We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

aster and erin sorry to hear you had bfn :hugs::hugs: but your still in really hope you get some good news :hugs::hugs:

:haha: im mi you got the sickness etc you wanted have you got a scan date yet? hope you dont have to wait to long :hugs::hugs:

12 days till testing :happydance: just got the waiting game now :growlmad:
off to see sister act the musical in london on the day i test so hope its going to be a really good day all round!!!!

:hugs: love to you all
ahhh jane i hope that 12 days flies by! Got a really good feeling about this cycle for you hun! hopefully you'll be joining me in 1st tri really soon! :happydance:

so i managed to fall down the steps outside my house earlier and sprained my ankle :haha: even Jack laughed at me, bless him. it really hurts, im just so glad that i am this early on in pregnancy and that bean is nicely protected still :)

Pregnancy brain has well and truly hit today! i keep getting confused about things and not being able to get my words out right, DH thinks its absolutely hilarious! if things carry on like this its going to be bloody hard to keep schtum for the next 6 weeks! In all honesty i am dying to tell someone but we said we would at least keep quiet until we have had our early scan. and no, jane, still no date yet, havent heard anything! :( if i havent heard by tuesday morning i will phone the docs and see if they can give me an idea of when to expect a call or a letter.
Hey Girls! Super Huge :hugs: all round xx

Wow...have I had a lot to read!

JaneLouise...I'm so sorry Hun to hear about your lil angel, I hope you're ok and I have everything crossed that you'll be joining the musical cast in singing from the rooftops when you test:hugs:

Erin and Aster...keeping everything crossed for you girls:winkwink:
Erin...how's the wii fit going?...best buddy or arch enemy?:winkwink:
Aster...the necklace you made is gorgeous hun!:thumbup:

Immi....:happydance:....Fab news to come back to sweetheart!....Really hope this little flump is going to be super glue sticky. How's your ankle now?

Loobi....How you feeling now chick? Has that nasty kidney infection cleared up?
It was the best news to read that your scan went well babe, I have been thinking of you heaps even in my absence.

Jenny...:wave: it feels like 'forever' since we've spoken babe:hugs:
I hope it wasn't your best lipstick:winkwink:...Did you manage to keep a straight face?
Hope to chat soon:hugs:

Bexx...Bless you that sounds nasty...glad you're recovered now thou.
And moving?...did you manage to fnd somewhere in the country? Hope it all goes smoothly for you:hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing ok....xx

Well you would have thought that with the time that has passed I'd be able to type something different than 'the same old rubbish is still going on!'...sadly not thou:nope:
I saw the gyne on monday and she has agreed to request an ultrasound scan but has said that other than that there's not a lot we can do. She can't give me anything like bcp to help because we're ttc, said it's pointless doing bloods because we don't know where in my cycle I am...so basically hang in there and ride it out!:sad2: She has said about losing weight so I'm being ultra good food wise and went for a 3mile walk on tuesday and today...poor Pops' lil legs are about an inch shorter I think...bless her:dohh:
I have still been seeing the TCM Dr...but not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to afford it. When I initially spoke to her she said "a couple of quid for herbs"....that translated was £25 a week and then £35 for each acu treatment....:shock:
I have found a reflexologist that has a specialist interest in women's health...hormonal balancing and fertility/maternity so hopefully when I get a super pay check in march I'll be booking into see her.
Anyway enough of my ramblings. I've really missed you all and hope you're all ok xxx
Lisa! :hugs: we've missed you! so sorry there havent been any more developments with your cycle. Will you be able to have blood tests when you move on to the next cycle? i hope the ultrasound is able to shed some light. I feel very frustrated for you hun, it bothers me that they have said they dont know what else to do. Can they not try you with clomid or something like that?
Hey Im_mi...:hugs:
Thanks Hun xx
How are you feeling sweets?
The gyne seems to think that the bleeding pattern could suggest a polyp so hopefully that will show up on the ultrasound. I did say to her thou that surely that wouldn't stop me from O and she said no it wouldn't...maybe I've had a cyst on my ovary that has burst and affected things...????:shrug:
She did say that when I had a hystroscopy 2yrs ago and 3 polyps removed that the lining looked thickened and polypoidal?...usually suggesting too much oestrogen....that got attributed to the fact that I have weight to lose. She did mention something to stimulate O but she couldn't prescribe anything at that point in time because once again we don't know where in my cycle I am. As soon as my cycles get back to some sort of normal I'll go and chat my GP up to do bloods again...bless him, he's very good. Until then I've got to book my ultrasound appointment on monday...and I will lose the weight...just to prove a point!...6days in and 3lb down:yipee::winkwink:

