We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Hey Ladies!

I spent all day yesterday working on my syllabus for the new class I'm teaching this semester. It was totally exhausting, but I got it done. I've been feeling pretty good, or at least I was until I had lunch today. Apparently I shouldn't have had french fries and chicken nuggets, as I've been nauseated ever since, although it's finally tapering off. I think we're going out to dinner tonight, which is good for me since I think I've only left the house four times since we got back from NYC! I've seriously been a recluse, and I should probably fix that. I'm such a homebody, though, esp. when I don't feel good. And on top of that, the temp this morning was -20F when I got up, and that's not counting the windchill. Who wants to go out in that? Not me!:cold:

Loobi, I totally know how you feel. My boobs are killing me too! It's especially bad in the morning after I've been lying down all night. I seem to remember the soreness fading by the end of the first trimester, so that can't come quickly enough!

And Lisa, we totally plan on finding out the gender. I have totes upon totes of Alex's old stuff just taking up space in the basement, so I'd like to know if we need to keep everything or get rid of it.

Awesome job on the Wii fit, Erin! That's how a couple of my friends lost all their baby weight. We have a Wii but not the fit; if it's as fun as you make it sound I may have to indulge after I have the baby!

Well, that's all I know. HUGS and :dust: to all!
Morning Girls

Not much to report really, still bloody cold and more snow, apprently its gonna be terrible tomorrow!!!grrrrrr!!!

Louise, how did Corey''s birthday go, what did he get for his birthday? I have Ellas next month, not sure what to do for her and plus she was a Nintendo dsi, and they are nearly £149 so we will have to wait and see. Also she is in love with Buildabear so no doubt she is gonna want new bits from there, she already has 3 bears and one is a lovely Hello Kitty! We had nothing likes this when I was kid!! In the US they have Buildadino and I would love one of them over here, my son Callum would be in heaven!

Well on the TTC front, I did 2 OPK's yesterday, one about 13:30 and the other at 6:30pm and had very strong colours, almost a positive, so gonna test today too just to see. We did BD at 01:00 so would I say I have BD today, or would you say I still need to BD tonight, I did think if I left tonight and tried to BD tomorrow morning that may cover all bases. I think last cycle I ovulated nearly 2 days after my surge, what do you think I should do? So far we have BD 3 days now on the trot which is very good so if I can get some more in I think I will have a fantastic chance. So as my DH does sometimes have a low sex drive, would it be OK to leave it tonight then and BD in the morning, or try tonight and tomorrow night? I really dont want to miss my eggy.

Well its been a week now and no smoking, chewing gum like crazy and giving myself hiccups and heartburn, but its so worth it, I think if I can get through the next week then I am over the worst.

So what is everyone doing this weekend? Anyone painting the town red? Iam staying in a snuggling up and gonna watch the box. Another thing DH said last night he may go out for a few pints but that normally means he will roll in at 1:00am!!lol!! So his quiet ones never turn out that way!!!Men!!!! But he is not a drinker anyway, we do have lager in the house but he only has one or two cans a night if that, but Man United are playing today so who knows!!!lol!!!

Anyway catch up later so take care. xxx
Hi girls

Quick update, just POAS OPK and its 100% positive the test line is darker than the control line (I wish that was a HPT), so just spoke to DH and as we have techincally BD today although it was 01:00am, we are gonna BD tomorrow morning or evening and then Monday evening, so I am gonna assume Tuesday will make me 1dpo. Last cycle we BD on the day of the surge and before and that was it, so this time gonna get 2 extra ones in, so hopefully DH will oblige, I have told him about tomorrow so he does know. :) Thinking about tomorrow morning would be better. TTC can be so technical!!lol!!!

Lots of love xxxxxxxx
good luck with the bd clare and it may be tech but at least you have covered all bases!! we bd yesterday the only day this cycle which is so late in the cycle dont have much hope but you never know!!
corey had a lovely birthday thanks the panto was really good the kids loved it!!
well got my food shopping done today before more snow arrives there was hardly any bread, milk etc it was like xmas again people pushing and being rude.
to top the weather off we just had a power cut fingers crossed it doesnt happen again!!
hope all you lovely ladies are well and keeping warm xxxx
Afternoon girls, where are you all? not without power I hope as I know lots of places who have had power cuts due to our severe weather!

