We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Hey girls,

Beautiful tree! The pre-OV part of ttc is SO boring, I had forgotton how very stressful and boring this all is. BRING ON THE XMAS BFPS! :dust:
im_mi, i meant to ask ya?? are you from new zealand??? i noticed on your fb, that your home town in wellington, new zealand......

how was your sleep after all last night...poor Jack andhis teeth ay?
just a little update...my big achey tummy has kicked in in the last little while, so i reckon i am out, but its ok...... i have my visit down under to look forward to....
hello ladies, i have missed you all sooo much. work has been so busy as it's the lead up to christmas, everyone wants their choccies! hope you are all ok :hugs:

i am off christmas shopping in chelmsford tomorrow, staying local as traffic has been a nightmare! can't wait :happydance:

helped my friend move today & it has reminded me that moving is NOT FUN! oh my god, there was crap everywhere!!! she said she got done on time but she must of left it a mess for the new owners, bet they were not happy! oh well, i am off to see her new house tomorrow night, looking forward to a glass of wine :happydance:

how is everyone? i have a boring night ahead of me, steve & his best mate are watching football!!! SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!
hello ladies, i have missed you all sooo much. work has been so busy as it's the lead up to christmas, everyone wants their choccies! hope you are all ok :hugs:

i am off christmas shopping in chelmsford tomorrow, staying local as traffic has been a nightmare! can't wait :happydance:

helped my friend move today & it has reminded me that moving is NOT FUN! oh my god, there was crap everywhere!!! she said she got done on time but she must of left it a mess for the new owners, bet they were not happy! oh well, i am off to see her new house tomorrow night, looking forward to a glass of wine :happydance:

how is everyone? i have a boring night ahead of me, steve & his best mate are watching football!!! SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!

Hi hun

I know what you mean about the footie..:growlmad: my hubby is heavily into football especially Man U and ps3 is up there too, it does my head in, he is playing Call of Duty, it gets on my nerves, guns going off all around the room with the surround sound, its a mad house here!!!lol!!!

I have so much Xmas shopping to do I am so disorganised, I need to go out and buy the family cards too!!!:wacko: Gotta get the kids pressies wrapped, arrghh someone get me out of here!!!!!:rofl:

Tomorrow evening is Callums Xmas play so its all gonna be hectic once we get in from school, early dinners then dashing to get Ella to my sisters as she cant come!:headspin:

I hate moving, I moved nearly 3 years ago for the last time, I hope, unless I win the lottery!! I have moved so many times, and one time Ella was 2 and ahalf, Calllum was 4 weeks old and DH mum came to stay from Ireland, it was chaotic and disorganised!! I was knackered having a new baby!!! Nightmare.

I am so looking forward to the weekend, off out for a curry with the girls, lots of baby talk as 3 of them are preggers and then hopefully a few alcoholic beverages for me incase its the last time for 9 months!:winkwink:

I know I have asked this question before but cant remember, LH surge today, when is 1dpo??

Speak later and take care all you lovely ladies. xxxxxxxxx:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
loobs thats fab about visiting down under!! how lovely :) yes i am originally from new zealand, my parents are/were from london but emigrated when mum was pregnant with me. We came back when i was about 3 but i have always, always wanted to go back. unfortunately DH has absolutely no desire to leave the UK, it breaks my heart but i guess i have to just accept it and try to make the best of life here. Hehe yes i slept well last night, he finally settled at about 11.30pm.

Hayley, i hope you had a good night after all! i used to get really bored too when DH had his mates over, doesnt happen very often now though.

ellaandcallum, you usually ovulate 12-36 hours after your surge as far as i know. i dont temp or OPK so i just count 1dpo as the day my EWCM goes away!

Drazic, yes the first part of the cycle is sooooo uneventful and boring! just drags by! no symptom spotting to be done haha!
just wondered if you guys could help couldnt sleep what so ever last night so im paying for it now doing the school run, this morning i have cramping again really worried i have missed when i ovulate we started bd thurs and did it every other night and some times every night last night was tuesday.
the cramping this morning is really strong??? do you reckon we should try again tonight ?
this baby trying is hard work and so so confussing hope all you girlies are ok?? lots of love to you
just wondered if you guys could help couldnt sleep what so ever last night so im paying for it now doing the school run, this morning i have cramping again really worried i have missed when i ovulate we started bd thurs and did it every other night and some times every night last night was tuesday.
the cramping this morning is really strong??? do you reckon we should try again tonight ?
this baby trying is hard work and so so confussing hope all you girlies are ok?? lots of love to you

Hmm not sure, when did you think you ovulated? I am due to ovulate today as I had my surge yesterday. Which as you can see is cd17 which is 3 days later than what I thought. How long are your cycles normally? See mine can range from 28-32 so I will defo not have a 28day cycle this month. Could it be implantation perhaps? I dont have much EWCM, so I am surprised to see that I am ovulating today. It might be worth a shot tonight, really I should be BD tonight but neither of us have got it in us, techincally I have BD today as it was after midnight, lol! I also bd the night before so I hope I am covered. I know last month I had cramps for a good week after ovulation.

