We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

so sorry about AF erin :(

those are gorgeous pics, bexx! i thought about having a 4d scan but the sonographer at my 12 week one advised us against it so :shrug:
Morning Girls:wave:

Erin....sending super huge hugs babe:hugs:...I can't wish hard enough that this is the last time that she will visit you for a long time chick....:dust::dust::dust:

Bexx....they are fab pics hun!:thumbup:

How's everyone else doing?

Jane...have your pains settled down now sweets?

Im_mi....Lil Jack sounds absolutely adorable babe:awww: Hope you're having a good weekend:hugs:

Not a lot to report from this end really. CD28 today....and my temp dropped after me getting excited about it rising yesterday....however I do have the stretchiest and most amount of ewcm that I think I've ever had and my CP is high so.......I'm hoping like mad that it's going to happen soon! Feels kinda strange to be on Ov watch at a point when usually I'd be dreading the witch:dohh:

Have a fab Sunday Lovelys:hugs: xxxx
happy easter girls...

erin.... sending you lots of love and a hug lovey.

not much to report here... too much crap to deal with and dealing with it not very well... so am a bit quiet...

loobi, hope you are ok sweets :hugs:

erin, so sorry :witch: got you :hugs: really thought it was your turn.

not much happening with me, this seems to be the longest cycle ever, i think it's because i havn't done opk's or anything. but i'm in the tww now :happydance: (i hope!) i have one ic left from last cycle so we are testing the day :witch: is due, which still seems like forever away!!!!

steve has just made me scrambled eggs on toast & i'm totally stuffed! i start work at 10 today, really hope it's not busy!
those are gorgeous pics, bexx! i thought about having a 4d scan but the sonographer at my 12 week one advised us against it so :shrug:

Thanks hun. :flower:

That's odd the sonographer said that - did she say why? I know some say you shouldn't have too many scans as the long-term risk is unknown, but you could always opt for a 5-10 minute one which is even shorter than the anomaly scan you get routinely at 20 weeks.
Bexx, she said that its because the frequency on the 4D scans is much, much stronger than it is on a normal scan and that in her opinion, because its not a necessary procedure, it should be avoided because they havent been around long enough to test them properly. At the hospital i went to, they have a scan machine that can do 4D but they said they only use it for diagnosing problems with babies when its necessary and they never turn the frequency above the factory settings, whereas at private scanning places they can pretty much do whatever they like, unregulated.

Hooray for the 2WW hayley! lets hope it flies by honey :hugs:

Loobs :hugs: you know you can always vent in here honey xxx

Ooh lisa, i hope that your chart behaves itself soon and shows us all a nice big spike and lots of high temperatures after!

Sorry ive been quiet girls, been in Bank Holiday Parallel Universe but im back in the saddle now! Cant believe how fast its all going, though. can feel my uterus in my tummy now and my bump is very obvious. really enjoying being pregnant this time around, much more than last time :)
Just popping in to say hello. Been quiet in here. AF is over so I guess it's time to start getting to it. As much as we can.....I really want to switch back to the morning shift so it's easier for us to do this. Alright, off to work and such! Have a good one.
erin so sorry she got you!!! all the best for this cycle lovely xx
Hi girls

Just a quick hello, nout been going on here girls! Getting bigger by the day, aching low down so think maybe having a growth spurt. Spots have appeared on my face, and boobs are killing me again so it feels like hormones are having a surge for some reason! Grr! Hayfever has started so got doc ringing tomorrow to see whats safe for me to take and if I need to continue my iron medication.

We are busy looking for a car so that is very time consuming and I have been trawling the web, there is no way 5 of us will get in my peugeot 206! So looking for a Picasso now.

Anyway gonna go, have a very upset hubby as Man United just got knocked out of Europe, I darent say its only a game!lol!

Take care xxxxx
Hi girls

Just a quick hello, nout been going on here girls! Getting bigger by the day, aching low down so think maybe having a growth spurt. Spots have appeared on my face, and boobs are killing me again so it feels like hormones are having a surge for some reason! Grr! Hayfever has started so got doc ringing tomorrow to see whats safe for me to take and if I need to continue my iron medication.

We are busy looking for a car so that is very time consuming and I have been trawling the web, there is no way 5 of us will get in my peugeot 206! So looking for a Picasso now.

Anyway gonna go, have a very upset hubby as Man United just got knocked out of Europe, I darent say its only a game!lol!

Take care xxxxx
Nice to hear from you claire! Sorry about the spots lovie, if it makes you feel any better i have a pizza face too :laugh2: so much for the pregnancy bloom eh!

