We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Well I took a test with SMU, and BFN. Still feeling crampy, and cervix is still high and soft.....I'm wondering if it was implantation 11 DPO if it still wouldn't test positive.....I think I'll wait until tomorrow morning and test with FMU, and then if it's still negative I'll reset my ticker....wow this is frustrating!!!

Good luck to everyone else! I'll keep you posted.:flower:
yeah it definitely takes a little while for hcg to rise after implantation. good luck erin!
Hi guys! :hi:
Can I join you too?
:hi: Immi!! :hugs::hugs: Nice to see you here too! :kiss:
I am 26 and married for nearly 2 years now and been TTC since I came off the pill in june/july last year. Had a few cycles not really knowing what I was looking for but am now in cycle 6 of concerntrated 'trying' :rofl: (now I know what a cycle actually is! :winkwink:) and hoping for my BFP in time for my birthday on the 18th Feb!

Good luck all you girlies who are testing soon! :dust:

Aster xxx
Firstly hello to Aster, nice to meet you, just briefly I am Clare 34, 2 kids, cycle 5 2nd using OPK's. You will get tons of support over here hun, we are a lovely bunch and you know Imogen already, cool? I hope you get your birthday BFP!!!!

Oh Louise hun, how is your day going? any sign of the witch? I cant believe you got a BFN, well there is still time so hang in there.

Imogen, hello you hope you havent come down with the bug, its doing the rounds at Ella's school I so hope she doesnt get it, a few in her class have it! :-( So when do you think you will be testing then? This is sooo exciting, I hope you get your BFP.

Loobi, so the fox's are helping then I will have to remember that if I ever get my BFP! Apart from the sickness are you now feeling better?

Lisa, long time no speak hunnie pot, so you are having a break this month, how do you feel about that? Probably not something you wanted to hear after such a long cycle! Hugs hunnie and thanks about the smoking, woo hoo!!!

Erin, it is still possible to get a BFP so you to hang on in there and have everything crossed.

Right I dont think I have missed anyone so onto me! I have been having what feels like pins and needles low down. I have just been to the loo, whilst there is no cm in knicks on checking cp there is loads, lotioney more than anything but I noticed 3 or 4 lumps in it but thats it, weird never had that not ever, it doesnt smell or itch, someone else asked me today on another thread what that meant before I had mine and told her it is a good sign, its weird how all of a sudden I have it, so I am really hoping. My boobs are very sore and itchy today and I have been sweating just hoovering, its ridiculous how I have been feeling and thirsty, very dry throat, abit sore! Also one thing i have noticed but cant see this as a symptom but will still share it with you, from my pubic bone to my belly button I seem to be itchy, especially just above my pubic bone very odd! All this probably means bugger all again! What sort of CM do you have if you are pregnant? I cant remember back to my last pregnancies. I am totally obsessed with CM. Yesterday I was very very irritable but thankfully today I am in a good mood. Could that be a sign, lol!!

Anyway take care girls xxxxxxx
haha claire i am obsessed with CM too :haha: from what ive read its a very individual thing. On my cycles that ended in pregnancy i noticed mine to be more watery than anything, this time its really creamy but having loads of other symptoms instead. Anyway, ive got my fingers firmly crossed for you hun, your symptoms sound really promising!

As for me.... well, i still feel preggers. Feel proper rough but not in an ill way, iykwim. I am going to start testing tomorrow with IC's, i know its early but IC's dont count :p If i get some kind of line on an IC before AF is due, i will buy a FRER and a digi to use but i swear i won't buy any proper tests otherwise, until AF is late!
Just got home from work and still feeling like AF cramps, so either my body is making room, or I've got something wrong. I made an appt with my gyn. next Friday, so either way, I'll figure out what's going on. I will test again tomorrow morning and pray it's a BFP!

Sorry to post and run, but I'm starving, and I haven't eaten alllllllll day!
Morning Girls:wave:

Aster...sending you a big welcome Hun...I'm sure you will enjoy it here with these fab girlies:winkwink: Hope you get that :bfp: soon Chick...:dust:

Aww Im_mi...I so hope your intuition is right Lovely...as Clare said when are you testing? How's your DH now...hope you are all feeling ok:hugs:

Louise and Erin....:test::test::test:....Have everything crossed for you:winkwink::hugs:

Lisa, long time no speak hunnie pot, so you are having a break this month, how do you feel about that? Probably not something you wanted to hear after such a long cycle! Hugs hunnie and thanks about the smoking, woo hoo!!!