Hope you are all BDing or snuggling up with your little beans. I had a positive OPK yesterday twice, the latest being 20:30 , the test line was most defo darker than the control line, so as we had BD the early hours of yesterday morning we did not BD last night but have managed to BD late this morning so that is fantastic for me. I just done another OPK and I still have a strong line but it is not as dark as the test line so now my surge is dropping. As we BD this morning we wont BD tonight, hubby wont want to anyway so I am gonna BD tomorrow night, not sure if it will make a difference, I might ovulate slightly later for all I know, but I have changed my ticker as I felt niggles on my left side last night and this morning so I am pretty sure the eggy is on its way and hopefully the one of the swimmers will catch it. So I have got 4 BD in and one more to go, so that is pretty good going.

My BF has just rang me to say there is another baby show in London late in Feb, I so want to go, I have two opportunities to get my BFP before then, I went when I was pregnant with Ella and got loads of freebies. They are fantastic, but tiring!!!

Right I better go and get dressed, lol, want to pop to the supermarket.

Take care and will speak soon. xxx
Hey Everyone:wave:

Clare...wow it sounds like you have all the bases covered Hun:winkwink:...hope it brings you a magical :bfp:

Louise...So glad Corey had a great birthday and you all enjoyed the panto.
How are you feeling?...I see from your ticker its less than a week to go before testing:winkwink:...have everything crossed for you Lovely:hugs:

Sorry Jenny, I think I asked about finding out the gender before Hun:hugs: How are you doing? When and how do you plan to tell lil Alex that she's going to be a big sister?

Where is everyone else...???

Well I actually cancelled my reflexology appt for Saturday...the roads are pretty lethal and I also came to the conclusion that it would be better to keep it to the one therapist. I have found one with a specialist interest in fertility so plan to save for a course as you have to pay upfront and then maybe feb/march I'll start that. Definately keeping the TCM appointment on tuesday thou.
I've also invested in a mooncup today from Boots...should be delivered on thursday. There is a fab thread in ttc about softcups/mooncups/diva cups....and keeping the soup in the bowl...thought I may as well give it a go. Apparently they're good if you have a tilted uterus of which I have. I also feel that I could take out shares in blinking Always at the moment so looking forward to moving away from icky tampons and pads:yipee::winkwink:

Hope everyone is ok and keeping all cosy in the warm...:hugs: n Love xxx
hello ladies hope your all ok :hugs:
well done with the no smoking clare bet its hard my oh got so moody when he stopped smoking and eat non stop!! keep it up lovely :hugs:
thanks for noticing my ticker lisa but we only bd once this cycle :growlmad: what with the flu it was around day 20 so late in the cycle dont stand a chance :growlmad: but going to get back on track for next cycle so not to gutted!!
well no snow like they said got to wait till the morning to know if there is school which is a pain!!
:hugs::hugs: to you all xxxxxxxxx
Hi girls

Thanks for all your support re. my smoking, chewing nicorette as we speak, niceeeeee!!lol!! If I chew it to quickly I get the hiccups!lol! Louise, I am getting very snappy at the moment, and am on a short fuse, hopefully it will get better but this is the longest in ages I have not smoked, I am loving it! Also not in a great mood as I was doing Ellas weekly nit combing and found 2 nasty nits!! I spent 45 minutes doing every strand, lol!! So I thought I better run the nit comb through mine, 1 confirmed, 1 not sure!! Grrrr, I spent 40 minutes trying to nit comb my long blond hair, hanging over the bath, so I rang my sister, lol and said can she go through my hair thoroughly tomorrow. Ella was at a sleepover last week and apprently one of the girls there had a couple, nice, I wish people would take the time to check their kids hair once a week, I did Ellas the day before the sleepover and then again today and now 2!!!! It really frustrates me!!! This is the part of kids being at schools etc I dont like!!!!gggrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I did another OPK and defo negative hadly any line, still gonna BD tomorrow night just for extra reassurance although I have pretty much covered all bases!!Yay!!!!!!

Louise hunnie it only takes one little swimmer so you never know, you still have a chance, PMA babe, we want lots of it!!!!! Any symptoms to obsess over?

