We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Thanks hun, can't believe my gut instinct was right! :D
YAY for team blue...... bexx, i am so pleased for you.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yay for boys! I am so happy for you Bexx!

I just had the wierdest dream....it was so realistic I had to think about it when I woke up. In this dream i was 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and we went to go get the ultrasound you could see the baby's face and everything. It was creepy, and it made me happy at the same time. Like I said it was so real I had to remind myself I wasn't pregnant.

OPK line was a bit darker this morning, but still not close to +. OK, I'm off to get ready for work and go find food. Have a good day!:flower:
oooh i just noticed ihave moved up a box... hopefully things will carry on being ok..... and i will move thru all the boxes asi should....

hope everyone is well...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Peeps:hi:

Glad all went well with the scan Hun:hugs: Do you have any names in mind fit for your little prince?

Loobi...Yay for box progression Lovely:hugs::happydance:
Will you be finding out what team you're on when the time comes?

Erin...Think my opk lines are waiting for you:laugh2:

Hayley....Can't wait for you to join us in the poas adiction Lovely:hugs:
I do actually believe in psychic's if you manage to find a reputable one. I saw one almost two years ago now and he said that there was a pregnancy on the cards but it was going to be slow coming....Hope they've got it right for both of us!:hugs:

Im_mi...How are you doing today sweetie? Hope Jack is feeling better:hugs:

Jane...where are you chick?...hoping everything is ok:hugs:


....and anyone I've missed....hope you're all ok:hugs:

Well the opks have been no darker today than it was the last time I done one yesterday:dohh:....I can't hope or pray hard enough that my cranky body manages to do as it's supposed to this month:dohh:
My tum has been really crampy today and NO sign of any spotting:yipee:...First day since 29th Dec:happydance:
Here's hoping for a positive tomorrow:thumbup:

Big :hugs: and Oooodles of Love xxx
Well, I went out drinking after work (2 beers because I get off work so late the bar was closing) so I didn't do an OPK tonight. I'm guessing it still would have been negative.

I was talking to my co worker about blah blah blah how we want to have kids SOMEDAY and he's like, well you have only been married 2 1/2 years, no need to rush.....and I was like yes, but we have also been together for 6 years and I want to have kids before I'm 27.....and b-day 26 is coming up in a month and a half.....so. I'm frickin ready and so is my hubby.

It would be great if our OPKs were + at the same time and we both got BFPs!
Morning girls...:wave:

Hope you're all ok:hugs:

Well the crampy tum continues....the opk with fmu was only about a quarter of a shade lighter than the control....:dohh:....Really hoping it goes that teeny bit darker today[-o< My temps are on the up...have a peek.
Well I'm off to see Dr Wu this morning and see what chinese herbs I'm going to be rattling with this week:roll:

Have men coming to do the loft insulation today which is proving a nightmare because of how much stuff has to come down from the loft....out of sight out of mind..:dohh::rofl:
And then after order has been restored have got the big food shop to do:growlmad:....now that is shopping that I really don't enjoy!

Have a good friday girls....let the weekend commence:winkwink:....xxx:hugs:xxx

Edit: Sorry Erin I didn't see your post before this one chick:hugs:
It would be fab if they were positive together and :bfp: together as well...:friends:
lisa you made me laugh, out of sight out of mind, thats why i keep my spare room (hopefully nursery) door shut :rofl:

bexx, fab news :happydance: a little boy, how cute, i guessed right :thumbup:

not much going on here, clomid is finished for this cycle & i'm hoping the other 3 packets wont be needed! feel normal though & i haven't had the moodiness like i did last time, much to steves relief.

my diet is going great, i take a packed lunch to work now so thats all i eat during the day until i have my dinner when i get in from work in the evening. it's working, i have lost 4lb already :happydance:

well id better dash, got a very busy day with a huge delivery of easter eggs to put away, have a good day everyone :hugs:
hi girls ive missed alot just popping in too say im still here just very confussed and upset and didnt wanna bore you!!
af was due wednesday but on tuesday i had a small bleed it stopped by wed and came again yesterday again very short and sweet havnt even bothered to test again as it was red not pink/brown really gutted and confussed at the moment but im sure i will be fine in a couple of days
love to you all xxxxxxxxxxx
aw jane im sorry :hugs: if it was me i would totally still test but i understand why you wouldnt want to :hugs:

Lisa, eeep i hope that OPK comes up nice and positive for you later!

Erin i totally understand why you guys want to get cracking straight away. Most people i know stopped using contraception as soon as they got married. we did about a week after the wedding! everyone is different, like you said you guys have been together for a long time so really how long youve been married for is irrelevant.

Loobi, hooray for moving up a stage on your ticker!! I have such a good feeling about this honey, you'll definitely make it to term and have a screaming baby in your arms :hugs:

hayley, thats great about your diet! well done! im so rubbish at dieting, ill always lose a stone or two and then put it straight back on! glad you havent had any moodiness with the clomid this time :hugs:

Bexx, have you got any names floating around yet? I found it really hard to think of boys names last time but this time i can think of loads i like, haha.

