We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Well there is nothing like breaking the kids in gently after christmas is there....I've just had to go and get Callum as the school is shutting:dohh:....in fairness thou it is snowing really heavy:yipee:

YAY YAY YAY LISA!!! Never have i been so excited for someone because the :witch: arrived :laugh2:

was going to reply to everyone but jack is trashing the frontroom so i better go pay him some attention haha! Will check in with you all later xx
Hi girls

Just popping by, have not had chance to read all the posts, what a difference a day makes! Callum was ill yesterday with a sick bug so was not online and been busy catching up with housework. I will pop by tonight and read all of your posts and comment later, good luck girls and take care xxxx
Morning Girls...:hugs:

Im_mi...I know exactly how you're feeling sweets and wanted to send you a big hug....I'm praying that everything will be ok next time and super sticky for you sweetie. I hope your GP is helpful sweets, let us know how you get on:hugs:

Erin...Yay for the wii fit:yipee: I have one to, what's the wii fit plus like any good? We have just got the new wii sports resorts with the motion plus thingy...that's really good and has some fun heart rate raisers:rofl:

Nibbler and Lou...how are you feeling Lovelies?:hugs:

Loobi...How you feeling today babe? What have you got planned for the day? Is Gary still going to be looking for work in the UK? I'm dying to tell you....but must get to the end of the post first!:dohh:...

Claire...How you doing sweetheart? How was Ella's first day back? How is she feeling about Thursday, I hope it all goes ok:hugs: Have you heard from your friend at all?
sending lots of hugs and dust for this month sweets:hugs:

Hayley...I hope yesterday went as well as it could of sweetie and that you're ok...thinking of you:hugs:

:shhh:....Check my status and ticker out girls....:shhh:
I couldn't believe it this morning but I actually have proper flow, the usual gross/large clots and am sat hunched up with cramps typing...but couldn't be happier:dohh::rofl::winkwink:
I think I'm just as happy about being able to cancel the GP appointment. Because in all honesty there probably wasn't going to be anything he could of done, and I guess from his viewpoint I have my gyne appointment in less than a month so crazy woman what are you doing in my office?!:dohh:
I'm pretty sure I don't have an infection as from googling bad odour and irritation are usually symptoms of these things neither of which I have had, I will however mention the orangey spotting to the gyne and let her figure it out.
Never thought the :witch: could put me on :cloud9: but she has....let the countdown to O commence....and it WILL happen this month Lil Ovary if you're listening!:rofl:....I'm setting a reflexology lady and TCM lady onto you!:winkwink:

Big Hugs and Oooodles of Love from your crazy BnB Sister:winkwink: xxxx

Just read your post hun, woo hooooooooooooo, at last hunnie!!! Thank goodness for that an I bet you are well pleased.:happydance:xxxxx
yeah lisa :happydance: never been so pleased for someone to get the :witch: i hate going to the doctors so glad you didnt have to go!!
well the snow as arrived here why now didnt have any at christmas when we didnt need to go anywhere and now the weather says 15cm if not more :growlmad: not a fan of snow!!!!
my little boys bday friday going to be 7 he is so excited and thinks its such a big number :haha: we off to the panto friday and a meal should be nice
speak soon ladies
YAY LISA!!!:yipee::drunk::wohoo::loopy::rain:\\:D/
Bout time!

I haven't tried the Wii Fit plus....I just picked it up yesterday right before work, so as soon as I get off here and finish playing on FB, I'm going to try it out. I played tennis on the Wii sports for like an hour yesterday, and I'm feeling it. I did eat almost a whole white pizza (baked from the grocery) last night so I think they cancelled out. Oh well, I was starving!

One more "cuppa" and then I'm off to work out for an hour or so before work. I gotta go into work early today, so maybe that means I'm getting out early??? Hopefully.

As for the TTC business....I'm 2 DPO I think. I overrode FF because I don't temp and just put my O date as CD 14. My test date is in 10 days, but lord help me if I can hold out that long. I already have screaming nips and that usually never starts until a few days from now. Last cycle my boobs didn't even get sore. I was starting to wonder if i O'd. Ok ladies, I'm off. I'll check back in and let you know how Wii Fit Plus goes.