Lisa I was looking at the softcups, they seem to fiddly for me, one of my cycle buddies has started using them this cycle so I will keep you posted on her. I just can imagine trying to do it and getting in a right mess. To be honest I have never needed them before nor has the majority of women so it could just be a coincidence that the women who used them got their BFP's, they are really designed for periods although it does not appeal to me one bit! Good luck with them though and I will wait with interest for an outcome. Do you still have your AF Lisa, is it still heavy hun?

No extra snow here either, we had a couple of flurries, nothing exciting, not sure if any is forecast for tonight!!!!

Just got dancing on ice on, a good line up this year.

I've also booked Ellas birthday party today, she is decided to take 7 friends bowling followed by food, so booked that for 5th Feb, ordered prefilled Hello Kitty party bags, they are gorgeous and Hello Kitty personalised invites from ebay, so she is a happy bunnie now!

Anyway I hope I havent made you girls itch, lol, I am bloody paranoid now, will be scratching all night now!!lol!!!

Have a good evening anyway girls. xx
lol just had an itch i think its just the word nit that makes you!!:haha: i do the kids hair every bath time and they still get them like you said wish the other kids in school did!!
didnt know hello kitty was so popular had to buy hello kitty stuff for my neice for xmas it was hard going but now im not looking seen it everywhere!!!
love bowling we went last night the boys won as always great fun tho!!
going to try the PMA no symptoms you never know hopefully the month im not to bothered and looking for every little thing could be my bfp we will soon see!!
how is the chewing gum it gave my oh mouth ulcers?
well off to bed now got to set the alarm incase school been loving the lie ins xxx
Hey Clare...
Aww no Hun not nits:hugs: I know what you mean about parents that don't check their kids heads regularly...we've had a few letters brought home informing us that there have been reported cases but thankfully I have never found any in Callum's hair...yet:dohh:....and you're right even just talking about them makes you sit there scratching:rofl:
Big Well done on the gum chewing babe....You can do it!:thumbup:

The Mooncup looks a lot less fiddly Hun...but I'll keep you posted. I had actually been thinking of one for AF purposes for a while but seeing that thread just sold it to me...on a day when there is a 'sod it...I'll try it' attitude in the air. I really don't get on well with tampons and pads are really quite gross aren't they?!

My AF....I'm a lil puzzled but my temps seem to be doing what they should so gonna roll with it for the time being. I only had about half a day on cd1 that was medium flow the rest of the time it's been light...almost dare I say it more spotting...I'm certainly going to get the gyne working for her money when I see her on the 1st Feb:winkwink:

Gotta love the itches, lol!!! My Callum has never had nits, he does have short hair, and his class are always sending letters home, but I think I will give Callum a number 2 tomorrow with clippers!!!lol!!! Its just laziness with the parents and it pisses me off to be honest, sorry to swear, but it is sooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!

Ella loves Hello Kitty, she has quite a few bits, and she has a Hello Kitty Buildabear and all the clothes, it is lovely and very very popular with her age group!!!! She is very excited about her party, as Ella cant eat the food there I said could I wizz over to macDonalds and bring it in but they said only if I remove the packaging, oh well, at least they didnt say I couldnt bring any food in otherwise a letter of complaint would of been written. Ella can eat the burger without the bun from MD, I bring her gluten free one, and the fries and milk shake so at least she can have a takeaway occasionaly.

Lisa your AF should hopefully finish soon then if you are spotting, or is this normal for you? I dont know what your AF is like as you had the massively long cycle. I assume you are gonna OPK?

Louise and yes I am getting mouth ulcers!! I hate them, they hurt! :-(

Right, gonna go and sort the kids out, they went to bed at 8:30 and I can hear Callum talking to himself in bed and Ella walking about, they wont get up in the morning and they wonder why they are so tired when it comes to getting up for school!lol!

Lots of love xx
Sounds like Ella will have a fab party Hun:hugs:

Do you know Hun...even I'm failing to remember what normal is these days:dohh:
My actual AF seems to be getting lighter all the time....pre Oct08 they were horrendously heavy...now don't even really know its here apart from the cramps which I have had for 6days now....something's going on in there...I just don't know what:dohh:
If it's an imbalance I hope the TCM sorts it...if it's anything else then...I guess I have to motivate the gyne.