As for me, i am feeling SO much better today. sea bands are incredible. yesterday they arrived and i put them on and they really helped, i still felt sick but i could get about and do a bit of housework, play with Jack etc. so this morning i put them on about 20 minutes after i woke up (i always have about half an hour after waking when i just feel dizzy, not nauseous) and so far i feel bloody fantastic!!! Well, lol, not quite fantastic but i have only had a couple small waves of nausea and i have actually been able to eat something other than weetabix!! Oh, what a relief :)

Jack is feeling a little better, his cough is almost gone but i think he is getting a cold now on top of the bronchiolitis :( bloody typical, 2 days before his birthday party. I really hope he will be okay for it. i was already concerned about how he would manage because he always has a nap at about 3 and the party is 1-4. he will be ok without a nap but i may have to let him have a late nap and a late bedtime or he will be up all night. he never settles well if he has missed his nap, poor love.
oh, and its bloody snowing today!! Im so annoyed, the one day i actually feel OK and need to go to town and its chucking it down with the white stuff. i think we'll still go, ill just have to take the pushchair (as jack doesnt have any wellies) and wrap him up warm. i really miss carrying him in the sling, but he just wont go in it now :cry: i cant wait to have a little teeny one i can wear all day long :D
OPK is still negative, but the line is definitely progressively getting darker. Wait for me Lisa! Lol, actually, don't, but I really hope yours is + soon!

Immi those seabands sound like a good buy. And yes, I completely agree. Besides, he got his wife preggo a year after they got married!

Ok, sorry so short but gotta get ready for work. It's Friday!!!
Hi girls, I've had a busy day putting up the bunk bed we bought before we moved together and the nursery is starting to look more like a liveable room rather than a junk room full of unopened flat-packed furniture. I know it might seem weird, but it was on offer at the DIY store and we'll need it eventually. Plus guests can use it until baby moves into the room as we don't have a guest room.

As a treat, I bought myself some Haagen Daas cookie dough ice cream - and promptly ate half the tub. Meant to have one of the alcohol-free ciders I bought to celebrate with yesterday, but totally forgot so will probably have that in a minute. :D

I'm debating putting up the cot over the weekend. Probably a little early at 22 weeks lol, but it seems my nesting instinct is kicking in already. :D And my mum has offered to put £100 towards the bedding for it which will be lovely as the darn stuff is so hideously expensive.

bexx, fab news :happydance: a little boy, how cute, i guessed right :thumbup:

Thanks hun, most people were expecting me to announce a girl lol.

Bexx, have you got any names floating around yet? I found it really hard to think of boys names last time but this time i can think of loads i like, haha.

As for me, i am feeling SO much better today. sea bands are incredible. yesterday they arrived and i put them on and they really helped, i still felt sick but i could get about and do a bit of housework, play with Jack etc. so this morning i put them on about 20 minutes after i woke up (i always have about half an hour after waking when i just feel dizzy, not nauseous) and so far i feel bloody fantastic!!! Well, lol, not quite fantastic but i have only had a couple small waves of nausea and i have actually been able to eat something other than weetabix!! Oh, what a relief :)

It's hard finding boys names we're happy with, but we're leaning towards either Zachary or Isaac, probably the latter but I'm not sure.

I wore seabands early on BTW and they did seem to help for the first couple of weeks of nausea. I relied on them so much I didn't even take them off when going to bed lol.

I don't know if this will work for you as everyone's different, but I eventually found that Ryvita wholegrain crackerbread took care of my nausea. I get the odd wave even now so I have some all around the house and in the car lol.
bexx, your right, the bedding costs a bomb! We only bought one little bale from mothercare that was on sale at £15, i got sheets on ebay for a fiver that we still use now, and i pinched a blanket from the hospital :laugh2: Jack had sleeping bags too instead of blankets once he was about 4 months (we swaddled him until then). But hey, if your mum wants to help out itll be nice for you to get everything nice and new :) with your second you arent so bothered about that so its nice to make the most of the excitement if you can!

ETA - just to clarify i didnt intentionally steal the blanket haha, i packed it without thinking and didnt realise till we got home :rofl:
lol, I accidentally stole a Christmas tree bauble from Mamas and Papas recently. It was a gift for a friend who'd had her baby a few months ago and said something like "Baby's First Christmas" on it. We were buying a fair bit of stuff and I guess it got overlooked as we went through the till. I felt so guilty about not paying for it, I rang the store and told them - they were really nice about it (and stunned at my honesty lol) but said don't worry about bringing it back.
Girls, is it wierd that I bought maternity pants and a shirt? They were on sale and I just couldn't resist, lol........Bexx....I love Isaac.

