Congratulations Emma on expecting a little girl!

What a gorgeous scan, so pleased to hear everything is going well. Was there a reason for the scan or was it just for your own peace of mind? I would love to have another scan and tentatively mentioned it to OH a few weeks ago, but as it would cost another £150 (and we still need to buy some baby stuff!) he wasn't keen on the idea! xx
Ljs Mummy - I'd love to hear your birth story! If I end up having a section it would be good to feel I know a little more about it from having read your birth story.

Glad to hear Oscar is doing well. Sorry to hear about your nipple shredding! Glad to hear it's healing well, good idea to just feed one sided and express from the other. I had a weird dream last night that my nipples came off! I hope it's not a prediction of the future!

Lit - How lovely to have your shower after the baby is born! In the UK we don't do baby showers much (though a little bit of me wish we did, sounds a great time to get lots of much needed baby gifts and feel excited!) But it makes much more sense to have a baby shower after the birth. I'm glad Nevada is doing well, and sleeping better. I hope you catch up on your rest soon. xx
Lindsay - I hope the 4 months shots went well and that that Rowan didn't get a fever. Glad you're both doing okay and looking forward to hearing another update soon! xx
Linny - How are you and Elka doing? I hope you're well! xx
Kim - How is this cycle going? xx
Sara - Did those evaps develop into anything? I hope you're well! xx
Whisperofhope - So sorry to hear about your loss and that you had such a rough time with your medical care. The medical staff see so many miscarriages that they forget how upsetting and life changing it is. It's strange they didn't offer progestrogen supplements if you needed them for your previous pregnancy. I'm sure you'll concieve your rainbow baby soon.

Alternatedi - Glad to hear there is nothing wrong with either of you - we had exactly the same, two losses in a row but no real health reasons on our part. It is just very bad luck and I have every faith that your next pregnancy will be your third time lucky rainbow.

I hope you are doing well. xx
AFM - I had to go back to the hospital last week due to frequent tightenings. It was very scary and I thought I was in premature labour! Luckily OH was able to leave work and come with me, which calmed me down a lot. I was hooked up to that machine again which monitered baby's heartbeat, my own, and the activity in my uterus. The machine showed I was having tightenings every 12 mins! Then they used a speculum on me to check for fluid leaks and luckily there was none, they also did a swab from my cervix to check for the chemical that baby releases when labour is imminent - luckily the result came back that there was a 95% chance that I WONT go into labour in the next 4 weeks. Phew! After 3 hours in hospital we went home, stopping off to get some tasty fish and chips on the way. So it turns out I just get frequent Braxton Hicks and just have to ignore them. I felt very down this morning and I had a wave of anxiousness come over me worrying about the baby - there was absolutely no reason for the anxious feeling but I couldn't shake it. It's lifted now thankfully. Am hoping it was down to hormones and exhaustion. Sleeping isn't great at the mo, I can't get very comfy and wake up with back ache throughout the night. Only another 6 weeks until I'm full term! Can't wait to finally have baby in my arms. Here is a bump pic finally, this is me at 30 weeks + 5 days! Sorry about the silly pose! xx