had tried this month. Bah, oh well.
Nat - I'm also super curious why you can read but forums but not post? Glad that we can hear from your through blue. I'm curious - how do you and blue have a connection? Do you know each other in real life?
Crys - I hope you get your BFP soon! How many DPO are you?
That sounds like a really nice birthday celebration! Your kids were so kind to do that for you!
Lindsay - Thanks! I can't wait to move on as well. I have a feeling AF won't start til Friday but I almost wish it would start Thursday just to get it over with!
I am sorry you are feeling so sick, but honestly when I read about how sick you were feeling, I got butterflies! It is so exciting to get sick because it's a good sign! But I do hope you can find some relief. I agree that the crampy feeling is very normal and nothing to worry about.