Hope you're ok sweets...and sticking a reserved sign on a :cloud9: nearby....I'm sure I'm gonna need it one day!:winkwink: xxxx
hi girls..just popping in to say..i am about to become a nanny... my darling Stacey is in hospital inOZ, 4cm dilated.... apparently being very brave ... i am so proud and happy...her DP says she is doing great.....
loobi hope she has the little one soon nanny how excited :happydance: keep us posted on weight and what she is having!!

hi lisa good to hear :hugs: great news on the weight lose :happydance: hope things sort them self out soon great you have a super doctor that you can go to i hate mind!!!

aster and erin a news? anymore testing? :hugs:

im mi hope all is well still feeling sick :haha: any news on a scan yet?

well im 5dpo and been having funny pains yesterday and today hope thats a good sign not sure if its to early?? cant really remember them last month

:hugs::hugs: to you all xx
LISA.... how lovely tohear from you lovey....... sorry to hear things are still abit haywire darling

Jane.... fingers crossed its allgood in there sweety....

Im_mi, hope youare feeling really shite love!!!! that is meant inthe nicest possible way ..xxxxxxxx

aster and erin, how are you girls???
no more news yet.... oooooh , hope she is ok...... my baby girl.... its all so surreal..xxxxx
I AM GOING TO BE A NANNY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well,after 21 hours in labour..... darling stacey had a baby girl, born at 3.58am 8th feb 2010..... teegan carolyn..... i am soooooo proud......
I AM A NANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats loobi! That's exciting news!

Well, no news from me. AF hasn't arrived yet. Cervix is soft now so either AF is on her way, or I should have some good news soon! FX'd.

I'll write more tomorrow. Gotta go, it's Superbowl Sunday. Lots of unhealthy food, lol. See ya!
Lisa :hugs: you will DEFINITELY be joining me on :cloud9: soon! I can feel it in me waters :hugs:

Erin, ooooh i hope its good news! When will you be POAS?

Jane, i wouldnt worry too much about comparing this cycle to last time you were pregnant. My symptoms this time around have been totally different in comparison to when i had the losses :hugs: praying for a super sticky one for you!

loobi!! i already said it on fb but ill say it again - CONGRATULATIONS!! :D well done stacey! what a lovely name, my neice is called Tegan also (with just one 'e' though heh). When will you get to meet the little lady? i bet you are dying to snuggle with her, and of course to give your DD a great big hug!

Aster, how was your weekend?

As for me... well, i am feeling sick on and off, exhausted and VERY hormonal pretty much all of the time so its all good :haha: I can handle all of it but the hormones are starting to get to me, i hate being on the verge of tears almost all of the time for no apparent reason, but i will be ok. it will all be worth it in the end! Ill be 6 weeks exactly tomorrow so halfway through 1st tri! Cant believe how fast its going. still no word about the scan, which is bothering me. But i will definitely call by tuesday morning if i havent heard anything by then. the test line on my IC was a wee bit stronger than the control line this morning so i feel very reassured that everything is okay :)
Probably Tuesday if AF isn't here. Also, I just took a shower and I think my boobs might be sore. Yay! Not sure tho.
oooh erin.... fingers crossed for you.... yaya for the sore boobies

Im_mi, i dont even know when i will get to meet her... i curse the distance at the best of times, but i am so unhappy with it right now.... but just knowing that the little one is delivered safely and my little girl is so happy, if knackered eases it a tiny teeny bit....

am so proud....

Morning Girls:wave:

Aww mega huge congrats Loobi! That's fantastic news that Stacey is ok and lil Teegan has arrived safely...love and warm wishes to you all.
How are you and your lil lovebundle doing....almost 2nd tri for you:winkwink::yipee:

Im_mi....I'm so glad that you are having moments of feeling yuck...:haha:....it's meant in the nicest possible way of course babe:hugs:....Hang on to those feelings in your waters:winkwink:

Erin....sounding good chick:winkwink: I so hope that it will end in good news on Tuesday:hugs:

Jane...Hey lovely:hugs: I hope the pains are a sign of something wonderfully sticky going on in there Hun...I've got everything crossed for you sweetheart :hugs:

Well not a huge amount to report this end:dohh: My letter arrived on Saturday to say that I can ring to make an appointment for my ultrasound scan, so will be doing that this morning when I've dropped my Pickle off at school. This may sound strange but I'm actually hoping that there is a polyp in there that can be removed...a) because it will be a solid answer to part of the puzzle and possibly be the reason for the mcs and b) because I read a fab article yesterday talking about polyps and there removal for women ttc and the fact that they get pg very soon after their removal....hoping that'll be my story!
I'm not sure but I think thursday last week might have been day1 of a period. It was so heavy I ended up only being in work for half hour before coming home...had to visit the loo 4times in that time:dohh: I'm going to adjust my chart anyhow and see how the next few days pan out and start taking temps again...just incase there is a polyp and I get to see the gyne again soon...if I'm not ovulating at that point I will be begging/pleading for some clomid.

