We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

oooh a big poundland... havent been in one of them years.....

we have 2 euro shops over here.... they are great for bits and bobs ay???
Hey I found you again! :flower:

No time to write this morning....I woke up late again. I've been getting good at doing that, lol.

Check in with you girls this afternoon.
yay! this was a fab idea for a thread lisa, nice one! i love the banner too :)

I will read back and catch up with everyone shortly, just checking in to say i've found you! had a brilliant night out on saturday but i am paying for it now... blisters and cuts on my feet from the skyscraper heels, and a hellishly bad back. its been playing up for weeks but i think that night out was the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak :laugh2: I only spent £20 on sat night and was so proud of myself but now i am going to have to pay £40 to see the chiropractor on wednesday. im not so smug anymore! :dohh:

Well, we ended up BDing last night after all.... It will be so ironic if i get pregnant, on the one cycle that we weren't bloody trying :haha: well, this way i know that if it happens it was truly meant to be :)

Sending lots of love to you all this afternoon! xxxx
its not really there much, but then yesterday i had a big load of what looked like ( tmi) snot .SORRY bout that....

sometimes when i go toilet theres nothing and other times its kinda creamy.. oh i would just be so happy.... see what is strange, is that usually when the tummy ache comes for me. ( when its :witch: revving up her broomstick).. my boobs have started hurting too.... but they feel perfectly fine at the mo... which is unusual.... am trying so hard to not analyse every little twinge, but , girls , we alll know bout the best laid plans ay???

It really does sound good hun, I heard many people say that they have some cm that looks like snot and then go onto have a BFP! Fingers crossed hunnie xx
So girls, what do you think, is BD every other night enough as hubby is not one for wanting it everyday :-( opinions please you lovely ladies!xxx
apparently, BD every other day is better than every day because it gives the little guys time to replenish! :thumbup:
Yup, every other day is fine. Remember those little swimmers can live for up to five days waiting for eggy. :D

Laura, I've had gloopy CM on and off right from very early on (around the time of first missed AF) so it certainly could be a sign. :thumbup:
Thanks girls, I will ask him tonight but if he says no I wont pressure him and have it tomorrow, although I would prefer to have it every day for say another 3 days. I agree with Bexx, it is a very good sign, buckets of baby dust!

My 6 year old is having a tantrum as we speak, over Xmas cards, he filled it out wrong and I corrected him and has now flew into one, I am just gonna leave him to it!!lol! The joys, and I really want another?? rofl!! Hannah Montana is on too so its like a bloody mad house here!!!!

I am trying to sort out Ella as she has an Xmas party coming up but the problem with her is she has celiac disease, which means she cannot eat anything that contains gluten (wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt etc) so I have gotta put a buffet plate together for her. Callum does not have this yet even though it can just be triggered off. Its horrible she will have this forever, it doesnt seem to bother her too much but it sure as helps upsets me! She is off to Great Ormond Street on my birthday which is in a couple of weeks for a 2 day admission, she is having a gastroscopy an colonoscopy, poor chicken, she has had the gastro thing before so its not too bad.

Oh well better get on, speak later. xxx
thanks bexx.... i am not counting my chickens, cos i am mega crampy, although as i said, this is really early , even for me, to be getting tummy achey...

ellaandcallum..... your house sounds like mine... i have a 6 year old dd, and she is really good at tantrums.... like yours, mine is often very very noisy, and most times i can put up with it but some days , wow, i just want to find the mute switch.....lots oflove to your dd, thats tough for a youngster isnt it??? bless her heart....

i got a bit too hungry today, and got to the point where i was shaking, felt horrible... just had an early dinner , and still feel a bit crap...

we getting up at 4.30 am to go up into the north to asda for some groceries and some xmas bits..... so its an early night for us tonight...

right, here i go, i best go clean up the kitchen after feeding time at the zoo....

lotsa loobi hugs
hi everyone, hope your all ok glad in be inside in the warm the weather has been terrible!!
had some bad news today my OH job will be coming to an end after christmas :growlmad: only he works as he brings home a good wages so looks like we will have to stop trying :cry: gutted
of course i could already be carrying a bean :shrug: but now feel like i cant get excited or happy about it as its wrong to bring a child into the world with no money coming in not that i knew this was coming plus supporting the other 2 :cry: dont know what to do or how to feel now never been in this sitution let alone near christmas. we have some money to get by with and also his pay, holiday etc when he leaves. what cant we all have a happy end like in the fairy tales!!
well enough about me hope to chat later got to crack on with tea hungry kids calling xxxx
hi everyone, hope your all ok glad in be inside in the warm the weather has been terrible!!
had some bad news today my OH job will be coming to an end after christmas :growlmad: only he works as he brings home a good wages so looks like we will have to stop trying :cry: gutted
of course i could already be carrying a bean :shrug: but now feel like i cant get excited or happy about it as its wrong to bring a child into the world with no money coming in not that i knew this was coming plus supporting the other 2 :cry: dont know what to do or how to feel now never been in this sitution let alone near christmas. we have some money to get by with and also his pay, holiday etc when he leaves. what cant we all have a happy end like in the fairy tales!!
well enough about me hope to chat later got to crack on with tea hungry kids calling xxxx