Right I dont think I have missed anyone so onto me! I have been having what feels like pins and needles low down. I have just been to the loo, whilst there is no cm in knicks on checking cp there is loads, lotioney more than anything but I noticed 3 or 4 lumps in it but thats it, weird never had that not ever, it doesnt smell or itch, someone else asked me today on another thread what that meant before I had mine and told her it is a good sign, its weird how all of a sudden I have it, so I am really hoping. My boobs are very sore and itchy today and I have been sweating just hoovering, its ridiculous how I have been feeling and thirsty, very dry throat, abit sore! Also one thing i have noticed but cant see this as a symptom but will still share it with you, from my pubic bone to my belly button I seem to be itchy, especially just above my pubic bone very odd! All this probably means bugger all again! What sort of CM do you have if you are pregnant? I cant remember back to my last pregnancies. I am totally obsessed with CM. Yesterday I was very very irritable but thankfully today I am in a good mood. Could that be a sign, lol!!

Clare...it's all sounding so promising Hun:thumbup:...and I have definately heard about itchy tummy and :muaha: being symptoms...can't wait til you test now....when are you testing?

Initially it wasn't what I wanted to hear at all Hun...I wanted to be easily fixed and soon to be staring at two super dark lines:dohh: BUT...as strange as this may sound there was almost a feeling of relief that we could leave it a month. We've been trying for 18months now, after the first mc we started trying straight away and it took us 5months before getting our bfp again. Losing the twins hit me a lot harder. We did carry on trying quite soon after thou and I guess I had the attitude that at that point in time I doubted I could feel much sadder/heartbroken so if it happened again it would be more saddness to add to the pot but at least then they'd do the tests to find out why. That was back in May last year and we've had nothing since.
My cycles are so all over the place right now....28days bleeding/spotting free since Oct 12th...I need it all sorting. I found a calendar that Callum had made for me in school with the little tear off months so I got his crayons out yesterday and coloured all the different flow levels and spotting in different colours from September to now also marked on the two O days that I've had since then and drew squares round any days where there has been fertile cm. My gyne is probably going to think I'm :loopy: but I think it really shows what hell the past 6months have been...and the fact that I've gone to such lengths and have seeked alternative medicine that isn't cheap should show her how desperate I am to get it all sorted...and then eventually when my body is playing ball...a good healthy sticky :bfp::winkwink:....by which time you all will probably be cuddling lil bundles....knew I developed this thread for all sections for a reason...it's so I can hang onto you all:winkwink::hugs:

Loobi...:hugs: Morning Lovely:hugs:
Glad the foxes fruits are helping sweets. How is the pain and when do you have your next appointment?
The acupuncture was fab Hun...very relaxing:thumbup: I had what they call modern acupuncture which doesn't use needles but pads that transmit soundwaves...just feels like really strong vibrations. I was quite pleased I didn't have to have the needles...I prefer to be the one in the uniform in needle situations:winkwink::dohh: I felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders afterwards and despite the news of needing to wait for a month at least very positive:thumbup:

Hope everyone is ok...and we'll be celebrating news later girls:winkwink: xxxxx
ah lisa, i am so glad you found it usefull..... i was ony sayin to DS ( rick who is 18) this morning now i didnt think i would ever be able to have acupuncture cos i am not great with needles, I wouldnt say i have phobia, but dont think i would put myself thru having that... so thats brilliant to hear they can do it with pads.... how interesting...
Not too pukey so far this morning, but it didnt hit me real bad yesterday til a bit later, but also i had jam on my toast this morning, cos i thought it may help, as thinking bout the sweeties helping, i thought praps a bit of something sugarry may keep it a bit more at bay......
just waiting for the tesco man to bring my groceries again, oh how i dislike doing it this way, but i still dont have my car back, blokey is having trouble getting the part he needs to get it back on the road.... i am not a happy bunny, cos i am going stir crazy in here.....

clare, i havent had an awful lot of cm to be honest, just on the odd occasion, but i do think in the run up to my :bfp: i had a bit of what you are describing, the lotiony stuff with the occassional lumpy bt in it...( TMI there sorry)

welcome Aster.... hope you settle in well here with us and get your :bfp: very soon, and share your journey with us.

Erin... how you today???
Im_mi..... how you feeling??? you still dizzy and stuff??

LOUISE...... how you kido????

jenny...... hope you are well too....

right here i go..lotsa love
Hi girls!