Right then girls...super huge :hugs: and love to you all...will catch you later have breakfast and lunchbox to sort.....xxxx
Morning girlies! :hugs:

Firstly, Huge congrats loobi!!! yay!!:happydance::happydance: mega congrats on being a nanny! :hugs:

Well I had such a nice weekend! I was really down on friday night and hubby said, 'I have saved a bit of money so we can have a fun day shopping tomorrow'!! What a honey!!! We went to birmingham and had dimsum at my favourite restaurant in chinatown and then spent the rest of the day shopping round the bullring and all the other shops... it was awesome!

I bought a few clothes (I have gained a bit of weight recently so wasn't happy with alot of the fits of items..:blush:) and bought some Earl Jean jeans, a pretty grey floaty dress (one that you can put over jeans for daytime or leggings and heels for nighttime) and also a really cute black jacket.

Then on sunday I had my SIL and hubby's best friend (who is like a brother really) over for a sunday roast. I managed to get most of my tutorial written for my class next week which I am a little nevous about :argh: but it is good money so I would like to do more! I still have some samples to make up but I am getting there!

No AF yet but I know she is just around the corner... she is torturing me! :roll:
I have my docs appt this afternoon and am looking forward to it even though I haven't really told hubby that my main reason is to talk about fertility. He thinks I am just being silly and impatient and that it will happen and 7 months is not long enought to be TTC before you see a doc. I have to have my blood pressure checked anyway (it is always ok) so I just told him it was a check up. And at least if I register my concern now I am that bit further along. I have got a bit paranoid though about everything and have to be really strong not to go down the 'what if I can't ever have kids' route or i will start to go loopy!! :wacko:

I am staying positive!!!! :thumbup: I got on the scales last night and I was shocked to see I had put on at least a stone since my wedding... :dohh: Happiness makes you fat!! :nope: So although I am still well within the healthy range for my height, I would feel happier with myself if I lost a stone. my SIL is on a bit of a regime too so we can encourage each other!

Gawd I have waffled on about me! :dohh:
Immi - hows yu feeling? Still sick as a dog? hope so! :thumbup:
Erin - any more signs???? I am so hoping this is it for you! :hugs:
Jane - hope they are good pains :winkwink: :dust:
Welsh rose - hey sweetie, xxx Good luck with your scan, when is the U/S?

Ok, must do some work. :shrug: xxxxxx
Hi Ladies,

Hoping I can join this thread!! I'm trying to conceive #3 after a mc last month... hoping im 4/5dpo but havent had a positive opk this month, BUT am experiencing implantation pains today... very :loopy: times for me right now!! Really hoping this is our month
Hannah xxx
:flower: welcome hann79 great to see you on here the girls are so lovely on this thread you will fit in really well xx

aster sounds like you have had a lovely weekend what a nice thing for him too do, good luck at the doctors today :hugs: really hope af stays away :hugs:

loobi what a gorgeous name :cloud9: how much did she weight? i bet the distance is a killer but at least with internet you can exchange pictures

im mi glad all is well :hugs: and hurry up scan :growlmad:

welshrose good luck with you scan and doctors :hugs: you really are a strong women i would be pulling my hair out by now :hugs:

erin test test test :happydance:

well im 6dpo ( maybe 7dpo wishful thinking) pains have calmed down alot, peeing for england is that too early??

I woke up late again today, so I'm going to have to write and run. Still no sign of AF. Usually I start getting cramps right before, and so far nothing. Think I'll pick up a test on the way to work, and take it tomorrow morning.

Thinking of you all.....have a good one!
Been having AF cramps all day, but no sign of her yet. I got off work late so I couldn't stop and get a test. Also, my boobs were definitely sore today. Good signs yay!

If AF is coming, she should be here tomorrow. If still no sign I'll go buy a test BEFORE work tomorrow and test on Wednesday.
how exciting erin cant wait till you test some good signs!!! :happydance:

lobbi that picture is gorgeous how good does your daughter look :cloud9: wish i looked like that after giving birth, what a gorgeous little family :hugs:

7/8dpo got really bad gas not good :haha: and sore boobs :happydance: hurry up testing im going mad :dohh:

love to you all :hugs:

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