We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Nibbler...haha true cycle buddies sweets....these ovaries will behave!:trouble::haha:
I don't blame you not venturing out on the roads Hun. I couldn't get the car out this morning and Callum's school was closed and is going to be closed tomorrow as well...that's me with a week off work:winkwink:....the joys of a 2day working wk:yipee:

I haven't tried the My Fitness Coach hun...fancy picking up either that one or the wii fit plus game.

Aw, Lisa, what cute pics!! Looks like both your babies enjoy the snow!

You know, at first I thought I'd have another girl, but now with how crappy I've been feeling, I'm starting to wonder if maybe it is a boy. DH wants a boy, but I really don't care. A boy would be nice, because then we'd have one of each, but a girl would be really economical since I have totes upon totes of girl clothes in the basement. I did get an ultrasound on Monday, but at this juncture the baby just looks like a gummy bear, lol. One of the major things they measure this early is the yolk sac, and mine was apparently normal. My next appt is at the beginning of Feb, so we'll see if I get another scan then.

Oh, Loobi, I hope everything's okay! Like Lisa said, symptoms come and go, so try not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know). Keep us posted!
Hi girls

Oh Loobi, it could be that the hormones are starting to calm down abit now you are further along. I didnt always have symptoms some days I would be fine, others I wouldnt and used to get funny feelings down below. Like Lisa says I know you cant relax, the only thing you can do is get a scan done urgently and then go from there. I pray to God everything is fine for you hunnie. Big hugs and lots of love. xx

Not going to London, the roads are not too good and cant drive in it, it would take about an hour and a half to get to the hospital although I can do Brent Cross Ikea in 40 mins, and Ella cant get on the train home on Friday as she will be too poorly, so rescheduled for 11th & 12th Feb, I am a bit relieved really to be honest, not mentally prepared to see her go through this yet. Also I have BD to do, lol! Callum is fine I dont think it was a bug otherwise we would all be ill, it must of just been one of those things. I am not sure if the kids will be at school tomorrow, I know the senior schools are shut but I wont know until the morning about their schools, grr, so that means I still have to get up!!lol!!

Well we BD, I suppose today, early hours of this morning 12:15 to be precise, not BD tonight, hubby wants to do it every other day, and he has to do it tomorrow, its my birthday, lol! I am having AF cramps and have low back pain although still neg on strips, does that mean I am gearing up to ovulate? I so hope we catch the eggy this month girls!!

Oh and one other thing I gave up smoking on 2 Jan, so thats a good thing, enough was enough, my DH doesnt smoke and I never did in the house but my kids kept telling me I was going to die and also TTC I need to be real healthy. I never smoked through my last pregnancies, I used to feel guilty just having one puff, but now the smoking is behind me I hope, I am using the gum, I am gagging for one but I will not give in!!

Louise, did you suggest the Canaries? Feuterventura or however you spell it, quiet, perfect relaxing beach holiday. I went there a few years ago, its great if you are a beach person. Personally I get bored on the beach and just love to shop!!lol!! I dont like sand getting in places it shouldnt ;-) ummm, Cyprus?? South of France? Italy?

To all the other girlies I have missed, lots of sticky baby dust,and I hope you are all well and keeping warm, brrrr!!

Take care girlies and catch up tomorrow. xx
Hiya Girls:hugs:

Jenny I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling more :sick: than you were with Alex...maybe it's a lil prince in your tum instead of a princess?:winkwink: Do you have a first scan booked? Glad you had a good christmas hun...and I'm definately with you on the preference of a quiet one:thumbup:

Erin...you're being so good with the wii fit hun those lbs you want to lose will be disappearing like there's no tomorrow:thumbup: Everytime I read about you doing wii I think about turning mine on but I'm afraid that's as far as it gets:dohh:....Could do with you turning into Harvey from Fat Club (was that ever shown in the States?) and telling me to get my fat ass of the sofa!:rofl:

Here's some snowy pics for you girls.....
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Thankfully its been warm showers all round...including the dog:rofl:....and we're all cosy and warm again:thumbup:

Love and :hugs:

Love the piccies hun, my kids will only stay out for 10 minutes, they get too cold, it takes them longer to get their clothes, layers etc than it does for them to play in it!!lol!! does that make sense xx
I have found how to do it so here is a pic of me and my kiddies. I know its nice to put a name to a face! I hope i dont scare you!!lol!! x


