We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Sending big :hugs: Hayley...thinking of you xx

I'll definately drink to a Sticky, Healthy and Happy 2010....For all of us....:hugs:....Happy New Year :kiss::kiss:
god have i had a nightmare or what! well the bleeding stopped & when i rung to get my hcg results they had risen by 20, still not a viable pregnancy. it seems my body wont miscarry on its own unless my numbers start to decrease. got to go back up the hospital on monday for my 4th lot of bloods & then they will discuss the next step which will be a tablet inserted into the neck of the womb to get things moving, great, happy new year hey!!!
oh hayley :( this is just the last thing you need. im sorry hon. xxx
so sorry hayley...i send you lots of love
Hayley, I'm so sorry to hear of your news :hug:
so sorry to read this lovely thinking of you xxxxxxxxxx
Oh Hayley, I am ever so sorry, I am thinking of you too hun and hopefully things will get easier soon.


Well I am to be honest feeling shit. I have been around my best friends house, she is 21 weeks pregnant, I cannot believe the insensitivity that came from both her and her DH, if it wasnt for the kids and her daughters sleepover, I would of told her to f off and hubby would of kicked off too. Just to let you know we were going through the rollercoaster of getting pregnant together, we spoke about it for months etc etc, then first time she fell pregnant, and was very insensitive, I told her 2 months later how she made me feel knowing this is what I have wanted for along time, so you would of thought she would watch her tongue, boy was I wrong! DH and I had comments that went like this said to us, "You are firing blanks", "do you wanna borrow my DH", "you have been saying you are going to get pregnant every month then dont", "oh DH did you know Clare puts her fingers up her lady bits each month and gets thrills from it" (referring to CP), "You must be having problems", "You say each month you have got your dates mixed up" oh there were loads, I got in the car and burst into tears. Not long after she went really loudly "Oh Dave the baby just kicked do you wanna feel" she was going on and on sitting there rubbing her tummy, telling me about all the things she has bought for the baby, scan pictures come out too. I tried so hard today girls, it was bloody awful!!! My DH is fuming but as our daughter is sleeping there tonight as its BF daughters birthday we cant really start kicking off with 8 kids there. It was tough, and she wonders why I dont go round there much, I cant handle it.

So thats my rant.

Well CM is starting to increase now, so that means it wont be long now, just took my first dose of cough medicine, lol! I am bloody gonna get pregnant if this kills me this month, I cant handle the constant digs etc from my so called BF! Anyway catch up soon xxx Hugs and prayers to everyone. xxxx
oh my goodness, claire. I must say your friend sounds like she is behaving like a complete and utter bitch :( if i were you i would tell her that you and your DH do NOT appreciate her rude, callous, insensitive and frankly gross comments and would she please keep them to herself next time. How DARE she! I am so furious for you! :hugs:
oh clare.. what a cow! i am gobsmacked..

i must say i find all things pregnancy related still very upsetting afterlosing our baby at 17 weeks last year.... even when its dd ... and that i know sounds stupid , as i am lucky enough to be pg at the mo, but i am still trying not to let myself think too mcuh about it at the moment, so i am prepared for it if it goes wrong again, i dontthink i would get thru if it does...

girls, is it ok for me to still be here? cos i am feeling a bit awkward, the reason for this is, i know how i felt when the :bfp: s came along , and i felt happy for them, but oh so sad for myself...and that is the last thing i want, is to make any of you girls feel sad ..
Hayley and im_mi , you are going thru so much sadness, and i dont want to be making you feel worse..

oh claire she sounds horrible and know she is your friend but friend should be more understanding!! really feel for you maybe you should say something otherwise it may happen again!!
loobi im sure when lisa started this thread she said it was so we could all keep in touch no matter what through wtt,ttc,preg, etc so dont feel bad we are all really happy for you xxxx
Hey Everyone!

Firstly I need to say Hear Hear Louise...thank you Hun....that was exactly what I intended....."We're together for the long haul....in all sections!"
Hope you're ok and from your ticker....celebrating the 3rd Jan!:winkwink:

Loobi....In all the hecticness of the past couple of weeks I've really missed you sweetie...don't you dare leave us:hugs: How are things with all in the Loobi family?:hugs: Have you told either of your pg daughters about the secret in your tum?!

Claire...I'm truly gobsmacked by the comments that your friend made Hun....You obviously have stronger teeth than I lovely cos there is no way mine would have stood up to the strength of my tongue lol. A quiet word is definately a better idea chick:thumbup: Hope you're ok and I've everything crossed that it's a magical cycle this month:hugs:

Im_mi...Feels like forever a go since we last 'spoke' sweetie I hope you're ok. Did Jack have a good christmas? Look forward to catching up babe:hugs:

Erin...where are you lovely? Hope you're enjoying work Hun and life is seeming a bit more settled:hugs:

Hayley...I hope everything goes ok tomorrow Hun:hugs: How's Lil Rylee these days?