Just a quick update as i have to get ready to go down town because..... i need to buy FRER! there was a very faint second line on my IC this morning!!! I POAS last night at 1am lol, so only 8dpo by about an hour and there was a shadow so faint it could have easily just been the indent where the dye was supposed to go. this morning i did one with FMU and again its too faint to tell if theres colour to it but its definitely thicker and darker. No mistaking its existance!!! :happydance: trying not to get my hopes up too high as its only an IC after all but i am holding my pee and will buy a test in town shortly!!!

I feel like utter c-r-a-p, dizzy and sick and my face has taken on a lovely ashen look :laugh2: so i certainly look and feel pregnant if nothing else!!! i will update you girls as soon as i know anything else!
Thanks for the welcome girlies! :hugs::hugs:

Immi - :friends: glad all is looking good sweetie, I try to totally overanalyse all symptoms and get all confused!:wacko: But you sound like you are on top! :thumbup:

Clare - :rofl: I get a bit obsessed about CM too! Was really bad in the last cycle but just taking it as it is this cycle... (she says.. bet i am CM hunting by the end of the week!!:shhh: :haha:

Louise and Erin.... so excited for you... really hope this is your month. xxxxxx

Loobi - mmm foxes.. scrummy! I had some cinnamon 'oats so simple' this morning and the slight sweetness was yummy and meant I'm not desperate for a biscuit with my mid morning tea!! Glad your not feeling so :sick: and hope it isnt so bad today.

Lisa - wow what a rollercoaster for you sweet, :hugs::hugs::hugs: I think it is really sensible you writing things down, its not :wacko: its just sensible so you can give acurate info. I think accupuncture sounds really good (with or without needles, they dont really bother me.) and would like to try it.

OK, may not have got round everyone but will try to keep up! :kiss:

I am ok today, after over 6 months of trying things my way (strategic BD and watching CM and ov signs), hubby has decided that it is his turn now and this month is 'his' month! :roll: So as a typical man, you know what that means! :winkwink: His theory is that :sex: = :baby: so the more :sex: the more chance of :baby:!!! Bless! So 'operation babymaking' is right on track! :rofl: Sometimes I have to laugh or you cry!
Hubby is so good really as we spend 24/7 with each other (I do the paperwork for his business) so he has to put up with me the whole time!
It is hard though as the only other full time employee is a girl who works with us in sales has just told us she is 8 weeks pregnant after 18 months of IVF.
Its ok though as I know I will be next! :happydance: and hopefully not too far behind! :shrug:

I have decided to go and see a doc if this month isn't it though as I have a great GP and they did say come back and chat if you are ever worried. Hopefully I will be asking for a confirmation BFP but if not I think it will be nice to have a little check up. I am only 26, have no history of problems (my cycle is actually almost bang on 30 days), dont drink or smoke and am not overweight so there is no obvious reasons I couldn't concieve.

Anyhoo, a few more days of :sex: and it will be a waiting game.... I really hate that, but at least now I will have some more girlies to share it with! :hugs:

Right, I have a mountain of invoices with my name on them... grrrrrrr

Aster xxx
Ooo also, can I have the link to change my banner? xxxx
:hi: Aster:hugs:
The code is on post 36, page 4 Hun...I just went back to check and tried to copy it here for you hun...but my I.T wizardry failed:dohh::rofl:

I bet their way will work as well! I guess it keeps thinks fun and stress levels down oposed to not being able to speak in the morning cos you've got a termometer in your mouth or whether the opk line is truly positive etc....Hope it works for you Hun:hugs:

My Gyne is very 'old-school' and knows that I was temping at the beginning of last year...she advised me to stop because she says that it just stresses people out but I actually find it less stressful when I do it than when I don't....:dohh: I've been under her for 3.5years now and she hasn't sorted out why I keep getting horrendous cycles...short of jumping up and down on her desk I'm at a loss as to what to do to try and motivate her. If we weren't desperate for another I'd be telling her to give me a complete hysterectomy cos it's no good to man nor beast!:rofl::dohh:

The acupuncture was fab Hun. I actually go to a chinese dr who does herbal medicine as well...next appointment on friday...will be interesting to see whether she thinks there is any improvement.

Right I'm off to go and grab some lunch cos I missed brekkie this morning and I'm starving.
Love n :hugs: xxx
Aster, i think your hubby has got the right idea!! and even if you dont conceive this cycle you will definitely have fun, and that's what its all about, right? :laugh2: ttc is so stressful. enjoy your relaxed month! you never know, you might relax just enough for it to happen!