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aww claire, you're so pretty! your kids are gorgeous too :)

Loobi sweetheart i really hope everything is ok :hugs: praying for your little bean!
Morning Everyone...:hugs:

:cake::cake:HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARE!!:cake::cake:

Hope you have a lovely day sweets:hugs:
Scare us?!...What are you like....you're gorgeous!...and you make equally gorgeous babies:winkwink:
Bless you hun...I can't imagine what you must go thru with Ella's surgery, I'm bad enough when my nephew has to have his ops, god knows what I'd be like if it was ever Callum that needed one....:hugs::hugs:
AF style cramps and backache...sound good Lovely...I've everything crossed for you this month...:dust::hugs:
:thumbup:A big well done babe on the giving up smoking...you can do it!:thumbup:

Loobi...sweetie....how are you feeling this morning? Clare is completely right hun...you're far enough along for a scan if you're still worried:hugs: Really hoping all is ok babe:hugs:

Louise....As Clare has already said Cyprus...I think would be my choice for this time of year. I went there a few years back in the last wk of feb/first wk of March and it was great. Sunbathing weather at the hotel and around and abouts, we also hired a car and went off to the Troodos(?sp) Mountains one day and there was loads of snow...and then back to the bikini the next day...very surreal:rofl: Let us know where we are boarding our virtual:plane:...I wanna come to:winkwink::rofl:

Jenny....Aww glad your lil gummy bear was ok at the scan sweets and FX'd for another one in Feb...with pics:winkwink:
Will you be finding out whether there's a lil prince or lil princess in your tum?

Im_mi...you're quiet lately...are you ok sweets? Anymore nights out planned on killer heels:winkwink:

Erin....Hope those muscles aren't feeling the burn too much hun:winkwink: and that 4dpo...is kind to you:winkwink:

Nibbler...how are you feeling sweets?

:dust: and love to all folks...I'm off to fix scambled eggs on toast for my Pickle:winkwink:...chat later xxx
morning girls...
firstly, i want to say i am sorry, for being such a drama queen, but last night i was so convinced my boobs didnt feel pregnant any more... i think i made em sorer by this morning, keep poking them haha.. .. i guess after losing jarrod at the stage i did, i am bound to panic at every turn, my friend said to me, as long as you arent bleeding blah blah..but in my mind, i am thinking, I know, but then i carried him around for 4 weeks still thinking i was pg, cos i had no tummy ache and not even a tiny spot of bleeding..

anyway trying to feela bit more positive today, unfortuneatle,y i cant get a scan, cos if i go private its 145 euro, and to get an appointemt at epu, yuou have to have reason, and just not " feeling " pregnant is notreason enough apparently.... even with my history... nice ay??

so i have to wait for my booking in appoinment, which they dont seem to be rushing with either, i thought after Jarrod, they would not keep me waiting too long to get me booked in and under the consultant...

our kids schools are opening today, ( the only ones in the county) but we are keeping ours off ( we arent th eonly ones) because we still have no car , and i am no walking them half hour in this ice and freezing conditions... sure, i bet most of the teachers wont make it in anyway....

so, its pj day for us today, i am thinking...gonna do some sewing too i hope, i am doing another lavender and lace design... its called santa of the forest.... hoping to get him done and onthe wall for next xmas...good for me to have something to focus on...haha if i can get my mind off every twinge i am getting .....


that is the link to the design... gonna take a while i am thinking

lisa how is yours coming , did you do any more on it???

Clare, i am sorry lovey , i tried to read back to find out , what surgery is it your little girl has to have???

hope everyone is ok....

lots and lots of loobi hugs, am sorry if i doing your heads in with my worries.....

Morning Loobi:hugs:
Of course you're not doing our heads in Lovely...it would seem odd if you were super chilled and relaxed after all you've been thru. I for one certainly don't mind providing the positive flip side to the coin:hugs:....It will be ok...you'll see:hugs:

I don't blame you hun not making the trek with the kids and Callum and I are still loafing around in PJ's:winkwink::yipee: His school is still shut today and I can't get the car out due to the ice more than the snow.