Have a good day!:flower:
By the way, I said the word "bloody" the other day and didn't realize I did it until someone was like.....did you just use a British cuss word? Lol, you girls are rubbing off on me.:dohh:
Erin...you absolutely crack me up babe!:hugs::rofl:
We'll have to see what else we can send over the pond:rofl:
I shall resume my place in that bathroom cabinet:winkwink: Sounding good thou hun:hugs:
Definately let me know how you get on with the wii fit plus. Callum and I were playing the wii fit this afternoon....I made he do the one where you have to sit cross legged on it as still as you can to keep the candle flame alight...any movement and the flame goes out....he managed 23 seconds....:dohh::rofl:....it says a lot!:rofl:

Thank you girls! I don't think I've ever had a :witch: celebrated in such style before:rofl::winkwink:

Claire...I hope Lil Callum is feeling better:hugs:

Louise...I hope you manage to get out for your DS's b'day. I hate the snow to hun...you're not alone:nope:

Big hugs xxx
The Wii Fit is awesome! I did it for 35 minutes today and I feel good. They have a bunch of games on there.....I tried skateboarding but hahaahahaha I was terrible. It is fun. Running is the hardest, but it'll get better. I added a weight loss ticker.....only 23 lbs. to go! It's really not that much. I lost 40 last year.

Alright I really gotta go to work. See ya!:flower:
Ignore this, it duplicated my posts so just taken this one off.
Evening girls, so the snow has just started, so that may mean no school tomorrow. The problem I have is Ella needs to get to London Thursday, if its too bad then we will have to reschedule. Yes so Callum had a poorly tum all day yesterday, wasnt eating, very pale etc, then at 6pm, woosh, but only the once so it may not of been a bug, really not sure, I hope I dont get it as I dont want my BD to be interrupted although it will be tricky Thur/Fri if Ella does go to London.

Well I wanted to BD last night although I havent had my surge yet, DH was not in the mood!!!grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! So he promised me tonight which I am fine about as had quite alot of EWCM just now, and just as I am typing a few niggles on my left side but I am not due to ovulate just yet. I did an OPK at 6pm, there was a line but not a strong one yet. i want to BD tomorrow too due to the London thing but my hubby is grouchy at the moment!!!!I will defo Fri and hopefully Sat and Sunday too, I will see how the OPK's go. I forgot to take some medicine yesterday and have only had one dose to day, drinking from the bottle now!!lol!! But it is foul!!!! Loobi I am sure Tesco in Ireland will sell it hun, but it is yuck and nibbler let me know about the grapefruit too. Every little helps ;-)

Well me and BF had a good chat today and I think she finally realises how sensitive I have become over TTC. She really was only joking about the other night and really thought I would find it funny, but she now knows I didnt but she seems very understanding now and felt guilty about saying the baby was kicking. I dont want her to feel she cant tell me special little things like that, I just dont want my attempts at TTC being laughed at and for her to be a little more sensitive. I still found it hard though when she was talking about buying her cot next week, I am just gonna have to try and deal with it and be happy for her. So I think we are both gonna try now to be understanding of each other which I am pleased about. But the way things are going here I doubt I will get a BFP, we have not done any yet, I know there is still time but feel so negative about it today. I guess we all have these days.

Hayley hun, I am so sorry that it is all so final for you now, but if you feel you want to TTC straight away then go ahead, I think it would make me wanna get back on it again, but do whats right for you, and Hayley the same applies to you hunnie.

Louise, I keep thinking the same about a holiday, do I book one or not, I want to take the kids away as we didnt have a holiday last year but if I am TTC its abit tricky, so gonna think about it over the next couple of weeks.

Lisa, at least you are all up and running now and hopefully can finally start to BD again and OPK! Thank you for your support and kind wishes with Ella and my BF too, actually all of you girls have been fantastic and I dont know what I would do without you all. I wish we all lived nearby!!

Take care hunnies and catch up later, love to you all xxxxx
Morning Girls:hi:

How's everyone doing on the snow front?! We've got 7+inches and it's still snowing...:shock:....as long as it all melts by saturday I'll be alright [-o<

Clare...I'm so glad that you and your BF have sorted things out Hun:hugs:
I hope you manage to get Ella to the hospital tomorrow...have you got much of a journey to get there? It might be worth ringing beforehand just incase the Doc can't get there:hugs: Hope that DH of yours was up for being seduced last night chick....I dunno these men:dohh:

Louise...How are you doing lovely? Have the holiday plans taken hold?...Where are you thinking of going Lovely?

Nibbler...Where you to Babe? Thinking of you and hope it all went ok yesterday:hugs:

Loobi...Did the mechanic come out yesterday Hun? Hope you're feeling ok this morning sweets:hugs:

Erin...Any more symptoms to report?:winkwink: Hope you managed to get out from work early:hugs:

Im_mi...hope you managed to save the frontroom:winkwink: What are you up to today?:hugs:

Hayley...How are you feeling today?:hugs:

Right girls, I'm off to make another :coffee: and think about brekkie....catch you later xxx
Morning Ladies!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Years! Ours was uneventful, but that's just the way I like it. I go back to school next Thursday and I'm really dreading it. I'm teaching three sections of a class I've never taught before, so I'm a little nervous. Wish me luck!