Erin :hugs:

Jane :hugs:

v. quiet in here, how is everyone doing?
hello ladies :hugs:

hope all your little bumps are growing nicely, you'll all be looking fab this summer with your baby bumps :thumbup:

nothing major to report, still plodding through the tww, think i missed the boat this month, really hope i'm wrong & friday was enough to secure the deal, so to speak :rofl:

i had an afternoon at home today, was beautiful! rylee got to play in the garden, by play, i mean be a little sod digging a huge hole that could give me cheap travel to australia :rofl: and she ran off down the garden with a leaf from my strawberry plants!!! i was laughing at her though so i am partly to blame. she is now zonked out on the sofa bless her. i never thought i'd love a dog this much but she's just so cute.

we had our first bbq of the year today :happydance: we did steak & it was so yummy! has everyone else had fab weather the last few days?

anyway, best drink my glass of red i've just poured,

lots of love from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ahhh bbq! im so jealous! we've had amazing weather here too i hope it lasts! wanted to have a lil barbie tonight but i have to go to stupid work :( when are you going to test, hayley? or are you going to wait for af?

We are on a mission to sort out our garden this weekend! we havent made as much progress as we planned to today thanks to certain inconsiderate people (long story lol) letting us down, so we had no time to take all of the stuff we needed to to the skip. however DH managed to get one skip run done, and i scrubbed down the garden chairs and a few other bits. and it was nice to spend time as a family in the garden so cant complain :) have to nip to exeter tomorrow to get jack some new shoes (i say nip, its 25 miles away so more of a trek lol) but as long as we get cracking in the morning and get back in time for lunch, we should be able to get the bulk of the work done this weekend.

im fed up of our garden being unusable. DH and I would give anything to live in the countryside and not in a housing estate in a town, but we need to start making the most of the space we've got instead of bitching about how much we dont like it. barring a lottery win or a big fat inheritance, there is no way in hell we will ever be able to afford to get our own place so we might as well make the best of what we've got eh :)
Afternoon girls, and what a glorious one it is. I am glad everyone seems to be OK, perhaps its all the sunshine :)

Imogen, dont get me started on gardens, deep breath Clare, last Jan Kevs mum without our knowledge ordered 18 fence panels, concrete posts etc for our garden. Kevs nephew said he would put it up. One side done, fantastic, the other side, well 3 panels still to go and something has happened to one of the posts, has he come back, NO, Kev is unable to finish off and I am fuming again at the the thought of it. We also have some soil to remove from the back of the garden, wood to burn, its getting on my wick! All I want is a nice garden, a new garden set and BBQ, have my friends round and have a good time. We actually argued about it today, so he rang his nephew up to see what the crack was.

We too live on a housing estate in a town, I dont mind, its a nice one, lol, I grew up here and everyone knows each other. The frustrating thing for us was back in 1997 when we got married my auntie had this lovely house, extension the lot, she said would we like to buy it off her for £75,000, you wouldnt get a bedsit for that price now, that is one of my biggest regrets. It was a lovely, huge house, we actually rented it just after we got married. The mortgage is less than my rent and we are with a housing association! We cannot afford to buy now, the prices are just horrendous. At least I know having this house no matter what happens I should always have it. If something needs repairing, its not my worry or money. We had a gorgeous kitchen fitted last year, they paid for my black glittery flooring too. We are very lucky. :)

Well, gotta a bugger of a headache today, grrr, drank so much water I may drown, lol! Its not shifting, I googled ibuprofen and the NHS website said occassional use during second trimester is not a problem so I have cracked two down, cant cope wont cope. Not going to make a habit of it but just feel so down and in pain! Do not want to take cocodomol as they are addictive.

I am suffering with hayfever too, doc prescribed me a safe nasal spray and eye drops, oh what joy I know these wont help much as I suffer real bad and need super dupa hayfever tablets. grrrr!

Well my little baby is moving around now and feeling it proper and it woke me up last night with a massive movement, it was weird. Everytime I turn over in bed I feel it getting comfy again. I have the midwife on Wednesday so looking forward to hearing the heartbeat.

We have bought a new car, we pick it up next week, we got a citroen picasso so that will fit us all in very comfy. So I am excited about picking that up too!!

Well I hope we are all well, and catch up soon. xxxxx
we are very lucky with where we live really. we are in a small village surrounded by fields. its 3 miles to the nearest town. i live down a fairly quiet road & no one over looks my garden except my neighbours which is a plus, but the parking is crap as we haven't got a driveway (yet). we had always rented but after moving twice in a year we got fed up with it, we saved like mad & finally got our 2 bed semi detached for £120,000! it was hard getting a mortgage though, we had to give them 10% deposit & it crippled us! there are things we hate about where we live but its a roof over our heads & once we shut the front door...well...we could be anywhere!

anyway, back to ttc....i tested today but not even an evap! i am now being strict & waiting until after the weekend! i ordered some ic's because they are so much cheaper & to be honest, they are just as good.

i have work again tomorrow, really fed up with it now. i would love a nice mon-fri job, every weekend off!

well hope you all enjoy the sunshine tomorrow, its meant to be rubbish weather monday, on my day off, typical!!!
Ah claire we live in a council house too so i know what you mean about cheap rent and not having to deal with repairs! even if we could afford a mortgage we couldnt afford all of the insurances etc that you need on top of that if you want to be protected. thats lovely about your new kitchen! a friend of mine is with a housing association too and got a lovely new kitchen a while ago. i wonder if the council would fancy doing mine?? :haha:

Aww hayley that sounds lovely! oh how i would love to live somewhere surrounded by fields.... and im sorry about the bfn hon. its soooo early! i hope you can resist for a few more days before testing again :hugs:

Managed to get away from work an hour early tonight, thank goodness. im really not coping very well with the workload at the moment. my body just isnt built for it right now, i dont seem to be very good at carrying babies! its really unfair lol, one of my friends never really wanted kids but now has two (both surprises) 14 months apart, and both times she sailed through pregnancy with barely an ache or a twinge!
lol, I thought I was being silly thinking about bbqs already, glad to know I'm not the only one. You soon remember how cold it is when the sun goes in though, the wind in particular has been quite nippy and strong. Good for doing my washing though!

I've wanted to move to the countryside for years, but we've been having trouble getting a good enough mortgage to afford what we want. We were offered £120k by the bank as long as we put £40k down as deposit from selling our existing house. While we could have just about done it, we'd have had no savings left for ourselves and I really wanted to have a little nest egg for the future.

So instead we decided to rent privately, then sell the house, pay off all our outstanding debts and pop the rest in savings. We were very lucky to find a nice detached house in a tiny village (literally just a street with a few houses on each side lol) and we now have a huge garden backing onto fields. The amusing thing is, it's costing us considerably less to rent this place than if we were paying a mortgage on it, such is the ridiculous over-inflation of house prices at the moment. It feels a bit weird living in a house that's not ours after 11 years, but I'm getting used to it. It's nice knowing that if maintenance needs doing or we need a plumber at 2am, someone else has to sort it out.

Not really a lot happening here on the baby front, except that I'm going to have to make another appt with physio as my pelvic pain isn't getting any better. Getting out of bed can be agony sometimes and the pain is now on my left side instead of my right. I really hope you girls don't have to suffer from SPD, it's really not pleasant.
bexx, your house sounds lovely. my mums house backs onto fields, its so nice when you are sitting in the garden with a glass of wine looking at peaceful countryside.

well :bfn: today! not testing until my ic's arrive now. fed up of spending my time line spotting!

i'd best get ready, my sister is lending me her lawn mower so i have a morning of gardening ahead of me! the sun isn't shining & it looks chilly, why is it never lovely on my day off :dohh:

have a good day everyone xxxx
Hope the sun has come out for you now bumble b, it's looking pretty good over the border here in Suffolk though still a bit chilly.

Our lawn was only mown 6 days ago and it needs doing again already. We don't have a lawnmower at the moment, we're waiting for the sale of our old house to complete and then we'll be looking at buying a ride-on. Luckily our landlord did it for us last week, but I don't want to hassle him to do it again. Hopefully it won't get too unruly before we can do it ourselves. We could always rent a regular push mower, but the size of our garden is a bit daunting lol.

Sorry to hear about the BFN today, but still time to get a BFP this month. :flower:
morning girls....

hayley, its still early love...

our eldest DS did our lawns first cut of the year yesterday, its not the neatest job, but it was incredibly long and thick... next one will take less time and look better too...

we spent the entire weekend doing the garden, getting the weeds out before they get bad, and i planted in some flowers etc, Jarrod's garden is beginning to sprout too, which is nice, i am a daft bat, i rub the side of the pot whenever iam over near it, and DH asked me yesterday what i was doing, and i burst into tears, i know i am so lucky to be expecting again now, but i still look at that little garden and think to myself " he shouldnt be in there".....

im_mi, i hear ya on the aches and pains.... my back is in bits by the end of each day now... and i hate that, cos i get to the point in the day where i actually have to stop doing the things that need doing cos of how much it hurts.... and as for my fanny, well i feel like i been beaten round it with a cricket bat, hahahahaha i do remember feeling a bit like this when i had DD ( she is now 6 so its a distant memory) but i dont think it was this early on...

just waiting on my last load of laundry to finish, its the back door mat in there, JJJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZ should have seen it yesterday after the kids had been in and out all afternoon.... glady it just goes in the machine....

we had 2 bbqs over weekend... not my favourite food, but the kids loved it, and we even were able to sit out there and eat, it was so warm...

bexx i had spd on my last pregnancy, its not pleasant is it... i didnt end up on crutches, but the midwife was talking bout it , if i hadnt had the baby soon, cos i was in alot of pain.... i am hoping i wont get it this time, but it is a recurrent thing, so i am kinda expecting it.....

no other news here really..... plodding along.... got appoitment to see consultant next wednesday.... which i am pleased about , cos i am still a bit freaked after my gp saying iwas 5 weeks bigger than i should be, having said that, i dont think i have grown much n the 2weeeks since he said that, so mabe i have caught up with myself....

right here i go...washing machine just sung me its little ditty to let mek now its done....

bye bye fo rnow girls..


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