That cross-stitch pic looks lovely Hun!...and yes a while I should imagine:winkwink:
:shhh:....it's still in the bag...having not had a lot more done to it:blush:...:shhh::rofl:
I've got so many little projects on the go...honestly...that is the problem....scatterbrain!:haha:

Hugs and Love Sweets xxx:kiss:xxx
aww loobi dont apologise love!!! I mean, i have had two early losses and *i* am feeling nervous about being pregnant again, i cant even begin to imagine how nervous and anxious i would feel if i had been through all that you have :hugs: just rely on us to fill you full of PMA when you cant quite muster it yourself. :flower:

Lisa, how are you doing? still snowed in? ours is melting a bit now but still plenty on the ground!

Sorry ive been quiet in here lately. i have been reading though! hehe and yes, lisa, i do actually have a night out planned as it happens and a fabulous pair of pink stiletto's that are screaming to be worn! Planning on going out this saturday, hopefully it'll be a good one!

approaching O day now, and getting my usual OMG I HAVENT LOST ANY WEIGHT YET WHAT IF I GET PREGNANT AND ITS TOO LATE panic. I bought two workout DVD's off amazon last night, gonna start getting up earlier than jack and doing them in the morning!
Aww Im_mi...no need to apologise sweets was just concerned that was all:hugs:
stilettos...:shock:...I don't know how you manage it sweets:rofl:....flats to the end for me I'm afraid...well maybe a 2" heel if I'm feelin adventurous:rofl:

Yep still plenty around...I don't know if I could get the car out now...possibley...but it still looks fairly icy...it can stay put until Sat...if I can't get it out then I'll have to invest in blow torch....must get to my reflexology appointment:haha:

I think I've put the 6.5lb that I lost straight back on over christmas:dohh:...still had Hubby picking up skimmed milk and pink grapefruit juice for me today so trying to get back on the right footing:winkwink: What DVD's did you buy chick? I'm a big fan of Davina personally althou have janice battersby from corrie as well and that's ok....anything that doesn't require a huge amount of co-ordination!:dohh::rofl:

Morning girls!
Well, almost afternoon for me. Since working the evening shift, I don't go to bed until 2 am and don't wake up until 10.

Oh my muscles are feeling it now. All the little ligaments in my ankles hurt everytime I move them, and my abs are a little sore. But that just lets me know I'm making progress. I might try to do step aerobics today, but I can't see the running in place. My ankles hurt too bad....almost like shin splints in the ankles. To top it off, I've had plantar fasciitis (inflammation on the bottom of your foot) for like 2 months, and work and the Wii have irritated it. I ordered an Aircast Airheel which is supposed to actually cusion the painful area when you walk, so I'm excited to have that and hopefully be somewhat pain free when walking! I'm too young for this, lol.

4 DPO is the worst! I hate being in limbo. The nips are still sore though, and last month that didn't even happen.

I wish today was a PJ day for me. It''s cold. It's supposed to snow tonight....but in my area the most I've seen in the past 10 years has been about an inch. BUT since nobody knows how to drive in it, everything closes. I'm crossing my fingers for a couple inches and no work tomorrow and PJ day tomorrow! But I'm not getting my hopes up.

Ok, time for more coffee and gearing up for some Wii Fit! Yeah!

(Oh, for those of you having trouble actually doing it, I found that just turning it on is the hardest part. Once you do, just do what the Wii tells you. I have fun with it!):flower:
good evening...
i am popping in to say... MY BOOBS ARE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

i am so relieved....

hope everyone is ok.....


:dust: :dust: :dust: all round
Ahh bless you sweets...and I wouldn't normally wish this on you but I'm glad to hear it:winkwink::happydance:

*shouts to Little LoveBundle*....be as mischievious as you can sweetheart...creating loads of symptoms....together we will make your fab Mummy believe that you're gonna be crayoning on the walls and dropping soggy toast on the floor one day!:hugs: xxx

Where's your ticker gone Babe?

:hugs: n Love xx
Evening girls,

Well it is my birthday today, 34!! grrrrr!! Not been upto much as obviously I couldnt make plans as Ella was due to go to Great Ormond Street and Loobi Ella has celiac disease so she was going in to have a gastroscopy and colonoscopy as she still suffers tummy pain and they wanted to check she was OK but that is now rescheduled until Feb. I did however visit family and ended up staying at my BF's and they treated all of us to a takeaway which was a nice surprise, so its been a pretty chilled one (literally, lol) but nice.