Overall this pg has not been nearly as kind to me as my last pregnancy. I've been much more nauseated, but I've started taking B6 and that seems to help. I had my first appointment the other day and everything looked good. I think I was measuring a few days ahead, but dr kept my EDD at August 20. I also found out today that Alex's daycare mom, and one of my best friends, is expecting as well! She's due Sept. 10. I was planning on sending Alex to daycare while I was at home with the baby, but I guess I'll be keeping her home with me for a while!

Sounds like you ladies across the pond are having some awesome weather as well! It's snowing here; I guess we're supposed to get 3-5 inches. I think that after I get the house picked up a bit I might have Alex help me make some cookies. I went to the store last night specifically so I wouldn't have to leave the house today!

Well, that's all I know for now. I'm pretty boring!

HUGS and baby dust to all!!
Morning girls....

So I was expecting to leave work early. Instead we got out 2 hours late. I didn't get home 'til 1230 AM. Oh well, could be worse! I'm gonna request a day or two off next week. I need a break....well my muscles do.

No more symptoms. Just the nips are still sore. Which is better than nothing! This TWW sucks. I can't believe it's only 3 DPO. Needless to say 10 days from now I'll either be :happydance: or :growlmad:.

I think I'm going to try to motivate myself to do 30 mins of Wii Fit today before work. Running in place and step aerobics really gave me a great workout yesterday, and I already feel great. :flower:

Ok girls, apparently I have to go in to work early again today, and I have a feeling I'll be leaving late again. I'll be excited to get that paycheck though!!! With all this extra overtime and shift dif, I'll be making bank!:thumbup:

I'll talk to you all later!:flower:
Jefner....I wish it was snowing. It's cold enough to.....in the 20s and windy. It freezes puddles and half forms a paper thin layer of ice over some ponds and lakes, but other than that.....snow would make it better!

Glad to hear your pg. is going well. Save a seat on the bus for me, will ya?:flower:
Hiya Girls:hugs:

Jenny I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling more :sick: than you were with Alex...maybe it's a lil prince in your tum instead of a princess?:winkwink: Do you have a first scan booked? Glad you had a good christmas hun...and I'm definately with you on the preference of a quiet one:thumbup:

Erin...you're being so good with the wii fit hun those lbs you want to lose will be disappearing like there's no tomorrow:thumbup: Everytime I read about you doing wii I think about turning mine on but I'm afraid that's as far as it gets:dohh:....Could do with you turning into Harvey from Fat Club (was that ever shown in the States?) and telling me to get my fat ass of the sofa!:rofl:

Here's some snowy pics for you girls.....
Poppy 027.jpgPoppy 026.jpg

Thankfully its been warm showers all round...including the dog:rofl:....and we're all cosy and warm again:thumbup:

Love and :hugs:
hello ladies, just a quick hello as off for a warm bath!! kids been in the snow all day only coming in to be watered and fed! they have now gone out with there dad they cant get enough of it!!! no school tomoz got so much to catch up on looks like it will have to wait.
well def want a holiday now with this weather. like to try new places in sept we went to tunisia, year before tenerife. done spain and france etc any one got any ideas?? just a nice quiet beach holiday.
well hope your all ok and keeping warm xxxx
Hello girls :flower: How's everyone today? I took the day off work partly because of the stupid cold that won't leave me :growlmad: and partly coz of the road condition. I am a nervous driver as it is and it doesn't help that the car skid quite a few times as I drove home!:wacko:

So the Wii Fit is good? I haven't tried it out properly. Now it is sitting gathering dust. The dust on it is thicker than the snow on the ground outisde!! I must give it a proper go once I feel better. I heard My Fitness Coach is pretty decent too. Has anybody tried that?

:yipee::headspin::wohoo: Lisa!! Finally!! :happydance: Never thought I would be happy to see the wicked :witch: visiting any of us!! Great news!! :thumbup: So now, our next task is to catch that little eggy... :)

Hayley: A new cycle brings new hope. Best of luck and I will be thinking of you! :hug:

I am off to have some dindin now. Chat later gals :thumbup:
i am not feeling very hopeful here girls, i have noticed tosay, that my boobs have gone down, and not so sore, also, have funny little feelings down in my bits... the shame of it is, i was feeling really rough earlier, sick and that, i couldnt eat my dinner i felt so pkey, but i took off my bra, expecting them to be sore an dheavy like they usually are ad they ar enot, and i know from past experiences, its not a great sign .....

hope everyone else is ok.
Oh no Loobi...:hugs:
I really hope there isn't anything wrong sweetheart:hugs: Don't forget that symptoms fade in and out during first tri and feeling pukey is a good one:hugs:
It's pointless me saying relax babe cos I know you're not going to be able to....know thou that I'm thinking and worrying about you and here if you need an ear:hugs:and Oooodles of Love xxx

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