Oh hun, really not what you need right now, and just after Xmas! I am really sorry to hear this and hope things are not to much of a struggle.:sad1: for you guys. You could well be pregnant and if you are then it is obviously meant to be.:hugs: and one way or the other you will get by. I wish life was one big fairytale but unfortunately its not as much as we would like it to be. My hubby was nearly made redundant at the beginning of the year but thankfully it never happened. Will he be getting redundancy pay hun?

Well thinking of you and I am sure things will be OK, they might not seem it now but it will work out one way or the other.xxxx:hugs:
thanks lovely got no one else to talking about this as dont wanna tell peple whats going on :flower:
yeah he will get some redundancy money :thumbup: i will just feel so horrible saying to friends and family scotts losts his job but hey i having a baby!!
i suppose if i am alot of things can change in 9 months.
is it wrong to hope that i am??? even when i know whats happening??
good luck with the bd tonight thats if his up for it?
thanks lovely got no one else to talking about this as dont wanna tell peple whats going on :flower:
yeah he will get some redundancy money :thumbup: i will just feel so horrible saying to friends and family scotts losts his job but hey i having a baby!!
i suppose if i am alot of things can change in 9 months.
is it wrong to hope that i am??? even when i know whats happening??
good luck with the bd tonight thats if his up for it?

Of course its not wrong to hope that you are preggers, this is what you have had your heart set on, you cant just switch off how you feel just like that. Yes lots can change in 9 months, thats good to hear you sounding a bit more positive. There is some help financially out there too and I am sure your families will help out when they can.:hugs:

Dont think BD will be happening tonight I have been messing about and saying about it but he said nope not tonight, he is such a bore!!lol!! But tomorrow yes, so I guess it will be every other day!! Bah humbug this is my Xmas present!!lol!!!

Anyway gotta go and get Ella from cubs now, will check back after Eastenders. Take care hunnie and try not stress too much :hugs:xxxx
thanks lovely its you thats made me feel more positive and like you said family would help and i know the OH would take any job just to support us.
i really hope i am :happydance: the thought that im not makes me :cry: coz i cant really try knowing what i know, like you said whats meant to be will be.
my little boy want to start cubs he will be 7 in jan tho so not sure if its cubs or scouts?
shame he doesnt wanna BD but from what the other girls have said every other day is better for the little swimmers
ah god, i am so sorry you are having this worry... my dh has nt been working for a very long time, he is a computer programmer , writes payroll systems for banks and insurance, but most of his kinda work is now being outsourced to india.... it is a worry, and you are right what you say bout not feeling its the right time to ttc...
we havent let it put us off, as our age is against us, and after our suprise pregnancy this year, and the subsequent loss, it has left us feeling that we want another one...not to heal the pain that losing jarrod has left, just well, its hard to xplain..

so, what is good hopeful cm like at this stage???
i am getting creamy white , for thelast few hours...
i never had to try to get pg before, so have never paid any attention at all to what is good or not.....

i am off to my bed nice and early as we are driving up into eniskillen for shopping in the morning dead early....

hope everyone is well.....
Good evening girls! Another very cold day in Dublin today! How's everyone?:flower: Seems a lot of you have your Christmas decorations up already but mine is still somewhere in the shed...:dohh:

Lisa: Thanks for inviting me. So glad to hear your spotting has stopped. Hopefully you will O very soon. Still have time for a nice X'mas present :winkwink: I will be thinking of you! I m having really bad cramps today. Stupid witch! :growlmad: I will go for the CD21 test this cycle. I remember you say the blood is taken 7days after O, right? That will be the last blood test I need before getting referred. I should O around X'mas if my eggy will come at all this month. Oh well, at least I can spend some lovely time with DH:blush:

Loobi: Your PMS sounds so much like mine! Sore BB and cramps! With no sore BB this time, it sounds very promising indeed:thumbup: Fingers crossed for you!