:rofl:...after lights out activity....you have to smile....I found Callum playing lego last night in the semi-darkness at 9pm...he goes to bed at 7:30....tonight he stayed in bed...and just sung to himself...:awww::rofl:
Morning Girls:wave:
I've come in here to post my 1000th post....think that's Chat Happy Level...:winkwink:

Hope all the kiddies can get to school today...I for one have housework and work-work to be doing...so a quiet house would be appreciated:dohh::rofl:

Erin...How are you sweets? How's that tww looking and have you resisted the POAS urge?!

Loobi...Hope everything is alright Lovely...have been thinking of you:hugs:

Im_mi...Hope you had a fab night out chick and those feet of yours have survived the pink stiletto experience:winkwink::rofl: Have you O yet?

Louise...Sorry Hun...I missed your post last night...and I'll join Clare in saying that you're not out til the :witch: arrives and it only takes one:winkwink:....PMA, PMA, PMA....when will you be testing sweets?

Clare...What have you got planned for today chick?

Jenny...Did you get much snow after Hun?

Hayley...hope you're doing ok hun:hugs:

Big :hugs: and love...hope to catch you all later xxx
WELL DONE CLARE....... smoking is one of my pet hates, and i am sooooooo proud of you, keep up the good work....

all ok here, although bit of all day sickness has kicked in now, was horrible yesterday i had to go and crawl back into bed for a while....then Rickey went to shop for me in afternoon and brought me home foxes fruits ( you know the suckable sweeties) and they helped loads.....

our schools are closed til thursday cos of the weather, but guess what, it has started raining now so it all melting and i dont really see the danger in it now, but hey ho... mind you i still dont have my car back....

i love th ekids being off, but ina way i am looking forward to gettingback toa bit of normality, cos i feel like i have been sitting on my arse for three weeks solid...and my arse is showing it too....i think ithas doubled in size....

going to hoover and mop all my floors today and then opefully get my car back later so willbe abel to do a bit of shopping, i ordered some to come from tesco on sat, but they couldnt deliver for me, cos thier computers went down so they couldnt access the shopping lists or then process the credit/debit cards... i am down to my last four teabags..aaaahhhhhh...luckily we dont drink cups and cups of tea in a day probly no more than one or two...

i still havent got an apppintment to see gynea bout my prolapse.... or indeed my booking in, which i was hoping the would do early this time so i am under the consultant... but obviously not... i suppose thier way of thinking is, if it happenes again, there is actually nothing medical they can do to stop it....

clare, sounds like you have it covered this time petal...fingers crossed for you..
louise.... is all you flu celared up now??? it certainly hung around for you didnt it love? you poor thing...

im_mi, how was your night out????

hayley.. how are you sweetheart??? been thinking bout you lots

Lisa..... fingers crossed your cycle is progressing as it should my lovely.. when is your chinese medicine appoitment, i am so interested to hear all about it...

erin... you are sodedicated with your wii fit...i am restrivted with things as far as exercise goes, as i have no cartelidge inmy righ tknee, and actually need a knee replacement, but they wont do me one as they say i am "too young" YAY for being too young for something at my age hahahahahaha

enny, so glad allis going well foryou...
nibbler..HELLLOOOOOO hope you are ok too....xxxxx

thats my waffling for now girls.... hope everyone is ok today.... big huge loobi hugs
hi ladies,

hope you are all well, i haven't read all the posts yet as there are loads.....

took my last clomid tablet of cycle 2 last night, should ovulate in roughly 10 days but we are not keeping track this time, no opk's, no temping & certainly no poas! i will test if the :witch: doesn't show by valentines day! we were going to leave it a month before trying again but we thought, sod it, could have the same outcome in a months time so why waste precious time hey!

i'm back to work tomorrow, looking forward to a bit of normality but it will be the first time we have left rylee for a whole day :cry: normally my sister checks on her but she's got little sydnee now so can't expect her to do it. i'm sure rylee will be fine & they say to start leaving them when they are young so they get used to it.

just sorted out my washing, 4 loads to do today!!! how did we end up with that much dirty laundry! i have hoovered & washed up breakfast things already so just the washing left to tackle!

