We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Awe, Lisa, I really don't know what you're going through with the wierdness of your cycles, but I do know what it's like to go cycle after cycle and get greeted by AF everytime. Just hoping this month is different.

Jane, hope your MS goes away soon!

Immi, that's exciting! Almost past the 1st tri.

Nope, haven't done any sneaky ones:winkwink:. I have 2 ICs and one FRER and i'm saving them. I did have this really REALLY graphic and vivid dream last night. I was like 5 mos pregnant and 3 other friends of mine were also pregnant. We drank this punch and the next morning we all went into labor on a high school soccer field. The babies just popped out, fully grown, and they did all the medical stuff (stitching up) right there on the field. I'm telling you, I thought I was freakin' there! It was bazaar.

Alright, got some house cleaning to do.
Morning My Lovelys:hugs::hugs:

Has anyone ever told each and every one of you that you are FAB?! Cos you are you know...don't know what I'd do without you:hugs:

Jane...I hope you're not feeling too green at the gills today sweets:hugs:

Claire....:wohoo: for 2nd Tri Babe!....:thumbup: for buying little bits and pieces:hugs:
2nd tri is such an amazing time hun....and feeling the movements is just the best!

Im_mi.....Aww another lil wriggly bean...I mean Flump....:yipee: So glad that all your MS has faded into the background? Are you thinking :pink: or :blue:

Erin....I salute you on the amazing willpower Hun:thumbup::lol:
I have everything crossed for you that it's the best birthday present ever!:hugs:

Hayley and Loobi....:hugs: Hope you girls are ok....any news from either of you?

The u/s went ok.The sonographer was lovely & told me what she could see.
My endometrium lining is thickened it should be no more than 13mm & mine is 22mm Will probably end up having a d&c as when they scanned me 2yrs ago my lining was 19mm & that is what they done. She couldn't rule out polyps as really the scan should have been done close to the start of the cycle.
She asked me where I thought I was in my cycle & I said about cd19 & hopefully approaching an O...she smiled & said I'm impressed you really know your stuff...:rofl::wacko: She then said that my ovaries look fine so no PCOS & I have a 2cm follicle on my right ovary

I've just done an opk this morning with fmu & there is definately a line on it although not +ve yet. It's really exciting knowing that there is 1 there....just hope it manages to release an egg. We have decided not 2 try this month thou as my lining is too thick & unstable...don't want 2 increase the risk of mc again.

I'm feeling really quite positive again today....and want to give maca credit for it's work:winkwink: I've been taking B-50 for a while now and it's never really done anything but last cycle I got to a 15day LP when normally its barely 11:thumbup:
I've got to get serious with the weightloss as much as I'd love to stick my head in the sand being overweight can increase your oestrogen levels and lead to a thickened endometrium....Just hoping the maca will give me a helping hand along the long and winding road of the scale visits to help put things onto an even keel.
I'm off to the local leisure centre this afternoon for my gym induction:winkwink:.....and feeling really quite nervous....hope it's not full of svelte beautiful people:dohh::rofl:

Right then girls...I've rambled enough...hope you all have a fab day and no doubt I'll be back in later....probably after fullfilling a poas addiction:winkwink:
Gosh it's quiet in here today....what are you all up to?????

Well I've been for the dreaded gym induction and thankfully it wasn't full of any highly toned gods or women dressed in lots of lycra:rofl:
My gym instructor is a 53yr old man called Roland who is french but keeps saying all the typical welsh sayings in his very thick french accent....most bizarre.....but I guess no more bizarre than me being in a gym in the first place:rofl::rofl:
Feeling lots better about the scary place now and am even going to venture there tomorrow morning:thumbup:
After all the talk of exercise Shuan and I are off out tonight to a gorgeous restaurant for a nice meal:yipee:....Can't believe how little we do these things....cinema outing later in the week maybe monday/tuesday.....anybody seen anything that they can recommend? The last time we went was last august when we saw 'the propsal'.