It is hardwork and confusing our bodies are weird machines.lol! Next month I am gonna start BD from CD11/12 as I just physically cant do it, we are both knackered now!!!lol!!

Tomorrow I will be in the TWW, 1 dpo, let the madness commence!!!

Better run but catch up later.xx
bless you :haha: its hard work bd all the time
like you said are bodies are so more confussing and hard work just be good to know whats going on in there :shrug:
im 28day cycle with out fail thought i ovulated sat/sun going by ovulation calender (know everyone is different) but i also had the cramping then so thought that was a sign :shrug: i have now got pain in my lower back?? :growlmad: and have just felt like poo today doesnt help coz im tired from not sleeping nightmare
glad your joining me in the 2ww :haha: going to drive me mad
:hugs: to everyone hope to hear from you all soon and what you have been up too??
speak soon everyone :hugs:
So girls, shall we make a list of all our names and how many days until testing, or dpo and possible symptoms, just gives us something to do in the tww. Its all easier to see where we are all at and how similar our cycles etc. I would say copy and paste this into your own message and add your name etc at the bottom

Lets get this going:-

Clare - ovulation day, feeling a bit crampy - 10 days until testing (POAS freak)
Hehe ok :)

Clare - ovulation day, feeling a bit crampy - 10 days until testing (POAS freak)

Imogen - 2dpo. no symptoms, cm starting to lessen. 8 days until i want to test but 12 days until i should!! haha.
oh i meant to say... this is the first cycle since coming off of cerazette that i havent had any spotting!!! :D could i finally be getting back to normal? yay!
Clare - ovulation day, feeling a bit crampy - 10 days until testing (POAS freak)

Imogen - 2dpo. no symptoms, cm starting to lessen. 8 days until i want to test but 12 days until i should!! haha.

Louise- 4dpo (or so i think) really bad cramping and lower back pain - 8 days till testing also a poas addict
Clare - ovulation day, feeling a bit crampy - 10 days until testing (POAS freak)

Imogen - 2dpo. no symptoms, cm starting to lessen. 8 days until i want to test but 12 days until i should!! haha.

Louise- 4po (or so i think) really bad cramping and lower back pain - 8 days till testing also a poas addict

Lisa ~ on cd49....wondering whether her ovaries have given up the ghost and the witch has forgotten where she lives....just wanting something/anything to happen soon!:dohh:

Hey Girls...:hugs:
Aww I've missed popping on the past two days....have had hellish couple of days in work...still I'm done now til next wednesday:yipee:
So glad that everyone is full of PMA....I've got everything crossed for you all.
Nothing exciting going on here really. Shaun has found me this fab chinese lady that does traditional chinese medicine and accupuncture, she goes all over the world treating people and has just come back from Jersey. She flew to China today thou and won't be back til the 5th Jan....I'm hoping to get booked in on the 8th:winkwink:....At the moment it's really helping to boost that Lil bubble of PMA....So hoping it's going to work and I get my appointment with the gyne soon.

Huge hugs and love xxxxx
lisa! missed you :hugs: sorry things have been hectic.

I wish i could like... slap your ovaries into action or something. *hugs* i have heard lots of amazing things about chinese medicine, my mum used to use it for IBS and other things and it really helped!

BD'd tonight. and it was awesome :laugh2: :blush: still kinda hoping i fall pregnant this cycle even though i dont really want to just yet. i would just be so overjoyed if i did. It would be fab to tell everyone at christmas!! although after last time i think we both would like to keep it to ourselves at least for a few weeks to make sure its a sticky one. it would just be so impossible not to tell my sister in law, we are so close and we have been real life TTC buddies (shes pregnant now, with her 12 week scan soon :happydance: ) so theres no way i could go to her house and look her in the eye without spilling the beans :lol:
Clare - ovulation day, feeling a bit crampy - 10 days until testing (POAS freak)

Imogen - 2dpo. no symptoms, cm starting to lessen. 8 days until i want to test but 12 days until i should!! haha.

