waiting for ivf and struggling!

Hi everyone

Minxy - great stuff, I'm keeping everything crossed for you. Rest up, take it easy and try not to test too early! :happydance:

Mummy - bump looks fab! Glad you are feeling a bit better x

YH - I don't know about the pills as I was on a different protocol but I would find out if its possible to start earlier. It must be tricky if your family don't know about the IVF. We told all our close family and friends as I found the support helpful x

Melbram - when is your FET? Cant be long now, hope all is back to normal now x

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - I've finally turned a corner and put the MC behind me. I struggled to get people to understand that although I was upset about the MC, I was mostly pissed off at the injustice of being back to square one. But I'm now back on the diet ready for the wedding and IVF 3. Trying to lose a stone and half by the end of July and then I'll go wedding dress shopping!

We're feeling more positive and have gone back to trying the old fashioned way - hoorah!

Pinkie - I shall join you in the weight loss goal. I wanna lose 1 and half stone by end of July too! I hope everything goings well for u, take it easy. xx

- Sorry I meant my brother inlaw is getting married. So my inlaws do not know about the IVF, I dont want to tell them because already when I am with them I feel low as all my sister inlaws have babies and babies and babies. I have told my mum,sister,best friendx2 and thats it. Now since my inlaws dont know I am going to be going through IVF its kinda tough coz with wedding preps and stuff they will expect me to help out a LOT.

As for why I aint taking the tablets now, Well the GYN said I have to take tablets for 28days then go for a scan. I will be fasting from roughly july 8th for a month in which I cant have a scan during fasting so therefore I postponed it for after my 1 month fasting. Kinda complicated but hopefully it works out. xxx
Thanks YH, we can do this dieting thing! We'll be weight loss buddies :happydance: Unfortunately the only way I've found to lose weight is to eat less fat, sugar and drink less wine and to exercise more :wacko: I've tried just about all the fads and have come to the conclusion there is no miracle cure sadly! Is the fasting for religious reasons? What does it involve?

I can see now why you don't want your in-laws to know. It will be hard but you might just have to play it by ear. You will find a way to cope with it, we managed to carry on with the injections etc and not give too much away at functions. Try not to worry too much about it now, you really don't need the added stress xxx
hi everyone,
Pinkie, it is good to hear your update and how positive you are about it all.
I hate dieting it is so dull and I love food but I love how great you feel when you hit the goal weight - good luck to you and yearning
Hope everyone else is good, I am struggling with MS hence I have not been online much
had a scan today - full update in my journal
love to everyone
Ducktales - Hope everything goes well for you with ease! and yes I totally agress with you, I love food too, I hate diets but its an amazing feeling when you look good and see pounds drop on the weighing scale! xx

Pinkie - Brilliant! We will be weight loss buddies!!! Woohooo cant wait to lose some pounds! Personally for me I think low carb works but that basically means boring meals. lol (But I say to myself 'Beggars cant be choosers'). Yes fasting is for religious reasons. In Islam we have to fast in the month of Ramadhan. Fasting is to abstain from eating,drinking,intercourse from sunrise to sunset. (Its gonna be looooooong fast because of the long day! - Hope I loose some weight! lol) Whilst fasting nothing is allowed to be inserted inthe private privates otherwise fast breaks so thhat is why I cant go for my scan after the 28days pills until month of Ramadhan finishes... Get it? :) xxxxx
Pinkie can I ask what ur BMI is? Or u can pm me, Im focusing on my BMI rather then the weight in terms of kg/stones etc.
My BMI is 35 :blush: By losing a stone and a half I'll be back to a BMI of 30 which is what I was last year. As soon as we started our first IVF in November I stopped dieting and never really got back into it. Also, with both IVFs and our pregnancy I've eased off the exercise.

I'm now having a bowl of Special K for breakfast, a toasted bagel with Philadelphia and fruit for lunch and a low fat/carb tea (chicken and roasted veg, fish and veg or salad). I'm also back into walking our dogs up hill and down dale for an hour every evening.

I started properly on Monday so fingers crossed it will be a good week. I think I have had a lot of water retention since IVF/MC.

I'm looking forward to feeling fitter and a bit slimmer and going wedding dress shopping!