Louise: So sorry to hear your hubby will be losing his job. As long as you have some to keep yourself going for the moment, hopefully things will improve in the new year. Hope that 2010 will be a much better year for you!

I think I'm going to head to bed early. I'm exhausted after a busy weekend. I will have my nice cup of tea and a little cream slice 1st :happydance: Night night all and chat you girls tomorrow!:hugs:
Thanks for the welcome girls! It is SO hard to keep up with you all, I got skills to learn!

:hugs: and :dust: all round!
thanks lovely its you thats made me feel more positive and like you said family would help and i know the OH would take any job just to support us.
i really hope i am :happydance: the thought that im not makes me :cry: coz i cant really try knowing what i know, like you said whats meant to be will be.
my little boy want to start cubs he will be 7 in jan tho so not sure if its cubs or scouts?
shame he doesnt wanna BD but from what the other girls have said every other day is better for the little swimmers

I am glad I have helped you hun, things will work out and I have everything crossed for you in all departments.:hugs:

Would it not be Beavers? My son who will be 7 in July started Beavers in April, then I think cubs is 8 and then scouts, unless its different where you are, I dunno know, lol!:wacko: Ella is nearly 9 and only joined cubs in September.

I know about the BD thing, I have read aswell its better to BD every other day, I cant remember what we did when we tried for Callum but DH seems to think it was every other. What will be will be!!

Speak soon.xxxxxx
ah god, i am so sorry you are having this worry... my dh has nt been working for a very long time, he is a computer programmer , writes payroll systems for banks and insurance, but most of his kinda work is now being outsourced to india.... it is a worry, and you are right what you say bout not feeling its the right time to ttc...
we havent let it put us off, as our age is against us, and after our suprise pregnancy this year, and the subsequent loss, it has left us feeling that we want another one...not to heal the pain that losing jarrod has left, just well, its hard to xplain..

so, what is good hopeful cm like at this stage???
i am getting creamy white , for thelast few hours...
i never had to try to get pg before, so have never paid any attention at all to what is good or not.....

i am off to my bed nice and early as we are driving up into eniskillen for shopping in the morning dead early....

hope everyone is well.....

Creamy cm is meant to be good, I cant remember any of it when I was pregnant with my other 2 but from what other women say on these threads lots of cm seems to be one of the main symptoms that stands out!

Hi to all the other girls here too!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Evening.....my lovely Lil group of chatterboxes:hugs::rofl:

Louise....I'm so sorry about your DH's job sweets:hugs: As Clare has already said a lot can change in 9mths and things will work themselves out....:hugs: I've got everything crossed for you chick for new jobs and a magical :bfp::hugs:

Clare....Bless Callum hun....must be something in the name....we're prone to melodramatics here...we joke that most of the time he's on for an oscar!:rofl:
Aww poor Ella, bless her, I hope the hospital investigations go ok, as Loobi said it's a lot for someone so young...:hugs:
I think I've been subtly told no-way tonight as well chick....:dohh: It is right what they say they can live inside for upto 5days but it really doesn't help when you think you're on the brink of O:dohh::rofl:.....Did anyone ever see the documentary....The Great Sperm Race? It was on probably at the beginning of the year sometime and was really interesting...but at the same time a lil worrying that out of all the "soup" it may only be one or two that actually get there:shock::laugh2:

Loobi....It's all sounding so promising Hun....I really hope that this is it for you sweetie...everything crossed for you babe.

Hey Bexx...how you doing today sweets?

Nibbler...:hugs: Hope the cramps ease up tomorrow sweets:hugs:
What are the decorations still doing in the shed?!:shock::rofl:....I feel I may need to send Callum to you....they'd be out, lights checked and up before you could say Ho Ho Ho!....:rofl:....it's lovely to see him so excited....think I may need a tranquiliser dart for christmas eve thou....otherwise Santa will never get to deliver the presents!:rofl:

Katie...:hugs:....I think we both have chick...it's growing so fast...I'm only quickly popping on but have had soooo much to catch up on. Hopefully chat tomorrow sweets:hugs:

Im_mi...So glad you had a fab night out on saturday hun....but bless you with sore feet and bad back babe....There's a lot to be said for padding thru life in a comfy pair of slippers!:rofl:...will catch up tom babe:hugs:

Erin...Jealous of your lie-ins babe! Hope you managed to get a tree last night hun and the job section is full of inspiring ads!

I think this is possibly the fastest msg I've ever written...my furbaby and my DH are trying desperately to make me go to bed!.....Will catch you all tomorrow....sorry if I've missed anyone....heaps of love and sweetdreams!....:kiss::kiss:

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