Nibbler....Hey Chick...Great to see you here:thumbup: How are you feeling today?:hugs:

Right, I'm off to go and cook the roast dinner now, just wanted to touch base with everyone and say no matter what kind of start this year has had I hope it turns into a magical one by the end....big :hugs: and love xxxx
Thanks girls, I am beginning to think if I am better off without her at the moment, I couldnt kick off last night, not in front of all the kiddies, my DH has been waiting for the opportunity to say something to her DH as they do not get on too well as she had an affair and left my DH's friend for her new one, if that makes sense, and would love to tell him a few home truths but last night was not the right time, it really was like they were taking the piss, I was gobsmacked and she was the one who insisted I had MC last cycle due to the line on the FRER then the horrible AF pains, you would of thought all baby talk would of been kept to a minimum, you do not ever talk to anyone the way they did too us last night, like it was one big joke! If I had been the one who got preggers first there is no way on this earth I would of said any of the things she has said to me over the past 5 months. Its very upsetting for me and I struggle with her pregnancy which I wish I didnt, I should be happy but there is not a chance in hell at the moment. Rant over again!

I hope all you other girls are bearing up under the circumstances and hopefully can still feel positive about TTC, I have friends who have had MC and gone on to have perfectly healthy babies, lets hope 2010 is our year girls, we need lots of PMA!

Loobi, please do not feel bad, you deserve this and have been where we all are and know exactly how we feel and are very sensitive and take our emotions into account, unlike some people I could name! You will give advice and support too.

I am starting to get a line on my OPK, I hope it gets darker soon, gonna POAS again at 8pm tonight, starting taking that cough medicine, it is vile, I dont know how long I can keep that up but I will give it a good go until ovulation day.

Thanks girls for all your kind of words and I am not gonna mention TTC to my so called friend anymore, cant deal with her and gonna keep meetings with her to a minimum at the moment. I might catch up with you all later. xxxxx
Claire, what is the cough medicine supposed to do to help with ttc? Yeah, if i was in your situation i would probably just avoid her until she started asking why. I totally couldnt cope with being around someone who was so bloody insensitive. :hugs:

Loobi, dont you dare go anywhere!! I dont know about anyone else but I for one am genuinely happy for you hun, it really makes me SO HAPPY to read about people getting their bfp's and being pregnant, especially when its someone i have been talking to for so long. You girls are like my Online Sisterhood! :D

Lisa, its so nice to hear from you! Cannot believe you are still on that cycle hun, you must be at the end of your tether :( any word from the TCM lady?

as for me... well i am starting to feel more positive about TTC again :) meant to be going to our scan tomorrow but i have decided not to. i am positive that i passed everything and i really dont want to have to go through that for no reason. They arent trained to find problems with my reproductive system either so there really is no point whatsoever. i will go to the doctors this week and inform her of the losses, and see what she has to suggest. i know that they dont refer you to anyone unless you have lost 3 pregnancies but she is very understanding and i have been there before for down-there problems, so she might be able to help in some way. I am really excited about trying again but i cant bear to lose another one, i am so scared. everyone says not to test until i am really late so i wont know if i have a chemical, but i know my body and my AF and i would *know* if i had lost again, even if i hadnt had a :bfp: to prove it. and besides, last time i didnt get a :bfp: until 19dpo anyway!
Hello girls :flower: How's everyone doing? Can't believe it's now 2010. How's everyone's new year? Mine's not the best, been having this stupid cold all the way long. I think I will have to go and see the GP. It's been with me for 2weeks now and not clearing up.:nope:

Hayley: Hope all goes well for you tomorrow. My thoughts will be with you :hug:

Claire: Do you take the cough medicine every day? I heard pink grapefruit juice is great for CM too. I will be starting it again this coming cycle. I am spotting today so AF should arrive tomorrow bang on time... :shrug:

Imogen: The cough medicine is supposed to thin out your CM to aid conception I think. I am sorry to hear of your loss this past cycle. Hope you will have better luck this visit and will have a healthy sticky bean :happydance:

Loobi: Please stay with us! So happy that you are with a lovely bean :hugs: Oh, and please share some of your :dust: with us :winkwink:

Lisa: The madness of X'mas is finally over! But then, time goes by so quickly I will be afraid another one will show up too soon! :haha:
Claire, what is the cough medicine supposed to do to help with ttc? Yeah, if i was in your situation i would probably just avoid her until she started asking why. I totally couldnt cope with being around someone who was so bloody insensitive. :hugs:

Loobi, dont you dare go anywhere!! I dont know about anyone else but I for one am genuinely happy for you hun, it really makes me SO HAPPY to read about people getting their bfp's and being pregnant, especially when its someone i have been talking to for so long. You girls are like my Online Sisterhood! :D