Louise- 5dpo (or so i think) really bad cramping and lower back pain - 7 days till testing also a poas addict- got a headache

Lisa ~ on cd49....wondering whether her ovaries have given up the ghost and the witch has forgotten where she lives....just wanting something/anything to happen soon!

lisa enjoy your time off im sure you will be trying to do as much as possible :haha: im always the same
hope everyone is ok :hugs: full of fog where i live and so so cold wish i could stay in today but got so much to do speak soon cant believe the weeken is here again xx
Hey girls, I'm still here. Just been a rough week. I am now in the TWW, but no idea when I O'd.

I'm keeping up reading your posts, I'll post longer later.

Have a good day!
Hi Ladies!! I feel just awful about disappearing like that, and I truly apologize, but the last month or so has just been super busy! Between grading papers and meeting with students and Thanksgiving and now getting ready for Christmas, I feel like I haven't had five minutes to spare since Halloween! My semester is winding down and next semester should be less hectic, as we typically get fewer classes in the spring as there are fewer classes offered. Anyway, excuses aside, I have really missed everyone!! So, if you don't mind, I'd like to stick around this time! I went though and read the other thread and then realized everyone had moved over here, so today I'll go through and get caught up on this thread (I'm just glad I found everyone!). Until then, here's my update:

We went to my parents' house in Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, and thankfully, that was an uneventful weekend. When I went back to school after Thanksgiving I had a week of conferences with my students (last week), and this week I've been meeting with quite a few of them as well. It's the last week of classes before finals week, and my students are finishing up their final papers. So I'll be all done soon!!

Next week DH and I are going to New York city for five days!! I bought him tickets to a NY Jets football game for his birthday, and the game is next Sunday. We're leaving next Thursday and then coming home the following Monday. I've never been to NY, so I'm pretty excited! I don't like to fly so I'm not looking forward to that, but oh well. My mom is coming out to watch Alex while we're gone, and she couldn't be more excited. I think they'll have an awesome time!

After typing that all out, I realize that although I've been so busy, my update is kinda boring, lol! Apparently all work and no play does indeed make Jenny a dull girl!! :laugh2: In terms of TTC, I went to the dr on Wednesday to discuss options, just in case the problem wasn't solely with DH. Dr said he wanted to do an HSG test to make sure my tubes weren't blocked since I had a c-section with Alex. So, I was supposed to call and schedule that as soon as my period started. Well.........my period was due Tuesday so yesterday morning (after I temped and saw that my temp skyrocketed), I broked down and tested. And much to my disblief, it was a :bfp:!!!! I'm still in shock, as I told DH on Monday that I'd bet my paycheck that AF was on her way and would arrive right on time. I'd been having cramps and my temp went down, so I totally thought she was on her way. The temp drop, though, was only one day and since then it's been going back up. Looking back, I guess I have been tired for about a week or so (yesterday it was so bad I damn near fell asleep sitting at my desk!) and I have had heartburn (but I've been eating spicy food), but pretty much all of my symptoms could have easily been explained by something else, so I really thought AF was on her way. It's kinda funny because I knew I was pg with Alex before I tested, so you would think that this time around (since I've been there before) I would have known too, but not so much! I think part of me just didn't want to get my hopes up only to be disappointed again. I talked to the dr's nurse yesterday and she said that cramps can be totally normal and to try not to compare pregnancies since they can be vastly different. So, I'm pretty much just hanging out, hoping that this little bean sticks. My bbs are killing me and I'm still crampy and heartburnish, but otherwise I feel fine so far. According to the dr my EDD is August 20th, which is awful timing because school starts a week or two later, but I'm too excited to care right now! Hopefully I can teach some Internet classes and that way I'll be able to work at home for the semester.

I'm sure I'm leaving something out since I've been gone for so long (again, I'm super sorry!), so if I think of anything else I'll be sure to post. And I will catch up on the thread today, as I'll need something to keep me awake this afternoon! Even though I'm pg, I hope it's okay if I stay here with you. Despite my absence, I feel like I've really gotten to know you ladies, and the thought of starting over again with a whole new group is totally unappealing.

It's soooo good to be back, ladies!!! HUGS and babydust to everyone!!! :dust::dust:

:) Jenny
OH MY GOD JEN!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :wohoo: :wohoo: i am so so so excited and happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D our first BFP in this thread! oh, how wonderful to hear from you again and with SUCH good news!!!! :happydance:
Jenny, how did you manage to keep such exciting news from us lol!! I'm so pleased for you hun, and you're due the day after my 30th birthday! :D

I expect to be seeing you over in 1st tri pronto. :D

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