diet starts today, had weetabix for breakfast & we have chicken stir fry for tea :thumbup: steve is doing it too, he doesn't need to lose any weight but he said i won't stick at it if i do it by myself, aww gotta love him for that :hugs:

hope you are all well :hugs:
oh loobi i want some fox fruits now :haha: i did find hard boils sweets helped a little with the sickness hope the sickness calms down for you :hugs: have been ill since 20th dec so it hang round for a long time glad to be back to normal
kids are back at school here i have loved them home too and for once the have been the best of friends but need to catch up on housework!!!
lisa not going to test unless the :witch: is late!! :happydance:l ooking forward to the next cycle to give it a better try!!
well got to get some shopping to the blind lady i visit!!
hope your all ok speak late lovelies :hugs: :hugs:
The kids really didnt want to get up for school this morning after keeping themselves awake!!!lol!! I have just received an email from Ella's school to say they have teacher training day on Friday, FFS!! They have only just gone back after Xmas and snow!!!! Bloody ridiculous!!

Loobi, you can buy some boiled sweets called Preggie pops, I think that is what they are called, they are designed for women with morning sickness. They sell them on ebay and maybe in health stores too. Thanks for your support, yep currently chewing gum!! My DH hated me smoking but it just became a habit more than anything and I hated myself for doing it but I have turned over a new leaf!!yay!!!

Hayley, glad you see you back, from your FB it seems like you have been enjoying some relaxing time with your dog and OH, I hope you are OK and up for another cycle.

Lisa havent done much today, been to the supermarket, bought some nit stuff, did my hair, gonna do Ella's and Callums when they get in from school, might even grab DH, he wouldnt come near me last night, lol!! I only wanted him to check for me. I know we only had a couple but not taking any chances!!!!lol!!! Watch Hustle from last week, I love that program, it is very cleverly written, fantastic.

Ella has cubs tonight so gotta 2 runs to do, the last being 8:00pm, gonna get DH to do that hopefully!!!

I have decided not to BD tonight, me and hubby both shattered and to be honest I dont think it will make any difference now. I picked my surge up Sat 1pm ish, but that may have been surging for hours before. So that means I will ovulate the latest 36 hours which takes me upto very early hours of this morning and then egg only lives for 24 hours I think which is up now, so I think thats it! I may have an additional window of a couple of hours but if my surge did start early hours Sat morning for instance then the time has passed. I last BD yesterday morning so the odds are high. Look at me getting all techincal.

Gonna run gotta get kids from school catch up tonight.xxxx
hi girls!!

sending lots of love and hugs to you all!

So i reckon I am O-ing today! Had a bucketload of EWCM earlier, with a teeny tiny streak of blood in it. plus my boobs are all tingly so i reckon its happening today. been BDing like rabbits this week so if it doesnt happen this cycle i will be very surprised lol. Falling pregnant doesnt seem to be the issue, its just staying pregnant!!

I cant remember whether i updated you girls on my doc appointment on fri! dont think i did! went to see my lovely doctor about the miscarriages and she was very understanding. she took some bloods and gave me a swab to do (testing for strep b). still havent done the swab but the bloods results should be back today, i'd better phone shortly to find out if they found anything. dont even know what they would be testing for. she said it was absolutely fine to keep trying in the meantime, and that as soon as i get my bfp i can go see her for a referral for a reassurance scan at the EPU :cloud9: i am so lucky to have such a great GP.
Morning girls...

Well me and the Wii Fit haven't gotten together since last Friday. I decided to take a break since my ankles were killing and my plantar fasciitis is acting up....fortunately I just got my Airheel in the mail, and it has worked wonders!

Lets see....8 DPO today and the boob tenderness has mooved from strictly the nips to kind of all over. It's not real bad, but I can definitely tell it's there. I HAVE NOT POAS yet....I think I'm waiting until atleast Wednesday.....that'll make it 10 DPO. Feeling a little crampy today, but I can't tell if it's my lady parts or because I ate too much yesterday. Kind of feels like a mild AF crampy ness......but again, not symptom spotting, just telling it how it is.

Hope everyone else is doing well....:flower:
thought i would share 2 photos of me and kids going to new years eve party
shame i didnt look like this at the end of the night had abit too much too drink minus fake eyelashes and tights :haha:


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