We still have the snow and ice, its gonna be minus 9 tonight, brrr!! Schools were shut today but tomorrow Ella's school is opening from 9:50am -2pm to give the staff time to get in, so rather than taking Callum at 08:50 I am gonna send him in when I take Ella, thats if his school is open. If not then Ella wont go, as far as the school are concerned she should be in London and its Friday too :)

Well on the TTC front, I surprised my DH this morning so we managed to BD, so thats two days on the trot now. I still havent had my surge yet although I had a good line late morning but not a great one at 9pm and I had held my wee too, I dont think the first one was positive, not the same colour as the control line, but still alot of colour. Then DH started getting cold feet about another child, I thought dont do this to me today of all days, he thinks he is too old, he is 44 but people are having kids a lot later these days, he is still not too keen but has agreed as he knows how much it means to me, but I do feel a bit guilty but there is no way I can back down, not now, come to far, and to think I would never have another would be heartbreaking. I just hope I am not being selfish.:-(

Imogen, I hope you are OK, have you decided to carry on TTC this month? I know you were talking about having a break. I am glad you liked my piccies too, :)

Loobi, I am so glad you are feeling better now and relaxing abit, I understand why you would be worried hunnie.

Louise, did you decide on a holiday yet? Are you OK?

Anyway gonna go now, speak to you later. xxx
happy belated birthday clare glad you had a nice evening!!! love a takeaway
well we have been looking at holidays to one of the greek islands never been but looks lovely not sure where yet zante,kos rhodes, crete to name a few i dont mind anywhere as long as there is sun!!
snow is doing my head in now its coreys birthday today 7 so just taken him out for a meal and spent some birthday money!!
having a nightmare day did some shopping for a blind lady i help out went to pay with my hsbc card( only card i have) no cash on me! HSBC is down so cashpoints and over the till the card dont work so had to walk all the way home and now have to walk back with cash then walk to blind ladies!! not happy
got the panto later snow white show be fun!! well hope all you ladies i having a good day lots of love xxxx
Good morning girls! I'm feeling great this morning as I've lost almost 3 lbs already. Granted my muscles are still sore, but I can already notice my belly fat receeding! I woke up earlier this morning, so I'm going to have more time to work out today. The Wii Fit has actually made me WANT to work out for the first time in my life. And it's great because you can do it right in your own living room. I might become an advocate, lol.

5 DPO today, so if we got lucky, it should be just about time for implantation. I got excited last night because 2 hours into work I started feeling nausious....but it could have also because of the gigantic lunch I had. I know it's way too early for symptoms, so I'm going to chalk it up to the monsterous cookie I downed right before work. :dohh:

How is everyone else doing?
wow thats awesome erin, well done!! i need to get a wii fit, i think DH and i will treat ourselves to a Wii and the Wii fit once we have a bit of spare cash.

Lisa, hehe i have never ever been able to wear heels but for some reason i seem to be more able now... i have been wearing the wrong size this whole time, in heels i need to get two whole sizes smaller than usual or i just cant manage! The DVD's i got are the Ministry of Sound pump it up aeroburn one, and a fat burning pilates one. Oooh i have a davina one too, i got the pre and post natal workout one when i was pregnant with jack. i think i did it once. :laugh2:

Loobi!!! hahahahha you crack me up hun :laugh2: hooray for sore boobs!!!

Louise, yes the snow can be a right pain in the bum! hope you enjoy the panto hun xxx

Claire, glad you had a good birthday hun :hugs:
Hey Girls:hugs:

Louise...Hope Corey has had a good birthday and you all enjoy the panto:hugs:

Erin...That is fantastic sweets....:happydance:....and still able to eat monster cookies....I can see the wii and I are gonna have to become best:friends:!!....:rofl:
Hope your day/night at work goes ok:hugs:

Im_mi....:rofl:...perhaps that's where I've been going wrong?!:rofl:
*looks lovingly down at the pieces of black fluff wrapped around her feet that constitute slipper socks*....I think they'd possibley get blisters, cuts and sores just to spite me and get back to where they are now!:rofl: Hope you have a fab night hun:hugs:
I've got that Davina one as well as 3 others...they're really good and definately work...when you put them in the DVD player instead of just looking at the box...that is!:dohh::rofl:

How's everyone else doing today?

:hugs: xxxx

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