Lisa, its so nice to hear from you! Cannot believe you are still on that cycle hun, you must be at the end of your tether :( any word from the TCM lady?

as for me... well i am starting to feel more positive about TTC again :) meant to be going to our scan tomorrow but i have decided not to. i am positive that i passed everything and i really dont want to have to go through that for no reason. They arent trained to find problems with my reproductive system either so there really is no point whatsoever. i will go to the doctors this week and inform her of the losses, and see what she has to suggest. i know that they dont refer you to anyone unless you have lost 3 pregnancies but she is very understanding and i have been there before for down-there problems, so she might be able to help in some way. I am really excited about trying again but i cant bear to lose another one, i am so scared. everyone says not to test until i am really late so i wont know if i have a chemical, but i know my body and my AF and i would *know* if i had lost again, even if i hadnt had a :bfp: to prove it. and besides, last time i didnt get a :bfp: until 19dpo anyway!

Hi hunnie

Well the branded name is Robitusson, or something like that, and the active ingrediant in it is meant to thin cervical mucous and make it more welcoming for the little swimmers, I have bought the Tesco own version which is the same, I must say it tastes bloody vile, I gotta take some before I go to bed!!lol!! But you look it up on the web there is loads of good stories about it. I am up for anything this month! Theres a thread in the TTC forum about it.

I dont blame you not wanting to go for the scan, it will just be more upsetting hun. Have a chat with the GP and she was she says. Good luck with it all.

I too am glad I have you girls, I dont know where I would be without you, I struggle to get support as you are aware :growlmad: and I am glad I can let off steam on here! She has been a total bitch and I bet you she doesnt even realise she has upset me.:cry: I cant talk to her about it at the moment, I am just gonna keep my distance for a while and get my head together and pray I get my BFP this month. I am busy anyway this week as Ella my DD is off to Great Ormond Street on Thursday for two days, my son is not back at school until Tuesday, Ella is back tomorrow although we have had tears as she has told me one of my other BF's DD has been picking on her, so that was a hard one to deal with, I rang her and we sorted it but her daughter has type 1 diabetes and I think the insulin effects her behaviour so she can become very loud and sometimes aggressive, depending on her blood sugar levels, and now she doesnt want to go to school tomorrow either,:dohh: This is the part of being a parent I do not like, to think your child is being picked on is heartbreaking. Ella says she gets picked on because she is small, her frame is small and she is quite thin but that is down to her having celiac disease but there are other kids in her class who are shorter and thinner, and I have told her not to take it heart. Ella is so sensitive bless her.

Anyway I better go, gonna struggle getting up in the morning, but by the looks of the weather the schools will probably shut again due to snow later in the week. Grrrr.

Take care my lovelies xxxxx
Hello girls :flower: How's everyone doing? Can't believe it's now 2010. How's everyone's new year? Mine's not the best, been having this stupid cold all the way long. I think I will have to go and see the GP. It's been with me for 2weeks now and not clearing up.:nope:

Hayley: Hope all goes well for you tomorrow. My thoughts will be with you :hug:

Claire: Do you take the cough medicine every day? I heard pink grapefruit juice is great for CM too. I will be starting it again this coming cycle. I am spotting today so AF should arrive tomorrow bang on time... :shrug:

Imogen: The cough medicine is supposed to thin out your CM to aid conception I think. I am sorry to hear of your loss this past cycle. Hope you will have better luck this visit and will have a healthy sticky bean :happydance:

Loobi: Please stay with us! So happy that you are with a lovely bean :hugs: Oh, and please share some of your :dust: with us :winkwink:

Lisa: The madness of X'mas is finally over! But then, time goes by so quickly I will be afraid another one will show up too soon! :haha:

No I take it 3 times aday from day 10 or 4 days before you are due to ovulate, 2 teaspoons! See I can have a 28-32 day cycle so thats why I am taking it now and CM is getting more abundant and slippery, really need to BD tonight but too tired, but not got my surge yet anyway so not too worried about tonight, will tomorrow for sure. DH is watching footie anyway!:growlmad:

My post was so long you got in there before me, lol! xx
Morning Peeps:wave:

Im_mi...I don't blame you for not going to the scan sweets:hugs:...and so hope that your GP is helpful. I hate the blinking protocols that surround mc babe. How they can sit there when a woman is breaking her heart in their office and casually say "well try again and if it happens next time we'll do all the tests!"....they must be a 'special' breed of person is all I can say. I can't wish you enough luck and dust for this year babe...really hope you get that :bfp:....and soon!:hugs:
I have to ring the TCM lady on friday she's not back from China until tom and then I'm in work on weds and thurs....hopefully I'll be able to get in to see her fairly quickly.