Lisa, you know you could request to see a diff. gyne? If you feel she isnt taking your dodgy cycles seriously you could ask for a second opinion?

Well, my FRER with 2mu was negative, it was only a 2 hour hold though so im not losing heart just yet. im only 8dpo for chrissakes :laugh2: going to use another IC in the morning. i am *so* tired.
Yay Immi!!!! Let's hope this is a sticky one!

Well, BFN again this morning, so I'm starting to lean towards the fact that I just had an irregular period. Hopefully my appt. next Friday will be able to shed some light on it!

How's everyone else??
Loobi, glad you're feeling the morning sickness, lol. Not so much for the sick part, but just because it's there. I guess.

Louise, did you test yet?

Lisa, glad the needle doc got you feeling good!

Everyone else....have a wonderful day!:flower:
Evening girls, I hope you are all OK and have read through all your posts there is so much to take it!!!lol!! Aster has settled in and hope you dont think we are too mad obsessing over every little thing, especially me!! Good luck hun.

Imogen well I might be joinging you, I just took a 10miu ebay test and have a super faint line, without telling my kids what it was I asked them if they could see it, and they could! It has a light pink tinge and was visible within the time limit, I have been holding it up to lamps, light bulbs the lot!!lol!! Even turning it around to see if I could see it from behind!!!Nuts I know!!!lol!!! So I am hoping to have a darker line, I am only 9dpo I had done it an hour after a wee and just had alot to drink, I wasnt gonna test tonight but just had the urge!!! Also today I picked my sister up and when she got in the car I said I can smell burning she said I burnt my toast earlier this morning, how odd I would smell it so strong!! I have also been baking hot today, sweating in fact I have had to put t-shirt on I am boiling. I have a mouthful of ulcers but that could be due to the no smoking. My boobs are hot and very sore too!!!!!! This is so exciting.

Well gotta dash but fingers crossed for all of us and Lisa you have made the right decision no matter how hard it must be, but its only for a month and that will fly by!!!! Take carexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Evening girls, I hope you are all OK and have read through all your posts there is so much to take it!!!lol!! Aster has settled in and hope you dont think we are too mad obsessing over every little thing, especially me!! Good luck hun.

Imogen well I might be joinging you, I just took a 10miu ebay test and have a super faint line, without telling my kids what it was I asked them if they could see it, and they could! It has a light pink tinge and was visible within the time limit, I have been holding it up to lamps, light bulbs the lot!!lol!! Even turning it around to see if I could see it from behind!!!Nuts I know!!!lol!!! So I am hoping to have a darker line, I am only 9dpo I had done it an hour after a wee and just had alot to drink, I wasnt gonna test tonight but just had the urge!!! Also today I picked my sister up and when she got in the car I said I can smell burning she said I burnt my toast earlier this morning, how odd I would smell it so strong!! I have also been baking hot today, sweating in fact I have had to put t-shirt on I am boiling. I have a mouthful of ulcers but that could be due to the no smoking. My boobs are hot and very sore too!!!!!! This is so exciting.

Well gotta dash but fingers crossed for all of us and Lisa you have made the right decision no matter how hard it must be, but its only for a month and that will fly by!!!! Take carexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:flower: aster lovely to have you hear im 28 have 2 kids and hopefully one more on the way!!!

clare a faint really pleased for you i have also had a faint line not getting hopes up doing another test tomoz af will be 6days late tomoz!!
think we will have un happy husbands man utd losing and scott is swearing like mad
:flower: aster lovely to have you hear im 28 have 2 kids and hopefully one more on the way!!!

clare a faint really pleased for you i have also had a faint line not getting hopes up doing another test tomoz af will be 6days late tomoz!!
think we will have un happy husbands man utd losing and scott is swearing like mad

My hubby is swearing like no tomorrow, banging the floor, its only a gamefor gods sake!!!lol!!! He is a passionte Man U supporter!!!

Louise, how exciting, 3 of us with faint lines. What test are you using? 6 days late, wow girl you have so gotta be pregnant!! Good luck for tomorrow I will be testing too!! Why are you not getting your hopes up hunnie?

same here he shouted so loud i nearly jumped out of my chair like you said it only a game but it will be so so moody when the lose in a sec hehe
i ive got superdrug test for tomoz morning and if its any darker going to get a clearblue hope so untill i see a darker i cant quite believe it what with bdig once just dont feel real
was yours a fmu cant remember sorry if not that great to have a line so early xx

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