Having a bit of carpal tunnel right now....fortunately my sis is a nurse, so I'm getting advise from her....
Morning Girls:hi:

Erin....I'm sending your hormones vibes...:winkwink:
No it's not weird...I've often looked at stuff...have never bought thou....just concentrating on finishing a cardigan that will look fab with a bump poking thru under the single button...made a size bigger than nornmal...:dohh::rofl:

Im_mi...so glad that your seabands are working for you chick:thumbup: Are you all sorted for Jack's b'day?
I tried your version of eggy crumpets:thumbup: They were good! Still think I prefer Butter and strawberry conserve thou:winkwink:

Hayley...:thumbup: on the diet hun...that's fab! my scale batteries have died and they didn't have the ones I needed in Tesco:dohh: Gonna go to argos on monday. That's fab that the clomid hasn't upset your mood hun....is it supposed to be about 9 days after the last tablet that O is supposed to happen?
It was amazing how much stuff came down from the loft...a good excuse to sort thru the 6 black bags and a suitcase of baby/outgrown clothes:dohh:
Shaun even got involved....I swear if he had overies they would of been Piiiiiiiinging!:winkwink::rofl:
How's your sister getting on? How are you neices with their new little sister?

Jane...Sending you the world's biggest hug hun:hugs: I think I would be with Im_mi and test but likewise completely understand why you wouldn't want to. It could just be some implantation bleeding sweets.....don't feel down on your own thou....we're here for you:hugs:

Clare...how's things Hun? What has the weekend got instore for you?

Loobi...How's things in the Loobi house?....Are you ok Lovely...you seem really quiet these past few days....Sending big:hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok...:friends:

Well news from this end....:headspin::dance::wohoo::dance::headspin:
It was +ve this morning using FMU!!!....Even got Shaun to look at it and tell me whether one line was darker than the other and without any real hesitation he said they're the same!!
I came downstairs had a drink of squash and then left it for 4hours and done another one and it was definately lighter.....So....FMU is worth testing! Just hoping that the temperatures rise and stay high now to confirm that it happened. Erin and Hayley....I'm wishing you both speedy +ves to go thru the tww together:hugs::winkwink:

Right then girls....:laundry: to sort and my Pickle is asking for :munch:....I swear he's got not worms but snakes...he's trying to eat me out of house and home and is still only just an ideal weight:dohh:...some people have all the luck:rofl:

Catch you all later....:kiss:
YAY LISA!! :happydance: hooray for +opk!!! you better get to it, girl! :winkwink: :sex: :rofl:

Erin, thats totally not weird. I started buying little bits and pieces for myself and for Jack when we first started trying for him, i think its totally normal especially with your first when its all new and exciting :) im in maternity jeans already because all of my jeans cut in and make the morning sickness worse!!

LOL bexx! I must admit i have been known to accidentally steal nappies at times, i have hung them on the back of the trolley and completely forgotten they were there, and the cashier never noticed them! When i was much younger (like 14-16) i used to shoplift quite a lot :blush: but looking back i just dont know how on earth i did it!! I just couldnt now, even if the opportunity presented itself i would just look so guilty and feel so bad!! :laugh2: and they are some lovely names!

Well, DH has a stinking cold and it looks like im getting it now. The back of my nose and throat feel all weird. im so annoyed, as soon as the MS starts becoming bearable i get a bloody cold!! And i have work tonight to contend with and of course the party tomorrow. He is skulking around like he has the flu but he always gets colds worse than i do (obviously, he is a man after all lol) so hopefully i will be okay. Thats one sucky thing about being pregnant, you catch EVERYTHING.

Plan for today - balloons, paper plates & bowls, jelly mould, party food.
Aww Im_mi I hope you manage to escape the cold Lovely and your boys are feeling better for the party.
What jelly mould's have you got hun? I've got a pig one and a cat one.....fab for raspberry blancmange pig and lime green jelly for grass or a chocolate cat blancmange sat on a mat of raspberry jelly....:munch:

Well I've done a 3rd opk and the line is almost faint again now...roll on Callum's bedtime:winkwink::haha:

Hope everybody has had a good day...it's been really quiet in here....:hugs: and :dust: xxxx
aww lisa that sounds lovely! i dont have any jelly moulds and i couldnt find any in town yesterday :( so just had to make it in a bowl. hope you guys managed to get some sexytime :laugh2:

oh man i feel like crap today :( sea bands arent working as well as they were. had a crap nights sleep last night too which isnt helping. making the sandwiches really turned my stomach :( But its done now, and i forced down a hot cross bun and i feel a little better now. Im hoping as the day wears on that i will feel better. I shouted at Jack this morning and i felt so guilty, just soooo tired and sick. Gave him a big cuddle afterwards and apologised, i dont want to ruin his special day.

right, we have to be at the hall in less than an hour and im still in PJ's, so i had better crack on!

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