Claire....Bless Ella...:hugs: I hope her day goes ok.
I think distancing yourself from your friend could be a good idea hun, you don't need or deserve the comments:hugs:....We're here to listen 24/7:hugs:
I might have to try the cough medicine. I tried epo one month but had the most horrible cramps on it and I was going to say a lot more spotting but given the present cycle...:dohh::rofl: Hope it works for you sweetie:hugs:

Loobi...How are you doing sweets?:hugs:

Nibbler...It could definately be a good idea to see the GP Babe about your cold...hope it leaves you soon:hugs: Has the nasty ol :witch: arrived?

Louise...what have you been up to chick? Did you have a good christmas? Are you doing opks? Hope it's your month lovely:hugs:

Hayley...thinking of you:hugs:

Well girls not a lot to report from this end really...same old, same old still going on. I am going to ring the docs this morning and make an appointment...about time I hear you cry!:dohh: After talking to mum about it all she said I wonder if you have an infection....I've never had any kind of infection down there, not even thrush or a uti so I haven't a clue really. I don't have any bad odour or itching so I'm hoping not[-o<

Heaps of :hugs: Love and :dust: to you all xxxx
morning girls...

ooooh cant wait to get my tree down today.. its nice putting it up, but nicer taking it down..

kids go back to school here on thursday, so only two more mornings of not having to get up and out in the cold..brrrrrr...

my bloody car is broke, so i cant get out and do anything our house is like old mother hubbards..haha

just had alovely chat with Stacey, ( DD1) she has 6 weeks to go, finsihes work next friday.... feels so strange and sad to not be able to be with her... i think back to when she was alittle girl ,and i just wish i could go back to those times just for a few minutes to have her as my little girl again, and give her a cuddle......

very emotional here today girls.......

Lisa....yay you're back..... i missed you....

i drank the pink grapefruit juice, not entirely sure if it made a difference... cos i was taking epo as well, something worked for me, i had lots of the ewcm.....

right i must go now for a while, cos dd wants her breakfast...

lotsa love
Hi girls!

Sorry I haven't been around lately.....New Years was crazy and I just wasn't around much....

So sorry for your loss Hayley. Hopefully you'll get you sticky one soon!

Well, not sure what I ate or drank or did different this cycle, but it has produced a LOT of EWCM....like for a week.....unfortunately since we've been running constantly for the past week, we could only get in 2 BD's on CD 11ish12ish and then on CD13.....and since I usually O around now I'm hoping we got it right this cycle.....I can't believe I'm going to have to renew my FF account soon. I never thought it would take this long! Oh well, atleast I got to party over the holidays.

Work is going good. It's very hard physical work so I think I've lost like 5 lbs! I gained 25 since I left last time....so hopefully I can lose all that again. My goal is 145 and I'm at 165 right now. Since I'm 5'8" the weight spreads out, but still....I bought I bunch of clothes when i lost the weight and i'd really like to fit into them again. Damn food I just love it so much.

For those of you girls who can still drink....I discovered 2 AWESOME drinks this weekend. One is Firefly sweet tea vodka.....don't know if they sell it in the UK....but that mixed with lemonade. Yum.

The other is called NUVO. You get it at the liqour store. It's a pink sparkling liquor infused with French wine. Just drink it straight. Absolutely delish.

Alrighty, got to go do some things before I go back to work tonight.

Have a good day!:flower:
Good afternoon girls :flower: How's everyone today?

Claire: I didn't like the Pink Grapefruit juice at 1st but I slowly got used to the taste and I actually love it now. I will give that another proper try this month. As soon as the stupid :witch: arrives, I will start drinking it. Will let you know if it changes my CM. If not, I may get the Tesco own brand cough medicine. Wonder if that is available in Ireland?

Lisa: More spotting today for me so the :witch: is leaving more calling cards :shrug: Was delighted got my spotting down to 1day last cycle before she came. I guess being sick for 2weeks ruins the good acupuncture did for me :growlmad: I have appointment made with my GP tomorrow, finally! 60euro that needs to be spent :nope:

Loobi: Is the road bad where you are? It was very dangerous out my way on New Years Eve and New Years Day. Thank god it seems a bit better these past 2 days. How do you feel? Do you get much morning sickness? The Christmas tree is already coming down? I didn't get to put mine up in the end this year. All the decors and the tree stayed in the shed :nope:

JLove: What job do you do? Definitely sound like a very hectic kind of work! I would love to lose some weight too and have again make it my new year resolution (which I never keep...:blush:) However I feel kind of different this time round and I am rather determined to start getting out exercising when I recover from this stupid lingering cold.

Anyway, I should sign off now, will be back on later. Hope all is well with everyone. Back to work tomorrow for me, BOO:growlmad:

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