Hey ladies
Just popping in to say a quick hello.
Huge congrats to Aleeah, Linny and LJ's on your new arrivals!! How are things going so far?
LL, I can't wait to hear your news

You're getting so close now!! Glad to hear you've sorted out the mould issues and are enjoying your mat leave. That's a good idea to go on a date with DH this weekend - enjoy it while you can
Crys, so glad to hear things are going well for you and you got to see your little one

Did you get a pic you could share with us?
Sab, glad to hear things are going well for you

I hope your pelvic/back pain improve soon!
How's everyone else doing? I've only read through the recent posts.
We are doing well. Rowan will be 4 months tomorrow and is growing like a weed! He's up to 14 lbs now and his personality is really emerging - he's such a happy little guy. His favourite things right now are blowing raspberries and giggling. We're having some sleep issues again (lots of night wakings) but apparently that's normal for this age so hopefully it'll improve soon.
Hope everyone is doing well!!