Aww well....going to love you and leave you in hope that you're all having a fab saturday:hugs: xxxxx
hehe lisa your gym instructor sounds like quite the character!! i really miss the gym, i must get down there again soon. Thats great that they didnt find anything nasty like pcos at the ultrasound! Its hard though, as i imagine after having gone through this for as long as you have, i bet you were half hoping they would find something extreme wrong that they could fix, iykwim. Im glad you are feeling positive though hun, and it sounds like the maca and the b-50 is doing the trick :) you'll get that lil bud honey, you will. and i hope its soon because i need a welsh bump buddy :winkwink:

pink or blue..... hmm, i really dont know at this stage! i would love to have a girl, obviously i wont care at all as long as it's a healthy baby :lol: but it would be nice to have one of each because we arent planning on having any more for a good few years after this one so i can go to university and do my midwifery training at some point. DH is convinced that it's a girl, and his conviction has led me to purchasing far too many pink things lol!!

right... i MUST MUST MUST stop procrastinating on here and go to bed, or i will be screwed tomorrow! love to you girls :hugs:
lisa glad the gym was ok, and it wasnt full of super slim girls posing in the mirrors :haha: how was your meal? going out for the first time in ages 8th april for a meal for oh birthday :happydance: it nice to go out as a couple i feel young again

im mi glad all is good :hugs: are you going to find out the sex at your 20wk scan?? we have decided because we have one of each we are going to have our first surprise birth :yellow: :happydance: not sure how i will not ask :dohh:

we im feeling so so ill :sick::sick: more than i did with the others :growlmad: cant keep my eyes open or cook/eat anything!! oh thinks its twins :haha: fingers crossed its one will do just fine

loobi :hugs: hope you and your family are all well, thinking of you xx :hugs:

:hugs: to everyone else xx
Just a quick hello, what a lovely day although a bit nippy. I have a raging headache today, I just keep drinking loads of water to take the edge off it :-( Been to Tesco had our eyes tested, I am fine, Kev needs glasses, lol, thats what he gets for spending too much time on ps3. Ella is borderline so we will see next time.

We went out yesterday with friends to the pub in the afternoon, had a lovely meal and Ella ate a meal safely too which was fantastic! Havent laughed so much in ages. My friends bought her baby girl, she is 3 months old and is grorgeous, Kev had a lovely cuddle, getting in the practice, lol!

We are gonna find out what we are having, I want to be organised, I know we have one of each but I just have to know, although I reckon its a boy now. I keep changing my mind.

I got a couple of maternity tops in Next yesterday, there is a few more I want to buy but they are not in stock yet. I am living in leggings around the house, so comfy and I really do have a bump now and do look pregnant and not just fat! I hope!lol!

Big hugs to you Lisa, you really are going through the mill, I know it will be your turn very soon hun, you must be a tough cookie!

Anyway take care girls. xxxxxx
Hiya Girls....:hi:

Thanks for asking Jane...The meal was lovely....felt like we were dating again:haha:....Hope you have a lovely time when you go out for OH's B'day:hugs:
Are you feeling any less :sick: hun?...I hope so:hugs:.....Twins...now there's a thought:winkwink:

Claire...Boy/girl, girl/boy...it's a woman's perogative to change her mind!:lol: We knew for Callum but DH is adament he want's us to stay on :yellow: next time:dohh:
Hope you haven't had any more headaches chick:hugs:

Im-mi...how's your day going lovely? I think it's really fab that you want to train as a mw....a perfect job for you I think my sweets:thumbup:
It would be fab to be bump buddies hun...even if we would be a tri apart:hugs:
As for the scan babe...I guess I got what I hoped it would be as I know that it can be fixed....the mind is an evil thing when you have a little medical knowledge.

Erin....how's that willpower holding out sweets? That dream sounded crazy hun...anymore of them? I used to have really vivid dreams early on with Callum...none pregnancy related thou:dohh:

Where is everyone else....Loobi, Hayley...I hope you're ok:hugs:

Well folks I woke up last night in really bad rightsided pain...didn't quite know what to do with myself, it's still there lingering on but thankfully not as bad. My temp is at what I would call a usual O temp for me and the bleeding is back to spotting only on the loo paper:thumbup:....Me is thinking it's the big O!:yipee: Just hoping my temps will support it tomorrow.
I've also been doing some research about endometrium linings and implantation and found 3 clinical research papers looking at thickness at egg retrieval and pregnancy rates in IVF patients.....the ones with a lining that was equal to or greater than 16mm done the best.....so silly sonographer that said it shouldn't be anymore than 13mm...it's a good job that a nice meal on saturday night set the mood for lurvin and I've realised this today before it's possibly too late....as I said a woman's perogative:rofl:

Hope you're all ok and having a good day:hugs: xxxx
just a quick one hope your all ok!!

i have a scan tomz at 11am and hope you can all pray everything is ok. been having a load of pains on my right hand side and really worried xx
Oh Jane honey:hugs:
I certainly will pray that everything is ok chick. Have you seen your GP? Why couldn't they get you scanned today? If the pains get worse go to A&E babe.
Is there any chance that it's trapped wind....have you tried peppermint tea or sucking foxes glaciers. I hope it all settles down sweets....bless you...I'll have sore knees with all the praying by the time you come out smiling:hugs: xxxx
thank you so so much lovely thats so sweet of you!! :hugs:
i did have the pain at the weekend too and kind of waited to see if it was wind, consipation but think something is going on as its so so painful sharp and just on the one side lower down!!!
really hope i will be posted good news tomz!! really dont think i will sleep tonight
thanks again lovely and hope the knees dont get too sore:haha: xxxxx
Aww I'm worried bout you now sweets:hugs:
If this is has been going on since the weekend they should of scanned you today really. Have you actually seen your gp today?

P.S: the knees will be fine lovely....I've got Ice Age and Nemo plasters in the house....they'll look boootiful:winkwink::haha:
lol at the plasters!!
i phoned my doctors receptionist on friday and they said they would get a doctor too ring me!! a doctor who i dont like rung back :growlmad: said rest and if it got worse i would "probably bleed" and her words " you will be losing your baby, you just need to let it take its course"!!!:growlmad: so all weekend i felt like i was just being a worrier and stop being silly but this morning it was bad again so i rung EPU and the midwife didnt call back till 4ish she was so so lovely :cloud9: and really understanding so i just happy for someone to listen :happydance: didnt think about the wait :dohh: xx
ps sorry lovely just noticed you SUPER ticker!!!:happydance: you will be busy tonight :winkwink:xx
I can't believe your GP babe:hugs:....well actually I can there's one in the practice that I go to and I refuse to see him:lol:
I'm glad the midwife was lovely hun....was she able to give you any reassurance and possible explanations for it? I'm sure she would of told you to come in straight away if she was overly worried sweets....Are you still in pain now?...You must go to A&E straight away if it gets worse babe:hugs:
:rofl: I'm hoping it's O day today....have had a lot of right-sided pain as well:dohh:
Perhaps you're being a BnB sis above and beyond the call of duty and experiencing my O pain....:rofl::hugs:
the pain is still there it doesnt really go but gets stronger now and again!!
im sure your right that she would have got me in sooner if she was worries and she asked me loads of questions more than the doctor!! (only like doctor at my surgery and shes now part time after having her baby)
thanks for listening, going to try and get some sleep now!!
happy baby dancing xx that would be very spooky if i was coming out in sympathy
Night-Night Sweetheart...and anytime....god you've listened to me enough:hugs:
Will be thinkng of you heaps tomorrow:hugs: xxxx
Just quickly popping in girls as I'm off out today with my best friend for tea/coffee....shopping....lunch....more shopping....who knows we may even reach dinner:haha::cloud9:

I hope you are all ok:hugs:

Jane...sweetie....Just wanted to say that I hope you managed to get some sleep last night and the pains haven't got any worse. I am still assuming the position of [-o< and I will check in on the mobi later sweetheart...my thoughts are with you:hugs: xxxx
morning ladies, sorry i haven't been on much.

jane i hope all is well today sweets, i have everything crossed for you :hugs:

nothing much to say really, this cycle seems to be lasting forever!!!!

i have redecorated my living room, it looks fab! i did some wallpapering yesterday & i was really good, even if i do say so myself lol. we start the hallway on friday. we were meant to start it 2 weeks ago but we just haven't had the time.

hope you are all ok,

lots of love from me xxxx

erin, have you tested yet?
well im back after waiting an hour and an half with a full bladder :growlmad: and then another hour for a midwife!!
all is fine, little bean is measuring alittle small for dates and couldnt see heartbeat so had internal scan as well and saw the little heart flicking :cloud9: got to go back next wednesday for a scan so fingers crossed it will be a little bigger!!
:hugs: lisa your prays worked and will be returning the kindness by praying for you this end :kiss:
will sleep well tonight xx
hope everyone else is ok :hugs:

hayley you can come and decorate my house after i cant wallpaper :dohh: xx

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