Fasting sounds tricky to me, not sure I'd be able to manage it, I'd stuff myself after sunset! I'm sure it will help you with your diet though :thumbup: xxx
Awwwww thanks Pinkie!! I hope it does and I hope I dont find it hard either coz its gonna be longest fast I will be keeping (18 hours!) lol

Anyways - I had my first appointment at the fertility center last year and I was BMI 32 and now I am 30.5 which isnt much. When I try really hard I can do it, well everyone can really, but its the motivation! But I hope we work well and can lose the amount we want. Im going to do some workout and stuff tomorrow and take it from there.

Update me when you lose some pounds, I have a wii fit so Im gonna check my BMI now actually. xx
Hey pinkie.
You sound positive and hope the weight loss goes well for you.

Yearning good luck with your weight loss too.
I could fast like that and it must be really hard.

I'm 15 weeks today and put on 2lbs in 2 weeks. My 1st bit of weight gain so hopefully that will continue now.
Had a bad cold and swollen tonsils No tonsillitis thank god.
Its just zapping my energy even more.
Last day of work for 3 days now and it can't come any quicker.
I'm struggling this week x

Ducktales the sickness is hard to cope with isn't it.
I work with the public everyday and the smell of some old people etc and there coffee breathe makes me heave, its horrible
Glad the scan went well x
YH - I'm sorry but I can't actually remember what the timings were at the beginning. I took BCP for 21 days, I started Buserlin 30/4/2012 (can't remember when this was in relation to the pills, had my baseline scan 14/5, started gonal F 19/5, EC 31/5.
I think you need to discuss with the clinic about avoiding the BH weekend, as they could give you BCP for longer, the BCP is to get your cycle in line with their schedule I believe. I'm sorry your going to have to help organise this wedding, whilst it might be good to help take your mind off everything, you may feel very tired with the drugs.

Good luck for Ramadan, despite it being your belief it must still be very challenging to fast all day. It would be good if as side gain it helped you with your weightloss goal.

Pinkie - good luck for you weightloss goal.

Afm: I've now got a urinary infection!:cry: FFS! When they did the transfer they seemed to have the speculum in for ages before doing anything (it's always been so quick before). Anyway that night I woke up at 3am in pain needing a wee, I took some paracetamol and hoped that was the end of it. But Tuesday & yesterday I just wanted to wee alot & felt very sore. I phoned the clinic & spoke to others & I thought I was just bashed & bruised, & my swollen ovaries were pressing on my bladder. After acupuncture yesterday I felt fine but today again woke up for a wee at 4am, felt very sore ever since. I should have gone with my instincts, but no 2 cycles are the same. I've been to the Dr this am & got some amoxicilian which is fine in pregnancy, just waiting for it to kick in. Needless to say I feel very sorry for myself.

Not had a call from the embryologist yesterday or today so it can be assumed none of the left embies made it to blast. I will call later to find out what stage they stopped at.

Have decided I'm going to early test as I need to know if we even get a chemical (early positive, goes to negative by OTD), cos at least that would show we are a step closer. Taken an early early test to ensure the trigger HCG is out of system.

Am so desperate for this to work, I know everyone is. Third time is really the hardest, just praying those embies are growing & hanging on.Trying to keep focused on the present and not think ahead. 12 days to OTD. Apparently HCG can be detected 11 days past a 3 day transfer. This is only day 3!

Hope everyone is doing well xx
I'm also feeling sorry for myself, I left work early, I'm
Not pushing myself on anymore, I need to rest at home and not be on my feet all day when I feel like this.
Hope your meds kick in soon and your not so sore anymore.

If you feel you need to test early then do it.
Some people test straight away and test out the trigger.
I also see people get there positive really early but I think for a few days they are left guessing if there's a line they see or not.
I've got positive thoughts for you xx
Hi ladies, pinkie & Yearning, all the best with the weight loss, Minxie, all my positive vibes are going to your success this time. Mummy I hope you feel better -take it easy & put your feet up.
I've taken the day off and just doing projects around the house. I hope I'm not too physically exhausted on Monday when I go back to work. All of the jobs I'm doing are pretty physical. Just taking care of some things before summer is full fledged. Sanding & staining the deck furniture, finishing up my garden, we need pedestals under the 4 pillars (the bottoms are rotting) in front of the house so I'm going shopping for the stone this weekend. Cleaned the windows, weed whacked last night. Then on Sunday I'll go get my nails done before the work week starts :happydance:

I felt really sad speaking to my gf yesterday. She knows that I want 4 kids and she's preggers with her second. She said she's getting her tubes removed with this pregnancy because 2 is all they want: because they love their travel, freedom, and having a life. I said to her it's all about perspective isn't it? Some people feel that when they have kids they're chained to the house and others seem to function just fine with 2, 3, 4 or more (my colleague at work for example). She's just one of those people who have the word can't as a staple of their vocabulary. I just hate hearing the negativity GGRRR. Don't put you shallow way of life onto me!! I hope you're all enjoying the spring.
Sounds like your keeping very very busy indeed.
We have loads to do in the house but I haven't got the energy to do it. So hubby has to do jobs on his own bit at a time.

Yes I think some people do feel the way you said.
My friend fell very quickly with both of her children and obviously loves them, but they are stuck in her house every day all day because she will not take them out on her own, she thinks they are going to kick off if she does and she won't be able to handed it. There good children so she's keeping them locked up for nothing.
Its sad x
I guess I'm just dying to show her that doing things with a family is indeed possible. Best way to stop the negative chatter is to show people how it's done lol.

Mummy it sounds like you have a wonderful DH, do relax and don't worry about the jobs around the house. These things can always wait!
And you will get to show people how its done very soon x

I can't fault my hubby, he really has shown how doting he is towards me and its lovely.
I have been fine until the last few days with hormones playing up I think.
I've become very short tempered and generally a bit ratty. I'm hoping its just because I haven't been well x
Pinky: Glad you've turned a corner - good luck with weight loss the wedding will soon be here :)

YH: YEY for getting your meds. I was on a different protocol so cant help with timings im afraid.

mummywannabe: sorry to hear your feeling rubbish - keep them feet up you have the right idea :)

Minxy: thinking of you with the horid wait! everything crossed for 3rd time lucky x

afm: follow up appt on Tuesday so will find out appx dates to start meds for FET. Back on trying to be good not drinking alcohol and eating healthier again. Praying it works this time.

Had a lovely weekend went for a picnic with my god daughter, BBQ yesterdya then day of relaxing and sunbathing today. Getting so sick of people asking when Im going to have a baby though, asking if im broody then saying "If you had mine for an hour you would change your mind about having children" -I will scream if one more person asks if Im sure about wanting children grr!
Thanks Melbram, fingers crossed that you can get going with the FET soon x
I know what you mean about other people talking about kids. We have had a lot of comments since we got engaged about making the most of our freedom as it will all change when kids come along blahdiblah. I also struggled at a family BBQ yesterday when 7 month pregnant SiL and cousin with new baby started talking nothing but babies (both know I've just had a MC). So I grabbed the fish slice and set to on the BBQ. Flipping burgers was def preferable to listening to their woes. This is really tough sometimes xx
That's why we told most people about doing ivf as hearing stuff like that was upsetting me and as soon as they know, they don't say things like that anymore.
I think when your pregnant and when you've had the baby its only natural to talk about babies all the time.
People are constantly asking me how I'm doing etc and then goes on from there.
I think if your still struggling then its not that nice to hear but when your in that situation you'll want to talk about your pregnancy.
You'll all get there x
Your going through the best thing to help you conceive and it will work x
Melbram, wishing you a successful FET cycle! I know it'll work out for you...sorry to hear about someone whining about their children. It's always sad to hear ungrateful/negative moms.
How was everyone's weekend?
I rested all of mine to try get rid of illness and its mostly gone now.
We ordered our cot beds, mattresses and a change table/ chest of drawers.
You just pay the deposit and can pay bits off at a time but you have to pay the full amount 10 days before delivery. That was at mothercare. Didnt realise they did things like that.
That's a big help and if anything happens, god forbid- is that the saying? they can just cancel the order at any time.

Just got 2 more days of work as have Thursday and Friday off this week x

My friend has just started ivf last week at Bourne in Cambridge so trying to support her as best I can. She has low egg reserve and has been put on 2 injections straight away, I think 1 might be to help with egg quality or something like that, no BCP for her.
I think you did didnt you 2have4kids before you started?
She's scared and constantly asking what's normal and worrying if she's having no side effects if it can still be working, bless her x

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